Christmas Challenge 2011-Chit Chat



  • batgirlmama
    batgirlmama Posts: 99 Member
    So my MFP community, I am having a problem. I really appreciate all the freakin awesome recipes here on MFP, but I hate all the non-fat ingredients. I can deal with light dressings on salads, but my real issue is when it comes to dairy products in the recipes for a dessert or a sauce. I grew up on a farm where we brought the milk in and drank it straight from the cow. I love whole milk so much - so much that my friend and I in college made a pact to never marry a man if we knew he drank 1% or skim - and not fat - he didn't have a chance. :bigsmile:

    Also, I pretty much refuse to use sugar substitutes after finding about all the bad stuff in them. Any thoughts?
  • brynnesmum
    brynnesmum Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't posted my weight to the spreadsheet yet--I have absolutely no idea what it is! I have been at a convention since Friday and haven't found any scales to try out here. I've been trying to make good choices, but there has been a lot of eating out and of course, TOM decided to make a visit as well so I'm sure I am retaining water now. Some meals are just served as-is we don't get to choose what we want. I head home tomorrow and am hoping that I can at least maintain until then!
    Good luck to all of you as well!
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    So this is a mini rant lol I went grocery shopping today and I know that Halloween is coming up and that there is candy EVERYWHERE in the store. But wow, I was shocked when I saw 2 huge displays at my Winco in the Produce section! Really! I did really good though I am proud at myself for how good I did in getting lots of fresh fruit, veggies etc. Very little processed crap and only a few candy items that have been my safe treat when I need to squash a sweet craving. I get Starburst and Skittles. Both only 240 for the entire package and I don't eat the whole thing lol usually 4 start bursts or 1/3 of the skittles is enough to get rid of the craving and ends up being only 80 calories. Can NOT wait for Halloween to be over and done with. Still trying to get my motivation back to get my a** moving and working out but a killer migrain is kicking my butt today.
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    Batgirl, my personal opinion is I would rather watch carbs over fat! Sometimes the low fat ingredients make up for it by having more carbs!

    Brynnes, I hope you have a nice surprise & you lose when you get back & weigh!

    Tracy, I hear ya about the candy temptations! It takes a lot of will power! I had Halloween candy sitting out everywhere at my son's bday party Sunday, but didn't eat a single piece! We're talking Reese's Cups, Hershey's, etc. I was proud of myself! haha. I hope your migraine goes away!

    I posted in Success Stories, but I have gone from a size 16 when I started July 27 to a 12!!!! I have not been a 12 since I was a sophomore in college, 10 years ago! I am so excited that if I meet my goal weight at the end of this challenge, I could be a size 8 by Christmas!!! That would be so amazing! :)
  • debclif
    debclif Posts: 74 Member
    What is a healthy food that you are addicted to?

    I love HUMUS! Especially, roasted red pepper or spinach and artichoke by sabra. I love eating it with baby carrots! YUM.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I am addicted to baba ganoush! So awesome and only 35 calories a serving and zero carbs! Yummy! I have some in the fridge at work and I'll have to remember that tomorrow!
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Batgirl, my personal opinion is I would rather watch carbs over fat! Sometimes the low fat ingredients make up for it by having more carbs!

    Brynnes, I hope you have a nice surprise & you lose when you get back & weigh!

    Tracy, I hear ya about the candy temptations! It takes a lot of will power! I had Halloween candy sitting out everywhere at my son's bday party Sunday, but didn't eat a single piece! We're talking Reese's Cups, Hershey's, etc. I was proud of myself! haha. I hope your migraine goes away!

    I posted in Success Stories, but I have gone from a size 16 when I started July 27 to a 12!!!! I have not been a 12 since I was a sophomore in college, 10 years ago! I am so excited that if I meet my goal weight at the end of this challenge, I could be a size 8 by Christmas!!! That would be so amazing! :)

    Awesome job! Congrats! I bet you will be a size 8!!

    I agree with the low carbs too. I do like the reduced fat cream cheese, but otherwise it's full fat all the way. I just don't use a lot, but fat free stuff is just weird. I do have to use sugar substitutes though. Unless I want a really bad insulin dump...and I NEVER want that! lol :tongue:
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    ^ Thanks! :) I hope so...I don't even know what that would feel like! haha

    I MEANT to say since sophomore year of HIGH SCHOOL, not college...sorry about that! There isn't an option to edit it.

    I am also really big on hummus! It's so good for you! I like all of the flavors, & I get the little packs of it to take to lunch. I eat it with Simply Balanced garden vegetable crackers, which are only 120 calories for 18 crackers! I also really like the Fiber One 90 calorie bars for breakfast, & really getting into fruits again. I also love to make shredded chicken in the crockpot (with buffalo sauce) to eat by itself or on a sandwich with the Arnold Thin buns, which are only 100 calories. I'm really finding that I can still have foods that taste good at low calories...which is why this lifestyle change is really working for me!
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    ^ Thanks! :) I hope so...I don't even know what that would feel like! haha

    I MEANT to say since sophomore year of HIGH SCHOOL, not college...sorry about that! There isn't an option to edit it.

    I am also really big on hummus! It's so good for you! I like all of the flavors, & I get the little packs of it to take to lunch. I eat it with Simply Balanced garden vegetable crackers, which are only 120 calories for 18 crackers! I also really like the Fiber One 90 calorie bars for breakfast, & really getting into fruits again. I also love to make shredded chicken in the crockpot (with buffalo sauce) to eat by itself or on a sandwich with the Arnold Thin buns, which are only 100 calories. I'm really finding that I can still have foods that taste good at low calories...which is why this lifestyle change is really working for me! hummus...and buffalo chicken! That sounds awesome. I'm using up some leftovers from this weekend so today I'm having the same menu that I've eaten for the last 3 days pretty's so good though! Blackened chicken. :tongue:
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    PMS cravings are getting unbearable! I tend to start craving sweet stuff and really bad carbs for about a week before she shows and always gain about 10 pounds or so during that time of the month. Really struggling today and it doesn't help that physically I am wiped havn't worked out in 3 days. Sitting here munching on some celery hoping it will help fend off my craving for crackers right now. Trying to pull my a** up so I can get a work out in today, got as far as getting dressed and getting my shoes on. Bummed cause I found out one of my favorite foods that also happened to be pretty healthy is PACKED with sodium! Uhh funk funk go away and don't come back another day!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey everyone!! So gad to see so many of you helping out and sharing stories and how its been each day! Love it! Yesterday food wise wasn't good but it was an awesome day. My sister treated me to Wild Buffalo Wings, walked around the riverwalk, played with the kids at the park, then my sister treated me to DQ. We don't get to spend much time together, so even though calorie wise it was a bad, but I would have done it all over.

    Today, I think we're cleaning out the shed and garage in preparation of winter :sad: Hoping to get on my ab circle today.

    That's it for now. Good luck everyone!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    So my MFP community, I am having a problem. I really appreciate all the freakin awesome recipes here on MFP, but I hate all the non-fat ingredients. I can deal with light dressings on salads, but my real issue is when it comes to dairy products in the recipes for a dessert or a sauce. I grew up on a farm where we brought the milk in and drank it straight from the cow. I love whole milk so much - so much that my friend and I in college made a pact to never marry a man if we knew he drank 1% or skim - and not fat - he didn't have a chance. :bigsmile:

    Also, I pretty much refuse to use sugar substitutes after finding about all the bad stuff in them. Any thoughts?

    I'm with you! Our milk came straight in from the cooler in the milk house and you had to stir it to get the cream mixed in before you could drink it. Try stevia or truvia. They are the only sugars that are not processed and are low calorie. I love them.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I am addicted to baba ganoush! So awesome and only 35 calories a serving and zero carbs! Yummy! I have some in the fridge at work and I'll have to remember that tomorrow!

    What recipe do you use? All the ones I found have at least 5 grams each of carbs and fat per serving.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    No recipe. I buy the Holy Land Baba Ganoush. It has 3 grams fat, 35 calories and no net carbs (1gram + 1 gram fiber). It's made in Minneapolis, but they sell it in Cub Foods and at Whole Foods...not sure about outside MN.
  • HWinCS
    HWinCS Posts: 271 Member
    Well all I can say about last week is ...BEERFEST! it was yummy and I don't regret a thing. Well maybe a few of the nastier beer samples. Turns out I only drank 4 beers over 4 hours but when served an ounce at a time it really packs a whallop. I have not compound the problem this week, I have stayed on track (yeah). I am totally addicted to the yoplait frozen smoothy (3 berries) It tastes so delicious thank goodness costco has a 10 pack.
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well! I'm not doing so well this week. Think I may even record an increase on sunday.

    For me, the weekends are the hardest. The family is home and my will gets tested constantly! I'm going to try drinking a big glass of water before giving in to temptation this weekend. Hopefully, that'll help.

    Good luck everyone :wink:
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I had such a good week last week, and then this week I let my busy-ness with work and lawschool to get the best of me. I have been loggin my calories but going over every single day- because I havent worked out ONCE yet. I really need to snap out of it! I was loving the running last week. I need to quit the excuses and just get out and run.

    Hope you all are having a better week then me. I am fearing the scale. lol. Theres still time for me to turn it around if I can have an excellent next few days!
  • batgirlmama
    batgirlmama Posts: 99 Member
    So my MFP community, I am having a problem. I really appreciate all the freakin awesome recipes here on MFP, but I hate all the non-fat ingredients. I can deal with light dressings on salads, but my real issue is when it comes to dairy products in the recipes for a dessert or a sauce. I grew up on a farm where we brought the milk in and drank it straight from the cow. I love whole milk so much - so much that my friend and I in college made a pact to never marry a man if we knew he drank 1% or skim - and not fat - he didn't have a chance. :bigsmile:

    Also, I pretty much refuse to use sugar substitutes after finding about all the bad stuff in them. Any thoughts?

    I'm with you! Our milk came straight in from the cooler in the milk house and you had to stir it to get the cream mixed in before you could drink it. Try stevia or truvia. They are the only sugars that are not processed and are low calorie. I love them.

    Someone on MFP said one of these (stevia I think) still had some artificial sweetner in it. I broke down and bought some low-fat milk, it is going in my oatmeal in the morning so maybe I won't notice it so much. :ohwell: I guess I can handle it while I try to lose my baby weight. Thanks for the help!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Just added this weeks weigh-in to the spread sheet and it was a loss! 1.6, I'll take it!
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Did fantastic this week by all counts. Since last Saturday was a binge fest I was determined to get though to the next weigh in after a fully on track week. So no loss last week, but totally made up for it with a lovely 1.8 lbs down this week! I'm well on track to reaching my goal by Christmas at this rate :drinker:

    I got in a fair amount of exercise but to be honest I'm still not where I'd have liked to see myself by this weight. I'm only about 8-10 pounds from being totally finished but my arms are lacking definition and there are a few other problem spots hanging on, so I'm considering biting the bullet and paying out the ears for gym membership. I'll consider the options this week and hopefully come back next week with another .5 gone at least!