Goals for September....who will join me?



  • Very stressed this week, I have so much going on! At the beginning the beginning of the month, because I started the 30DS shred I gained TWO POUNDS! I was not a happy bunny.

    But my target goal was to get to 130lb which means I would have to lose 12lb after I put the two pound on! However, I am now at 136lb! So have 6lb to go, it is highly unlikely I will make it, but I am going to get as close to it as possible. In the last week I have lost 4lb so I could do it but I can't push myself into a plateau which is what will happen. 6 more pound though and I will reassess whether I want to lose another 10lb, at the moment I can't see my wanting to get much smaller. My BMI is 23.41 which is within range.

    How is everyone else getting on?
  • songofserenity81
    songofserenity81 Posts: 138 Member
    will update with a weigh in in the morning, I cant trust this morning's reading as I barely slept last night :(. I only sleep properly 3 nights a week right now as I only sleep at home those 3 nights. The other 4 I sleep or try to at my MIL's as she needs someone there 24 hours a day at the mo. The whole not sleeping really throws my weight out of whack so its not going quite as well as it has done previously. I am trying for now to eat back half of my exercise cals, I didnt use to eat any of them back so will see if it makes much of a difference in my rates of loss with being fairly near target.

    gratz to all for your dedication in improving yourselves :)
  • songofserenity81
    songofserenity81 Posts: 138 Member
    current weight 154.2
    BF% 30.6

  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Morning all.

    I am pleased to report I have not been able
    to go from knee push ups to feet but I have taken the amount I could do and smashed it. I am now doing about 4 different ab exercises and have yet to do sit ups in my routine because they hurt my back.

    As my wedding day came I this got a little crazy and I stopped working out. So that goal wasn't met.

    Overall I have has a great month and although I failed a lot of things I am looking forward to next month so I can use those failures to push myself further.

    I have been around 74.5kg for the passed few weeks
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,553 Member
    Well I'm happy to report that as the month is winding down so is the scale! I've had two weeks of losses and am now at 137.4. I was really hoping to be back at 135 by the end of the month but I discovered that I was going over on sodium by tremendous amounts and once I started watching that, the scaled started moving. I'm still lifting weights or doing some form of strength three times a week and I can see more definition in my muscle so I'm happy with how things are. I've also taken the pressure off myself to stay at a "magic number" and as long as I'm under a "magic number" I'm content. Good luck everybody and thanks for letting me join in. I'm hoping that in October, I can continue how I've been doing and maybe that scale will creep down a little bit more but I'm not gonna worry if it doesn't!
  • Hi guys,

    Been away from MFP for about 10 days. Boy does it make a difference!

    I ended September with a 5 pound loss. (Yay!)

    5 away from my 10 lb goal. Darn.

    I'm happy for the five and may just have my massage anyway. : )

    Reading your posts really help to let me know that I'm not alone in my quest.

    Happy Fall

    :heart: :heart: :heart: