200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sunday check-in... No ex, only burned 2193 since I sat on the couch watching football all day and did not log cals. I will log them today.

    Amy - so happy for your brother.

    Qofsheba - closet shopping is the best.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Quick weigh in and then I'll catch up later:

    ******************************** 213.2 **********************************

    HOLY COW, I lost all of my vacation weight plus some more!!!! I should whine about the scale more often, I think that works for me. :smile: Super crazy happy on this rainy Monday morning!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    Not happy about that number, but I can't pass 2 weeks in a row just cause I don't like it. But I know I was good all last week, so it's probably (hopefully) only because I've added weight training.

    I've decided to try to save the house. I know..... I've been so wishy washy about what I want to do. But in the past week, trying to find a place that Mr. Reunion and I like, can afford, has everything we need and takes big dogs, yeah....it's just not happening. And I know it's only a week or so of looking, but why look if I can save the house and my credit? If nothing else, this thing can push back my foreclosure till after the new year while they do the paperwork to see if they will give it to me (right now my court date is in November and I have to be out by December 6th).

    Amy- I'm so freaking happy for your brother!!!! That is amazingly fantastic news!!! It's great that he has friends and family around him to perform the intervention cause they can help motivate ans support him throughout the learning process.

    Victoria- LOG YOUR FOOD, LADY!!!!

    Pam- YAY for the weight loss!!

    QofSheba- YAY for closet shopping!! I'm hoping to make this winter better than last. (not saying last winter was bad, I just want to improve)

    Crystal- It's so great that the Chantix is working for you! That makes me smile!

    Megan- Sorry for the man problems. We're here for you girlie.

    Bobbie- Sounds like you had a great weekend, even if it did leave you exhausted. :smile:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: I'm bummed about your scale being a butt-head. You've been doing the right things, it will have to start being nice to you soon! I think that if saving the house is a possibility, you should go for it.

    Pam: YAY for red wine!!! Congrats on losing the vacation weight (I'm hoping to be right behind you on that one).

    Victoria: I'm back to logging the cals today too.

    Sheba: I'm right with Victoria on the "yay for closet shopping" thing. Unfortunately, I got rid of my skinny clothes a long time ago so I am down to "real" shopping when I drop sizes. (I'm not complaining though)

    I did my first day of the P90X/Running Hybrid program today and I am planning to be pretty danged sore tomorrow. I did chest & back (pushups and pullups mostly) and it was TOUGH! My muscles were all shaky and it felt really good to get through it. And then came the Ab Raper - that just sucked. A lot. But I needed it.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member

    Couldn't remember if I weighed in or not.

    News on the deployment: He isnt broken so he is going in the next few weeks. I know I can handle it, I'm just worried about our son. HE is already acting out about it. We will deal with it and it will all work out in the end. I know it will.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Wow, need to catch up on posts...

    Barely down this week from last... 230.6
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nava: Hiya!

    Rikki: I'm so sorry about the deployment. That's tough and really crappy that you had no notice about it. The Hubbs hasn't been deployed yet this year but he's at the top of the list for next year's deployment matrix. He's gone TDY a LOT in the past year and a half though and every single time he's gone for longer than a week (he's had a few 1 week, a 3 monther and a month and a half one this past year) The Kid goes bananas. He cries for no reason, he gets angry, he acts out - it sucks. I feel for you.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Well, to update on how the first weekend of NO SWEETS went, I did well. I had a craving for a sweet on Saturday but resisted and ate a Sugar Free Popsicle. I am allowing those because they are not a "sweet" like I had stated of cake, cookies, candy, ice cream, etc. Yesterday, I didn't even crave them at all even with my friend eating her birthday ice cream right next to me at the restaurant.

    Today, I'm off work and taking hubby to the orthopedic specialist about his foot. He is going to the same specialist that I did and we will be away from home. I am hoping to use up my last of my Starbucks Gift Card while we are out but I'm not so sure I want to use it yet.

    Here's to a great first week of NO SWEETS especially as TOM draws near to rear her UGLY head!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Morning girls!

    Not a lot of time but just wanted to say hello! And update a bit on me.

    Yesterday morning I ran 9 miles in exactly 90 minutes, which I feel pretty great about. This week and next week I'm tapering and then I'll run 13.1 either Saturday or Sunday of next week. After that, I think I'm going to alter my hybrid schedule again to start to prep for colder weather. I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to try to run outside through the winter (I realy want to try, but I really don't want to break my ankle either) or if I'm going to recommit to P90X and then P90X2. OBVS I'll be doing P90X@ full throttle when it comes out, but I've still got from mid October through New Years to account for.

    On Friday I did Ab Raper without putting the DVD in. Yup, I have it memorized. It was kind of awesome too, because I didn't have to wait for Tony to set up moves, and if I wanted to do a couple extra of anything I could. I think it took me 11 minutes instead of 16, which was awesome. I am starting to get really annoyed with my belly pooch, which I believe to be a perfect hybrid of loose skin and excess flab/bloat at all times. I'm happy with it when I stand up, but I HATE bending over. It makes me think the (ever-so-lofty) goal of wearing a bikini at some point just ain't gonna happen.

    Ok, this is all rambling and I'm sorry I'm not responding individually to everyone. Kendal, I am internet-punching your scale for you. Amy, you are gonna shake off the 5 pounds so freakin' fast girl, so don't stress it. Everyone else - HI!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Okay! Caught up a bit.

    First off, thanks to everyone who wished me well! I'm still not 100% but feeling better today. Now I don't know if I have cold or allergies or a combo of the two. I think it may be the combo. Friday I was feeling crappy again, but that doesn't compare to Saturday. Ohhhhhhh, Saturday. Joe and I woke up and had breakfast then drove out to my friends' house (the one who hit his head) because he was having a Star Wars on blu-ray viewing day. As soon as we got there, my allergy pill did a number on me and I just passed out in a chair. AND it did nothing for my actual allergies. So I was an even snottier mess who couldn't stay awake. Then Joe and I had to leave there to go to another friend's house who invited their wedding party over to celebrate their 1 year anniversary together and partake of the year old frozen cake. I slept on the way home in the car, got home, Joe walked the dog, I slept through that... We got back home at about 9:30pm. I slept till noon Sunday and woke up having an asthma attack which I haven't had for about 3 years so I was frantically searching for my inhaler... the rescue inhaler was pretty much empty, so I had to find my steroid inhaler as backup and luckily it had about 10 puffs left (there's a meter on top) so that saved my *kitten*. Ugh. So... slow path to recovery, but it's happening.

    Sarah(wnt), garlic and red onion soup actually sounds really good. I'll need to consider that next time I'm sick. And congrats on the 13.7 miles! That's awesome! The most I've ever done in one session is about 3... but I'm so NOT a runner.

    Lacey, I will be so jealous of your french bulldog. They're SO CUTE! Especially when they're puppies. Love the name too.

    Megan, I'm SO sorry to hear about your bf. What a lame-*kitten*. I hope things get better for you.

    Kendal, that batgirl costume is super dee duper cute.

    Amy, Hi!! Omg that's great news about your brother! You must be seriously proud and relieved that he's doing something. I sometimes seriously wonder if there's a support group for people who are addicted to eating out because that's totally me. It hinders my weightloss AND my wallet. Joe tells me all the time that I have a problem. And he's totally right.

    I think I've finally figured out what I want to be for Halloween. I found this totally adorable Tardis apron on etsy: http://www.etsy.com/listing/82559220/tardis-apron-adult-large-handmade-free
    So I thought I'd get that and get like a oversized blue t-shirt and some black leggins to wear under it, and go buy a matching blue wig and make a hat to look like the light at the top out of a plastic cup. Maybe cover it in gold glitter or something. I'll be the nerdiest girl in the world for Halloween. Now if only I could convince Joe to dress up as the Doctor...
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    I've been sitting here for the last half hour studying the firehouse subs menu and how to tweak the sammies for lunch. This is what happens when I don't go to the store and plan ahead.

    I think I've got it figured out. The Engineer sammie (turkey, mushrooms and swiss) no mayo... 480 cals. It would be 380 without the cheese, but I really want that cheese.
  • Sarah - Haha I even bought antibacterial soap for work because the stuff we have isn't. Everyone uses mine instead. Actually, I forgot my Dial Halloween mummy soap at home! :( I'll rescue it at lunch.

    Hosanna - I'm glad she took it pretty well. :) And your hole-digging puppies sound adorable.

    Rain - My boss thinks that I have the answer to/ability to do anything, which is flattering but irritating as hell. Right now I'm working on redesigning our website during a sales webinar. Yay for multitasking.

    Lacey - French bulldogs are SOOO cute! And excellent name choice. :D Sorry about Bart, though. :/

    Victoria - It must be something in the air. Nerd has been on this super-cleaning spree the last few days, but I'm really not complaining. I do have probably 8 loads of laundry to fold, because he didn't know I was donating a bunch of stuff, thought it was a bunch of dirty clothes, and started washing it all. Oh well... at least he was productive!

    Apryl - Nice job!

    Kendal - My zombie stuff won't be here in time, so my costume is undecided for the year now. I say change if it makes you more comfortable - the Bat Girl costume is awesome!

    Amy - That's awesome what your brother is doing! :) I hope it goes well for him!

    I forgot to weigh myself this morning, so we'll see how it goes this afternoon. I'm so jealous; Nerd has lost almost 25 pounds in the last month! We actually have to go buy him jeans this weekend because his aren't staying up at all anymore. Gah, males.

    I'm sitting in a sales seminar. I'm bored, and I'm supposed to be redesigning our website but idk... I'm still just not into it. Our site sucks, but I feel like stomping my feet and shouting, "I don't wanna! You can't make me!"
  • will be back to read later.


  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I' too busy to read and post. I forgot to weigh myself this morning, so I am going to PASS this week. Last Friday morning showed me down in the morning and then up in the afternoon at the doctors...

    Kednal that outfit is super cute.

    For the runners: athleta.com has a TON of super super cute winter running gear out right now. I'm drooling over the mag as we speak.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - now I'm drooling too. I like that site.

    Rikki - glad your DH isn't broken but it sucks that he has to go.

    Nava - feel better quickly...

    Kendal - I heart the new costume!!! Have fun dressing up. You can wear the Ref shirt around the house for Mr Reunion. I'm sure he won't mind if it's too tight... Good luck saving your house.

    Amy - I did the back/biceps workout today - I hate pullups!!! I have to use 2 feet and my arms still shake.

    Kerry - I too dream of bikinis but not in public... Good luck getting the belly pooch to go down.

    Jessie - I'd rather play on MFP than work too.

    Megan - do you still have the other guys number? You deserve someone who wants to be with you.

    To everyone else - my thoughts are with you but I'm out of time. Tonight will be busy as my bookclub is going to see "The Help"...
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Checking in for weight: ***************************180.0***************************************

    COME ON!!!! I WANTED a 170s number. I even tried to pee more or have a BM or something to make it go down .1...but no. Not budging. :ohwell:

    Life here is a little crazy still, and I don't have time now to reply, though I have read every line. I just love doing these challenges with you girls...I feel blessed to have found you.

    Til later...
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: Enjoy The Help - I've heard good things.

    Lacey: I love Athleta.com. Is you BMF app on your iphone working? Mine won't let me log in. I can still sync with my computer but that's a major PIA to do just to check where my calorie burn is for the day.

    Katheryne: Hiya!

    Jessi: It annoys me to no end how easily guys lose weight. Grr.

    Nava: I LOVE Doctor Who. Great costume idea.

    The muscle aches are setting in. It's gonna suck tomorrow. So it's looking like The Hubbs will be going on a 3 week assignment during my birthday. He's gonna miss my birthday for the second year in a row. Boo.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy I've never been able to get my bmf to sync with my phone. That sucks about the hubs being gone on your birthday. BOO.
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    *************************Weigh in 214.4***************************

    Aloha ladies! I have been ridiculously busy this week and don't have a chance to catch up right now but wanted to post my weigh in. I think my digital scale has officially lost it because over the last two mornings I've gotten on and off at least 50 times and it won't give me a consistent number. Every time I stepped on, it would give me a number from 210 to 216, and every weight in between. I was super excited about the 211s and 212s (I was getting a LOT of 212s) but since I can't be sure they're real I can't use them :( I am pretty sure I lost this week, but I doubt I lost that much since I was bad about logging. So I'm going to go with 214.4 (I got it a few times), and this week it's probably the most accurate. I'm going to get a new scale within the next two weeks so if I DO end up showing a real loss, it's probably from this past week too. Okay I will try to catch up tomorrow with you all - have a happy Monday!