200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Just a quickie - no time to read so promise will catch up later but:

    Dilemma: exercise - should I give myself a tick for exercise even if I do not complete what I hoped for the day - yesterday (and today) planned to do shred but for one reason or another didn't happen - would be easy but yesterday I did run 3miles, garden for a number of hours and cycle; today I have walked about six miles.

    Don't know if I am being hard on myself or looking to be too slack?

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - your program looks good.

    Lacey - good luck on making a program. I've found putting a schedule on the fridge helps me. It feels good to cross off what I've done and reminds me what I have accomplished and where I need to go.

    I'm enjoying my lazy day and thinking maybe I'll do X Stretch or my easy 20 min yoga program. I need to stretch...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Annette - I'd give yourself the check. If you spent an hour doing exercise, it counts even if it wasn't what you planned. Save the DVD for rainy days and enjoy the good weather while you can.
  • alaskagirl5
    alaskagirl5 Posts: 95 Member
    Pancake master - (not sure what your first name is lol!) I am seriously behind on my running goal! I only have a little over 16 miles so far!! :( Its time to kick it into high gear and get those miles back lol! And I am actually going to college in Missouri, i just used to live in Alaska lol! :)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks for the call out both Victoria and Annette. I have been remiss with logging the past couple of days. It's just been really hard for me to stay on track. I usually start off days well and then fall apart as the day goes one. Perhaps I just need to get up earlier to work on first thing, so I'll at least have that going for me.

    I think I've got everyone's weight up to this post. Please have them in by the end of the day tomorrow. I'll try and post a call out post tomorrow morning.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm hoping to show a decent weigh in tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, I'm still up. I think it has to do with starting weight machines this week. I've been good at logging, cals have been in line, and even though sodium hasn't, I've been drinking lots and lots of water. *sigh* I'm also hoping that by taking a day off from exercise today will help me drop back down to normal. Well, no official exercise but house cleaning.

    I'm thinking I will jump on the bandwagon with all you P90X2 ladies in January, only I will do P90X since I didn't get to finish it last time.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Victoria: thanks for that - I will go with the ticks meaning I am now 8/8 - reading and food and 7/8 - exercise/productivity. And Yeah to you for completing your week goal and enjoying your day of reast.

    Sarah: congrats on the run - just cant imagine how great it must be to be able to go that far. THEY were obviously listening to provide you some comanionship when you felt like stopping. Hope your week is better. Haeve promised myself a pedicure when I reach 175 for longer than a week!!! Oh, and thank you!!

    Kristina: I feel that you should log even if your day does deteriorate - at least you will start exerting control over your choices - i.e. your choice to log regardless - and see where it goes from there (i bet the next choice will be easier to implement than the one to restart logging regardless of intake). Oh, weight for today - 178.

    Lacey: tomorrow it is then. Sorry to hear Bart not setled. Prayers and hugs to you for the days to come.

    Amy: your exercise programme looks as scary as Victorias but I'm sure you will both just get on with it - you are both awesome.

    Kendal: well done for 60 minutes - and for recognising your need to rest today. Keep it up x

    There were several people logging weight losses - age and tiredness prevent me from remembering names but WELL DONE to you all.

    I finally have a kind of 'will power' victory - having made cake today I (obviously) now want to devour it all. However - and this is a -maze - ing, put it into the tin and made for the fruit bowl (I couldn't face owning up to 'bad food choices' and going 8/9 for food at the end of today). So again, many thanks for being there ladies - I am sure I would not have made that choice without you xx
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Lost 2.4 lb this week.

    Hope everyone's well. It's been a gorgeous weekend here in the UK, and I've been really enjoying the last few brilliant days of our unusually late late summer.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm seriously second guessing my halloween costume lately. It's way too tight to wear to work and I'm not sure it'll be comfortable to wear out, if I even go out anywhere this year. I saw a Super Woman costume at Walmart that would look really cute with this haircut. (lol is it weird that I want to change my costume because of my hair cut?) Can hurt to buy it (if they still have it), try it on and see which costume I like better? Right? I can save this referee costume for next year. Maybe my boobs will shrink some by then.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal no reason to not buy that coostume just to at least see how it fits! You can always wear the other next year like you said.

    I'm roasting a chicken and veggies in the oven using this french dry mix I bought in Brugge and it smells soooo good. I also have a frames (raspberry) beer to drink with it. I'm getting hungry just from the smell!

    I found a 5k race to do in April with my bff in Portland..and need to look for one to do in maybe January or February. I like the idea of having something to train towards.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal no reason to not buy that coostume just to at least see how it fits! You can always wear the other next year like you said.

    I'm roasting a chicken and veggies in the oven using this french dry mix I bought in Brugge and it smells soooo good. I also have a frames (raspberry) beer to drink with it. I'm getting hungry just from the smell!

    I found a 5k race to do in April with my bff in Portland..and need to look for one to do in maybe January or February. I like the idea of having something to train towards.
  • qofsheba
    akasullengal: 192.5 half a lb up but 3 lbs lower than I started the week.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Okay, as I don't know how much time I'll have in the morning, these are the peeps I haven't heard from yet:

    Katie (where you at, girl?)
    Breanna <- last chance!
    Una <-last chance!
    Ashleigh <-last chance
    Reginab13 <-last chance
    jeanann42 <-last chance
    lotusthrone <-last chance
    heatherblack84 <-last chance
    dee <-last chance

    whew! even with losing a lot of people last week (those who post once and then, inevitably no show after), lots of peeps missing!
  • NatalieGabriel
    Weigh In **********************152lbs*****************************
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Nope, Walmart didn't have any of my size Super Woman or Super Girl or Bat Girl costumes. So I picked up my bff and went to another Walmart and they had a PLETHORA of costumes. I tried on a pink Crayola crayon dress and it was SUPER CUTE. But this Bat Girl costume won. It's freaking awesome. And it has a CAPE!! and it comes with thigh high shoe covers and the pieces that go from my wrists to my elbows. Oh, and a mask, of course. I'm so freaking happy with it!!

    Sorry that it's a dressing room pic. Loved it too much not to immediately show it to Mr. Reunion, lol
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Kendal, that costume is crazy cute on you!!

    Sorry I haven't been around, ladies...with the girls home and all of our haunting and cleaning, I've been super busy. Needless to say, I am now broke and exhausted. These weekends with them home are like a whirlwind trying to get everything in they want to do. Next visit is for a week, so it shouldn't be as crazy! I hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Well. I've had a crappy day. My boyfriend broke up with me again. Like a broken record, he doesn't have time for me and our relationship. Im pretty bummed, but I know this time will be easier than last.

    I hate love somedays.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    ***Weigh in for this week: 217***

    Well, at least I lost the sodium and most of the pre-TOM weight. Speaking of sodium, I hear all you ladies talk about going over your sodium, and because of that I've been tracking mine. Seems as if unless I go to a fast food joint (which I have been avoiding altogether lately, just gets me into trouble, lol) I tend to be way UNDER my sodium, but over my sugar. Blah. Guess I'll hafta tweak a little bit. I'm such a sugar junkie. On the bright side, through all this tracking and investigating, most of my sugar is good sugar from fruit.

    Chantix is still going well! I went to the pharmacy to look for a sleep aid the other day because my sleep has still been pretty restless, lots of tossing and turning. The pharmacist told me the most effective and cheapest method was just to take a couple Benadryl before bed and it's worked like a charm! Hooray! Today is officially (the end of) my 2nd day smoke free. :happy:

    Now to catch up...

    Kiki - Thanks for your encouragement! Yes, no matter when you quit, the benefits are there. According to my quitting support website, the damage to your skin stops 24 hours cigarette free and your carbon monoxide levels return to normal 48-72 hours smoke free. It's amazing all the things smoking can do to you. I'm glad your uncle had such good luck, but I can't imagine cold turkey! I've tried... I turn into the biggest b*tch in the world. :laugh:

    And I totally know what you mean... Not only is it hard to stay away from the "bad for you" foods during the holidays, but with the little one; I didn't get any exercise last fall/winter with my daughter being about 6 months old then and us being in Minnesota, walking in winter isn't much of an option either. She's just now into the "don't ever put me down/hold me/carry me everywhere" phase though, so I'm planning to do DVDs when she's sleeping and still going to the gym and her going to the kids club. I know we can do this!

    Jessi - Thank you! I'm sure this won't be easy, but it's another lifestyle change! :smile:

    Welcome Erin!

    Jenn - Congrats on the better fitting panties. It's nice to feel sexy sometimes!

    Kerry - Yea, the Vikes were miserable again today. Nothing I wasn't emotionally and mentally prepared for though... :laugh: In fact, I didn't even watch today. Between the baby being sick, and me dreading any further disappointment, I just avoided the game altogether. :tongue: And doing a pull up would be awesome! I too, have never been able to do one... And I totally believe in you! Go for it and run the Chicago marathon!!!

    Pam - Thank you!! LOL! I totally have been there thinking that I can't really be doing the exercise I'm doing, but the little story you included about asking your bf gave me a chuckle. :laugh:

    Annette - Congratulations! The London Moonwalk sounds like so much fun!!! I'm sure you'll do great! And great job meeting all your goals last week! :heart:

    Amy & Lacey - So glad you guys had such a great time! Uber jealous! I was FB stalking all your adventures. :tongue: We missed you here though!

    Lacey - I'm sorry to hear about Bart. :cry: Sometimes a puppy can help, but sometimes not. I certainly hope it does for you, Jeff, and Gracie. I know I'm just not ready yet. *Hugs*

    Hosanna - Thank you!!! That's so awesome about being able to touch your toes! I have a bad back as well, does the yoga help? I know I definitely lack in the flexibility department...

    Nava - Sorry you're still craptacular! I remember my illness fun lasted like 2 or 3 weeks before I felt any bit better. I hope you get to feeling better really soon!

    All this talk about getting a treadmill vs. gym membership... I have a gym membership but I've totally been thinking about buying a treadmill or elliptical lately. It'd be so easy to watch my shows and be MOVING at the same time as opposed to just sitting on the couch. It's something I've been putting some serious thought into lately.

    Bobbi (& Jessi) - I made a "private" list also. Given my family is super religious, anything that I post automatically defaults to my privacy setting in which only my friends can see it, EXCEPT for those on my "private" list. I can change that for individual posts though, so if I'm posting something that I don't care if my grandma sees, I can change it to "everyone". Lol. I guess the changes haven't bothered me too much. I am right there with every other human on this planet that is uncomfortable with change, but the day after the change I heard this on the radio and couldn't have agreed more: "Everyone was in an uproar last time Facebook changed. Everyone got used to it. Everyone is in an uproar again and will get used to it until they change it again in 5 years."

    Hailie - I'm sorry school has been so stressful. *Hugs* I agree with Amy, it does get better. AND YOU'RE TELLING ME! UGH!! The Vikings couldn't suck more this season if they tried...

    Sarah (WnT) - So jealous of your "you" time! I hope it was an awesome time at the spa for you, you deserve it!

    Kendall - Congratulations on 60 minutes on the elliptical!!! WOOHOO! I think the most I've ever been able to do was like 40, maybe 45 once, but I don't remember. I love the new costume!! Adorable! :smile:

    *Whew!* That was a lotta catching up to do after a long weekend! Baby's sick again, so I've been dealing with that mostly and haven't had too much time to be online.

    *Hugs to all!*

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good Monday Morning Super Pals!!! I got off to a good start this morning with a mile and a half run with the puppies in the beautiful sunshine. We've really had beautiful weather the past couple of weeks in Europe. The trees are all changing colors and I know that winter is on its way but I am so happy to be able to enjoy autumn while it lasts.

    Kristina: Mark me off at 193. It's a 5 pound gain and I'm SURE that it's not all real weight gain but it hasn't budged all weekend so I'm gonna suck it up and take the gain this week and hope for a drop by the next weigh in. (I'm not changing my ticker until next week though, dammit!) I think getting up early to workout first thing is a good way to keep you on track for the day.

    Crystal: I'm so sorry the baby is sick, I hope she gets better soon!

    Megan: I'm sorry about the boyfriend. You deserve a man that has time for you though (not that it will make you feel better to tell you that). We LOVE you!!!!

    Bobbie: I'm glad you had a good weekend with your girls!

    Kendal: That costume is HOT!!!!!

    Lacey: Yay for raspberry beer!!! I think training for a 5K is a wonderful motivator, you GO girl!!

    meerkat: I agree with you about the beautiful weather!

    Annette: WTG for the willpower victory! Awesome job!!

    I have a happy thing to share with the group. As a lot of you know, my younger brother is morbidly obese and hasn't really made his health a focus of his. Well, while I was away in Paris, I noticed that he was counting the days of something on his facebook and I had no idea what it was. It turned out that his friends had staged an intervention regarding their concerns for his heath and he is now a member of Food Addicts Anonymous (which I didn't even know existed) and is following their abstinence food plan (which involves removing all trigger foods from the diet while learning how to properly nourish the body). He's planning his food and taking responsibility for what he eats and I am ridiculously proud of him. I just wanted to share. Have a great day!!!
  • qofsheba
    Monday morning weigh in: 191. Hooray. Back on track. A lost week and half...but of course before this it would have been a gain that just piled on.

    Amy: good thoughts for your brother.

    Everyone: I don't know how you keep up with each person---but I am reading it all and it is so motivating to share the good and the bad.

    Have a great week. Here it went from summer to fall almost overnight. Our heat isn't on yet so it is a bit nippy. BUT this is a year when bringing up the winter clothes is not depressing because they all fit and something I haven't worn in awhile fit. That is very motivating for me...