The "FLAME DOLLS" (Menopause Support Group)



  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I had a good chat with my doctor this week about the possibility of HRT, and during the discussion I realised something:

    It's not life-threatening, it's not dangerous, it's just uncomfortable (night sweats and flushes are my big problem)

    So why dont I work on comfort factors?

    I treated myself to some gorgeous sleep wear from coolsleepwear, which does special wicking material items, and I have to say I got a great night's sleep!

    I now always carry a miniature fan, a metal water bottle filled with iced water to press against my wrists and cheeks when a flush starts, and a little towel. I feel so much more positive about taking control where I can, rather than taking meds.
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    Has anyone else who has gone beyond the intense hot flash stage noticed that a resurgence of hot flashes for a day or two usually is followed by an immediate drop in weight?
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    So my question - are any of you going through the whole thinning of vaginal/urethral tissues and how had you dealt wiith it?

    I do have it, but mine is caused as much by radiation as by menopause. I don't notice so much of a problem from excercise, but instead, oddly, wen I shower, I have t immediately wash off the soap or I feel it burn. At first, after the radiation, I felt like I had a yeast infection for several months, but tha has long since passed.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    I officially started on Amberen. I have been on it for almost 2 weeks. I think it has made me hungry and the hot flashes got worse, but hopefully by day 30 I will see some results. This thread is quiet. Hope everyone is having a hot flash free summer!!!!!
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    I officially started on Amberen. I have been on it for almost 2 weeks. I think it has made me hungry and the hot flashes got worse, but hopefully by day 30 I will see some results. This thread is quiet. Hope everyone is having a hot flash free summer!!!!!

    I agree with the thread being quiet, hope everyone is okay :happy:
    For me winter is finally over and it is the first week of spring, can't wait to get out into the sunshine. Of course winter gave me the gift of a chest cold in its final week so, my "exercise" for the past week has been breathing :laugh: It's very odd prior to mfp I would wallow a little if I got sick but now I am so bored not exercising (doctors orders) come Monday I'm starting again even if it is at half speed.
    Have an awesome week all you gorgeous Flame Dolls :flowerforyou:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Still here! Finding the combination of magnet, HRT cake, wicky nightwear and metallic water bottle to be effective in keeping the symptoms under control. they're still there, but much easier to handle.

    Am trying to go September without booze, as I've read that can have an effect, so worth a try!
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Still here! Finding the combination of magnet, HRT cake, wicky nightwear and metallic water bottle to be effective in keeping the symptoms under control. they're still there, but much easier to handle.

    Am trying to go September without booze, as I've read that can have an effect, so worth a try!

    Good luck for September, I have read that it does help.
    Have a great long weekend for those celebrating Labor Day in the US, :smile:
  • legacysh
    Hope it works for you too!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I haven't posted in such a long time... but I should have. I have had major problems...finally had to be put on HRT. I hate that this was the finally decision. It have tried so hard for the last four years to avoid HRT's. I should have posted for support!!
    I started having really bad burning headaches, and my menopause symthoms got alot worse. I was feeling so bad - chronic fatigue, the bad headaches and feeling really bad. I didn't think it was menopause related but it seems it was. The doctor believes that I had a crash in estrogen. That is what my blood test show. That combined with every other test coming up normal they strongly recommended the HRT's. I was already doing and had been doing natural remedies for the menopause. It got to the point that I could barely get out of bed.... so the HRT's and headache medication to get me feeling better. So I went from not taking anything to taking a nerve pain pill and HRT"s. I am so dissappointed. But I have started to feel better and I even started to work out again. I am am the lowest doasage for both. The Nerve pain medication is neurotin and the HRT is femhrt .05. If anyone has any personal information on either - I would love your input. I am still under both the GYN doctor and the neurologist care and being moitor. - Note the GYN doctor is doing so much more for me - I think I have just confused the neurologist - he just shakes his head when all my results come back excellent. I am thankful that all my result ame back very good - I am in perfect health except for hormones. So, the doctor said to keep doing everything I was - if I feel able and to slowly get back to normal (for me).

    So, a quick note about me..... I am 47 years old. I started early menopause or peri -menopause at 43. First sign of skipped periods and night sweats and hot flashes. Was able to keep it all under control with help of multi-vitamins, good eating habits and exercise. I also added more soy to my diet and added a small fan a night. I took a b-12 complex for the skin and hair problems. (My hair was falling out) . I added a nightime skin cream to help with my itchy skin and dryness. I alsoadded a calcium supplement. I was doing well unitl late June.... It had been 3 months since my last period which was common but I never had one again. So by late July the burning headahces started and I went down hill from there.

    Any comments suggests or justt plain support is welcomed. I am having a tough time - I feel I failed because I had to take the hormones. My doctor is going to work hard to keep me on thelowest dose and get me off as quickly as she can. But she felt the urgent need to get me feeling better.

    Hope everyone is doing great!!!
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    I haven't posted in such a long time... but I should have. I have had major problems...finally had to be put on HRT. I hate that this was the finally decision. It have tried so hard for the last four years to avoid HRT's. I should have posted for support!!
    I started having really bad burning headaches, and my menopause symthoms got alot worse. I was feeling so bad - chronic fatigue, the bad headaches and feeling really bad. I didn't think it was menopause related but it seems it was. The doctor believes that I had a crash in estrogen. That is what my blood test show. That combined with every other test coming up normal they strongly recommended the HRT's. I was already doing and had been doing natural remedies for the menopause. It got to the point that I could barely get out of bed.... so the HRT's and headache medication to get me feeling better. So I went from not taking anything to taking a nerve pain pill and HRT"s. I am so dissappointed. But I have started to feel better and I even started to work out again. I am am the lowest doasage for both. The Nerve pain medication is neurotin and the HRT is femhrt .05. If anyone has any personal information on either - I would love your input. I am still under both the GYN doctor and the neurologist care and being moitor. - Note the GYN doctor is doing so much more for me - I think I have just confused the neurologist - he just shakes his head when all my results come back excellent. I am thankful that all my result ame back very good - I am in perfect health except for hormones. So, the doctor said to keep doing everything I was - if I feel able and to slowly get back to normal (for me).

    So, a quick note about me..... I am 47 years old. I started early menopause or peri -menopause at 43. First sign of skipped periods and night sweats and hot flashes. Was able to keep it all under control with help of multi-vitamins, good eating habits and exercise. I also added more soy to my diet and added a small fan a night. I took a b-12 complex for the skin and hair problems. (My hair was falling out) . I added a nightime skin cream to help with my itchy skin and dryness. I alsoadded a calcium supplement. I was doing well unitl late June.... It had been 3 months since my last period which was common but I never had one again. So by late July the burning headahces started and I went down hill from there.

    Any comments suggests or justt plain support is welcomed. I am having a tough time - I feel I failed because I had to take the hormones. My doctor is going to work hard to keep me on thelowest dose and get me off as quickly as she can. But she felt the urgent need to get me feeling better.

    Hope everyone is doing great!!!

    Just got to send some major hugs out to you ((HUGS))
    You haven't failed at all, you fought for 4 years on the natural road and I truly believe you'll be able to go back there, your body just needs a little bit of extra help right now.
    You are being smart by listening to what your body needs, I agree with your doctor get better first then go forward. If it was easy to figure out our bodies we'd all be doctors plus the perfect size and shape :laugh: (Sooo, ain't gonna happen).
    We are all here for you, cheering from the sidelines :happy:
    The only thing you need to be concerned about is you, your health and getting back the awesomeness that is you.
    Have a great day :flowerforyou:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Just got to send some major hugs out to you ((HUGS))
    You haven't failed at all, you fought for 4 years on the natural road and I truly believe you'll be able to go back there, your body just needs a little bit of extra help right now.
    You are being smart by listening to what your body needs, I agree with your doctor get better first then go forward. If it was easy to figure out our bodies we'd all be doctors plus the perfect size and shape :laugh: (Sooo, ain't gonna happen).
    We are all here for you, cheering from the sidelines :happy:
    The only thing you need to be concerned about is you, your health and getting back the awesomeness that is you.
    Have a great day :flowerforyou:

    Thank you so much...just what I needed today!!

    Tomorrow is my follow up doctor appointment...I am definitly better...not quite myself but better. I was able to work out and go the gym last week - Trying not to over do it, but get back on track. I will see what the doctor thinks and go from there!!!

    Thanks for the support

    Hope everyone is doing good!!!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    hi Gals - I've been so quiet on this thread because I thought (proudly) that I could conquer menopause naturally and by sheer will and determination.....HA!

    For 3 months now, I've been hot flashing terribly 15-20 times per day and all night..I never slepp.....but the weirdest part is that I will have an intense pain right in the middle of my chest just moments before the sweat starts.

    It's been confusing, annoying and just plain scary!!

    Seen my Dr. and have undergone heart monitoring, all the blood test you can imagine.....big news...MENOPAUSE!

    So I am miserable and tomorrow I see the DR. again to discuss HRT........I have a history of blood clots and so I don't expect to walk out with a perscription :(

    I was valiant, I was smug, i was confident I would survive this "time of life" through natural efforts....not so sure now.

    I pray, I beat the drums, I dance......... and well I need HRT too. Should I feel defeated?


  • pixie17857
    This is NOT defeat. Just like it isn't defeat if you have a C-section instead of a regular delivery. Sometimes things are just taken out of our hands. There are times we NEED help. You are SO strong for everyone else, be strong for yourself too. The doctor has seen cases like yours before and will be able to guide you over this stepping stone. Hang in there girl and we'll all send extra big HUGS!!:happy:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Maybe it is in the air...I too was on this thread when it first began but have been a silent member for a very long time. My symptoms have recently gotten much worse as well.

    I am 47...started with symptoms about 5 years ago. My last baby was at the age of 36 and although we continued trying for another we were never able to have another. (There were some miscarriages along the way):cry: . 5 years ago my periods became irregular, then the hot flashes began. At first I thought it was stress and the result of losing weight. My midwife said that for every 10 # that we lose our bodies need to hormonally re-calibrate. Then the mood stuff began and that was worse. Currently, I have not had a period since January even though I have been maintaining my weight for almost one year. Still have hot flashes and they are worse right now. Also having headaches and heartburn(??)

    I do take a formula from Swanson called Menopause Essentials. (in fact, they are on sale right now) They help me a lot!!! But now I am feeling like I need to take it up a notch.

    I like some of you would prefer not to do the hrt. I am not interested in re-activating my periods. I don't miss that part!:laugh:

    Looking like Suzanne Summers might not be bad.

    Have any of you read her book? It was interesting.

    Well, I think I am going to try to follow this thread for awhile again.

    I would love to get and give support during this challenging and changing time in our lives.

  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    It's funny that we all started having more symptoms lately... and we are all on here trying to be heathy and fit and still having trouble. I am on month two of my HRT and although most of my symptoms have gotten better my mood swings are worse. I actually had a crying fit on Saturday. Also my weight has creeped up. That may have more to due with not being able to work out for over two months but I am sure some of it has to due with the HRT. Oh yeah the doctor said it may cause weight gain - to be aware of it ...ok so I have worked hard - really hard - for the last five years - heating healthy and working out and NOW I have to work harder??? I just don't see how I can do any better. It's very depressing for me. But i will not give up. I am back to my work out and trying to lose these few pounds (about 5 pounds above my range). I will continue to work hard at it and try not to be on these HRT for too long. The only good news that came out of all this (they ran alot of test, blood work, and scans) is that I am a really healthy person with perfect readings except my hormone levels. I have nothing else wrong, which the doctor said is very good for my age and soem family history. So she did say to keep up the good work.

    Hope every one is doing great and we are here to support and love each other during this time!!!!
    PS. My headaches are better too!!!
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    HRT is such a hodge podge of different drugs, and such.....I would suggest reading the book : "Sex Lies and Menopause" by TS Wylie...very informative and a lot of insight into the hows and whys of menopause symptoms ....a is written from a holistic, naturopathic viewpoint --so it may be a lot different than what you have ever heard from the average pharmaceutical company trained md...she also wrote a great book called "Lights Out" both worth looking into on (cheap books) Wylie has been critisized by the general medical community and wikipedia lashes out at her too....but read the books...they make sense...
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I am afraid you are right drmomm. I am so disappointed that this was a decision that I had to make...after receiving several opinions. But, I am looking at it as a temporary solution ... hoping to get off ASAP : (
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I will check out these books!!! Thanks!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    HRT is such a hodge podge of different drugs, and such.....I would suggest reading the book : "Sex Lies and Menopause" by TS Wylie...very informative and a lot of insight into the hows and whys of menopause symptoms ....a is written from a holistic, naturopathic viewpoint --so it may be a lot different than what you have ever heard from the average pharmaceutical company trained md...she also wrote a great book called "Lights Out" both worth looking into on (cheap books) Wylie has been critisized by the general medical community and wikipedia lashes out at her too....but read the books...they make sense...

    haven't read the books, But have read reviews and she does make sense. You know how the official medical community has to respond....unless it has perfectly constructed clinical gets condemned....(I just had a hot flash while writing that! LOL)

  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    well poo....doc cut my bioidenticals in half, blood levels were to "high" so now I am having a period again...that is like so NOT fun....and I woke up last night in a puddle of sweat...grrrrrr I think I am going to up my hormones on my own...