lose 5 Pounds A Month October 2011 Challenge



  • lisafrancis629
    Hey everyone,

    After 3 months off the program and off MFP, I'm back. I fell "off the wagon" in July and couldn't drag myself back up until a couple weeks ago. I did this challenge every month for several months in the past, with success, so I'm back in this month. It's great to see so many new people as well as the one's that have been around for a while. Good luck!

    10/4 - 197.0 SW
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Just because I think you should know, one walk WILL do you good. A lot more good than NO walk will do you!
    Also... hot room=sweat=weight loss & cold outside=body trying to heat you up=weight loss!
    Just saying cuz I love you! :wink:

    Walking does a ton of good! An hour at 4 mph, a very brisk pace burns 521 calories. Tell me that ain't awesome! I alternate between that and a half hour of jumprope. I've heard longer, sustained cardio and short, intense cardio both have different benefits. :)

    Really? that many? mfp says I only burn 160 at 40 minutes

    Calories burned does have to do with your weight, so it may not be that many for you but still. Any form of exercise is better than no exercise. I started by taking the stairs more and parking farther from the places I was going. It all adds up.
    I'm not trying to pick on you AT ALL. I just know that with your schedule, kids, life, school, ect you should give yourself the time to walk even in less than ideal weather, cuz who knows when you will get the option of doing something steady. Try having a dance party maybe... I crank up the tunes and dance around with with my kids while I wait for the water to boil while making dinner and stuff and even if it is only 5 minutes at least I'm moving. :flowerforyou: Hugs honey, you can do it!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I'm in! Have a 5K to run on Oct. 22!

    Is it "Out for Blood" in Oakland???? I'm doing the Red Cross race Oct. 22 also. That would be awesome if it was the same race.
  • sleepy184
    sleepy184 Posts: 109 Member
    Five pounds this month would be great as I only need to loose another 7lbs to get to my target weight.

  • Ssocrrbabe
    I need a challenge to get me going and break this plateau somehow!! I would love to join this challenge and get motivated by like minded people. Plus Halloween (and Halloween candy ugg!) is right around the corner, need something to help me out! Thanks!
    CW as of today 04OCT11: 140.5 lbs
    End of October goal: 135.5 lbs
    Goal weoght : 130 lbs
  • rebeccaME207
    rebeccaME207 Posts: 90 Member
    im w ya ill be where i want to be in 4 months!! lets do it MFP palz!!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Speaking of Halloween, I am already trying to convince myself that I can make it through Halloween without eating any treats. A tall tale perhaps, but I know that Halloween is typically the start of my holiday downward spiral. That first bite always leads to another and another... I've decided not to buy our Halloween treats until very close to Halloween day, so they are not around the house tempting me. Any other suggestions on getting through Halloween unscathed?
  • leslie0422
    leslie0422 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm in!!!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    My SW on Friday was 166 so I offcally GAINED 2 Pounds last month!

    K so the plan is that if im not cleaning or following my kids around then they are sleeping and im sitting. but other than that im gonna try to stay with them inside and outside and im gonna walk my son to school as much as possible which takes about 15-20 minutes for him to ride his bike with me trailing behind

    I really have to clean all the walls and basebords in my house.. I have to clean out my car.. I have to clean out my garage.. I have to clean out the room my cat has his stuff in... Its ("Fall Cleaning") lol

    ...... Stupid utah is getting soo cold! and also Hot! unpredictable to weather its gonna be 80 or 40 these days and it sucks really really bad it makes it hard to make a committment and stay on track to walking every day cause I do not handle cold well and even with heavy clothes on I still pretty much refuse to walk outside if its cold. it sucks so bad because then even on a good day im unmotivated because i think whats the point one walk isn't going to do me any good so why walk at all if I cant be consistent ....so this is where my elliptical comes in.. My bonus room was sooo hot this summer so I couldn't put my elliptical up there if I wanted to survive but now its cooling off so I can finally have no excuses and hopefully plenty of motivation.

    I understand your pain-- feeling so busy with a growing "to do" list.... but you took the first step- Making the plan! Stick to it if you can! That's what we're all here to help each other do!
  • 4littlemonkeys
    My start weight is

    SW Oct 1: 61.1kg (134.7lb)
    Oct 6: 60kg (132.2lb)
    GW 59kg (129.7lb)

    Woohoo 2lbs done already!!! Loving the 30DS!!
  • eudemonia
    eudemonia Posts: 149 Member
    woops did i miss this past saturday?

    10/1: 174
  • katieg2289
    I'm in!! I will be weighing in tomorrow, so I will post that as my SW. Just the motivation I need! And as it has been said, especially with Halloween right around the corner, and a little kid Halloween Party to go to!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Calories burned does have to do with your weight, so it may not be that many for you but still. Any form of exercise is better than no exercise. I started by taking the stairs more and parking farther from the places I was going. It all adds up.
    I'm not trying to pick on you AT ALL. I just know that with your schedule, kids, life, school, ect you should give yourself the time to walk even in less than ideal weather, cuz who knows when you will get the option of doing something steady. Try having a dance party maybe... I crank up the tunes and dance around with with my kids while I wait for the water to boil while making dinner and stuff and even if it is only 5 minutes at least I'm moving. :flowerforyou: Hugs honey, you can do it!

    Thank you so much for all the support and motivation! I luv you too!! Iv been doing really good I walked my son to school on Monday and opted out of walking him today because we needed to drop and run to a funeral and it was raining. but I have done tons and tomorrow im doing more then im gonna relax with my friends tomorrow or next week and im not even going to drink : )
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    My SW on Friday was 166 so I offcally GAINED 2 Pounds last month!

    K so the plan is that if im not cleaning or following my kids around then they are sleeping and im sitting. but other than that im gonna try to stay with them inside and outside and im gonna walk my son to school as much as possible which takes about 15-20 minutes for him to ride his bike with me trailing behind

    I really have to clean all the walls and basebords in my house.. I have to clean out my car.. I have to clean out my garage.. I have to clean out the room my cat has his stuff in... Its ("Fall Cleaning") lol

    I understand your pain-- feeling so busy with a growing "to do" list.... but you took the first step- Making the plan! Stick to it if you can! That's what we're all here to help each other do!

    Well I got both of my cars cleaned out and I straightened my babys room and tomorrow I have to do my whole house cleaning which I usually wanna do really bad on monday but usually end up spending all day thursday cleaning instead! This has happened consistantly since like 3 months ago since a month after my new job.. I work doubles all weekend and wanna get the house spotless so I can relax but end up letting it go instead so on thursdays iv been super cleaning like 3-4 hours worth and it never fails then its back to work on friday.. I really hate going back and forth from work mode to mom mode, I get used to watching the boys clean and only having to deal with the social/drama/personal processing with them and none of the house work then I come home and wanna relax cause I have even more child drama and a house I have to keep up with lol ugh
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    As I was coming here to post about my "binge" last night, then realized that what I consider a binge now, is sooo much better than my previous binges. Last night, I had the munchies, and ate some sunchips, a chocolate covered granola bar, and maybe 6 cashews. Then I went to bed so I would stop eating.

    This morning, I was of course craving more carbs - I made my daughter a peanut butter foldover for a quick breakfast and I really wanted one too, but bread is not my friend. I am off to make some oatmeal with berries, ground flax seeds and walnuts instead. Talk to you soon...
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    To follow Terri's lead in previous months, I read an interesting article that I thought I'd share with you all. It's from the REAL SIMPLE magazine website. It's about natural ways to increase your energy. I'll share one tip per day on random days throughout the month - there are 9 in total.

    9 Energy Boosters
    By Kristyn Kusek

    Tip 1 of 9: Get an Energy Boost From Trying Something New

    Recent research confirms what world travelers and adult-education addicts already know: New experiences give you a rush. “We’ve known that when people do something novel, the brain’s reward chemical, dopamine, is released,” says Gregory Berns, M.D., a neuroscientist at Emory University, in Atlanta, and the author of Satisfaction: The Science of Finding True Fulfillment ($24, amazon.com). But novelty has an added benefit. “What we’ve discovered in the last five years,” Berns says, “is that dopamine is also a motivating chemical that gears us up to do more.” In other words, take a trip or learn Spanish and you may also feel inspired to start a new project at home or work.
  • StrangeFascination
    I guess it's the luck of someone who just started. I lost 6 pounds since Monday so I've reached my 5 pound goal for this month.

    It will be an uphill battle from here.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    So I'm 6 1/2 weeks into my half marathon training. :drinker: Some days are better than others. Yesterday was a not so good day, cause while at a new park, I was jogging along and didn't notice the incline and I dropped my phone. Luckily, as clumsy as I am, I didn't fall, just my phone (my music, my MFP on the go, etc).. :mad: It's now festive for Halloween with a MASSIVE spiderweb crack across the glass. Boo. But it is still fully functional, I just have to not cut myself while using it. Insurance claim is $100 or I can pay a $20 upgrade early fee and get a newer phone with whatever it will cost. :ohwell: Crappy either way. So I have one of those ipod/phone armband holders(why oh why didn't I use the blasted thing yesterday?!) that I'm keeping it in so I don't cut myself.

    Today will be a good day. :happy: Headed to the gym for a 40min treadmil date. And Saturday, I am pumped for, nervous about, dreadding, wanting, anixous, ( :smile: :grumble: :indifferent: :drinker: :sad: :yawn: :bigsmile: :sick: :noway: ) and any other mixed emotion.. It is my next biggest training day.. 1hour and 50min straight walking/running/tripping/crawling. No clue how I'm gonna manage it without passing out or how many miles I might get in that day, but I'm really pushing for 8miles. :drinker: I'll gladly take whatever I do. I don't know if I'm going to do half at the gym then the other outside, or all of one, and so on. But that's Saturday. Today, is 40min. I will tackle these 40min. I can I will I'm abled :bigsmile:
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    October 1 - 174.0
    October 8 -
    October 15 -
    October 22 -
    October 29 -
    October 31 -

    I need to work hard this month to meet my Lean by Halloween goal of 20 lbs. lost between July 1st and Halloween. I had hoped to exceed that, but had a setback in September. I will suceed this month.
  • Miggy52
    Miggy52 Posts: 164
    Count me In....Weigh in Saturday it is....maybe this once a week weigh in will stop me from getting on the scales daily....lol...Hope I can find this again when I go to Post...Lets do this.....
