October Challenge – Leslie Sansone Walking Team (SWAT)



  • mjativa
    mjativa Posts: 46 Member
    i would love to join in if that's ok? I love Leslie Sansone's DVD's and would like to set a goal for 45 miles for the month of October. :D
  • mjativa
    mjativa Posts: 46 Member
    Okay did Leslie's 5 Mile Advanced DVD. Never did 5 miles before but it felt great to accomplish the whole DVD!

    If anyone would like to add me please do so! I'm glad I found a group that likes the same workout routine as me. :happy:
    Goal: 45 miles
    Miles Walked: 5
    Miles To Go: 40
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hey MJ, I did the same workout tonight. The 5-mile advanced. Way to go!

    Way to resist temptation AZ, you did better than me today. The evil cookie lady (I jokingly call her that, she's really very nice) brought Cracker Barrel biscuits to work this morning. Now she's branching out from the cookies. :sad: I haven't logged my food today but it's probably not going to be great.

    Luney, it's good to see you! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Dex, it's never too late to join us.

    I did another 5 miler tonight because I know I'll be taking tomorrow off. My husband has been out of town for over 2 weeks and he comes home tomorrow! YAY!
  • ok, I started this month poorly, and only worked around the house and yard all weekend, and had Pizza for dinner last night:sick: ( my favorite meal). This evening was perfict, So I went out with the attenion of doing 2 miles, but I felt so good I ended up power walking 4 miles. Tomorrow I plan on doing 4 again,,,,
    when I dont have time to get out, Leslies' 5-mile is also one of my favorite DVDs I try to do it atleast once a week. or her Fast 3 mile one when I dont have as much time.
  • SUSANB37
    SUSANB37 Posts: 61 Member
    I didn't exercise much over the weekend but I did 5 miles with Leslie last night. Man, it felt good! Have a great day!!!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Look at you girls go! I am still poking along at two miles a day but feeling better. Walk the walk!:drinker:
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    i did 2 miles walk away pounds today. it lasted for 30 mins. good workout
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    any ideas how much calories are burned in this walk away pounds workout
  • mjativa
    mjativa Posts: 46 Member
    I usually put in "walking 4.0 mph" as my cardio. 1 mile usually takes 15 minutes on her DVD's. Hope that helps!
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Ok guys here is my intro and query

    Im not new to MFP and but I was not working out for many months, i started working out almost a week ago. T motivate myself I started out a 90 day chalenge with my self and just for incentive a stated my blog too. I started with yoga and pilates and as JM killer legs and thighs and some other intensive lower body workouts(kathy smith, tony horton, tamille webb, debie, brazillian butt lift- yes i have all these dvds- and lower body coz im bottom heavy :) were on my agenda, last wed i did fitness test and i did test from p90x and results were not tht great but till day Im sore i skipped some days to give my body rest I tried to some stretching but still.

    then as i was not upto my challenge i thot its better to walk then doing nothing so last night i did 1 mile and today 2 miles thinking of doing 3 miles tommorow

    so guys if u have done this b4 im seeking for ur review, is it comaparable to my previous agenda which i dont think i can follow rite now? did anbody lost inches from hips n thighs
  • tn37302
    tn37302 Posts: 4 Member
  • Hello all, my name is Star and I don't have walking goals, but do set weight loss and fitness goals. My goal for October is 6Lbs and for fitness I want to be able to log a minimum of 35mins/day. Monday, Wed, and Fri I do strength training - all other days are reserved for cardio. Depending on work/home life, I take a rest day without guilt during the week. My obstacle seems to be fitting in that time though. I have started out great for the month, so here is hoping that this is my month! ~for the walkers though, I do go walking on the weekend... usually 2-3 miles~ For the poster who asked about inches - walking is a tremendous all over exercise... then to do the dvds that these folks are also doing, work even more specific muscle groups... no way to go without seeing results ;) Have a fabulous day all!
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Got 3 miles in today. It's a start and I'm happy to be back on track. Have a great day everyone!
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    I did 3 miles today but i didnot sweat like yesterday when i did 2 miles only. ok lets see if ill be able to do 4 tommorow
  • tn37302
    tn37302 Posts: 4 Member
    2.75 miles this morning with my daughters dog Sam. He is a 4 lb Maltese. He was very enthusiastic so kept my pace up.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Just 2 miles for me tonight. I did the first 2 miles on the WATP 5 day slim down workout. I'd forgotten how good those miles are.

    It's seven pm and I haven't even started dinner yet. Grilled chicken coming up!

  • Hi everyone!

    I'm glad to see that everyone is keeping up on their exercise. Great job! My goal this month is walk at least 3 miles a day and drink more water, but I haven't really done much walking since Sunday. Just wandering if anyone has bought and done the two new Leslie's DVD that were released on 10/4? If so, what do you think of the new videos?

    Take care!

  • mjativa
    mjativa Posts: 46 Member
    Did 3 miles of Walk Your Belly Flat.
    Man those quadruple knee lifts killed!!!! :sick:
  • Did the LS fast 3 miles today, and wanted to make it interesting so I added 2lb weights while I did it.... what a challange it turned out to be, but I make the whole 3 miles with the weights.:bigsmile: . I'll have to do it more often, when I'm really looking for a challange.. then after dinner I strolled down the street and back.. another mile. It was a perfict night to be out. I love this time of year, when everything is changing.:heart::heart: :heart:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Did my two miles today. Feels good. Canned tomatoes, plums and pickled beets. Lots of lifting.