Damsel in Distress

Im just curious if any of you women out there play the damsel in distress knowing damn good and well you can do whatever it is that you are asking a man to do?

Do you know how to change a tire kind of stuff?

I myself do NOT know how to change a tire but its a matter of not taking the time to learn. But after this thread Im sure im going to be learning soon. I like knowing how to do things myself.


  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I don't play the damsel in distress, but I have roadside assistance on speed dial :tongue:
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    My girlfriend does this :p

    I don't know why but I think I like it
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    Nope! But I usually ask a guy to do stuff for me if I need it done. My recent request has been for my guy friends to put together my dresser from ikea. lol I think it makes them feel manly, anyway.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Nope. I paddle my own canoe.
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    Nope! But I usually ask a guy to do stuff for me if I need it done. My recent request has been for my guy friends to put together my dresser from ikea. lol I think it makes them feel manly, anyway.

    lol, that could be it
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I don't know how to change a tire. I was in an accident once and I had to change the tire...but before I even attempted to figure it out, 5 men came over to help.
    I don't do it on purpose, but guys do things for me all the time, I think it's nice of them, but I try not to take advantage of their kindness, and at work, it can be annoying when people want to do your job, but at the same time, I'm not gonna be all "GRR I AM WOMAN I CAN DO IT MYSELF!!" ;) If a guy opens the door for you, just say "thanks" and walk out, you don't need to get angry at him (Like I know some women do)
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I love doing things for myself and hate asking guys to do things for me. if I don't know how to do them.
    I feel useless. Lol
  • kiwianjel
    kiwianjel Posts: 80 Member
    Not usually, can and ahve changed my own tyre though.. when I was a single Mum I had no choice but to do things for myself. Now I have a wonderful partner that loves me but doesnt pander to me. So I still do most things for myself unless I really dont know how lol
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    I don't change tires...that's a guys job :P
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I will do everything myself to the point of nervous breakdown. I've always been this way. My boyfriend is very kind to me, and when he happens across one of my 'to-do' lists then he will secretly go and do a few of the things for me to help me not feel overwhelmed.

    Something he has asked me to do is ask for help. This is a new concept to me and really taking some time to get used to.
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    no, whats the saying if you want a job doing properly do it yaself, plus i dont have any guy to call upon.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Loosen the lugnuts prior to jacking up the vehicle.

    Is that what they're called? Lugnuts?
  • yep sure have :) and have also used it to get what I need on the job... wait that doesnt sound right....
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    Nope. I paddle my own canoe.

    Canoes are best when self paddled.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Most guys I know love the damsel in distress thing. Now, I don't do the whole "Ewww, it's a spider! Let me jump on a chair so you can kill it!" act, but I'll ask a guy to open a jar or reach something on a high shelf for me. And if he offers to do it without me asking, I can really play that up and make him feel like a million bucks. I think they get a kick out of it, and so do I.
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    I don't "play it up". Though I'm not adverse to getting help if a guy were to offer...

    The last time I had a guy come over and help me when I specifically didn't ask for help was when I was changing the battery in our beater car. (I've done this before.) He was working on the house next door and saw me trying to get the cables off the posts and I was b-i-tching about one not coming off easily. (This could be a pr0n-o plot, I swear.) Over he rushes with his buddy and asks what I was doing then proceeds to change the thing himself. *kitten*. (Not really, but I could've done it on my own.) Him and his buddy got a 6-pack for their unneeded effort. I just couldn't bring myself to say,"Nah dude, I've got this."
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Most guys I know love the damsel in distress thing. Now, I don't do the whole "Ewww, it's a spider! Let me jump on a chair so you can kill it!" act, but I'll ask a guy to open a jar or reach something on a high shelf for me. And if he offers to do it without me asking, I can really play that up and make him feel like a million bucks. I think they get a kick out of it, and so do I.

    Don't ever leave Texas, hun :) lol
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Im just curious if any of you women out there play the damsel in distress knowing damn good and well you can do whatever it is that you are asking a man to do?

    Do you know how to change a tire kind of stuff?

    I myself do NOT know how to change a tire but its a matter of not taking the time to learn. But after this thread Im sure im going to be learning soon. I like knowing how to do things myself.

    I don't play 'damsel in distress', but I do try to be careful and tell white lies to protect male ego, lol...

    I needed these dumbbells a guy was using in the gym the other day and I didn't think twice about asking if he was done with them and if I could use them... afterall, different exercises require different weights and it isn't saying anything necessarily that I needed the same weights...

    He was totally embarrassed, you could tell. I finished my sets, back across the gym and when I returned them to him, I told him the weights were too heavy for me, lmao..

    He just smiled. I figured it couldn't hurt to make his day, lol.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I definitely do this, and make no apologies for it. When I pull into a gas station because my car is close to overheating and I need to put more coolant in, it usually takes about 30 seconds for a man to assume I'm helpless and he walks over. I can tell right away when the man thinks I'm too stupid to be allowed to lift a hood up. I figure if he just assumes all women are stupid, then he can go ahead and get his hands dirty while I stay nice and clean. The OTHER side of the coin is that some men are just plain chivalrous, and I LOVE that. I think that this is treating a lady with the utmost respect. If a man opens the door for me, I know that HE knows darn well that I can open it myself, but he is showing respect. I dig it, and I make sure my husband treats all women this way. I just had a son a few weeks ago, and he will be taught to do this also. So if a man offers help and it's obvious that he's just being a caring individual, I will accept his help if needed, and if not, I will still profusely thank him. And let me tell you, now that my husband is deployed and I am on the road a lot with three children, I am thanking God every time a kind stranger helps me. I can do a lot for myself, but not it all, and I am so grateful when a complete stranger makes me feel like I'm not totally alone during this deployment.
  • quichebradford
    quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
    I wouldn't say I'm in "distress". I don't know how to change a tire, and I don't care to know. Here my reasons:

    1. It's dirty. (I have this thing where I absolutely can not stand ANYTHING on my hands. I go through a roll of papertowels a day because I wash them so much)

    2. It's dirty...oh wait, I said that already. Yeah, well that's my other reason! :laugh:

    I don't do a lot of things that would be considered "man" things....but that's just because I'm a girl. I mean a girly girl. I like to smell good, I like pink, cute things, frilly things, and nail polish, lip gloss and all that jazz.

    Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against any woman who can do those things, I'm actually amazed by it. It's just not for me!

    Between my husband and 3 sons...things get done. :laugh: