Turbo Jammers 3/23-3/29



  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    What's your weekly workout regime look like? Do you do other things too? Tell me about your results from Jammin'? I have Cardio Party 1, 2, 3 and Ab Jam. I have done CP 1 and 3 several times and just got CP2. I did those before I got pregnant, and I'm 2 months postpartum. I lost 45 pounds doing TJ and other videos before getting pregnant.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I can't wait to get PK&J. Is there anything else like Turbo Scupt that Chalene has out? Lower Body Jam sounds similar. No? Just wondering where to go next after PK&J.
    Thank you so much!

    ChaLEAN Extreme is her newest workout & I've heard GREAT reviews on it from other Beachbody coaches that I work with. It isn't as "jammy" but it is an intense weight-training workout. Let me know if you have any other questions! I'm a new beachbody coach & am learning all sorts of new things a long the way! :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    What's your weekly workout regime look like? Do you do other things too? Tell me about your results from Jammin'? I have Cardio Party 1, 2, 3 and Ab Jam. I have done CP 1 and 3 several times and just got CP2. I did those before I got pregnant, and I'm 2 months postpartum. I lost 45 pounds doing TJ and other videos before getting pregnant.

    I try to do TS 2-3x per week. I just joined a gym, so I'm still trying to figure out how to toss TJ into the equation with the other things I do now. Welcome to the group & congrats on the baby! :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    [type moves. A lot of kicking & punching going on...which IMO is a great stress reliever!

    If you're interested in buying it, PM me! I'm a beachbody coach & would love to help you out more!

    I'm sure all the other girls in here will give you some opinions as well. We LOVE our TurboJam! :laugh:

    I have almost all of the DVDs I think, but had to stop doing them because I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and my knees hurt all the time. I'm on newer medication now, twice a day, and I think I'd like to go back to jammin'. Any tips on how to baby my knees while TJing? I'm also quite overweight 5'9" 260), so that puts a lot of pressure on my knees in addition to the TJ moves.

    If you can't kick or squat very well, just do side taps like Mindy & Ana Rita (I think Megan said this as well). Once you start losing weight, I'm sure the moves will be kinder on you knees! Good luck getting back into the Jamming! :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I only got in Fat Blaster today. :grumble: The kids are trying to kill be with their odd naptimes lately & I can't seem to workout during them any more! BAH!

    Hey, Lyn! Sorry you're all sicky. *hugs*

    Megan - good job with the great workout today!

    Kelly - Hope to see you around more now that everyone is on the mend!
  • rintin88
    rintin88 Posts: 30 Member
    hey everyone! thought i'd join your thread since I just got my turbo jam dvds last week and have started to use them. ive used ALOT of workout dvds (karen voight, the firm series, tracy anderson) and this is by far my fav! i got 20 min workout and PK&J in today, which nearly killed me but in a good way of course!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey All,
    Checking in with Sculpt and CP and boy was it good tonight! You know how sometimes you are just so into it ~ this was one of those times for me. I even caught myself (trying) to sing along. Until I ran out of oxygen , of course:laugh: . It was great!!! I still have a 500 cal deficit for the day ~ I think I'm going to eat a pear. I got these big beautiful pears that weren't quite ripe on Satuday. They are perfect now, yum!!
    I read something about "zig zagging" your calories ~ any one of you experts ever tried this? and if so what were the results. It's supposed to prevent/eliminate a plateau....

    Hi to all my girls
    Drevans~ feel better really soon!! don't forget to drink your water!!
    Beans- Girl you are all over the place, I can't keep up with all your activity now, WTG:drinker:
    Megan - good job on today's workout!! yo are going to smoke 'em this summer!!
    Rintin- PK & J and 20min?? ~ nice going!!
    Where's Gottaluv??

    Big ((HUGS)) to all I missed and have a great nite:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • KirryD68
    KirryD68 Posts: 7
    pricer - I've also got arthritis in my knees and I've been doing TJ for two years. Here is my very best advice for you: follow Mindy. Like Ana Rita, she does everything low impact; however, she also does it with less intensity. Start out following Mindy. When you're feeling strong, then follow Ana Rita--she's quite intense (like staying in more of a squat position throughout the moves) which keeps the heart rate up...and that's how she lost over 70 lbs! In 2007, I went from 240 to 180 doing TJ and eating clean. I got firm in places I'd never been firm! It will work. You will get strong. I'm starting over because I gained all my weight back when I was pregnant. I'm back with Turbo Jam because I know it works.

    I've got a lot of friends over at BB who've been doing ChaLEAN Extreme for 60 days and they are raving about their results. I've got my package but after doing two weeks of it, I realized that it's too much to jump into after being away from working out for so long. I'm looking forward to when I can get to it, though. Everyone is loving it. Not at all as dance-y as TJ--it focuses on lifting heavy weights (muscle burns fat!). Some are losing a lot of weight. Some aren't losing quite as much, but they're noticing tremendous results as far as firming up and seeing a change in measurements. For anyone already pretty fit, I'd highly recommend CE if you want to take it to the next level.
  • pricer15
    pricer15 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks Kirry,

    Your post has encouraged me to give it another go. I have new medication (Lodine) now and my knees seem to be holding their own. When I was first diagnosed, anything I did (even just walking in my house) hurt me. I know they will hurt less as I lose weight too.

    Question on the CE, You say it involves heavier weights. Do you think the cardio is similar to the other dvds or harder? I'm going to use what I have for now and maybe BB will send me an email with a special price on the CE sometime in the future.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Family,
    Checking in w/ FB this morning. I had to get up about 45 minutes earlier than usual to get to work an hour earlier. One of my student was having trouble passing an exam and I agreed to give her the opp to retest @ 7am before the rest of the class came in. I'm sitting in my office and she is already 5 minutes late for our appointment.....:ohwell: At least i'm here:laugh: Glad I was able to drag myself to get FB in b4 I left the house. CP3 on for tonight and Ab Jam

    Hope everyone is happy this morning and grateful to be healthy and getting fit!! We're the lucky ones:happy: Don't klnow what I'd do w/o you all!!

    Have an absolutely fabulous day!

  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Janet--did you lose all your weight doing TJ? Also, what do you teach? I am a HS English teacher (currently on maternity leave). You are very upbeat and motivating!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning, all!!!

    Hello to all of your new faces:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday, I got in CP and Ab Jam. This cold is still bothering me (in my chest) and it was a struggle getting the workout in:angry::grumble: Planning on 20 min, TS, and Ab Jam today.

    Have a wonderful day...keep on jammin!!!
  • MollysMom2005
    MollysMom2005 Posts: 58 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    Hope everyone's having a great week so far! After being out of town for three days (and missing my TJ workouts) I was glad to get back into the swing of things. I can definitely say that after missing three workouts, I thought I was going to die before I made it through CP. It made me wonder if a vacation is really worth it if I can't take TJ along!

    To those new at TJ, you will love it. For someone like me who has never exercised and hated to sweat, it took me awhile to work my way up to where I could finish an entire workout. But if you start slow with the Learn and Burn, then the 20 minute, and so on, pretty soon you'll be kickin'. Now, exercise is actually something I crave and look forward to.

    Oh and one other advantage of TJ....I took measurements last night. I've lost a total of 16 1/2 inches since Dec 1! :)

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Well I'm trying to psyche myself up for my Turbo Charged workout today (CP3 w/ FB turbos in place of the one regular turbo)....I'll let you know how that works out :huh:

    Janet, WTG you crazy woman!!! FB at 4 am...my hero! :laugh:

    Kelly, glad you're feeling better...hope you're 100% very soon!! *HUGS*

    Kirry (and Sara)...I'm defintely getting CE in a few weeks...3 kiddo's birthdays and Easter are killing the budget at the moment :sad: But I really can't wait to start it!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    MollysMom...Congrats on those inches lost!! That's fantastic! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • KirryD68
    KirryD68 Posts: 7
    pricer - the cardio involved during CE, in my opinion, is different. If you've done TJ, then you'll recognize some moves; however, it's not Turbo-ish at all. It's more...umm...in your face, intense cardio. Anyone who's had a lot of experience with all the TJ workouts will tell you that they don't slack off; but the CE cardio is meant to really get your heart rate up. They're designed for endurance. It's almost like doing turbos through the whole thing. This is why I've suggested that no one jump into CE until they're able to get through all her other workouts. I can tell you, though, it's SO worth working up to. The results that can be achieved are amazing. The muscle you gain will help you look better than ever, feel stronger, give you more endurance, and keep your metabolism working all day and night.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hello everyone. Thank you for the get well wishes...it must have worked I feel 100% better today! I was going to workout today but I've decided I'm going to drive to my parents today instead of tomorrow. We are suppose to get a snow storm (stupid Spring in Idaho) tomorrow and I don't wanna drive in it. Plus my DH (in this case D means Dumba$$) ruined the plans I had for this evening. I don't know why I didn't just go to my parents for the whole week. DH wasn't home last night, wont be home tonight or tomorrow night....so why am I sitting around all day doing nothing??? AGH!!! Sorry I'm really upset right now...I just need to get of the computer, pack up the baby and I and go.

    I may or may not check in for the rest of the week. I hope you all keep Jammin'

    MollysMom-Congrats on your loss!
    Megan-I've thought about mixing up the workouts...that's cool that you are doing that. Let us know what you think of your creations.
    Janet- You continue to amaze me with your early morning workouts and then to come home after a long day at the office and put in more workouts...you are definately an addict :wink:
    Kelly glad you are feeling a little better. Hope your workouts help kick the rest of it outof your system.
    Hello to the rest of you and welcome to the new faces!
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Hello fellow jammers and new jammers!! Long time no talk!!! Well I have been one super busy little mama .. so sorry for no updates in like a couple weeks! Grr! But I have been doing some workouts .. when I didn't have to race to the rink! But gotta run .. my youngins are calling!

    Hope y'all are having a great week! :drinker:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Family,
    I'm going to whine just for a moment! :grumble: Good news is my student/employee did show up and she passed her test!! Woo Hoo!! (Amy, I teach collection law in a collection agency) So I'm going home and there's like this tornado right over our area. DH is at a meeting ,no big deal, right? Well after I finished CP3 and was feeling great I walk to the front door and there is WATER IN THE HOUSE.....again:explode: Beings how I've been to this rodeo b4, I took out the trusty shop vac and cleaned up the mess There are towels in the dryer as we speak. DH calls to say he's on the way home, I tell him about the water drama and he says "lets just sell the house" Sounds like a solution to me.:noway: .... This issue would have been fixed a long time ago if DH hadn't been trying to cut corners and get the cheapest deal to fix our drainage problem. I don't get that at all. Pay the money and get it done right..:huh: what a concept. I'm choosing not to have this conversation with him right now~ i'm too pissed, lol I know better.
    Ok, so this is not the "woo hoo, TJ post" Apoloogies for being a drag ~ I just had to get that off of me before I went to sleep.

    At least I got my workout in:happy: I'm going to check on the towels now:laugh:

    Hope you all have a great nite :flowerforyou:

    Tomorow is a new day (Thank God) I'm going to check the towels:bigsmile:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Dragonfly11--Sorry to hear about your water issues! We just had a similar issue. We were completely flooded out of our rental house last winter, so we moved to another rental. We bought a house in September that claimed to not have water damage. Well, earlier this month, we had at least 1/2 inch of water in our finished basement where our bedroom, a rec room, bar, bathroom, and utility room are. We had to tear up the carpet, hire professional cleaners to prevent mold, and buy a new furnace because ours blew out when we had to keep it hot to dry out the basement. This house, which we thought was pretty good, is a total fixer-upper now. Ugh!

    Anyway, I did Cardio Party 3 today and burned over 500 calories. I did it after doing the 30 Day Shred. I am tired and would like to sleep, but I need to make sure my youngest is sleeping and not hungry still.
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