40+ Workout Challenge (October)



  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    guessgigi: sounds like a good day, even with a pesky cold! Good job! I agree on mixing up the work outs.

    balston: I think you can jump right in! Welcome :flowerforyou:

    My day is going to be a challenge due to the dreaded out of town lunch meeting :huh: Only had time for 30 minutes this morning, and probably won't get any more in for the day, unfortunately. I will have to try to make up for it during the rest of the week!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Balston - Welcome! You can join at any time.

    So, on Monday, I did my first 30 min. workout which was a Cardio Resistance Band workout, and then I hurt my foot. I don't know how, but I did. This was the foot I broke last year. I think I landed on in funny. It didn't feel so good, so instead of forcing myself through the pain, I decided to take the rest of that day and the next day off. After dealing with that foot for over a year, I do not want to completely re-injure it.

    I will be back today doing low impact, and I will probably be low impact the rest of the week. No jumping around for me. The good news, I can still get a decent cardio without jumping around if I exaggerate my moves. There is a lady in one of my DVD's that is does the low impact and she is a great example of how to get into the moves to make them more effective. It takes more concentration and focus on the moves, but I'll do what I have to.

    I have been able to do 5 small meals so far. I really need to be disciplined to stop work and get another snack in. I have been feeling hungry these days due to the shift. I hope this is a good sign.

    Terri - I love Jennifer! I think I have 3 of her workouts. I'll need to keep my eye out for that workout.

    Gigi - Feel better and if you need DVD's, have you looked on the Collage Video site? They have video clips of almost every workout. http://www.collagevideo.com

    Sherrill - Another hula hooper? Maybe I do need to try this again, especially since it is low impact. Are there dvd's out there for hoola hoop?

    I'll check back in this evening to be accountable, but I wanted to let you know what happened. I'm still with you!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I gave it a try working out later since that is the only time I had today. I did 30 min. Kettlebell and 15 min. Resistance band. So 45 min., 15 min. shy. For meals, I didn't do so well too. I have some deadlines this week, but I guess that is an excuse. Maybe I need to set the alarm so I get up to get a snack. The good news is I did something, and I drank my water and took my supplements.

    I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. How did you do today?
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Good job on getting that workout in! I know how hard it can be to squeeze them in, especially in the evening. Not being familiar with your work space, is it possible to keep a few granola bars and maybe some low sugar hot chocolate on hand? Depending on the brands, those two items can equal 150-200 calories, which I find to be about right for a mini-meal. Just a thought :)

    Today I did 40 minutes of TJ, 10 minutes of 5lb weights, and 5 minutes of hula-hoop. I guess that leaves me 5 minutes of something left, lol. Maybe I will do some squats here at work.

    This challenge is really helping me focus on more specific goals, thank you!
  • guessgigi
    guessgigi Posts: 28 Member
    My day started out ok and was counting on working out after dinner but wasn't able to. New goal to change workouts to am to make sur and get them in everyday. Good job mspix and fit fun on your work outs!! :drinker:
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Wed - ST-25mins; ATM-10mins; Kettlebell-15mins
    Thurs - Rheum appt - Synvisc shots in both knees - no major exercise - slow walking - 60min
    Fri - (back on schedule) - ST-30mins; Wii Biggest Loser - 30mins; Kettlebell-5mins; Elliptical-10mins; walking- 80mins

    THREE weight trainings in this week!!! - I love challenges that make me do what I know I should be doing!!!

    Wk 1:
    * 6 small meals throughout the day with lunch being the biggest meal. CHECK
    * 60 minutes of working out for 6 days of the week. ONLY 4/7 this week, will improve next week!
    * 20 minutes of strength training (ST) at least 3 times a week CHECK
    * Check in after each workout to stay accountable. UMMMM...not so good...

    Good news...I have room to improve for next week!!!

    Good job everyone!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Friday was a wash. I did manage to get in 30 min. of a resistance band cardio workout. Today, I did a 40 min. kettlebell to start out right. I need to work on the 6 small meals. I have not been so good with this. At least I am not pigging out at meals.

    Terri - great job! Your last workout was very well rounded! The strength training is making a difference for me. I used to be mostly cardio too. Since adding ST, I am now back into my skinny jeans of the size I am now in. Now to get down to the next lower size! I can tell the difference in my legs mostly and my butt. It's a start!

    Sherrill - You are working it! I can't believe you did slow walking on the day of your shots. That is above and beyond amazing. And don't worry, it looks like the first week was a tough one to get started for all of us. We will all rock it next week!

    Gigi - I'm finding that I also have to get my first workout in the morning or I won't get all 60 min. in. I can only seem to do 30-45 min. at night and then I am spent. So, I need to make sure I take the break to do 20-30 min. in the morning. It is so hard when there is work to do.

    I think I am going to do some rowing later today. That's always fun since I can zone out while listening to music or watching tv. Have a great Saturday!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    PS How are you guys doing on your water intake. I have to force myself to drink it sometimes. The good news is the weather warrants hot tea again, so I will be drinking tons now! :O)
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    My day started out ok and was counting on working out after dinner but wasn't able to. New goal to change workouts to am to make sur and get them in everyday. Good job mspix and fit fun on your work outs!! :drinker:

    I hope that is low calorie beer. Cheers!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Well, I fell off the wagon this week - too many work deadlines (and I work for myself so they really are non-negotiable) and everything just fell apart, but I am recomitting myself, and I've resolved to make the healthy eating and exercising a priority this week, because I'm going to stay busy, so I just need to get used to it, and make it work. Today I got in 60 minutes of exercise (40 running, 20 walking), and did well with the eating, so now all I have to do is keep doing this :-)

    Glad to see everyone else is doing so well :-)
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Keep up the good work everyone!

    Sherrill, I am borrowing your summary check list!
    Wk 1:
    * 6 small meals throughout the day: CHECK!
    * 60 minutes of working out for 6 days of the week: ONLY 5/7 this week, the weekend proved challenging this week.
    * 20 minutes of strength training (ST) at least 3 times a week: Not quite. I am thinking of breaking this into 10 minute segments due to scheduling issues
    * Check in after each workout to stay accountable: I could do better!

    This week:
    Monday AM: Turbo Jam 40 minutes, ST 10 minutes
  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
    Are you 40 and older and need a good workout regime to help lose those pesky pounds? After doing some research, I found some helpful tips that I am turning into a monthly challenge.

    * 6 small meals throughout the day with lunch being the biggest meal.
    This will help our metabolisms be more efficient. Of course eating healthy meals is the best way to go. Let us know what snacks and meals are working best for you and what is giving you the best energy.

    *60 minutes of working out for 6 days of the week.
    Mainly cardio. This can be broken down such as two 30 minute workouts, one in the morning, one in the evening. Or you can do a 40 min./20 min. schedule, etc. Any type of workout is game if you get at least 12-20 min. of being in your target heart rate zone. Bonus points to those who are doing interval intensity training which helps boost metabolism even more.

    *20 minutes of strength training (ST) at least 3 times a week. ***This is during your 60 minutes*** per day, not in addition to. This means that on the days of ST, you can do 40 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of ST or do a workout that includes both at the same time such as a kettlebell, medicine ball or a resistance band cardio workout.

    *Check in after each workout to stay accountable.
    Let us know what kind of workout you are doing and how this schedule is working for you. We would love to hear from you if you have some success on this challenge or if you need support to get you through the challenge.

    This challenge officially starts tomorrow. I hope you will join me!

    This is great advice. I am going to try to do this. I need something to work towards.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi Ladybugs,

    You are most welcome to join us. Week 1 for me:

    * 6 Small meals - not checked :sad: Just kidding. I am having trouble stopping to get a snack. I will work on this during the week.
    * 60 minutes of working out for 6 days a week. I did 4 workouts with 60 min. and 2 workouts were under
    * 20 minutes ST 3 days per week - check
    *Check in after each workout - I did fairly well. :wink:

    This week I will work getting it all in.

    Today I did 5 min. of mini-tramp and 50 min. of a killer kettlebell. So, I only have 5 min. left to do tonight. Probably some rowing or something while watching tv.

    Srp - it happens. I also work for myself and it is tough to stop what you are doing to go workout or have a snack. I'm sure we can figure it out.

    mspix - Great job! You do know you get a rest day, right? I'm impressed with your 6 meals!

    Have a good rest of your day. I'll be back tomorrow to stay accountable!
  • Katy67
    Katy67 Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone, I'm new in this and to the blog...are you guys on a diet plan or how do you divide your daily meals in 6 small meals? I'm on a healthy plan and they suggest 3meals + 1 snack per day.
    It is a bit difficult for me to get to 6 workout sessions per week, will 4x workouts per week of Pilates and kickboxing (45min combined) and 10km brisk walking be enough?
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    I managed to snag a walk this evening, YAY! I got rained as a bonus, lol!

    Fitn: I know I have a rest day, I think I took it on Saturday, Sunday's exercise was completely accidental, I promise! I think you are doing a great job, keep it up! Your kettlebell workouts are very inspiring, you will get me to fling one of those through my window, yet, lol!

    Remember, as long as we all strive for the goal, we are making progress :drinker:
    Hi Everyone, I'm new in this and to the blog...are you guys on a diet plan or how do you divide your daily meals in 6 small meals? I'm on a healthy plan and they suggest 3meals + 1 snack per day.
    It is a bit difficult for me to get to 6 workout sessions per week, will 4x workouts per week of Pilates and kickboxing (45min combined) and 10km brisk walking be enough?

    Hi Katy! As far as a diet plan, I can only speak for myself. I try to avoid sugar and overly processed foods. I am a calorie counter and plan my days by what I want to eat and finding ways to make room for it :) The way I work the '6 small meals' is by making breakfast, lunch, dinner slightly smaller, and having three snacks in between times. I am finding that it helps me fight off cravings as well as keep my eating balanced. Feel free to peek at my diary to get a better idea of what I mean.

    Your exercise plan sounds very balanced,and I think Pilates could be counted as strength training, I vote yes, it will work :)
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Katy - Welcome. Your exercise plan is just fine! So glad you can join us.

    I am having trouble getting the 6 small meals down. I have been trying to figure what I normally eat and see if I can divide a meal or two into two eating sessions. It is hard since I already basically half everything I eat. Does a piece of fruit count as a meal?

    Mspix - I thought of you when I did the TJ Cardio Party Mix 3. Do you have this one? It is a 50 min. (holy cow) workout. I was exhausted after it, but felt good that I got through it.

    I've been starting my day with 5 min. of bouncing to get myself started. It's actually quite fun. So now I only have 5 min. left and I think it will simply be a 5 min. yoga stretch workout (maybe 10 min since I have the DVD for 10 min.).

    Gigi - what's up?

    Ladybugs - How was your first day?

    Sherrill - I know you are probably rocking it.

    :flowerforyou: For everyone for a great start to the week!
  • guessgigi
    guessgigi Posts: 28 Member
    I am super hungry all day. Ahhhh ! I can thank PMS for that. 6 small meals have been really tough today felt like a piggy at Wendy's but my fault I didn't have the right morning snack to ward off the sugar low and super hunger I felt. Didn't do workout early today so will tonight! So encouraged by all your postings! Keep up the good work guys!! I will do better each day :)
  • bump
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Checking in! Got my 60 minutes today, YAY! 40 minutes of ST and 20 of Cardio, I figure I am ahead for the week now, lol!

    Fitn: For what it is worth, I don't really consider my snacks a meal, I just aim for 150-200 calories and try to get some fiber and protein in there. My meals I try to come in around 250-350. I also try to time each 'meal' to approx 2 1/2 -3 hours apart. One of my favorite snacks this time of year is a packet of instant sugar free oatmeal and a cup of low sugar hot chocolate. Very filling!
    As far as TJ, I do not have the Cardio Party 3, yet. I just picked up CP 2, and really like it. I also have the Punch, Kick, Jam...I like it as far as the work out, but Chalene seems less herself on that one. More infomercial-ish. I really want Turbo Fire, just not in the budget yet.

    GiGi: Sorry for the hunger pangs! Those suck! I am sure you will find your groove, hang in there!

    Sherrill: Like Fitn says, we know you are rockin' it!

    Ladybugs and Katy: Looking forward to hearing your updates!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Okay, I better check in now or I might forget. I am preparing to leave tomorrow to go to Austin for the weekend. I'm excited! I really like Austin. It's a half business, half pleasure trip. My fiance is doing the Livestrong 65 mile bike event with his brother. I couldn't get my act together to train enough for it so no biking this year for me. I'll be bringing my laptop, dvd's, kettlebell and resistance band. It is not a vacation for working out!

    Today I did 5 minutes of stairs and 30 min. of cardio resistance band. Did you know stair climbing burns about 200 calories in 30 minutes? Wow! I might to a few more sets of those or perhaps a TJ workout. We shall see.

    Eating has been a little bit better today. I did really well yesterday too. Your advice really helps, mspix!

    Gigi - I hear you on the not eating and ending up being starving later. I have to be careful of that too.

    Okay gals. I can't wait to see more checking in. I have about a month before my conference and really need to rock it. I'm glad you are with me!