lose 5 Pounds A Month October 2011 Challenge



  • Miggy52
    Miggy52 Posts: 164
    well I hope them scales soon start moving or else they will be moving out the bathroom window...lol....I guess I should invest in a new battery as well as measuring tape maybe Im losing inches.....clothes feel a little loser...so who knows...weigh in Saturday morn...good luck to us all...
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Checking in! I have had a rough/long week. No workout in yet! I am determined to at least get a 1 mile run in tonight! Not much, but I need to do something to break the cycle!

    I have eaten over my calories this week, but I can turn it around. lol (hopefully) Good luck to you all! I am glad weigh in isnt until Saturday, gives me an extra day to get my ISH together
  • Hey everyone!

    Checking in! I have had a rough/long week. No workout in yet! I am determined to at least get a 1 mile run in tonight! Not much, but I need to do something to break the cycle!

    I have eaten over my calories this week, but I can turn it around. lol (hopefully) Good luck to you all! I am glad weigh in isnt until Saturday, gives me an extra day to get my ISH together

    Everyday or week can't be perfect right? It never is for anyone.

    Watching your calories should really be a lifelong thing so just always revert back and you will be fine.
  • SW Oct 6: 248.4

    If I can lose 5lbs this month, I'll reach my lowest weight since starting this journey! :)
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I’m proud of myself today for two reasons. First, yesterday while talking with a new co-worker she said that her old school had a boot camp exercise class and was slowing getting out of shape now that she isn’t working out. After her little bit of inspiration I had the idea of starting one on our campus! I sent out an all-staff email and came in today with an awesome response from many interested folks, including the gym teacher (who is a personal trainer in his free time). Turns out he charges $50 bucks an hour and if we divide the fee by everyone interested it would only be $5 ish per person! Yay!
    The second reason is because I really felt like eating something bad for me for lunch today. I went out shopping for my daughter’s birthday party and didn’t have much time left for eating so I pulled into In-In-Out thinking I could grab a burger minus the bun (protein style), however once in the drive threw line I realized I was making a bad choice and put it into reverse! Once back at my office I ate my peppers, carrots, and tomatoes I had on hand.
    I feel better now but after that close call I realize that I am still a sucker for my cravings. Better watch me every minute friends!
  • Opps I just realised I was 2 days early!! I normally weigh on a Friday but weighed a day earlier as I had finished level one of 30DS!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Wow! Page 10 already & I'm just finally getting my starting weight in. I'll try to catch up on all the posts this weekend if I have internet service. I'm headed out of town to Galena, IL for the weekend with my parents. Its been a beautiful week here in the high 70s low 80s. I'm sure CJ will have the boat out all weekend & I hope the weather stays at least another few weeks so I can have one last weekend on it before season ends.

    Oct 1st: 194.0 lbs
    Oct 7th:
    Oct 14th:
    Oct 21st: My 40th birthday!
    Oct 28th:
    Oct 31st:
  • I started October first and I know I can do it, so count me in as well :)
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Here's another tip...

    9 Energy Boosters
    By Kristyn Kusek

    Tip 2 of 9: Get an Energy Boost From Moving Around

    The more active you are, the better your circulation will be. And good circulation is “essential for energy because blood transports oxygen and nutrients―fuel for the cells―to the muscles, brain, etc.,” says internist Jacob Teitelbaum.

    If you have a desk job, get up throughout the day―once an hour is ideal―to give your body breaks from activities such as typing and staring at the computer. Also, stand up when you’re on the phone or pace around the office. When you’re stuck seated, like on a long car ride, do neck rolls and shoulder shrugs and circle your feet to keep blood circulating.

    And sit up straight. Good posture opens the chest cavity and increases oxygen intake by as much as 30 percent, making more energy available to your mind and muscles, says Teitelbaum. If you’re a sloucher, trade in your chair for an exercise ball, which forces you to sit taller, says Andrew Weil, M.D., author of Healthy Aging ($28, amazon.com).
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I made the mistake yesterday of not eating lunch. I didn't bring a lunch to work, then had a meeting around lunchtime, etc. I really need to make eating my meals on time a higher priority, because.... (doom doom doom - music of terror)... at supper time I was so frustrated and hungry that I ended up eating McDonald's for supper, and then had the munchies later in the evening, and ended up eating constantly: a revello bar, a piece of toast with peanut butter, a chocolate covered granola bar... I really wanted chips, but didn't have any in the house! Plus I didn't exercise: two days in a row now. ARGH! I see myself falling, somebody catch me!!

    Back on the wagon today. I started the day with a berry smoothie (greek yogurt, skim milk, blueberries, strawberries, and ground flax seeds). I will have less control over the rest of my meals today, so portions will be key. I'm having a picnic lunch with my daughter at her daycare today, so I'm not sure what's on the menu since the daycare is providing the box lunches. Supper is ham and scalloped potatoes at my mother-in-law's house.

  • would love to join in!!!!!!!!!!! need to lose 5 lbs by thanksgiving!!!! is it possible?????:tongue:
  • 57rainbows
    57rainbows Posts: 101 Member
    Definitely in for this! My weight daily fluctuates by as much as 2 lbs for some reason, so I don't consider anything under 2 lbs a legit weight loss.... 5 lbs though is real progress and I'd love to hit that goal! At the beginning of the month I swung to my highest weight of 170, so I def want to be at a SOLID 165 by the end of the month... hopefully sooner. <3
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    10/1 190.6
    10/7 189.4
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    SW Oct 1st: 195
    Oct 7th: 192.6
    Oct 14th:
    Oct 21st:
    Oct 28th:
    Oct 31st:

    Now to keep it going in this direction! I'm 1.4lbs from my MFP lowest. I'm trying to still make best of our situation as hubby is still out of work so it's tough but we're doing what we can. My friend Bernie wants to run with me on Sunday for my HMT 45min, but I have 110min tomorrow, so I don't know how I'll feel about Sundays' run. I'll do it reguardless it just may turn into a 45min brisk walk.

    Have a great weekend everyone! We're having a bonfire :)
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    I have been under calories and working out but managed to gain 3lbs. So frustrating! Anyway, I am not changing my weight thingie. So there! Oh, but I know....I feel I need to stop being a slave to the scale. I weigh myself every single morning and night.

    I have a ten mile run tomorrow and bike ride for 40 miles Sunday...then if it is till up Monday, I will add the pounds on.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I made the mistake yesterday of not eating lunch. I didn't bring a lunch to work, then had a meeting around lunchtime, etc. I really need to make eating my meals on time a higher priority, because.... (doom doom doom - music of terror)... at supper time I was so frustrated and hungry that I ended up eating McDonald's for supper, and then had the munchies later in the evening, and ended up eating constantly: a revello bar, a piece of toast with peanut butter, a chocolate covered granola bar... I really wanted chips, but didn't have any in the house! Plus I didn't exercise: two days in a row now. ARGH! I see myself falling, somebody catch me!!

    Back on the wagon today. I started the day with a berry smoothie (greek yogurt, skim milk, blueberries, strawberries, and ground flax seeds). I will have less control over the rest of my meals today, so portions will be key. I'm having a picnic lunch with my daughter at her daycare today, so I'm not sure what's on the menu since the daycare is providing the box lunches. Supper is ham and scalloped potatoes at my mother-in-law's house.


    I'll hold you up! Don't fall, this (in the past) is where we both start to slip! Not this time, honey! I'm here when you need me.
    BTW... CUTE! Lunch with your daughter sounds great, I would love to hear how it goes. :flowerforyou:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    9/30: 146.4 (I didn't change my ticker from 9/23: 145.1 tho :devil: )
    9/7: 144.8

    The lowest weight I have ever been (that I can remember) is 143.5! So close to "punching October in the face"! :happy:
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    Lost 1 lb this week my TOM is nearing hopefully more lbs next week.

    Oct 1: 152 lbs

    Oct 8: 151 lbs

    See ya'll next week! xoxo
  • Hey guys! I've decided that I'm going to try something different. Since I'm really starting to settle in to my good eating and exercise habits, I want to wait until they end of the month to check my weight. In the past I've gotten caught up or discouraged because the numbers didn't budge or go where I wanted. I think focusing on my eating and workouts instead of the numbers will do me a lot of good. :)

    I'll still keep posting here and putting in my two cents though. :P
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Late, but would love to join. I'm dying to lose the weight I gained over the summer :/
    CW: 144