Ravenclaw Common Room



  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    Weekly weigh-in: 147 (down from 148)
    House Points: 155
    Owls (Exercise): 3
    Owls (Food): 4
    Owls (Spirit): 4

    I will definitely be getting more house points and owls next week. I was out of town visiting inlaws for a good portion of the beginning of this week and was sick for two days. :(
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    Well, on my way to heated yoga. I typically don't do any other exercise if I do yoga that day (it's 90 minutes long), but I will at least do another 15 tonight in the evening! Maybe do a 30 day shred circuit!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi, Posting my results from Sun-Sat

    House points 525
    weight 222.4 down from 224.4
    Food 7
    Crunches 6
    spirit 6

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaw! I'm weighing in this week with no loss - but given the binges I've been on, at least there was no gain!!

    Weight: 156
    Food (fat): 3 - like I said, lots of binges this week - lol!
    Exercise (crunches): 5
    Spirit: 7
    Total OWLs: 15
    House Points: 111

    I'm off to the thrift store today to see about some fall clothes. I've replaced my entire wardrobe 3 times since last fall and all I have now is summer stuff! I'm just glad I have the option of buying second-hand while I'm in this transition!!

    Have a happy Saturday everyone!!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    happy saturday to all!! it's a beautiful day here. i think i have been sleep deprived this week. woke up at my usual 0415 and wen back to sleep until 1030!!! don't remember the last time i slept so much. planning to get in a good bike ride today considering the lovely weather and being so well rested!!! have wonderful weekend everyone.

    congrats to everyone on the great numbers you are all posting. hope my weigh in tomorrow is a good one for the team!!!

    sue-wonderful to need all those new clothes...congrats!!!!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Well, I'll report all of my numbers after I wake up today, but like Sue I've had some binge type behavior this week not to mention the fact that I've also been at one with nature (Mother nature that is :grumble: ). So I'm not really expecting a loss this week. However there's always next week :laugh:
  • missbeccaanne
    yesterday was crazy and I missed my checkin, the monster had a playdate that lasted forever then we went to the pumpkin patch and yeah carnie food, needles to say I went over on my fat yet again. but I just dont have the willpower to say no to funnel cake.
    so this week weighing in at 143.6
    food 0
    exercise 2
    spirit 5
    house points 620
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    My parents are in to visit this weekend, so I won't have much time on, but I wanted to at least post my numbers for tracking. I did not start this week well (never do), so I'm pretty proud of maintaining my 2 lb per week rate. Yay!

    Hope everyone is doing well this weekend! Go Ravenclaw!

    Weekly Stats (week of 10/1 - 10/7):
    Weigh-in: 239.8 (2 lb loss)
    Food: 5
    Exercise: 7 (woohoo!)
    Spirit: 7
    House Points: 185
    Total OWLs: 19 (*loved* this week's challenges!)
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I've been super busy, almost forgot to check-in again today. Still tracking food though. Weigh in tomorrow.
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Well with the weeks events I still managed not to gain. Holding steady at 144.

    Exercise (crunches): 7
    Food (fats): 6
    Spirit: 6

    Total OWLs: 19
    House Points: 359
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw!! checking in for my weigh in with happy news...finally a loss!!!

    weight 178.2 for a 1.6 loss


    House Points-279

    i recently purchased a new HRM only to find the old one had been recording too many calories burned. i had been eating back most of them, so i have been eating too many calories. hopefully that is the end of the plateau!! i really want to drop 3 more lbs this month.
    good luck to everyone with weekly stats!!
  • DefiningRaquel
    Hey everyone. Been real busy with exams.. One more week of finals to go. whooho. Here's my stats for this week:

    Weight: 127 ( i gained :(, hope its muscles or water retention)
    Food : 4
    Exercise (crunches): 0
    Spirit: 6
    House Points:1022

    Hope you guys had a good weekend. Cheers:D
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    good morning Ravenclaws!

    I have a question on the Exercise owls. I am following a set workout plan, but have been getting in extra walks during the day, can't always. Do I count what I call my bonus workouts as the extra 15minutes, or do I have to do more on top of that?

  • NikkiMustang77
    Checking in. Donated blood yesterday, so I ate a rather small mountain of food in order to get my blood sugar back up. Soooo weigh in isn't as good as I'd hope today. =[ [i put on 2lbs in one day, eep.]

    Weight: 154.2
    Exercise: 0
    Food: 1
    Spirit: 5
    Exercise: 185
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    good morning Ravenclaws!

    I have a question on the Exercise owls. I am following a set workout plan, but have been getting in extra walks during the day, can't always. Do I count what I call my bonus workouts as the extra 15minutes, or do I have to do more on top of that?


    Your bonus workouts are exactly what I'm talking about. You can count them - and great job being a step ahead of me!!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Crazy week for me. I need to get back to a regular exercise routine. Interview tomorrow. Cross your fingers.

    Totals for week of 10/2
    House Spirit (post ) - +6
    Food (fat) - +7
    Exercise (crunches) - +3
    16 OWLs
    exercise minutes = 90
    Weight loss = .4 lb, weighed in at 187.2. Probably because I didn't workout very much this week

    *Progress towards week of 10/9 -10/9 update*
    House Spirit (post ) - +0
    Food (?) - +0
    Exercise (workout) - +1

    *exercise minutes*
    October Month to date total = 135
    Week of 10/9 exercise minutes = 45
    10/8 exercise minutes - 30 min walking, 15 squats, crunches, and flexibility exercises.
    10/9 exercise minutes - 30 min walking, 15 squats, crunches, and flexibility exercises.
  • kailey_watson
    kailey_watson Posts: 65 Member
    House Spirit- 0
    Food- 5
    Exercise- 7
    Exercise minutes- 140
    Weight: 148, down 1.5 from last week
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    last week - 202.2
    this week - 200.2

    week's loss - 2.0 lbs :drinker: maybe next week will be ONE-derland?!? fingers crossed!!!

    280 minutes of walking this week (i gotta start wearing my bodybugg to count my strength workouts!)

    4 extra servings of green, and

    3 extra 15 minutes

    hope everybody had a good week :bigsmile:
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    153.5 but I didnt keep track of my challenges and worked out 120 minutes this week.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Good luck, craft338! Can't wait to see the 1 on your number next week. :)

    As for me, ugh. Weekends are so bad for my health. Have not been nearly as good as I should have been today, and I'm partly blaming it on having guests. Don't get me wrong, my parents would definitely let me be as good as I needed to be, it's just so tempting to overeat when I have company. The real downside is that I hate exercising around people, and I don't have any way I could do anything without leaving them alone for a while or doing it right in front of them.

    I'm definitely going to have to stop letting myself do this on the weekends.