Ladies on Intermittent Fasting Support

Tncassidy Posts: 2 Member
edited April 28 in Motivation and Support
I am seeking ladies who are practicing intermittent fasting for support and discussion. I am quite interested in having discussions with women who are perimenopause, menopausal and post menopause. Hormones have such a huge impact on how women gain, lose and maintain weight. I'm interested in group thinking to address roadblocks and brainstorm ideas.


  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Hello !
    I have gone back to IF one month ago and also fine-tuning it. I don' count calories anymore but I track on paper and I stayed on the MFP community because I find quite helpful in terms of accountability.

    This week I am allowing IF 14/10 because I am in PMS.
    I have planned the following
    - day 1 to day 10: allow for long fasting window (some days 20/4 some days 18/6)
    - day 11 to day 15: ovulation. IF 16/8 or 14/10
    - day 16 to day 19: again longer fasts IF 20/4 or 18/6
    - day 19 to day 24 (my cycle is short): IF 14/10
  • santababy14
    santababy14 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm new to MFP. I have Type2 Diabetes & had to change something or go on meds & prick my finger. Since starting IF (18:6) I've lost weight & was able to bring my A1C down. It's still a work in progress, but my doctor isn't insisting on the meds as long as she sees the progress.

    Started berberine & KSM-66 ashwagandha supplements today. I read that they can help. Has anyone tried using them?
  • babytis
    babytis Posts: 330 Member
    I just started back with IF Sunday night. I did it back in July of 2018 and loved it. I'm currently doing the 16:8, but i ended my fast late today and went 19hrs instead of the 16. I actually liked 18-20 hr fasts in the past. One nice thing about fasting for me is i actually drink water.
    I look forward to meeting other people doing IF. 😁
  • Daniela_morgan
    Daniela_morgan Posts: 2 Member
    Hey all, I have been fasting regularly for about 18 months. I lost 10 kg but annoyingly got lazy and put back on 4 kilos and now trying to lose it again and then hopefully maintain which has always been the hardest part for me. So I’m combing fasting with MFP this time round.
    I’m 43 and it definitely feels so much harder now to lose weight and worried about menopause affects.
    Would be interested in like minded ladies views and experiences too. 😊
  • UsPsSlaveGirl16
    UsPsSlaveGirl16 Posts: 6 Member
    Just started today/last night. Sunday into Monday. I think I will be about 35 hours by breakfast (1030am). I will be doing 14/10. I just plan to eat smarter. Cut out processed junk. Eat more Whole Foods. Etc. Looking at it as an adventure

    I am 52
    Looking to lose 40ish pounds
    I plan to go back to lifting and yoga.
  • chj0913
    chj0913 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 16
    Hi All! Just re-started MFP this weekend (logged for a few months about a year ago and liked & found it helpful, but fell off)...adding IF...12/12, mainly to try to prevent the night time challenges. A mom friend says nothing good happens after midnight when we talk about our kids....for me its nothing good happens after 8pm, lol!

    I am 57
    post menopausal about 7 years
    looking to lose 20 lbs
    do 3 classes/wk of light strength training, essentrics, and walk avg 12k steps/day
    I also like hiking

    Agree with @babytis that this is helping me drink more water ;)

    oh, and also pre-diabetic....that is my big WHY :)
  • partenopea21
    partenopea21 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all.
    I am beginning IF, but I have discovered that after 12 hours it is a struggle. Does anyone have any tips regarding making it to 14 - 16 hours? Thanks in advance!
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,332 Member
    Hello all.
    I am beginning IF, but I have discovered that after 12 hours it is a struggle. Does anyone have any tips regarding making it to 14 - 16 hours? Thanks in advance!

    If I were going to go 16 hours without food and found that difficult to do, I'd probably just try to sleep as much of that time as I could.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,647 Member
    I'm not too hungry for my first meal around 11-1pm, I have 20+ protein & around 500-600- calories. Snack around 3-4 if I'm hungry, usually yogurt or sandwich & have up to 1,000 calories for dinner with 50+ g of protein & I'm not hungry till the next day
  • BeautyDoll
    BeautyDoll Posts: 95 Member
    edited July 23
    Happy Tuesday, ladies! I started IF yesterday. I am on the 8 am to 4 pm feeding window. I only got in 700+ calories yesterday - I know, NOT GOOD. I drank water with ACV before and after my meals and found a supplement I'm taking for metabolism. Between the two of those things, I was not hungry at all. Since I am an emotional eater, I started to think I was hungry but wasn't. I made it through the night without breaking my fast and didn't eat this morning until after my workout around 11 am. I am so happy I've not been hungry. It's been all mental, and so far, so good. SW was 161.5, and I won't be returning to the scale until Sunday or Monday morning! My goal weight is 145 or 150, super lean. Looking for accountability buddies on this IF journey!
  • griggdeb3390
    griggdeb3390 Posts: 3 Member
    There is a good book by Dr. Mindy Pelz called Fast Like a Girl. She’s also on YouTube. She discusses all aspects of intermittent fasting for all women in all stages of their lives and how hormones affect them and how to fast to support your hormones. I
  • fizzabsse9708
    fizzabsse9708 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all
    I am doing 18:6 since last month and lost around 2,2.5 kgs. Morning coffee, water and 1 tbsp virgin coconut oil empty stomach really helps me with cravings and hunger till 2 pm. I am trying to plan 20:4 2 days each week but lets see because on weekends if I am invited somewhere for lunch or dinner or simply eating out, I try to extend my fasting window and had one meal a day.
  • BeautyDoll
    BeautyDoll Posts: 95 Member
    Hello all
    I am doing 18:6 since last month and lost around 2,2.5 kgs. Morning coffee, water and 1 tbsp virgin coconut oil empty stomach really helps me with cravings and hunger till 2 pm. I am trying to plan 20:4 2 days each week but lets see because on weekends if I am invited somewhere for lunch or dinner or simply eating out, I try to extend my fasting window and had one meal a day.

    I am not eating after 4 pm. Today, I didn't start to eat until 11 am. It's mostly mental for me, but last night I was feeling a little hungry. If I drink tea with coconut oil at night does that break my fast?
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,647 Member
    I started fasting in February of 2022 after hearing about it from medical doctors & also from Jimmy Akin on his Mysterious World broadcasts. It's the only thing that worked for him so decided to give it a try. My main motivation was I couldn't lose the last 20 lbs & gave up trying till I heard about IF. I did lose the 20lbs in a year. I think it was because I made a commitment not to snack after dinner. I have my snack/dessert with dinner. I really think about what I want to commit to & most of the time i'm able to unless the commitment is way different than I thought it would be.
  • ang816
    ang816 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I started IF 8 days ago ( did it during covid lockdown as well but fell off). Am doing OMAD 21-23 hr fasts. Tired but feeling better. The health benefits are great and am looking forward to them. Reading Fast Feast Repeat by Gin Stephens, it’s very helpful & informative! 44 almost 45f.
  • frazzle6
    frazzle6 Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 20
    Black coffee was definitely a part of getting me to build up to 18 hours and I have slowly reduced that down to one per day. I have two meals, lunch and dinner at 1pm and 6.30 and after 6 weeks I’m down about 2.2kg. I’ve had some social break outs but finding it easy to move social occasions mostly within the window and I love that this does not affect any of our main family meals which are so important for being together.
    Weight comes off more slowly at 42, especially for women but luckily consistency and patience are easier with age!
    I’ve had a few plateaus but my advice is to just keep going. It really works and you don’t have to eat special food. Easiest weight loss there is. Plus no breakfast gains me 15 mins in my morning!
  • jeri30
    jeri30 Posts: 74 Member
    BeautyDoll wrote: »
    Hello all
    I am doing 18:6 since last month and lost around 2,2.5 kgs. Morning coffee, water and 1 tbsp virgin coconut oil empty stomach really helps me with cravings and hunger till 2 pm. I am trying to plan 20:4 2 days each week but lets see because on weekends if I am invited somewhere for lunch or dinner or simply eating out, I try to extend my fasting window and had one meal a day.

    I am not eating after 4 pm. Today, I didn't start to eat until 11 am. It's mostly mental for me, but last night I was feeling a little hungry. If I drink tea with coconut oil at night does that break my fast?

    Yes, the coconut oil breaks your fast. Coconut oil has 120 per tablespoon. I suggest looking into clean fasting vs dirty fasting.
  • jeri30
    jeri30 Posts: 74 Member
    Hello all.
    I am beginning IF, but I have discovered that after 12 hours it is a struggle. Does anyone have any tips regarding making it to 14 - 16 hours? Thanks in advance!

    I've been listening to Gin Stephen's podcast and I'm about to start her book Fast Feast Repeat. She talks a lot about how if you eat a lot of sugar during your window it can make you hungry the next day. You may also want to look into clean fasting vs dirty fasting.
  • pashin8nz2000
    pashin8nz2000 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi I lost 132 pounds fasting 2 years ago but put on 88 pounds on. Since Juns I have fasted and lost 22 pounds mostly OMAD 23/1. Sometimes I do 24 hrs, 48 or 72 hrs.

    I am 48 almost 49 perimenopausal. I didn't get my period for a year fasting.
  • MegHom
    MegHom Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 44 and did a 5 day fast mimicking plan this month, it felt so good! Working on making a 14 hr fast my new normal. So much water!! Looking forward to suggestions
  • kdclarinet
    kdclarinet Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 12
    The struggle is real! I weighed over 200 lbs for 25 years, had a hysterectomy, and everything CHANGED, I managed to lose 18 lbs with IF and just ate dinner. Kept if off for a year. Have gained and lost it 3 times and am sick of it. Tried hyspnosis, nutition, but need new inspiration. Can anyone recommend any materials to boost self esteem while doing IF?
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,647 Member
    If it's allowed, for keeping weight off I'd like to recommend Half Size Me on YouTube, there's playlists on almost everything, there's also podcasts & it's all free
  • pashin8nz2000
    pashin8nz2000 Posts: 23 Member
    I've lost 28 lbs doing mostly 22/2 and extended 48 hrs and 73 hrs.
  • plumbergirlisme
    plumbergirlisme Posts: 2 Member
    I am postmenopausal. I have always done intermittent fasting in one form or another. I lost all of my weight and have been maintaining for over three years. I don't eat after 4 p.m. It is fairly easy for me because I don't really give it much thought. I am retired and I enjoy a big breakfast and big lunch. I eat 1200 calories per day and have never stopped logging every BLT (bite, lick, taste). I am very short and with age, even shorter. I maintain between 115 and 125 pounds. I have found sodium to be the most important variable in my weight.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 361 Member
    I've been practicing IF for 3 years. I went off for 5 months last year and it took just as long to lose what I'd gained but I LOST IT and am now slowly but consistently losing again. As of today, I've lost AND MAINTAINED 72 pounds! My goal is to lose 100 so just 28 to go!
  • deecorbin6942
    deecorbin6942 Posts: 1 Member
    Would it be ok to do IF and cut calories to about15,00 everyday, then eat 600 calories on the fasting two days? I need to lose 100 lbs. I have already lost 15 lbs. in two weeks. I know that is a lot of weight lost quickly. I am eating healthy foods using the Fitness Pal app. I am 69 years old.
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 150 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My hormones are resetting post weaning baby off from breastfeeding so my hunger is very slowly subsiding. I am not as hungry later at night and trying to bring my dinner time up from 9pm to 6pm. Yesterday I had a big lunch around 4 then a light snack around 6:30pm. I got hungry again around 9pm when dealing with my kids and trying to put them to sleep but had ACV with water and it cut the hunger. I am here for support and motivation. Looking to lose close to 80 pounds and hopefully 50 pounds by April next year.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 361 Member
    Would it be ok to do IF and cut calories to about15,00 everyday, then eat 600 calories on the fasting two days? I need to lose 100 lbs. I have already lost 15 lbs. in two weeks. I know that is a lot of weight lost quickly. I am eating healthy foods using the Fitness Pal app. I am 69 years old.

    I'm sure that would work just fine. IF can be practiced any way that fits into your life but it's not about counting calories. The main thing is the timing between meals and when you eat, eat normal portions. Of course, whole foods are better and cut out the ultra processed foods, seed oils, sugars and high carbohydrates. You've got this!
  • elisabackaert
    elisabackaert Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am Elisa.
    I usually di IF 19:5
    The problem is the calories intake. I have a hard time to get to 1200 calories.
    Is that why I get bad cravings at night?
    I usually stop eating between 5pm and 6pm, and sometimes around midnight I get craving.
    Since I am logging food I noticed that my intake of calories is very low.
    Anyway, happy to be here.
    I am.45, in perimenopause, trying to lose 5 pounds. My metabolism has changed so much the past 2 years and now I have to constantly watch out what and how much I eat!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 361 Member
    Hi, I am Elisa.
    I usually di IF 19:5
    The problem is the calories intake. I have a hard time to get to 1200 calories.
    Is that why I get bad cravings at night?
    I usually stop eating between 5pm and 6pm, and sometimes around midnight I get craving.
    Since I am logging food I noticed that my intake of calories is very low.
    Anyway, happy to be here.
    I am.45, in perimenopause, trying to lose 5 pounds. My metabolism has changed so much the past 2 years and now I have to constantly watch out what and how much I eat!

    Hi Elisa. I had the same problem and it drove me mad. To solve this I put my fasting window off until later, eating between 6-10. Sometimes even later. It worked! Seems I can go without eating indefinitely during the day I keep my mind on other matters but when the sun goes down, I have trouble controlling myself.

    When I break my fast, I eat my larger meal first, wait a couple of hours and then have salad. If I have the urge for a late night "something" right before bed I'll have a piece of fruit. I hope this helps.