For those that don't eat meat, explain your reasoning



  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    when I was a sophomore in high school, I decided to stop eating meat because I liked animals, and I believed there were so many health benefits that could happen if I stopped eating meat.

    Well! Almost immedately after that decision, I started PACKING on the pounds. I gained 35 pounds in 15 months of not eating meat for "health" reasons... I didn't grow an inch, and I was fully developed.

    For the life of me, I could not understand why I kept having to buy new pants! I went from a size 3 to a size 9 in a little over a year...

    I think it can be good to limit your meat intake, but it's perfectly healthy to eat meat.

    I was "confused". I thought meat made you fat, so I replaced meat with fries or ice cream.

    I am a proud meat eater, and I am now back down to the size I was before I became a veggie :D ! I feel better than ever!
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    when I was a sophomore in high school, I decided to stop eating meat because I liked animals, and I believed there were so many health benefits that could happen if I stopped eating meat.

    Well! Almost immedately after that decision, I started PACKING on the pounds. I gained 35 pounds in 15 months of not eating meat for "health" reasons... I didn't grow an inch, and I was fully developed.

    For the life of me, I could not understand why I kept having to buy new pants! I went from a size 3 to a size 9 in a little over a year...

    I think it can be good to limit your meat intake, but it's perfectly healthy to eat meat.

    I was "confused". I thought meat made you fat, so I replaced meat with fries or ice cream.

    I am a proud meat eater, and I am now back down to the size I was before I became a veggie :D ! I feel better than ever!
  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    Hahahaha mineral should read...miracle
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    Eating meat that comes from responsable providers and eating less of it, I think thats part of the key to stay healty and not encourage the industry who abuses
  • rae347
    rae347 Posts: 10
    i have certain website i go to for products i cant find at clothing stores, such as shoes and jackets. they are the same amount, if not cheaper, i dont like buying expensive shoes, haha, im not a shoe person, so personally every pair of shoes is too expensive, dont like spending more than 30 dollars, im cheap:)

    Do you mind sharing the website-- I am a vegetarian at least and I want to move in a more whole-vegan direction, I would love to start being more conscious when buying clothes and other products! Thanks!
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Question for some of you:

    If you're against eating meat because of how the animals are treated, would you consider hunting? Would you eat meat that a hunter shot? What about farms, individuals who slaughter animals quickly and after treating them well?

    Very good question man.

    The human race was built for hunting and eating meat, so I'm wondering if the vegans here, if given the opportunity to hunt...would you eat your own kills?

    Also speaking hypothetically, if there was only meat left in the world and it was a matter of eating or starvation...what would you do?

    (lets remain civil in the conversation)

    I'm really curious.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I do eat some meat, though no more than a meal per week. I expect I'll be completely vegetarian again at some point, though living with avowed carnivores, it can be tough. My 6 year old daughter has been a vegetarian for several years, by choice. She just doesn't care for it.

    The cancer aspect is a new concern for me. My father was recently diagnosed with late stage colon cancer. That particular cancer is one that is dictated significantly by diet. So much of his diet was red meat and junk food, though he isn't terribly overweight. But he will die from this, sooner or later, and what he ate has a lot to do with it.

    I do have a moral issue with factory farming as well. When I do buy/eat meat, I buy local and organic, free range and grass fed, whenever possible.
  • anjukins
    anjukins Posts: 103 Member
    Re: leather-- I think in a lot of cases, synthetic material is more detrimental to the environment than leather material. But I never forget that it's from a creature, one that's dead-- leather (from ethical companies, anyway) isn't a primary industry, it's secondary. The leather industry doesn't cause mass environmental destruction or mass cow massacres. They just take advantage of the refuse of another, more insidious industry. That having been said, i totally respect people that avoid leather on principle. It's not much different than fur (it's... skin with the fur taken off, instead of left on? What's the diff?) but people tend to forget what it actually is.
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member

    This is actually a great overview of the health risks associated with meat consumption....all of the studies cited are dutifully referenced. One of the courses I took in school was Nutritional was very interesting, to say the least.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    Question for some of you:

    If you're against eating meat because of how the animals are treated, would you consider hunting? Would you eat meat that a hunter shot? What about farms, individuals who slaughter animals quickly and after treating them well?

    Yes. On thanksgiving one year, I ate a turkey who was chillin' around in the woods for most of the time on a local farm, was humanely killed and wasn't pumped full of steroids. I don't seek out these things because it's a lot easier to just not eat meat then to worry about if something was treated well or not. Plus - I think it's easier to stick to it if I'm not tempted everywhere I go. If I had beef now, I'm sure it would make me kind of sick.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I rarely eat red meat.. reasoning is because my mom died from breast cancer when I was 18, and there has been studies where red meat could possibly be linked because of the hormones farmers are giving their cows, etc. It was a very, very aggressive cancer and she was really young and so with that strong family history and some other factors - I have like a 70% risk.. So I just want to do EVERYTHING in my control that I can to prevent myself from getting sick so young like my mom. By exercising, not smoking or drinking, etc!

    I do eat chicken and turkey. Sometimes Ham. but I am slowly working on cutting those down because I am bored and need a challenge,LOL..
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    Re: leather-- I think in a lot of cases, synthetic material is more detrimental to the environment than leather material. But I never forget that it's from a creature, one that's dead-- leather (from ethical companies, anyway) isn't a primary industry, it's secondary. The leather industry doesn't cause mass environmental destruction or mass cow massacres. They just take advantage of the refuse of another, more insidious industry. That having been said, i totally respect people that avoid leather on principle. It's not much different than fur (it's... skin with the fur taken off, instead of left on? What's the diff?) but people tend to forget what it actually is.

    I feel like I'm stalking everyone here, but I just love what everyone is saying.

    It's kind of like buying the new light bulbs. They are way more efficient, but pumped full of mercury, which isn't good on the environment. It's like we can't win, can we?
  • jvmay1703
    jvmay1703 Posts: 42 Member
    I want to be a person that wants to stop eating meat. What do you eat for lunch/dinner? It seems so hard! I don't think I could eat a salad every meal. Seems real hard in this world to not eat meat. I guess you have to train your mind as to what you can have??
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I think it can be good to limit your meat intake, but it's perfectly healthy to eat meat.

    I was "confused". I thought meat made you fat, so I replaced meat with fries or ice cream.

    I am a proud meat eater, and I am now back down to the size I was before I became a veggie :D ! I feel better than ever!

    Oh, i gained a ton of weight when I went veggie, but that's because I wasn't making smart choices. I was ravaging the pizza, 5 cheese pastas, and whatever else I could get my little veggie hands on. I lost 40 pounds while being a vegetarian though - but like anything else, you just have to watch what you eat.
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    I abstain from eating meat (most of the time) because when I sit down and think about what I'm putting in my mouth, it disgusts me. I'm eating something that used to be alive. But now it's dead because people like me want to eat it.

    I eat eggs because they are delicious and they weren't cute little chickens yet.

    I feel better and have less stomach issues when I don't eat meat. I also genuinely believe that a lot of our nation's medical issues are due to us thinking that we have to have meat at every single meal, and eating way too much of it.

    My husband and I like to joke that I was born to be a vegetarian because I don't have my two (I think you're only supposed to have 2?) incisor teeth.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    jv, theres so many things that i eat, and i am not a big fan of salad, haha, but i have sandwiches, cereal, pancakes, french toast, snack replacement for just about anything, theres many things also, obviously like potatoes and veggies, but i had the best mac n cheese and toasted spinach ravioli the other night. theres also pie, cheesecake, cup cakes, and cake period, and im getting my soon to be 3 year old a bday cake personally made from a vegan bake shop.
  • anjukins
    anjukins Posts: 103 Member
    I definitely don't' eat salad every meal! You know, lots of veggies on mfp have open diaries (like me)-- and our diets are so varied! You should look around. We eat EVERYTHING. except meat. haha
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    also, ive had some people ask me, why are you on here, vegan can be overweight as well. chips and soda are vegan things:)
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    also, ive had some people ask me, why are you on here, vegan can be overweight as well. chips and soda are vegan things:)

    SO TRUE!

    OMG I thought I was nuts!! haha I gained 35 pounds from going veggie! :o haha I don't feel dumb anymore!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    For those of you who are vegan - any a raw foodist?