Half Marathon training support group?



  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Hmmm, I would recommend getting some nice (although can be expensive) running socks. If the socks I wear are too thin, my toes can ache a little, so for my long runs I wear a little bit thicker running socks to provide more protection. I personally love the Feetures socks, which are $9-11 a pair, but there are tons out there, just head to your local running store and check it out!
  • JonC03
    JonC03 Posts: 28
    Hmmm, I would recommend getting some nice (although can be expensive) running socks. If the socks I wear are too thin, my toes can ache a little, so for my long runs I wear a little bit thicker running socks to provide more protection. I personally love the Feetures socks, which are $9-11 a pair, but there are tons out there, just head to your local running store and check it out!

    Thanks i will check that out. I do have running socks i wear but they are cheap one's from walmart. I know they arent the best but they worked for when i first strated running. Problem is i dont have a local store, even though i live in a decent sized city. Closest one is 15 miles away which isnt to far and i plan to head there next week on my vacation to look at some winter running gear. Maybe i should just open my own running store in my town? i already work in retail.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    Hmmm, I would recommend getting some nice (although can be expensive) running socks. If the socks I wear are too thin, my toes can ache a little, so for my long runs I wear a little bit thicker running socks to provide more protection. I personally love the Feetures socks, which are $9-11 a pair, but there are tons out there, just head to your local running store and check it out!

    Thanks i will check that out. I do have running socks i wear but they are cheap one's from walmart. I know they arent the best but they worked for when i first strated running. Problem is i dont have a local store, even though i live in a decent sized city. Closest one is 15 miles away which isnt to far and i plan to head there next week on my vacation to look at some winter running gear. Maybe i should just open my own running store in my town? i already work in retail.
    Check out www.runningwarehouse.com. They have great prices and ship quickly.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    weeeee! Ran 40 minutes today, conquered my fear of running on a track, and it felt GREAT. Yesterday was such poo, and today is so good! :)

    Question: The tips of my toes hurt after my run today (all except my big toes). Is this a. normal, b. something dealing with my shoe, c. dealing with my form, or d. none of the above?

    Hard to say. You can read all over the place where the wrong size shoe can cause a lot of toe problems. My shoes are plenty big but after i broke them in for a long time, like 4 months, my outside toes hit the end when i run and go numb. Takes about 5 miles before they go numb.

    Ceratianly, sore toes can be a sign of shoes that are too small / tight, but I am most likely to get sore on a course that has a lot of downhill or irregular footing, so your foot tends to get jammed up in the front because of the change in your stride. Good socks really help. I run in Thorlos. They are thin over the arch and around your ankle, but have cushioning in the sole and around your toes.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I love my Injinji socks that have separate toes in the socks. It really makes a huge difference in allowing my does to spread naturally when I run. I'm all about buying shoes with a wide toe box and a size or half size larger as feet swell when you run long distances.

    So I'm debating training for a full marathon again. I have until the end of the month to sign up for the half I want to run in March. Oh the decisions... the thing I really like about half - they take such little training and are easy to accomplish. The full marathon is really a lot of dedication.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    my shoes are about a size and half larger than my normal shoe size (US 6.5-8), so I don't think they are too small.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I had to find the thread!

    Saturday is my half. I am not running this week because of issues with my foot last week. It is was my Achilles tendon now. So frustrating! I just want to run and i hate that my foot hurts. It is feeling fine today, but not risking anything. I did the elliptical today for an hour. Tomorrow more cardio and weight lifting.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    my shoes are about a size and half larger than my normal shoe size (US 6.5-8), so I don't think they are too small.

    Maybe try using body glide on your feet? Maybe that will help?

    The only time my feet start to rub funny is if my shoes are worn out or my socks need replaced.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    5.25 miles today, but didn't aim for any speed. Knee is still twinging, and I just don't want to actually hurt myself.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    summertime - when is your next race? Are you cross training on that knee? I had to really learn to give my knees extra work off running because of muscle imbalances caused by running only.
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    Ran 4 miles last night and my 1st 6 miler today...and I actually feel AWESOME!
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    Signed up for my second half last night...November 19th! And I get to run it with my dad :)

    Urban and summertime, I hope your injuries heal soon!! It sounds like you're both being smart about resting and no overdoing it.

    Linnea, way to go!! I'm usually so tired if I try to run two days in a row.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I did more elliptical and also strength training today. I am getting really nervous about Saturday. Eep!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Hope everything is ok for Saturday Urban!

    I have no more races coming up, though I think I need to sign up for a few more to keep my motivation going. There's another adventure race in two weeks, might do that one, but I can sign up the day of for it. I was going to play it by ear. If it's freezing out, the last thing I want to do is slog through mud. There's a 5k on Thanksgiving and a 10k the day after, but those might both interfere with T-day plans. Plus all these races get pricy!
  • Can I join this group? I have 3 1/2's coming up and could use the motivation....
  • JonC03
    JonC03 Posts: 28
    Well two days of running both messed up. Yesterday in the middle of my run my wife called because someone stole her lunch and I had to stop and take her something. So it was a short two miles. Today during my 5.5 nature decided to call and I had to make a detour back home and then got called into work. Been a rough week for running that's for sure.
  • Today was a quick run. I was supposed to wake up early and go for about 5 miles with some speed work. Didn't wake up in time and the hubby decided he wanted to go too (he doesn't run long distances with me). So it turned into 2 miles with some sprinting intervals. It actually was a great run. I'm planning on including more speed training for this next half on Thanksgiving, now that I know I can go the distance. What kind of speed work do you guys do?
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    adhill - for speed work when I'm only running I do one day of .25 mile repeats - fast one way recovery the other way - I build up - start with 4 repeats and work up to 8-9. I do them on tuesday, with my long run on Friday, they take a lot out of me .

    Jon - those days can be so frustrating, but I find in the long run they make my next run even more successful than I'd anticipated.

    Triath - Welcome. I'm trying to decide if I can do a half a month three months in a row - I have three picked out but don't know if I want to do that or simply train for another full marathon.

    Summer - I'm tempted to sign up for a TG day run, but it would have to be a local run for me, which I really hate doing. I don't like to race with people I know, makes me self conscious.

    Urban - you'll do great! Best of luck, rest up. I'm gone until Sunday, so can't wait to read how it went.

    SLB - How fun to run with your dad. I have no one in my family that run - except my 12 yo.

    Linn - Great job on the run, you're doing great in your training.
  • Triath - Welcome. I'm trying to decide if I can do a half a month three months in a row - I have three picked out but don't know if I want to do that or simply train for another full marathon.

    Thank you. I'm signed up for 2 1/2's so far. November 12th and January 2nd. Still debating the Seattle 1/2. The 1st two are free. I like the 1/2 distance, not sure if my body could endure the full 26.2 My husband has started running with me twice a week, we run 5K then Saturday or Sunday I'll do a longer run on my own. I'm not very fast but my stamina is so much better than it was. It's gotten to the stage where I actually enjoy running. I'm trying to talk him into running the Vancouver 1/2 next May.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Still doing lots of x-training, rather than running. Worried I'll be losing some stamina, but hoping it isn't too bad. Did 2 miles very slow jog on the treadmill, then pilates. This afternoon I'll ride, and then meet a friend for a walk, maybe 3-4 miles tops. I can't get rid of that twinge in my knee!