Half Marathon training support group?



  • I got 16 miles in this week! Next week I will increase it! I lost 3.5 lbs this week! :bigsmile: Woohoo! I am excited with my progress so far! I am ready for my races to get here!

    quick question;
    I am currently running 4 miles 4 days a week, I have a 5K in @ 22 days.....I am trying to get faster for my race. Should I quit running 4miles and just focus on doing the 3.1 miles at a faster pace? or keep increasing my distance, and not worry about my speed.

    (I have a 10K in November and half in March, so I am working for distance in the long run.)

    You don't want to do speed work every day, but if you want to pick up your pace, I would do a speed work out (intervals / fartleks)once a week, and a tempo run (say warm up a mile , run at race pace 2 miles , cooldown last mile) once a week. The other two days, stick with you regular pace.

    makes total sense! Thanks!!

    Check out this link: http://www.halhigdon.com/5K Training/5-Kinter.htm
    It's Hal Higdon's program for Intermediate 5K training. It would give you the interval and tempo runs, but also some longer distances so that you can prepare for your 10K.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I got 16 miles in this week! Next week I will increase it! I lost 3.5 lbs this week! :bigsmile: Woohoo! I am excited with my progress so far! I am ready for my races to get here!

    quick question;
    I am currently running 4 miles 4 days a week, I have a 5K in @ 22 days.....I am trying to get faster for my race. Should I quit running 4miles and just focus on doing the 3.1 miles at a faster pace? or keep increasing my distance, and not worry about my speed.

    (I have a 10K in November and half in March, so I am working for distance in the long run.)

    You don't want to do speed work every day, but if you want to pick up your pace, I would do a speed work out (intervals / fartleks)once a week, and a tempo run (say warm up a mile , run at race pace 2 miles , cooldown last mile) once a week. The other two days, stick with you regular pace.

    makes total sense! Thanks!!

    Check out this link: http://www.halhigdon.com/5K Training/5-Kinter.htm
    It's Hal Higdon's program for Intermediate 5K training. It would give you the interval and tempo runs, but also some longer distances so that you can prepare for your 10K.

    THanks I will check it out
  • Ran my first half-marathon today! Finished in 2:13:21, which is about what I was hoping for. I had a great time and I want more now! Thinking about doing one on Thanksgiving Day. Should I just start back over on a training plan or skip ahead a little because I already have a 23ish mile/week base? Or should I skip that one and shoot for December since I'm so new at this?
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Ran my first half-marathon today! Finished in 2:13:21, which is about what I was hoping for. I had a great time and I want more now! Thinking about doing one on Thanksgiving Day. Should I just start back over on a training plan or skip ahead a little because I already have a 23ish mile/week base? Or should I skip that one and shoot for December since I'm so new at this?

    Good job on your run! Depending how your training has been going, I would take it easier for 7-10 days, then pick up your program wherever you need to be on schedule (six weeks out?) for the Thanksgiving race
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Supposed to do 4 miles this morning, did 5.5! Getting ready to head to the barn for a ride now.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I ran 6 miles. It felt really good. 13 days until my half!!
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    Had my first half this morning! I'm still waiting on my official time, but I was around 2:18. My goal was between 2:15 and 2:20, so I'm happy with that! Thank you all for the amazing support!! Now food, sleep, a few days rest, and then signing up for another :smile:
  • You should try the warrior dash! It was a blast :)
  • Had my first half this morning! I'm still waiting on my official time, but I was around 2:18. My goal was between 2:15 and 2:20, so I'm happy with that! Thank you all for the amazing support!! Now food, sleep, a few days rest, and then signing up for another :smile:

    Congrats!! I'm signing up for my first Half Marathon tomorrow morning.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Had my first half this morning! I'm still waiting on my official time, but I was around 2:18. My goal was between 2:15 and 2:20, so I'm happy with that! Thank you all for the amazing support!! Now food, sleep, a few days rest, and then signing up for another :smile:

  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I was out of town this weekend and got the opportunity to run in the area I grew up in. However, growing up I was never a runner so I didn't know what I was missing. I set out not sure how far I was planning on running, really just wanted to do what felt right and do a run. I'm so excited - I ran 9 miles of my fastest run ever. It's the place I run my marathon last year, so kind of repeated the route - I was 3 MPM faster than my last years running time. I could have kept going and not stopped at 9. I realized about mile 6 that I hadn't fueled at all. I generally eat something before I run, I hadn't done that either. Of course, this was a flat smooth route, not like my typical corn fields and hills, but WOW, it felt super and conditions were perfect. Look at all I missed never having been a runner there :)
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    What does everyone use for nourishment/energy during races? Gels? which are best?

    I like the Sports Beans Extreme. I'm a little unnerved by the gels and gu for the texture. Plus I like the extra caffeine. I also like chocolate covered espresso beans.
  • paladeac
    paladeac Posts: 81 Member
    What does everyone use for nourishment/energy during races? Gels? which are best?

    I like the Sports Beans Extreme. I'm a little unnerved by the gels and gu for the texture. Plus I like the extra caffeine. I also like chocolate covered espresso beans.

    I use cliff bar shotblocks. They give me a better energy boost than sport beans.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Eeek, I have just found out I have a place in the London Marathon in April next year. I can't even run anywhere near 5k yet!! Has anyone managed to train from scratch for a marathon in 7 months??

    I did. My suggestion - run 3 days a week at max and cross train with weights on three days. I ended up with muscle imbalances from only running and knee pain finishing my marathon. I added in P90X after my marathon and have solved all those muscle imbalances. I also wish I had know to do more Yoga. Have a finish goal, not a time goal. Do a short, medium, and a long run each week with a day in between them for cross training.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Had my first half this morning! I'm still waiting on my official time, but I was around 2:18. My goal was between 2:15 and 2:20, so I'm happy with that! Thank you all for the amazing support!! Now food, sleep, a few days rest, and then signing up for another :smile:

    Congrats!!! Awesome time!! :) I am hoping I am under 2 1/2 hours.
  • JonC03
    JonC03 Posts: 28
    So I did my first long run after hurting my injury. Before I hurt it I had did a 8.5 mile run. Today I ran a 7 mile route in a hour and ten minutes. Not to shabby since I did break down and walk for a few minutes. Balmy felt pretty good through the whole thing and I feel like I'm back on track. Congrats to everyone who had their races this weekend.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    congratulations everyone who had their races! Sounds like they went well. Mine is October 29th. I did an 11 mile run last week at 9:30 pace. Felt pretty good. We'll see if I can pick up the pace on race day. I have 4 weeks to go until race day. I am still unsure about my training schedule. I haven't planned any 10k's. I thought about doing 12 this week, then 13, then maybe down a little the week before the race. I'm not sure. I don't want to be too tired, but then I don't want to slack off and not be ready race day. Hmmm. 5 mile run today, so I better get at it. Marcie
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    Day one of my 9 weeks to a Half-Marathon.


    That's my training program. Made it myself. Kind of a cross between Hal Higdon's beginner and intermediate programs.
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    woops double post
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Had my first half this morning! I'm still waiting on my official time, but I was around 2:18. My goal was between 2:15 and 2:20, so I'm happy with that! Thank you all for the amazing support!! Now food, sleep, a few days rest, and then signing up for another :smile:

    Thats awesome!! Congrats!