Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    So, I forced myself to give it a go again this morning with our challenge, although I really did not want to, lol. And, yet again I beat my time, I came in at 13:21, yay!
  • Stampinda
    Weird emotional reaction, Batman!

    I have been thinking about this week's challenge... I know I can do a mile...I have built up my strength and stamina over the past couple of months by starting my c25k and I have repeated weeks 1 & 2 a few times each just to get started. I admit to being absolutely intimidated by week 3. I weigh a lot ! How the hell can I run for 2 whole minutes??!! I already felt challenged running 1 min.. 1 1/2 min.. How can I possibly do 2 min let alone multiple 2 min??!!

    Well, tonite I got on the treadmill and I decided that I wanted to see what I could do. I managed to do 2 whole minutes!! I walked 2 minutes and then I did another 2 whole minutes! Holy cr*p! I managed to do this for 20 minutes and completed my mile. Yes, my calves burned and it got hard by the end when I was yelling ay myself to move my *ss... Just 45 more seconds... Just 15 more seconds.... When I was done, I continued walking for my hour total. During my walk, I started to cry. It is unfathomable that 90 days ago when I started this change that I would be running at all let alone for 2 whole minutes (in multiples!!).

    I am inspired by you all and grateful for this group's positivity and for the challenges that make me push myself to do things I didn't think I could. And yes, one day soon I will try a burpee.

    I know EXACTLY where you are. I've been building up my jogging a little at a time because when I started, I couldn't jog at all. Little by little though and I can finally see where my endurance is growing! Yesterday I jogged 5 minutes, walked 2 and jogged another 5-1/2 to finish out my mile. It felt so amazing!! Keep at it, one day at a time.....we'll get there!! :):):)
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 298 Member
    Wow! Everyone is doing to awesome!! Really motivating :D

    I ran a mile today on my treadmill in 10:54 which is pretty good for me :)
  • fosterr8
    Weird emotional reaction, Batman!

    I have been thinking about this week's challenge... I know I can do a mile...I have built up my strength and stamina over the past couple of months by starting my c25k and I have repeated weeks 1 & 2 a few times each just to get started. I admit to being absolutely intimidated by week 3. I weigh a lot ! How the hell can I run for 2 whole minutes??!! I already felt challenged running 1 min.. 1 1/2 min.. How can I possibly do 2 min let alone multiple 2 min??!!

    Well, tonite I got on the treadmill and I decided that I wanted to see what I could do. I managed to do 2 whole minutes!! I walked 2 minutes and then I did another 2 whole minutes! Holy cr*p! I managed to do this for 20 minutes and completed my mile. Yes, my calves burned and it got hard by the end when I was yelling ay myself to move my *ss... Just 45 more seconds... Just 15 more seconds.... When I was done, I continued walking for my hour total. During my walk, I started to cry. It is unfathomable that 90 days ago when I started this change that I would be running at all let alone for 2 whole minutes (in multiples!!).

    I am inspired by you all and grateful for this group's positivity and for the challenges that make me push myself to do things I didn't think I could. And yes, one day soon I will try a burpee.

    Thats amazing! You should be so proud of yourself! :)
  • fosterr8
    Okay so this morning I went to the gym and ran 1 mile in 9:17. I was having a hard time breathing by the end but I am very proud that I completed it. I am going to try again on Friday.

    I also weighed myself this morning and I was 129 lbs!!! I haven't been in the 120s since grade 10 probably (5 years ago). 4 more lbs away form my goal weight!

    Good job to everyone for being so motivated!
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    Just did these two in the library instead of studying haha, let me know what you think! I did them super quick. ALSO, let me know if I missed anyone or spelled any names wrong!

    1.) skinnydippers.jpg

    2.) skinnydippers2-1.jpg

    I hope this works, btw haha
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    I cannot believe how great you all are doing!! Congrats to all :)

    My week has been BEYOND hectic and stress has been keeping this weight on me like whoa. I'm guessing that's what it is. I hope.. I was 159.8 this morning, and I was 157 only a few days ago. I'm working my *kitten* off (literally) and running everyday. I did 4 miles in 45 or so minutes today, and I can so tell my endurance is getting so much better. I'm running around 8 mins straight starting out, taking about a 2-3 min walk break, then running 5 mins at a time with little breaks in between. I'm proud of myself because when I first started this I couldn't even run a minute straight.

    Keep it up ladies!
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I am so impressed with everyone in here! You ladies are great! What a motivation- I love hearing your updates, keep them coming!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    I cannot believe how great you all are doing!! Congrats to all :)

    My week has been BEYOND hectic and stress has been keeping this weight on me like whoa. I'm guessing that's what it is. I hope.. I was 159.8 this morning, and I was 157 only a few days ago. I'm working my *kitten* off (literally) and running everyday. I did 4 miles in 45 or so minutes today, and I can so tell my endurance is getting so much better. I'm running around 8 mins straight starting out, taking about a 2-3 min walk break, then running 5 mins at a time with little breaks in between. I'm proud of myself because when I first started this I couldn't even run a minute straight.

    Keep it up ladies!

    GREAT work with the running! I love reading about other people building up their endurance and running further and further and loving it. It's such an awesome workout, and you should be proud of yourself. Keep it up!!
  • miracleminded1
    Just checking in. I have been under the weather this week. I'm hoping to feel better soon!! I'm not doing any working out until this thing resolves itself because it's mainly a stomach issue...just can't see me running or jumping around at Jazzercise class when I'm feeling sick to my stomach.

    I haven't felt sick from my breakfast yet, so that's a good sign!!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    3 miles in 30 min
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Okay so this morning I went to the gym and ran 1 mile in 9:17. I was having a hard time breathing by the end but I am very proud that I completed it. I am going to try again on Friday.

    I also weighed myself this morning and I was 129 lbs!!! I haven't been in the 120s since grade 10 probably (5 years ago). 4 more lbs away form my goal weight!

    Good job to everyone for being so motivated!
    Great job!! You are so close to your goal!!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Hi all!

    Just finished my run and it was great!! I got new shoes today because we got our Permanent Fund Dividends (for those of you that don't know, us Alaskans get paid to live here! Well, that's the short version. Google it if you need a better explanation.. :tongue: )! Anyways, they are super comfy and made my legs feel sooo much better after. I've been running about 4 miles every day and it usually takes me about 50 mins, it just depends on my route, and if I decide to take scenery stops (Google Tony Knowles Coastal Trail in Anchorage. SO PRETTY!). I'm getting way better endurance and I usually run for 10 mins, take a 2 min break, then run in increments of 5 with 2 mins in between. Annnyyways. Even if I don't respond to everyone's posts, I am reading them! I just don't have tons of time on here.

    Keep up all your amazing work!!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Just checking in... I have not done the mile challenge yet! But my personal best is around 12 minutes, so TOMORROW I will get my butt out there to beat it! Hold me to it!
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member

    I like it! Great work!
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    or this one (writing is a bit darker-might be easier to see):

  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Even better.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Looks good Maxie! Thanks for taking the time to do that! :)
    But after seeing all those names, it doesn't seem like everyone has been posting!

  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I like the darker text!! Thanks!

    I finally broke my 145lb sticky spot!! I am so excited! I honestly started to think I wasn't going to loss any more!! Official weigh in isn't till Monday but 138lb today!