Weight loss tips that are helping me and i want to share



  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Ok these are the weight loss tips that i have gathered together for myself that i want to share with you all. :smile:

    Which ones do you think you could stick to and which ones are a definite no

    1. No junk food

    2. No smoking

    3. smaller portions

    4. Leave some food on the plate at the end of a meal

    5. No eating late at night

    6. No sneaking out late at night to buy food

    I am trying to keep to all 6 but the hardest for me is numbers 5 and 6

    Over to you

    I think the only ones on here I actually stick to are 2 and 3. :laugh:

    I don't believe in "no junk food", I just don't have it often. I think it's better the have the real thing sometimes than s few empty calorie diet snacks that won't satisfy.

    I'm usually good at knowing how much I want and plan out my portions. Sometimes I get bored when I'm eating, and take a brake, but I always finish it later.

    There's no magic "food turns to fat" cut off, so if I have that calories and I'm hungry, I eat. If there's no food, I'll go buy something. That may be a good thing though, since I have to bike to the store (4miles). :tongue:
  • pawprint061
    Its been almost two weeks since I stopped smoking. But it took me a few weeks to get mentally prepared. Every time I lit up, I thought to myself man I hate this. After I smoked, I thought man that tasted nasty. Little things like that. I finally got to where I hated even going out for a smoke. I quit one day, and I haven't thought about going back once.

    One tip that I like to share is when I eat my meals, I always eat my veggies first. I rather fill up on my veggies. Plus I always have a glass of water.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    4 and 5 are my hardest. :( I can't stand wasting food so I just have to do my best not putting too much on there to begin with, and I always find myself picking at my toddlers leftovers! :( Anddd I'm really bad about late night snacking.

    Don't worry about when you eat it. As long as you are at your calorie goal, it's fine.
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    1. Don't go shopping when you are hungry.
    2. Don't have junk food in the house, and you won't be tempted
    3. Have a good healthy food plan that is easy to shop for.
    4. Train yourself to have self control.
    5. It's OK to have an occasional cheat day, as long as you keep it under control.

    These are great tips and I totally agree !!! I went shopping hungry the other day and bought so much junk! ...and I had wine and beer in the house and I was too tempted by them, so I drank them... then the guilt set in. For me: out of sight out of mind !
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member
    One important lesson I have learned is it's 70% diet and 30% exercise.. High protein/low carb diet is working REALLY well for me so far (averaging 3-4 pounds per week). I lift heavy weights (10 pounds rather than 3-5) to tone (and I am not bulking up at all, that is a myth). I am very active at work and wear ankle weights just walking around the house. I do lots of sit ups too. Realistically, I am only running 3 times a week, but am still seeing drastic differences. Also, regarding eating late at night, I think it is important to learn to listen to your body.. It's simple.. if you're not hungry, don't eat.. if you're hungry, eat vegetables or protein :) I am not a pro by ANY means, but here are just a few tips.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    One thing for me....eat on a smaller plate...then, I don't put so much and I can eat it all.....and make the food attractive so I dont' feel like I'm being deprived....I teach school so I've taken one of my pretty hot pink bowls to school to eat my cottage cheese and fruit out of......it makes it feel more special then putting it on one of those prison trays and having 75 percent of the tray being empty!!!
  • londanfudd4eva
    the hardest for me is number 1
  • mfost50
    mfost50 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm also reading this while eating Ritz crackers at this time of night. But with portion control, I just get a smaller plate to place my dinner on it. Plus, I would find myself satisfied even if my plate is not as big as the rest of my family's.
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    My hardest is quitting smoking. I just don't want to. I have cut down and since I am exercising almost everyday now I can feel the difference but my tolerence of exercising is getting better each day. I am getting stronger and can get through all the cardio in 30 day shred which isn't real high but very intense. The others I really don't have any problems with.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't think any of those are necessary for losing weight.
    And smoking is by no means good for you but I don't see how quitting helps to lose weight.
  • islandbeauty3
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    1 and 5 are ridiculously hard for me...
  • leanne2376
    I don't think any of those are necessary for losing weight.
    And smoking is by no means good for you but I don't see how quitting helps to lose weight.

    Because quitting helps you with exercise endurance therefore you lose more weight
  • dak42527
    I quit 2 years 7 months ago, smoked 12 years. It's has to be one of the toughest things... My father told me it is mind over matter. You have to know that you will always have the cravings and as time goes on, it gets a little bit easier, little, by little. Cravings never truly go away....just a bit easier. You have to passify yourself. So be creative!

    1.) When you want a cig - chew a piece of Nicorette Gum. (only use the gum for about 1 month)
    2.) When you need to puff - smoke twizzlers!! Chew off the ends and hold like a cig, drag air!
    3.) sugar free mints, cinnamon tic tacs, regular sugar free gum

    When you get through a month of all this....then drop the nicorette gum. Your second month it's just twizzlers, mints and regular gum. After the 2 months, you will just about, have it licked!!! (you have to remind yourself that you got that far, don't give up) Little by little. Just know that in order to make it happen, you have to make your mind up, know that you have to be ready to deal with at least 2 months of hard core tuffing it out!!!! Best of luck to you!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Ok these are the weight loss tips that i have gathered together for myself that i want to share with you all. :smile:

    Which ones do you think you could stick to and which ones are a definite no

    1. No junk food
    Though it may be harder for some to do it, you can lose weight and still have junk food
    4. Leave some food on the plate at the end of a meal
    If you eat off smaller plates, there's no need to waste food.
    5. No eating late at night
    It's myth that you can't eat at night. Whether you eat your calorie limit in the day or late at night doesn't matter.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Eat only when you're hungry.
  • leigh33ca
    leigh33ca Posts: 102 Member
    Well 1,5 and 6 are harder ones for me. Though for #1 I haven't bought a chocolate bar at all this week at work. I know its only a 4 day work week but its a start. 5 and 6 are harder as I work all different times of the day. If I work 1pm-10pm well that like late afternoon for some. And I am really trying not to go to the grocery store after work (especially late nights) and grabbing chips or something. Our grocery store is open 24/7.

    I don't smoke (quite 14 years ago when I had the kids) and I always use a smaller plate. 4 I can do but if I am working and have supper at 4pm then its cleaned as I don't really eat anything else till I get home after 10pm. Though sometimes I will have a granola bar.
    Ok these are the weight loss tips that i have gathered together for myself that i want to share with you all. :smile:

    Which ones do you think you could stick to and which ones are a definite no

    1. No junk food

    2. No smoking

    3. smaller portions

    4. Leave some food on the plate at the end of a meal

    5. No eating late at night

    6. No sneaking out late at night to buy food

    I am trying to keep to all 6 but the hardest for me is numbers 5 and 6

    Over to you
  • dnsrmr
    dnsrmr Posts: 99 Member
    Definately 5 and 6. When I eat a good supper, I drink water the rest of the night. If I want something sweet and feel disciplined I eat sugar free jello with whipped cream on it and/or sugar free pink lemonade.
    If I can't stand it I'll go for the chips n dip or anything I can find, but I try not to do this often.
    I think it's ok once in a while to get it out of my system :o)
  • kaitlynnesmommy
    kaitlynnesmommy Posts: 166 Member
    Mine is to remember when I fail that every day is a new day
  • aimeelouwhite
    aimeelouwhite Posts: 181 Member
    I ALWAYS have a snack in bed before going to sleep - it's my reward for getting thru the day .... something light and healthy and very low in fat!

    * a piece of fruit or some grapes
    * a few nuts
    * a spicy fruit muffin split with cream cheese and vegemite
    * a couple of cruskits with hummus