Do you want people drooling over your profile?



  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    I am proud of my accomplishments...and if I get attention from it...well then it paid off!

    ^^^DROOLING :love:
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I don't know about others, but going from 220 pounds, to 150 pounds, working out hard and long, 6 days a week for the past 9 months, I am pretty D.A.M.N. proud of what I have accomplished. I post my pictures for everyone to see what I have achieved thru hard work. Yes it feels really good to get the comments from anyone male or female about how good I look, no doubt.
  • SimplyFreckled
    SimplyFreckled Posts: 444 Member
    oh yes..... Drool away baby!
  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
    I just wonder, looking at some people's profiles. Are you simply showing off your best bits in a being proud of you achievements way, or are you trying to look hot to the opposite sex?

    Damn straight to both!! Its been one helluva *kitten* busting, hardest thing I've ever done, type thing to shed 40 pounds!
  • I'm proud of how far I have come in this journey!
  • I have one shirtless pic up as my before P90X pic. Do I post things to get the attention of women? No. But that's not to say it wouldn't make my day if someone thought I was hot.
  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
    I'm proud of how far I have come in this journey!

    You look great!!!!!! Keep up the hard work!!
  • flasportsfan
    flasportsfan Posts: 126 Member
    How amazing is it that people have finally gotten enough confidence to show part of their body. For many of us who have lost a significant amount of weight, it is the first time we have ever felt comfortable showing off our body. This is a relatively safe venue to do so, we are surrounded by encouraging people that are try to achieve similar goals. Distorted body image is a real issue for many and it is through the accolades of others that starts chipping down our walls. We don't see it and don't believe it but some of those compliments get through and for that moment you see yourself as possibly attractive. Often it is fleeting but if there are more moments and more soon our confidence grows and we become a different person. So I say show off your muscles, show off your perky girls whatever makes you feel attractive and have a sense of worth for that moment. Oh and if people use it to hook up ROCK ON!!! Awesome, I love it...Why the heck not!! And YES, I would love people to be drooling…lol..they are sooooooo not, but wouldn’t that be cool for the first time in my life I would be objectified once in a while…ya it would be cool.

    OMG, you could not have said this any better. I have the body image disorder and I cringe when I see my body in the mirror. It's been therapeutic for me to see my picture on here because I get support from my friends and I see someone who doesn't look like the old me.

    It's a reinforcement that I've changed, even though it's been difficult for my brain to register that I've lost a ton of weight. I have a long way to go before I see what everyone else sees, but putting my pictures up is helping. Plus, I'm proud of my athletic body now. I've never shown ANYTHING off in my life and I'm going to enjoy it while I can!!
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    I drool over my own profile picture.


  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    Obviously not trying to show off. Just so you can put a face to the name :) I am very happily married.
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm proud of how far I have come in this journey!

    I agree with you! AND yes you SHOULD feel proud.

  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    I tend to take such horrible pictures that when I take one that I even kinda like, I update my profile with. it's a good visual reminder for me as to how I've changed.
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    Sometimes I think about posting pictures of my stomach, so others can see that losing 111 lbs doesn't always make you look horrible. People get so scared because of the thought of loose skin, but it doesn't always have to be that way, especially if you're young. However, this is the internet and I'm a fairly modest person. If I posted pictures like that, 50% of me would be wanting to gain some approval/acceptance from others on this site about my body. If I can't gain acceptance from myself, nobody on this site will change my mind. It's my opinion that matters and my own thoughts that need to make the change. The only reason I think I'd ever post pictures like this is so that others can feel motivated...maybe someday I will.
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    I'm a boring old married lady, and I like bikini pics because....

    ... it shows the changes better than when clothed. I'm wearing the same shirts as I did 33 pounds ago, and some of the same jeans, even though they were skin tight and now I need a belt. Fully clothed, there's not as dramatic of a difference.

    ... I'm proud of what I've accomplished. I love that I have a better physique at 39 than ever before in my life. I'm more proud of the changes in my actual health and endurance, but that's a little harder to photograph.

    ... I like being proof that you don't need to do extreme dieting to get results. I eat a lot of food, even some processed junk, and enjoy every bite that goes in my mouth. I hate to see people think they need to starve and suffer. They don't.

    ... after spending every moment I could over the summer in my pool, or in shorts and tanks, showing some skin doesn't seem strange. Wearing full length pants and long sleeves feels strange.

    ... it's flattering when other women ask, "How did you DO that?" I like being an inspiration to other women. :smile: I don't think I've gotten any lecherous comments from guys. Support and kudos, but nothing creepy. Come to think of it... maybe that should make me sad? :laugh:

    Good for you Lorina! You truly inspire me! You are a Real person, with Real results, and you are doing it YOUR way! KUDOS :drinker:
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I'd hate to show my face or body on the internet to strangers, I don't even like to show it in public. I want people to look and go "awwww" and make them smile when they see my awesomely cute lions.
  • LMAA! I agree! Come on now. Lets see what you looked like before.... if there was a "before"
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I think many of them just like hearing that they've made every guy on their friends list penis hard. After years of not getting much attention, I think now they are desperately trying to make up for the time lost and enjoying teasing the guys and hearing about how...excited...they are. IMO (meaning, in MY opion...again, MY opion)....

    I would also like to note that I am NOT talking about ANYONE on my friends list. Just FYI. :-)
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    Well I know I didn't vote for funny sock day!! :sad:

    My handknit socks are NOT funny.

    Well, okay, some of them are, but not those specifically. Although the name of my project for these socks (on Ravelry) is a little bit amusing.

    (and my illusion that you were actually LL Cool J has been shattered)

    Other than me being caucasian, we look like identical twins.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I don't know about others, but going from 220 pounds, to 150 pounds, working out hard and long, 6 days a week for the past 9 months, I am pretty D.A.M.N. proud of what I have accomplished. I post my pictures for everyone to see what I have achieved thru hard work. Yes it feels really good to get the comments from anyone male or female about how good I look, no doubt.

    from this


    to this

    still a little more to go