C25K Beginners Challenge - Join Now!!!



  • Waynes_World
    This is an awesome program.. I made it to week 6 then got off track.. Now I am ready to get it done so count me in !
  • fit4travels
    Done my first run - 177 calories burnt and I'm feeling really good now.
  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    Count me in. I am planning to walk/jog in an 8k race on thanksgiving, and I have been meaning to start the C25K, and this is the perfect time to start. Thanks for startting thsi group!!
  • chocoholicandbaby
    chocoholicandbaby Posts: 75 Member

    Yes I would LOVE to be in this challenge!! I just downloaded the iphone app today and plan on starting Monday! I actually came on here to see if there was a support group and here you all are :-)

    Good luck everyone! Looking forward to seeing how everyone goes with it!
  • kymberlin
    kymberlin Posts: 113 Member
    I did day one last night. I made it the whole way. Honestly I didn't think I was going to. It hurt to jog, I'm super slow so it's not like I was going to fast. I just can't seem to get the hang of proper breathing. I am in full blown pant/cant catch breath, so not fun. BUT I did it. My husband did it with me and really helped me finish. Day two will be sunday. Not sure when day three will be because I do zumba tuesday and thursday.
  • elcanela
    Ok, I am so in on this.... been making excuses for four months now, and now my one about "it's too hot" is gone. Need to get moving before I get into a "it's too cold" mindframe!

    Got the app on my Droid, just need to find a running area. Not sure my gravel road is the best surface to be jogging on.
  • chocoholicandbaby
    chocoholicandbaby Posts: 75 Member
    HI guys!

    Just wanted to report in that I actually stuck to my plan and started C25K. I couldn't complete the last 2 intervals of jogging, but I kept walking. This is actually quite an achievement for me as I have never ran in my life! And I am about 35 kilos overweight so pretty happy with my effort!

    Looking forward to Tuesday when I'll be doing day one again - hopefully making it the whole way through!
  • getskinnyk8
    I'm in! Did my first day on Friday outside (SO much harder than inside). I almost died. I went to the gym today and did elliptical....are you not supposed to work out in-between days, or are you just not supposed to run in-between days?

    Either way, I've always wanted to be able to run outside and I can't right now so I'm excited :)
  • chocoholicandbaby
    chocoholicandbaby Posts: 75 Member
    Also just wanted to add a tip for busy people, people with kids, people too embarrassed to run in public:
    I did it in my backyard.
    I have a 3yo daughter, single parent, so time is fairly limited. Also going for a run with a 3yo is tough as she doesn't like being in a pram any more. I go for walks with her but they are fairly slow paced (for me) and I've always done that so doesnt feel like exercise!
    Anyway we have a fairly large backyard so I just set up my iphone on a dock with the app open and music playing so I could hear it while I was wlaking/jogging around the backyard.
    My daughter loved it! She did the laps with me, became my "waterboy" and cheered me on when it said to "start running." It was great for me as well because when she got bored and wanted to play in her cubby house it didn't interrupt my workout. Our backyard has a small incline as well which added a bit of a challenge. It was also good having the iphone on the dock so my daughter could listen to the music and have a dance and also hear the prompts as well. I don't like wearing my earphones when I am walking with her because I like to spend the time with her - so this was a great way to utilise the app, spend time with my daughter and get a workout in!
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    Who's idea was it to start this in October ?? lol... I just completed week 1 day 1 and its 37 degrees out.. my lungs felt like they were going to freeze with every breath. Can't imagine what week 9 will be like, in December!!.
  • wocm15
    wocm15 Posts: 81
    Who's idea was it to start this in October ?? lol... I just completed week 1 day 1 and its 37 degrees out.. my lungs felt like they were going to freeze with every breath. Can't imagine what week 9 will be like, in December!!.

    I'm planning to run the Dublin Snowflake on Dec 11th. :smile: And since it's the Midwest, I'll just have to hope there's not a foot of snow on the ground that day!
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    I just finished wek 1 day 2. Took the kids and husband with me to me running track and they played soccer while I ran. Not a bad half hour. I think they had fun too. felt pretty good. I must say that I was a little worried cause I started the Jilliam Michael 30 day shred last night so my legs and abs were pretty toased today. Sore but good.
  • 1horseygirl1
    1horseygirl1 Posts: 98 Member
    I am doing week 1 day 2 tomorrow.
    Have done this program before and got up to week 7. It is amazing and actually feels awesome to be able to run.
  • jvmay1703
    jvmay1703 Posts: 42 Member
  • SeattleGrl
    SeattleGrl Posts: 58 Member
    I'd love to join but am leaving on vacation Tuesday, my plan is to start C25K on 10/20.....I'll check back in then to see how everyone is doing!
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    Ok- I think I am going to give it a shot since there is a group getting started. I am not generally much of a runner but love the stress relief that I feel when I do and would like to be able to run some...so here goes!
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    I just completed c25k week one day 2 and it felt amazing!!!!
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    Last week I attempted W1D1 and could only do have of the running intervals. But, last night I attempted it again and actually completed the entire thing. I slowed things down a bit. This time my legs didn't feel like they were on fire and were gonna break. I plan on doing W1D2 on Tuesday and W1D3 either Wednesday or Friday morning. Good luck to all!!!
  • ZoeBZJ
    ZoeBZJ Posts: 12
    So completed W1D1 as planned and happy that I got through it, especially as I have already done quite a bit of other activities today. W1D2 on Wednesday. Well done everyone else :drinker:
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 287 Member
    I'd love to join this. I joined a group a couple weeks ago and it really just quickly whittled down to only 3 doing it.

    I'd love to be part of this group as it seems liek there are a lot of motivated individuals!

    I'm actually starting week 3 today, but I'm not sure I'm ready! :)

    Good luck everyone!