VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    Thank you laloquita. I am very excited about this!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Thank you laloquita. I am very excited about this!

    No problem :wink:. Welcome aboard!
  • bethgrayster
    bethgrayster Posts: 56 Member
    I've noticed a lot of people mentioning their tall significant others. I find it amusing that it seems lots of shorter women seem to be with tall men. :-) It always makes me laugh because I'm 5'1 (with shoes on) and my boyfriend is 6'5. I can't make a picture of us standing our FB profile pic because when it crops it either cuts off the top of his head or the bottom of my face. haha
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    I've noticed a lot of people mentioning their tall significant others. I find it amusing that it seems lots of shorter women seem to be with tall men. :-) It always makes me laugh because I'm 5'1 (with shoes on) and my boyfriend is 6'5. I can't make a picture of us standing our FB profile pic because when it crops it either cuts off the top of his head or the bottom of my face. haha

    Isn't it funny?! My hubby is 6'6'' and I'm 5'0''. Our babies are in the 95%-100% for height so far so it looks like we will have tall kids!
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Hello challengers, How are we all doing this morning?

    I wanted to ask for some advice/opinions on something that I notice is my problem.
    I am sooo good about my eating habits on a regular day. Temptation hardley gets the best of me and my mind is set and my will power is so strong! ........until it comes to a day where there is a party, or a family gathering, I ALWAYS give in to all the food. My family are big foodies so they;re always talking about.. "oooh, let's make that, let's make this! OOOh, that looks goood, or let's go out to eat over there!".... everything is about food. lol.and people are always hungry. And this is my weakness. I tend to over eat whenever I'm around a whole lot of my family. How do I win this battle with food?? Any advice?? Anyone with the same problem? How do you deal? I feel so guilty when everybody leaves and I'm home feeling FAT and distugsting and just thinking so myself.. "i SHOULDNT have done that! it was NOT worth it ! =(
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    Hello challengers, How are we all doing this morning?

    I wanted to ask for some advice/opinions on something that I notice is my problem.
    I am sooo good about my eating habits on a regular day. Temptation hardley gets the best of me and my mind is set and my will power is so strong! ........until it comes to a day where there is a party, or a family gathering, I ALWAYS give in to all the food. My family are big foodies so they;re always talking about.. "oooh, let's make that, let's make this! OOOh, that looks goood, or let's go out to eat over there!".... everything is about food. lol.and people are always hungry. And this is my weakness. I tend to over eat whenever I'm around a whole lot of my family. How do I win this battle with food?? Any advice?? Anyone with the same problem? How do you deal? I feel so guilty when everybody leaves and I'm home feeling FAT and distugsting and just thinking so myself.. "i SHOULDNT have done that! it was NOT worth it ! =(

    I struggle with the same thing- but I feel a little bit differently about it. And not everyone will agree with me and that is ok! To each her own! But in my opinion, try not to feel so guilty about it! Food is not the enemy. Food is fabulous. I for one really enjoy food. I have learned that I need a day on the weekend or something to let go a bit and enjoy food with my family and friends. But I'm just smarter about it now. Logging my food throughout the week has helped me be more mindful in general. If it is a food that I have had many many times, I can tell myself "meh- been there, done that, not worth it". Or I try to watch portion sizes and say no to too much extra foods. Stick to water. Make a big deal out of the foods you eat and try not to mindlessly graze. Having an "off day" gets me pumped about being good about logging throughout the week. But as soon as I start to feel guilty about the off day I get into trouble- I get too stressed and end up eating more. Also, there is a difference between over-eating and binge eating. If you find that you are binge eating when you are with family and friends then you might want to try a different approach. But if it is just overeating a bit, relax and enjoy and know that it won't undo all of the work you've done all week! Sorry for the ramble- good luck to you!
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    I've noticed a lot of people mentioning their tall significant others. I find it amusing that it seems lots of shorter women seem to be with tall men. :-) It always makes me laugh because I'm 5'1 (with shoes on) and my boyfriend is 6'5. I can't make a picture of us standing our FB profile pic because when it crops it either cuts off the top of his head or the bottom of my face. haha

    Mine is 6'3" - I have a theory that if there's a little shorty they need a tall partner, because SOMEBODY has to be able to reach the higher shelves at the supermarket!!!!! HAHAHA

    My mum is the same, she is shorter than me and her hubby is 6'2"'s just a thing!
  • jess213tx
    jess213tx Posts: 85 Member
    Hello challengers, How are we all doing this morning?

    I wanted to ask for some advice/opinions on something that I notice is my problem.
    I am sooo good about my eating habits on a regular day. Temptation hardley gets the best of me and my mind is set and my will power is so strong! ........until it comes to a day where there is a party, or a family gathering, I ALWAYS give in to all the food. My family are big foodies so they;re always talking about.. "oooh, let's make that, let's make this! OOOh, that looks goood, or let's go out to eat over there!".... everything is about food. lol.and people are always hungry. And this is my weakness. I tend to over eat whenever I'm around a whole lot of my family. How do I win this battle with food?? Any advice?? Anyone with the same problem? How do you deal? I feel so guilty when everybody leaves and I'm home feeling FAT and distugsting and just thinking so myself.. "i SHOULDNT have done that! it was NOT worth it ! =(

    I have this problem when there are sweets around. If there is cake around me, I need to have some! However, instead of serving myself a piece, I'll take a couple of small bites from my husband's plate! He's alot taller than me and doesn't have weight problems, so he can eat some of the bad stuff and still get away with it!

    This also works with restaurant food. When we go out, my husband tends to order steak or something chicken fried. On those nights, I'll order my grilled chicken/fish with veggies and have a small bite of his entree. Everything in moderation I guess!
  • I've noticed a lot of people mentioning their tall significant others. I find it amusing that it seems lots of shorter women seem to be with tall men. :-) It always makes me laugh because I'm 5'1 (with shoes on) and my boyfriend is 6'5. I can't make a picture of us standing our FB profile pic because when it crops it either cuts off the top of his head or the bottom of my face. haha

    My husband is 6'4" and I'm 4'11.75". I want our children to at least be average height!
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    Hello challengers, How are we all doing this morning?

    I wanted to ask for some advice/opinions on something that I notice is my problem.
    I am sooo good about my eating habits on a regular day. Temptation hardley gets the best of me and my mind is set and my will power is so strong! ........until it comes to a day where there is a party, or a family gathering, I ALWAYS give in to all the food. My family are big foodies so they;re always talking about.. "oooh, let's make that, let's make this! OOOh, that looks goood, or let's go out to eat over there!".... everything is about food. lol.and people are always hungry. And this is my weakness. I tend to over eat whenever I'm around a whole lot of my family. How do I win this battle with food?? Any advice?? Anyone with the same problem? How do you deal? I feel so guilty when everybody leaves and I'm home feeling FAT and distugsting and just thinking so myself.. "i SHOULDNT have done that! it was NOT worth it ! =(

    The important thing is to enjoy life honey :) I LOVE going out for a nice meal, and when I go to a fab restaurant i am not going to miss out on what could be the most exquisite seafood platter/tapas/fresh pasta I am ever going to eat in my life just because I am counting my calories. If you are good all of the other times, just enjoy the food with your family. Too much pressure is not good for the soul.

    Then go for a long walk hehe :)
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    My EXhusband was pretty close to 6', and I am 5'. My son seems to be following the curve to be about average, but he's only 9 and who knows what will happen at puberty. My daughter inherited her daddy's slender frame (lucky girl!) but I think she's going to be a shorty, too. She's so petite and cute...I want to be petite and cute, too! lol

    As for family gatherings and food...that IS a tough one. I also believe that life is to be enjoyed and it's okay to be a little naughty sometimes. I usually just try and watch my portions. Who enjoys that painful, bloated feeling after you've eaten way too much anyway? I remind myself of that feeling, and I visualize myself adding all that food into my diary, and I can usually be semi-well behaved.
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Hello challengers, How are we all doing this morning?

    I wanted to ask for some advice/opinions on something that I notice is my problem.
    I am sooo good about my eating habits on a regular day. Temptation hardley gets the best of me and my mind is set and my will power is so strong! ........until it comes to a day where there is a party, or a family gathering, I ALWAYS give in to all the food. My family are big foodies so they;re always talking about.. "oooh, let's make that, let's make this! OOOh, that looks goood, or let's go out to eat over there!".... everything is about food. lol.and people are always hungry. And this is my weakness. I tend to over eat whenever I'm around a whole lot of my family. How do I win this battle with food?? Any advice?? Anyone with the same problem? How do you deal? I feel so guilty when everybody leaves and I'm home feeling FAT and distugsting and just thinking so myself.. "i SHOULDNT have done that! it was NOT worth it ! =(

    I struggle with the same thing- but I feel a little bit differently about it. And not everyone will agree with me and that is ok! To each her own! But in my opinion, try not to feel so guilty about it! Food is not the enemy. Food is fabulous. I for one really enjoy food. I have learned that I need a day on the weekend or something to let go a bit and enjoy food with my family and friends. But I'm just smarter about it now. Logging my food throughout the week has helped me be more mindful in general. If it is a food that I have had many many times, I can tell myself "meh- been there, done that, not worth it". Or I try to watch portion sizes and say no to too much extra foods. Stick to water. Make a big deal out of the foods you eat and try not to mindlessly graze. Having an "off day" gets me pumped about being good about logging throughout the week. But as soon as I start to feel guilty about the off day I get into trouble- I get too stressed and end up eating more. Also, there is a difference between over-eating and binge eating. If you find that you are binge eating when you are with family and friends then you might want to try a different approach. But if it is just overeating a bit, relax and enjoy and know that it won't undo all of the work you've done all week! Sorry for the ramble- good luck to you!

    thats exactly what happens with me. As it is, I have a bit of anxiety, and everytime family comes over, I tell myself, I'm not gonna over do it, and then when I see myself start to, I get stressed out, and say forget it, n eat MORE . n with foods that ive had a million times, I have gotten really good and saying, I'm good. but, I always do make sure that if I'm eating how I wouldn't normally, then I ONLY drink water.. except, when I get myself in trouble with adult beverages at parties. see, wit my family , its always weekend parties. n everyones drinking all weekend. if i do feel like drinking, which I normally do not, but on the rare occasion I do, then I only do it on one of the days, and only once evening time has come.
    thank u for ur words!
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    I have this problem when there are sweets around. If there is cake around me, I need to have some! However, instead of serving myself a piece, I'll take a couple of small bites from my husband's plate! He's alot taller than me and doesn't have weight problems, so he can eat some of the bad stuff and still get away with it!

    This also works with restaurant food. When we go out, my husband tends to order steak or something chicken fried. On those nights, I'll order my grilled chicken/fish with veggies and have a small bite of his entree. Everything in moderation I guess!

    Thanks. I do have to work on it. SOmetimes I just want .. one... more...bite...... lol
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    My EXhusband was pretty close to 6', and I am 5'. My son seems to be following the curve to be about average, but he's only 9 and who knows what will happen at puberty. My daughter inherited her daddy's slender frame (lucky girl!) but I think she's going to be a shorty, too. She's so petite and cute...I want to be petite and cute, too! lol

    As for family gatherings and food...that IS a tough one. I also believe that life is to be enjoyed and it's okay to be a little naughty sometimes. I usually just try and watch my portions. Who enjoys that painful, bloated feeling after you've eaten way too much anyway? I remind myself of that feeling, and I visualize myself adding all that food into my diary, and I can usually be semi-well behaved.

    See when I have days like that, I don't log my food. Not because I don't want to , but because I'm usually very busy too, helping with whatever is going on during the occasion. So, I tell myself I'm just going to keep track in my head.. and when I notice I'm eating more than usual, I get stressed out, and start to eat more out of anxiety and feeling shameful.. I really need to work on other things like being easier on myself..
    But, I do think about that ugly feeling you get after eating too much as well. That;s what I usually do to keep me from over eating when I'm really hungry.
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Goodnight everyone. Hope you all had a wonderful, successful day! Let's make tomorrow better. Remember, every day is new. Everyday is another chance. =) As we approach the end of our first challenge, I'd like to welcome all the new members and encourage you all to come and chat with us, share your thoughts, days. worries, or laughs. xoxo best wishes to all!

    Go Vertical Challengers!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Good afternoon all! I hope you are all well.
    My personal info for the day:

    I'm hoping to be quite a ways under calories today - that's good.
    I'm also hoping to carry on with my 30 day shred mission - good too.
    I started level one again yesterday and I hurt - not so good. You know that bit of your inner upper thigh, the bits that rub and meet? Yeah, it's there, which is ok I guess - because by working that area I'm shrinking that area. I hope.

    I walked at what felt like a million miles an hour to and from the schools this morning and I experienced one of my major bug-bears. Sweat.
    I hate turning up at the school looking like I've just run a marathon. It's horrible and embarrassing. I'm drenched!! For that reason I am so looking forward to the cooler weather and I'm so looking forward to being lighter and not heaving with sweat because I'm carrying the equivalent of a toddler around with me. It's things like that that spur me on, however they also make me impatient.
    C'mon weightloss - happen....NOW! Right now - do it. NOW.
    See, even a tantrum won't make it go quicker. :grumble:

    Then I went to the hygienist and that made me sweat too. Not out of exertion though, out of pure fear. I dislike the woman despite her being actually sort of alright. But she comes at me with what looks like mini versions of pick-axes and then wizzes round my mouth with this water drill thing that hurts. I don't like it - I think I left a crime scene outline of a body in sweat on her chair. She said my oral hygiene was very good though so I guess that's something - bloomin' sadist.

    Then I went to one chemist to pick up lotions and potions for daughter who has eczema, then went to the other one right at the opposite end of the town, only to discover I had left my purse in the other chemist. Cue more sweating as I'm pounding up and down the highstreet imagining my husband moaning at me when I tell him we've got to cancel all the cards, thank goodness I found it. The prescription wasn't ready though so i went back up to the other one, finished my business there and then went back down to the original - for the third time. Sweat, sweat, sweat.

    Right, well, I'm going to get off my behind now and move it a bit. Do some housework, pick up the kids, come home to shred. Do dinner, clean and bed down the little ones and then pass out on the sofa.

    have a good day everyone - oh and, as I've just dumped my day on you all, feel free to return the favour :happy:
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Morning everyone,
    I have not loss any weight in the last month. Spoke to the trainer and she told me to eat 1250 calories no matter how much I exercise. Due to my height and my age so next month I should be down by 5 lbs..Can't wait next month is my daughters Sweet 16. She is growing up so quick. :smile:
  • npostma
    npostma Posts: 33
    Hi everyone.

    I have not "officially" introduced myself. My name is Nicole and I am 38. I have been married for almost 15 years and have 3 kids. 2 boys aged 13 and 12 and a 6 year old daughter (she will be 7 in December). I am here because I finally decided I needed to get the baby weight off from my daughter! HA, can I really use that as an excuse?

    After my boys were born, (they are only 11 months apart), I settled in at an uncomfortable 165lbs (I am 5'1 (and a half)... I did weight watchers back in 2001 and got down to 130 (size 6) felt great and maintained it for 3 years, until I got pregnant for my daughter. That was FREE FOR ALL time! After my daughter was born, I was down to about 155 and had to have surgery because I had an abdominal wall hernia. LUCKY ME, I got a mini tummy tuck by the surgeon when he did the hernia repair! YAY tummy was looking good, just needed to drop those extra other pounds! (it was exciting because 3 c-sections was not nice to my tummy) ANYWAYS...I ended up going back to work, and the pounds just started packing back on. I have since lost my job and got a new job. This is all in the last 6 yrs.

    ANYWAYS...I am sick of being over-weight. 165lbs is not feeling very good. I found MFP while searching apps on my phone. That was August 22. I am down 11.5 pounds and feeling good about my progress. My hubby has joined with me too and he is down about 15! My ultimate goal is 125!

    Looking forward to sharing all the blood, sweat and tears and successes with all of you!

  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I have not "officially" introduced myself. My name is Nicole and I am 38. I have been married for almost 15 years and have 3 kids. 2 boys aged 13 and 12 and a 6 year old daughter (she will be 7 in December). I am here because I finally decided I needed to get the baby weight off from my daughter! HA, can I really use that as an excuse?

    After my boys were born, (they are only 11 months apart), I settled in at an uncomfortable 165lbs (I am 5'1 (and a half)... I did weight watchers back in 2001 and got down to 130 (size 6) felt great and maintained it for 3 years, until I got pregnant for my daughter. That was FREE FOR ALL time! After my daughter was born, I was down to about 155 and had to have surgery because I had an abdominal wall hernia. LUCKY ME, I got a mini tummy tuck by the surgeon when he did the hernia repair! YAY tummy was looking good, just needed to drop those extra other pounds! (it was exciting because 3 c-sections was not nice to my tummy) ANYWAYS...I ended up going back to work, and the pounds just started packing back on. I have since lost my job and got a new job. This is all in the last 6 yrs.

    ANYWAYS...I am sick of being over-weight. 165lbs is not feeling very good. I found MFP while searching apps on my phone. That was August 22. I am down 11.5 pounds and feeling good about my progress. My hubby has joined with me too and he is down about 15! My ultimate goal is 125!

    Looking forward to sharing all the blood, sweat and tears and successes with all of you!


    Thank you for sharing your story! I started MFP on Aug. 15 so we started really close together. Don't you just love how you can be the same height and size and still wear different size pants. I'm 125 now and can't even fit in a pair of size 7's lol. Thanks again for sharing!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Morning everyone,
    I have not loss any weight in the last month. Spoke to the trainer and she told me to eat 1250 calories no matter how much I exercise. Due to my height and my age so next month I should be down by 5 lbs..Can't wait next month is my daughters Sweet 16. She is growing up so quick. :smile:

    Well I surely hope that the up"ed calories will help you lose the weight. Aww Sweet 16, is there going to be a Swee 16 party?