Have you seen these people?



  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    The Stuck-in-the-80s-guy: You know that older guy who obviously used to be buff but now has a beer gut on top of all those slightly sagging muscles. Likes to wear very small shiny shorts; don't look too close or you'll see more than you ever wanted to see...
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    No one has mentioned the dirty old men. They like to cruise through the treadmills and stop to chat up all the young girls. Thank god I got too old for them.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Ha! Im guilty of a few of these! The singer.... yeah. I do that. I get really into it sometimes. Dont know if it was mentioned but I dance sometimes too. I get pumped and there I go. I do get weird looks but whatevs. Im having fun. :bigsmile:

    The cell phone talkers - if you can carry on a conversation and you arent drenching your phone in sweat - you arent working hard enough. And generally... they are on the machine I want to use next causing me to be The Lurker. MOVE!

    The Social Butterfly - she always gets on the machine next to you and starts talking. Do you not see me sweating my toosh off and the earbuds in my ears?! Ill smiled and motion that I cant hear her and she will motion for me to take them off. Um... NO! So she moves on to another completely different machine and assaults the next person.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I'm the singer(or rapper lol) and quite frankly I don't care who hears me.

    I'm in a whole 'nother zone at the gym.
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    A few years ago I went to a gym in philly and we had a guy we dubbed "Rockstar" - he showed up to lift weights in jeans and affliction or ed hardy tee shirts. Every day. I'm a very laid back girl but wanted to beat him every time I saw him. He was also prone to air guitar performances- at no additional charge.

    And then there is the one we dubbed "Cake" she was the ultra thin girl who never broke a sweat- perhaps this was for the best bc it looked like she hadn't eaten since puberty. I always hoped she would get a piece of cake in her..

    The Sweater - you know this one- they never wipe off the machine and manage to produce more sweat than a healthy human being should.

    Roid Rager- he is always training for his next show- usually orange in complexion and arms that crush conventional wisdom

  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    If i am running it looks like i am talking to myself on the treadmill singing along with a song, then sometimes my stride matches the beat, little more hop or swag in my stride LOL
  • curiousmissclay
    For me its the Dont care guy/girl they sweat all over machines leaves water cups lying around,leave weights on the floor for someone to fall over and then just go. lol

    Also at the minute there is one particular lady that brings her handbag and jacket into the gym and leaves in to the side while she works out now i know that might sound silly to get annoyed by that but everyone else manages to take there stuff and leave them in lockers why cant she grr.
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    The competitor: The person who gets on the treadmill right next to you, and thinks he/she is being covert in checking out your speed and incline (while in reality, it's totally obvious that they're looking over at your screen), and just HAS to increase THEIR speed/incline to just slightly higher than yours, and acts like you're in a race, all while pretending not to notice you...

  • SweetStrawberry
    Old school meat head- Steel toe boots with the leather weight belts and white tank top! LOL Classic!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    So I have notice different types of people when I go to the gym. I have been a member at several gyms over the past couple years and it seems like there are the same types of people at EVERY gym. Now - im not making fun of these people as i have been guilty of some of this stuff too- just observations.

    The Fighter- If there is a heavy bag in the gym he is always on it or around it. This guy shadow boxes on the treadmill. Also known to break out a random uppercut in between sets.

    The Model (female)- always ends up "stretching" her glutes in front of a row of guys. known to flip hair over shoulder.

    The Model (male)- makes sure he works out in front of the mirror- constantly. ocassionally throws a pose when he thinks no one is looking.

    The Loud One- usually a male. When lifting weights will make noises that would usually be heard in the wild. The sounds are way way louder than is necessary.

    Mr. Spandex- insists on wearing spandex to the gym. everday. spandex.

    Please expand upon my list or if you have noticed one of these people at your gym or maybe you are one of these people

    EXACTLY the reason why I liberated myself form the misery and oppression of a ''gym'' and those idiots whom you describe that populate them.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    The Avoider - aka, me.

    The person who would rather chew their own arm off, Saw style, than go to the gym.
    Is happy at home bopping around the living room.

  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    It's been a long time since I used a gym, but there is usually also...

    MR ORANGE... the one whose spray-tan is just a wee bit too much like the Tango Man, but will insist on checking out their orange abs in the mirror at every possible occasion.