❤️⭐️2024 Weekly Weigh-in Challenge⭐️❤️



  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,772 Member
    edited September 21
    Hello I'm Darlene, retired, 64-year-old. Married (Greg), one adult daughter (Allyson), and one goldendoodle (Monty).

    My Goals for 2024

    ⚖️ Get to my Ideal weight
    👣 Log 2,024 miles in 2024 (I count all steps towards this goal - not just intentional miles)
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    🫀 Aerobics 3 days per week
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ Stretch workout 1 day per week
    💦 6+ glasses of water

    Highest Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sep: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164 | Jan 159.8 | Feb 156.8 | Mar 152.6 | Apr 151.6 | May 149.6 | Jun 144.8 | Jul: 143.5 | Aug: 142.4

    Total Loss: 87
    2024 Loss: 23
    Pounds to Ideal Range: 1
    Pounds to Goal #1: 6 (Five pounds under ideal)
    Pounds to Goal #2: 13 100 Pounds lost - If I don't make it by Jan 8, 2025 my 2 year anniversay I'm calling it maintenance time. Unless of course I don't reach the Goal #1 - I certainly hope I get that done before Jan 8, 2025!

    I'll weigh in on Saturdays to be on the same day as my other challenges (and the last day of the month).
    Jan 1: 163.8 Happy New Year!
    Jan 6: 162.8 😁
    Jan 13: 162 😁
    Jan 20: 161 😁
    Jan 27: 162.2 ☹️ Not the right direction
    Jan 30: 159.8 😁 Will be traveling January 31, so will not have access to a scale - so this is my official end of month weight.
    Total weight lost in January: 4.2 Pounds

    Feb 3: 160.6 Not as bad as I expected. Have been traveling and eating out every day since Jan 31.
    Feb 12: 159.8 😁 I am so happy with this - been on vacation since Jan 31 - got back yesterday and today weigh the same as I did when I left. Now to focus and lose some weight in February!
    Feb 18: 158.8 😁 Forgot to post on Saturday - but I was one more down!
    Feb 29: 156.8 😁 Nice way to end the month

    Total Weight Lost in February: 3 Pounds

    Mar 2: 156.8
    Mar 9: 154.8 😁
    Mar 16: 154.2 😁
    Mar 23: 153.4 😁 I am really liking this weekly weigh in, I flucuate so much daily and forget that it is actually a trend downward week to week.
    Mar 30: 152.6 😁

    Total Weight Lost in March: 4 Pounds

    Apr 6: 153 ☹️ My first up in a long time. Had a self sabatoge day yesterday - and expected this. Will have a tough week ahead (which probably caused my self sabatoge) with Easter tomorrow and then going on a small trip for two days.
    April 13: 151.6 😁 Worked super hard this week to get back to where I was!
    April 20: 150.6 😁Working hard in the garden uses a LOT of calories.
    April 28: 152 ☹️ Sad to see - but had trouble with my scale - bit the dust. The new one says a lot heavier than I would like to see - but it is what it is. First day with the new scale was 152.4 - so a little progress since then. Hoping at least to see a loss in April and looking forward to starting a fresh new month in May (two more days to leave April behind me!).
    April 30: 151.6

    Total Weight Lost in April - 1 Pound

    May 6: 150.2 😁 Got below my old scale weight. Went to the doctor this week. She was very happy with me. The new scale was right. I've probably been understating for a while.
    May 11: 150 😁 A little less than last week. I did see the 140 range this week, but just for split second.
    May 18: 150.6 ☹️ It has been a tough week. On Monday I threw out my knee - couldn't walk. Went to the doctor on Tuesday - xrays showed arthritis in both knees but that wouldn't be why I couldn't put any pressure on my leg. Dr. referred me for an MRI - which isn't scheduled until this Thursday - (a week and a half later), was concerend that it might be a meniscus tear . In the meantime - it is getting a little better, I can walk without crutches - probably just a sprain or something. Mostly seated exercises for now - did get in a short slow walk yesterday. Needless to say, the scale was not my friend. I'm thinking that my exercise tracker over estimates how many calories I burn in my seated workouts. With that in mind, yesterday adjusted how I am tracking - will not count ANY calories burned from exercise towards my calorie goal (I usually allow some (not all) - it's a complicated calculation that I won't bore you with). I would really like to see the 140s again by next week!
    May 26: 150.2 Had MRI, now the waiting game to get the results and follow-up appointment. Did get to the 140s but a slow creep back. Five more days to reach my goal.
    May 31: 149.6 I made it to the 140's!

    Total lost in May - 2 Pounds

    June 8: 146.2 😁 Great week. I bought two weeks of Nutrisystem food. They were having a free month of their advantage (a la carte) plan, so I thought I would give it a try to boost my slow loss the last couple of months. I started at the end of May. Could I do it long term? - absolutely not - I love to cook and the food is already getting boring. But it worked. I contributepart of the loss due to the fact that I am off the ibuprofen medication for me knee. The Dr. had me on 600 mg - 3 times a day. From what I read, it can cause water retention. I stopped taking about the same time as I started NS. My MRI results showed a meniscus tear with moderate arthritis. I got a cortizone shot, and will start physical therapy next Friday. In the meantime, still seated cardio workouts - but did get in a 1/2 mile walk yesterday.

    June 14: 145 😁 Anther good week. Very excited - we booked a last minute trip to Hawaii (leave Sunday). We have to drop off Allyson at JFK and said as long as we are there, why don't we use those frequent flyer miles that we have used in AGES! We found a good deal on a condo on VRBO - so have a full kitchen. My plan is to eat two meals in and go out for one. When I do go out - DON'T finish my plate - bring half home for breakfast or lunch the next day. Limit the alcohol. I won't let it be a free for all - I never came home from a vacation saying I wish I ate or drank more! Here on my findings on the Nutrisystem experiment.
    1. It works - I got over my plateau and continued to lose - lost almost 5 pounds in two weeks. 😁
    2. It was super easy to follow 😁 but, had we had to cook two meals daily - one for me, one for Greg. ☹️
    3. The food was edible - not fantastic, not gross 😐
    4. I did not meet my protein goal most days ☹️, but met carb, fat, sodium and fiber goals almost every day 😁.
    5. Most days the calories were about 1,350 - ranging from a little under 1,200 to 1,600. I wasn't hungry. 😁
    6. I ususally eat 5 fruits/veggies a day - but switched to 4 veggies one fruit on Nutrisystem. 😐
    6. It's doable as a quick fix, I couldn't do it long term. 😐
    7. Overall - I am extremely happy with the weight loss. So overall score! 😁 But am really looking forward to cooking again! 👩‍🍳
    8. Next step - see if I gain it all back?

    June 22 147.7 I am in Hawaii and the salt from the food, and the alcohol has me all over the place this week. Up two pounds, down a pound, up a pound, down two pounds. This is me today. I have two more days in paradise and then back home to normal. I know it won't come off as quickly as it came on, but hope I can get back to where I was before the end of the month. The memories are worth it.

    June 29 144.8 😁 So happy to see. The water weight from my trip is gone. We had a fantastic time. The best part is that I did not OVER indulge. Yes, I indulged - had a small cup of ice cream every day and a drink on most days. But we ate in for breakfast every day, and most lunches. I only ate 1/2 the entre at the restaurant for dinner - bringing home the rest for Greg to snack on, or for lunch the next day. I did not feel deprived.

    Total weight lost in June: 4.8 Pounds

    Starting Weight July: 144.8

    July 6: 143.9 😁 Tough week for me health wise, but at least it didn't show up on the scale. Back to seated walks and aerobics - my knee issues are not recovering like the Dr. wants. I also have an upper respitory infection that I caught while in Hawaii - on day three of antibiotics but still feel yucky - hope it kicks in soon! On a better note - just 3.9 pounds to get out of the overweight stage! I'm hoping to hit that by my birthday the second week in August!

    July 13: 144.4 I think the health issue was taking hold. Just finished the antibiotics, hoping it's bloat and water weight from the meds.

    July 20: 144.2 I am down .2 from last week, but if I don't figure something else out won't hit my July goal- and look at that July 6 entry.

    July 27: 143.3 A little better this week. Just 4 more days in July - wasn't what I wanted but at least a loss! Doctor gave me the go ahead to resume my workouts - easing into getting back to normal. Cardio and strength routines are half sitting, half standing (no twisting of the knee). But more importantly I am back to walking. I am walking 1.5 to 2 miles in the AM, and then another mile or so on the treadmill in the evening. I forgot how much I loved it.

    July 31: 143.5 A binge on Saturday made me spike in weight, still fighting to release it. I am happy to down this month, but nowhere near my goal. Realistically getting to my ideal BMI range may take until September. But I am determined to get there. Looking forward to a fresh new month - although August has many social activities for me so will also be a tough one.

    Total weight lost in August: 1.1 Pounds

    Starting Weight August : 143.5

    August 3: 142.4 😁Flushed the remaining sodium from my binge last weekend. Starting pre-logging my food in the AM. I am not one to make a plan for a week - but do decide what I will make for dinner in the AM - so prelogging my food for the day will work for me. It has been keeping me more accountable and I know when I can add a little or take away a little for breakfast and lunch to make me under for the day. Also, reduced the calories gained by exercise down to 25% (from 50%) to see how that works.

    August 9: 144.5 Obviously not a good sign. I was up a little from last week, and then yesterday went out for my birthday - most of the gain is probably just water weight retention - but not all of it. I knew this was going to be a tough month - another obstacle this week and the following right before weigh ins so expect this to be the trend for the next couple weeks. Hopefully I can pull off a loss by the end of the month. Fingers crossed.

    August 18: 147.3 Girls trip to the casino, just got home after three days of junk food, alcohol, and out to dinners. Expected increase. Back to it for the next three days, then another trip for my anniversary. Once home on the 23rd am going full stop until the end of the month.

    August 24: 144.6 I got back to my starting weight just before I left for my anniversary trip - but up again. No obstacles in my way for a while - so now I am determined more than ever to first get below my starting August weight (need to do that before the end of the month) and then get to the ideal BMI weight 139 (hopefully by the end of September) and then onward to my goal weight or 100 pounds lost (135 or 128). It depends on how long it takes to get to the 135 and how I feel at that point if I continue. I can do it!

    August 31: 142.4Well at least it was a loss from the last day of July - but the same as August 3! Goodbye August - September is going to be a good month - I can feel it I will get to the "ideal BMI range" come hell or high water! Just 2.5 pounds to go.

    🍂 🍎 Hello September 🍎🍂

    Sep 7: 142.5 An ok week for me - up and down all week.
    Sep 14: 141😁 Worked hard all week and it paid off!
    Sep 21: 140.7😁 I am up a little since earlier in the week, but still down week to week - so still happy.
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 956 Member
    Hi, I'm Jude. I'm 67 YO, 5' 2"
    My history includes large swings in weight with up to 50 lb weight gains. My goal for 2024: to change the habits that hurt me and learn how to integrate and maintain healthy eating habits for good.

    September: 9th month of this challenge! I'm learning what "maintenance" means- and it doesn't mean gaining...
    1/1/24: 147 lbs
    2/1: 138.6
    3/1: 135.0
    4/1: 130.2
    5/1: 124.6
    6/1: 125.0
    7/1: 125.0
    8/1: 124.8
    9/1: 126.2
    Previous months:
    January goals:
    * continue my exercise routine- which has been pretty good
    * eliminate evening snacking- which is my downfall
    * weigh every day- which I avoid and then gain
    * log in here every week on Monday so I can't pretend the weekend is "free"!

    1/1: 146.6
    1/8: 142.6
    1/15: 141.4
    1/22: 140.2 (a day early, we're away and traveling tomorrow)
    1/29: 139.2
    Starting weight: 146.5

    Goal weight: around/under 142
    Actual: 139.2
    Loss: 7.4 lbs

    February goals:
    * continue exercise routine, weighing and logging- I know what works, now do it.
    * continue to make good choices every day, enjoy food appropriately and within healthy numbers.
    2/5: 137.2
    2/12: 136.8
    2/19: 135.0
    2/26: 134.2
    Starting weight: 139.2
    Goal weight: around/under 136
    Actual: 134.2
    Loss: 5.0 lbs

    March goals:
    * stick with the plan, it gets harder to lose as I get closer to the goal
    * enjoy all our March birthdays and be conscious of portions
    * continue to log consistently
    3/4: 135.0 (birthday dinners!)
    3/18: 131.4
    3/25: 131.4
    Starting weight: 135.0
    Goal weight: around/under 132
    Actual: 131.4
    Loss: 3.6 lbs

    April goals:
    * stick with the plan, it gets harder to lose as I get closer to the goal
    * continue to log consistently
    4/1: 130.2
    4/8: 128.8
    4/15: 127.8
    4/20: 126.9 (posting early pre-trip)
    4/29: 126.0
    Starting weight: 130.2
    Goal weight: around/under 127
    Actual: 126.0
    Loss: 4.2 lbs

    May goals:
    * figure out what "maintaining" means and what my daily calories should be
    * continue to log consistently
    * no snacking/daily wine/processed sugar
    5/6: 126.0
    5/13: 124.8 Sunday weight
    5/20: 126.0
    5/27: 124.2
    Starting weight: 126.0
    Goal weight: maintain between 124-126
    Actual: 124.2

    June goals:
    * stick with "maintaining" and eating healthfully
    * continue to log consistently
    * no snacking/daily wine/processed sugar
    6/3: 124.2 (Friday weight, away)
    6/10: 125.0
    6/17: 124.4
    6/24: 124.6
    Starting weight: 125ish
    Goal weight: maintain between 124-126ish
    Actual: 124.6

    July goals:
    * stick with "maintaining" and eating healthfully
    * continue to log, even when traveling
    * no snacking/daily wine/processed sugar
    7/1: 125
    7/8: 125.6
    7/15: 125.0
    7/22: 125.0
    7/29: 124.8
    Starting weight: 125.0
    Goal weight: maintain at or under 125
    Actual: 124.8

    August goals:
    * log daily food while home, and add more protein!
    * continue to post while on vacation
    * don't forget the travel scale!

    8/5: 124.8
    8/12: 124.8
    8/19: away
    8/26: 126.8. (yesterday)
    Starting weight: 124.8
    Goal weight: maintain at or under 125
    Actual: +2 lbs

    September goals:
    * log daily food while home, and add more protein.
    * continue to post weekly.
    * don't lose momentum post-summer!

    9/2: 126.2
    9/9: 126.2
    9/16: 125.0
    9/23: 125.0
    Starting weight: 126.2
    Goal weight: maintain at or under 125

    9/23: the number this week doesn't show the ups and downs of the entire week, so I'm happy with this! I'm working on getting back into my best habits for fall- shorter days and cooler temps mean comfort foods- and holidays ahead!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,838 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 64 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall. My highest weight was 253 in 2016. My MFP start weight was 235 in 2018.

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know it when I get there!)
    Start Weight (from August 2024 ): 190.0
    Goal Weight: 186.0 (4 pound loss)

    End of Month Final Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this Month: xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    09/01- DNW -(Trend Weight: DNW )-

    09/02-192.4-(Trend Weight: 191.5)-

    09/09-191.0-(Trend Weight: 190.9)-

    09/16-193.6-(Trend Weight: 191.8)- From bad to worse. And more travel (2 separate days) coming this week which also Greatly Affects the scale for me. I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle. However, I am going to stand my ground and commit to a better number by next week. You can do this Donna!

    09/23-193.8-(Trend Weight: 193.6)- It has been a week of extra weight due to travel which I am slowly working back down. I hope to string some good days together this week and make a dent in my goals. Doing some yard work will help keep me moving. So many leaves already! I’ve just got to watch the diet. Specifically, the night time snacks especially if I have a good daily calorie burn as it tends to bring out the hunger monsters. But I’m going to stay positive and say, “180’s, HERE I COME!”.

    09/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,914 Member
    Hi! I’m Jill. I’m 54, and coming up in 29 years of marriage with an almost 20 year old daughter and 23 year old son.

    Fall is my favorite season. I live in Michigan, and I love the chilly mornings and evenings.☕️ I love the sunny days and love watching the trees change colors 🌳 🍃🍂🍁… and the smell of fall. I don’t even mind the rainy days.

    My goals this September are to:
    🍃Get outside and 🚶‍♀️or 🚴
    🍃Enjoy the season
    🍃Log daily
    🍃15 minutes of intentional exercise each day

    September 1: 213
    September 4: 212.8
    September 11: 213.9
    September 18: 213.5
    September 25: 212.4

    Happy Wednesday!

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,848 Member
    Sept 4: 140
    Sept 11: 140
    Sept 18: 140
    Sept 25: 140
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 528 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Happy weekend, happy Fall! 🍂 Welcome to Jude, Jill and Christina and all returning and new members!

    It's so annoying, after I enter a lot of text, if I scroll up too far it exits the board and I have to start all over again! This is the third time...

    WOW, Christina! You lost a LOT last week and your total so far is amazing! (You too, Jude, and Jill, at least you've got maintaining down! Wish I could say the same - I actually went UP a pound, to 157.6. Still, no matter where we are on this journey, we can still move forward!

    I will check back in on Wednesday, when we will be in OCTOBER, can you believe it?

    Have a great weekend! 💞

  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,772 Member
    edited September 28
    Hello I'm Darlene, retired, 64-year-old. Married (Greg), one adult daughter (Allyson), and one goldendoodle (Monty).

    My Goals for 2024

    ⚖️ Get to my Ideal weight
    👣 Log 2,024 miles in 2024 (I count all steps towards this goal - not just intentional miles)
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    🫀 Aerobics 3 days per week
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ Stretch workout 1 day per week
    💦 6+ glasses of water

    Highest Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sep: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164 | Jan 159.8 | Feb 156.8 | Mar 152.6 | Apr 151.6 | May 149.6 | Jun 144.8 | Jul: 143.5 | Aug: 142.4

    Total Loss: 87
    2024 Loss: 23
    Pounds to Ideal Range: 1
    Pounds to Goal #1: 6 (Five pounds under ideal)
    Pounds to Goal #2: 13 100 Pounds lost - If I don't make it by Jan 8, 2025 my 2 year anniversay I'm calling it maintenance time. Unless of course I don't reach the Goal #1 - I certainly hope I get that done before Jan 8, 2025!

    I'll weigh in on Saturdays to be on the same day as my other challenges (and the last day of the month).
    Jan 1: 163.8 Happy New Year!
    Jan 6: 162.8 😁
    Jan 13: 162 😁
    Jan 20: 161 😁
    Jan 27: 162.2 ☹️ Not the right direction
    Jan 30: 159.8 😁 Will be traveling January 31, so will not have access to a scale - so this is my official end of month weight.
    Total weight lost in January: 4.2 Pounds

    Feb 3: 160.6 Not as bad as I expected. Have been traveling and eating out every day since Jan 31.
    Feb 12: 159.8 😁 I am so happy with this - been on vacation since Jan 31 - got back yesterday and today weigh the same as I did when I left. Now to focus and lose some weight in February!
    Feb 18: 158.8 😁 Forgot to post on Saturday - but I was one more down!
    Feb 29: 156.8 😁 Nice way to end the month

    Total Weight Lost in February: 3 Pounds

    Mar 2: 156.8
    Mar 9: 154.8 😁
    Mar 16: 154.2 😁
    Mar 23: 153.4 😁 I am really liking this weekly weigh in, I flucuate so much daily and forget that it is actually a trend downward week to week.
    Mar 30: 152.6 😁

    Total Weight Lost in March: 4 Pounds

    Apr 6: 153 ☹️ My first up in a long time. Had a self sabatoge day yesterday - and expected this. Will have a tough week ahead (which probably caused my self sabatoge) with Easter tomorrow and then going on a small trip for two days.
    April 13: 151.6 😁 Worked super hard this week to get back to where I was!
    April 20: 150.6 😁Working hard in the garden uses a LOT of calories.
    April 28: 152 ☹️ Sad to see - but had trouble with my scale - bit the dust. The new one says a lot heavier than I would like to see - but it is what it is. First day with the new scale was 152.4 - so a little progress since then. Hoping at least to see a loss in April and looking forward to starting a fresh new month in May (two more days to leave April behind me!).
    April 30: 151.6

    Total Weight Lost in April - 1 Pound

    May 6: 150.2 😁 Got below my old scale weight. Went to the doctor this week. She was very happy with me. The new scale was right. I've probably been understating for a while.
    May 11: 150 😁 A little less than last week. I did see the 140 range this week, but just for split second.
    May 18: 150.6 ☹️ It has been a tough week. On Monday I threw out my knee - couldn't walk. Went to the doctor on Tuesday - xrays showed arthritis in both knees but that wouldn't be why I couldn't put any pressure on my leg. Dr. referred me for an MRI - which isn't scheduled until this Thursday - (a week and a half later), was concerend that it might be a meniscus tear . In the meantime - it is getting a little better, I can walk without crutches - probably just a sprain or something. Mostly seated exercises for now - did get in a short slow walk yesterday. Needless to say, the scale was not my friend. I'm thinking that my exercise tracker over estimates how many calories I burn in my seated workouts. With that in mind, yesterday adjusted how I am tracking - will not count ANY calories burned from exercise towards my calorie goal (I usually allow some (not all) - it's a complicated calculation that I won't bore you with). I would really like to see the 140s again by next week!
    May 26: 150.2 Had MRI, now the waiting game to get the results and follow-up appointment. Did get to the 140s but a slow creep back. Five more days to reach my goal.
    May 31: 149.6 I made it to the 140's!

    Total lost in May - 2 Pounds

    June 8: 146.2 😁 Great week. I bought two weeks of Nutrisystem food. They were having a free month of their advantage (a la carte) plan, so I thought I would give it a try to boost my slow loss the last couple of months. I started at the end of May. Could I do it long term? - absolutely not - I love to cook and the food is already getting boring. But it worked. I contributepart of the loss due to the fact that I am off the ibuprofen medication for me knee. The Dr. had me on 600 mg - 3 times a day. From what I read, it can cause water retention. I stopped taking about the same time as I started NS. My MRI results showed a meniscus tear with moderate arthritis. I got a cortizone shot, and will start physical therapy next Friday. In the meantime, still seated cardio workouts - but did get in a 1/2 mile walk yesterday.

    June 14: 145 😁 Anther good week. Very excited - we booked a last minute trip to Hawaii (leave Sunday). We have to drop off Allyson at JFK and said as long as we are there, why don't we use those frequent flyer miles that we have used in AGES! We found a good deal on a condo on VRBO - so have a full kitchen. My plan is to eat two meals in and go out for one. When I do go out - DON'T finish my plate - bring half home for breakfast or lunch the next day. Limit the alcohol. I won't let it be a free for all - I never came home from a vacation saying I wish I ate or drank more! Here on my findings on the Nutrisystem experiment.
    1. It works - I got over my plateau and continued to lose - lost almost 5 pounds in two weeks. 😁
    2. It was super easy to follow 😁 but, had we had to cook two meals daily - one for me, one for Greg. ☹️
    3. The food was edible - not fantastic, not gross 😐
    4. I did not meet my protein goal most days ☹️, but met carb, fat, sodium and fiber goals almost every day 😁.
    5. Most days the calories were about 1,350 - ranging from a little under 1,200 to 1,600. I wasn't hungry. 😁
    6. I ususally eat 5 fruits/veggies a day - but switched to 4 veggies one fruit on Nutrisystem. 😐
    6. It's doable as a quick fix, I couldn't do it long term. 😐
    7. Overall - I am extremely happy with the weight loss. So overall score! 😁 But am really looking forward to cooking again! 👩‍🍳
    8. Next step - see if I gain it all back?

    June 22 147.7 I am in Hawaii and the salt from the food, and the alcohol has me all over the place this week. Up two pounds, down a pound, up a pound, down two pounds. This is me today. I have two more days in paradise and then back home to normal. I know it won't come off as quickly as it came on, but hope I can get back to where I was before the end of the month. The memories are worth it.

    June 29 144.8 😁 So happy to see. The water weight from my trip is gone. We had a fantastic time. The best part is that I did not OVER indulge. Yes, I indulged - had a small cup of ice cream every day and a drink on most days. But we ate in for breakfast every day, and most lunches. I only ate 1/2 the entre at the restaurant for dinner - bringing home the rest for Greg to snack on, or for lunch the next day. I did not feel deprived.

    Total weight lost in June: 4.8 Pounds

    Starting Weight July: 144.8

    July 6: 143.9 😁 Tough week for me health wise, but at least it didn't show up on the scale. Back to seated walks and aerobics - my knee issues are not recovering like the Dr. wants. I also have an upper respitory infection that I caught while in Hawaii - on day three of antibiotics but still feel yucky - hope it kicks in soon! On a better note - just 3.9 pounds to get out of the overweight stage! I'm hoping to hit that by my birthday the second week in August!

    July 13: 144.4 I think the health issue was taking hold. Just finished the antibiotics, hoping it's bloat and water weight from the meds.

    July 20: 144.2 I am down .2 from last week, but if I don't figure something else out won't hit my July goal- and look at that July 6 entry.

    July 27: 143.3 A little better this week. Just 4 more days in July - wasn't what I wanted but at least a loss! Doctor gave me the go ahead to resume my workouts - easing into getting back to normal. Cardio and strength routines are half sitting, half standing (no twisting of the knee). But more importantly I am back to walking. I am walking 1.5 to 2 miles in the AM, and then another mile or so on the treadmill in the evening. I forgot how much I loved it.

    July 31: 143.5 A binge on Saturday made me spike in weight, still fighting to release it. I am happy to down this month, but nowhere near my goal. Realistically getting to my ideal BMI range may take until September. But I am determined to get there. Looking forward to a fresh new month - although August has many social activities for me so will also be a tough one.

    Total weight lost in August: 1.1 Pounds

    Starting Weight August : 143.5

    August 3: 142.4 😁Flushed the remaining sodium from my binge last weekend. Starting pre-logging my food in the AM. I am not one to make a plan for a week - but do decide what I will make for dinner in the AM - so prelogging my food for the day will work for me. It has been keeping me more accountable and I know when I can add a little or take away a little for breakfast and lunch to make me under for the day. Also, reduced the calories gained by exercise down to 25% (from 50%) to see how that works.

    August 9: 144.5 Obviously not a good sign. I was up a little from last week, and then yesterday went out for my birthday - most of the gain is probably just water weight retention - but not all of it. I knew this was going to be a tough month - another obstacle this week and the following right before weigh ins so expect this to be the trend for the next couple weeks. Hopefully I can pull off a loss by the end of the month. Fingers crossed.

    August 18: 147.3 Girls trip to the casino, just got home after three days of junk food, alcohol, and out to dinners. Expected increase. Back to it for the next three days, then another trip for my anniversary. Once home on the 23rd am going full stop until the end of the month.

    August 24: 144.6 I got back to my starting weight just before I left for my anniversary trip - but up again. No obstacles in my way for a while - so now I am determined more than ever to first get below my starting August weight (need to do that before the end of the month) and then get to the ideal BMI weight 139 (hopefully by the end of September) and then onward to my goal weight or 100 pounds lost (135 or 128). It depends on how long it takes to get to the 135 and how I feel at that point if I continue. I can do it!

    August 31: 142.4Well at least it was a loss from the last day of July - but the same as August 3! Goodbye August - September is going to be a good month - I can feel it I will get to the "ideal BMI range" come hell or high water! Just 2.5 pounds to go.

    🍂 🍎 Hello September 🍎🍂

    Sep 7: 142.5 An ok week for me - up and down all week.
    Sep 14: 141😁 Worked hard all week and it paid off!
    Sep 21: 140.7😁 I am up a little since earlier in the week, but still down week to week - so still happy.
    Sep 28: 140.3😁 Steady shrinking (no so daily - but weekly has been a success). Don't know if I will quite meet my normal BMI goal (just two days to go and .3 pounds), but I will ge there. Once I do, I may just call it my goal weight. These last few tenths of a pound are giving me stress. Been obsessing way to much about these last few tenths of pound. Thinking my body is telling me I'm done.

    Going to be a tough week ahead. Our best friends moved to Florida a few years back,. Their family lives here in Connecticut. When they come up to see family and friends they always stay with us. The husband of the couple is coming up to see family (yes they come separately some times because of the kitties at home) next week and staying the week. Although I don't really need to entertain him - he is a HUGE eater - so will have that visual trigger in my house for the week. I'll need to keep strong! He arrives tomorrow night. Give me strength!

  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 528 Member
    Hi Darlene,

    WOW, what an amazing success story - truly inspiring! Your weight right now is about where I'd like to be by the time we ring on the new year! I'm so glad you're here. Based on your history, I'm sure you'll remain strong in the challenging week ahead! Enjoy the reunion with your friends!🌻