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Phosphorus Tracking Needed

saburnside Posts: 1 Member
I’d love to see a phosphorus field under nutrition to keep track of phosphorus totals. I realize most companies don’t include it in their nutrition labels, but if you could add the field and make it modifiable so we can add the amount in if we know it, that would be really good. I’ve used the MFP app for many years and absolutely love all of the features and the ease of use, but was recently diagnosed with low stage CKD and will need to start tracking my daily Phosphorus totals. I can get the amounts for most foods from other websites, but am having to use another app (besides MFP) to track them, making it very time consuming. It would be easier to have the option to add them and track them with everything else in MFP. With an estimated 37 million Americans affected by CKD, I would think this would benefit alot of people.
2 votes

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  • ppoe85249
    ppoe85249 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree. Having to do my own research and using 2 apps to track phosphoros is really burdensome. MFP is such a wonderful app for everything else. It would be perfect if phosphoros tracking was available in MFP so we could use just one app. Thank you.