Sixers Love Yourself Challenge- Week 6



  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Thanks for the well wishes today! I am a little nervous but happy to be getting it over with none the less. They are a little worried about my anemia and want me to be prepared for having a transfusion. I think I was ok until we started talking about that and both the surgeon and the anethesiologist(sp?) mentioned it on separate calls to my house. Oh well, they all know what they are doing. I will have to stay over night if it comes to that.

    So, I will log on here as soon as I can to let you all know I am doing fine!

    pdx. you are in our thoughts! good luck... I can imagine it would be a bit scary BUT it is going to feel great when it ia all over with!!!! :flowerforyou:

    chipper. glad to here you are feeling better! :flowerforyou:

    wow. so this week i hadn't been feeling well...:sick: weird neck pain, drowsy... etc... and i figured it was becuase i was really stressed about all my exams but turns out my neighbor (downstairs) who left for disney on sunday had left the gas on the stove top on... and the way the venting system goes it was leaking into my apt... thankfully my carbon monoxide alarm went off :smile: BUT it is really weird / scary that it didn't go off sooner than last night... but now that my apt is all vented out and i got a good sleep i feel better... just so scary that peoples careless actions can be sooo dangerous in an apt. setting.... (or any place really) more motivation to move out... :noway: erg. (her alarm didn't go off because it was out of batteries... come on people really...) sorry had to vent... :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Amy, thinking of you today!

    Cathy, glad you're feeling a bit better today :flowerforyou:

    RedSox, YIKES!!! Thank goodness you found out but sheesh... SO dangerous! :flowerforyou:

    Well, I got my "official" pregnancy test results yesterday when AF started ( :bigsmile: ) but I'm holding a little water today. The last couple of days though my lower weight was sticking and I'm only showing 0.8 lb up today so I'm feeling great!

    I'm going out tonight to a women's mixer for business / creative / interesting women in the city. It's a huge private event and supposed to be really fun (AND invitation-only... la-tee-da) but it's from 7p to 10p and it will be the first time I've gone away from my kiddos that time of day alone. Kyle and I did his Christmas party until around 9:30 but there was a novelty to it because they had a good friend watching them. And they won't go to bed with Kyle so we're planning a late nap for Leith and some good distractions :laugh: I'm curious to see what it's like though!

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    RedSox That is sooo scary! im glad ur okay!

    and glad ur feeling better chipper!

    Im on my way to the gym right now haha, just wanted to see how all you lovely women are doing.
    thanks girls. i'm fine... it just is so scary.... but i hope eveyone is having a good day... next week is the start of a new challenge... a new start!!! :bigsmile:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Amy sorry I'm late, but good luck today. Hope you feel better and get a good nights sleep, you'll need it.

    Other girls, hope ya'll are having a great day if not, tomorrow is a new day. I have to work all weekend 'cause our company is havin a huge spring sale to reduce inventory, so I will be pretty busy, but I know it won't be over, because there is so much crap going on around here it's tiring.

    Anyway's going to go find something to do for dinner. Good night ladies. Later.:heart:
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    Wow, sorry, I've missed so much.

    Lauryn, I'm so sorry to hear about your job. Something will come along though- you're a good person and someone up there must surely look out for you and not let you come to harm. My thoughts are with you :flowerforyou:

    Well, I'm a disaster area. Gained six (SIX!!??) pounds the last two weeks. That'll teach me to be "too busy" to calorie count. Clearly, without structure, I have NO idea what I'm doing. I thought I was doing okay- nothing brilliant, no loss perhaps, but I thought I would be within calories most days. So, back on the wagon, no "distracted" eating, no eating whilst I work on my assignments. Plan my meals, do some exercise every day. And water- just water to drink. I may ask my mother to switch back to pulp-free juice, so I'm not tempted by it (this may be why I've put on so much. I'm a juice fiend).
    I have no excuses- just an overwhelming sense of shame. But on I go.
    *Beats self over the head and puts a mental lock on all food cupboards*

    I shall attempt a full catch up soon. Life is crazy- equal parts good and bad.

    All the best to everyone- I hope you're doing better than I am in this endeavour :flowerforyou:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hey guys! Cathy, glad you are no longer swollen! I run my 10K tomorrow a.m. my knee hurts BAD! but I am going to run it, I will use a brace, and cut back my mileage until it improves... I'm at 153.4 so looks like I broke even this time.

    I hope you are all doing well! sorry I don't always comment on everyone but my memory is bad... lol. and by the time I get to writing I forget! Everyone is on my mind though! :-)
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good mornning....

    feeling better and better. another day no swelling....
    sorry no personals for now. too much going on, but, have read it all. i did see kistin hasn't been on for a few days. she must not be feeling well. hope you feel better.
    doesn't look like i will make goal at the end of challenge. which is fine. would have if i didn't have these medications complications. but, that's fine. at least i know. today getting back into the exercise routine. eating has been on track the whole week. that is fully under control. i just didn't get the exercising in. for me it makes a big difference. tomorrow the gym will get a visit from me.

    pdx.....:flowerforyou: hope you are feeling ok. it will feel strange not to have attacts anymore. yet super nice.

    well off to enjoy some quite time with no one around.

    later :heart:
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Hello ladies!

    Still in the hospital at this point. Laptops are great. I can still stay connected with everyone. Plus it keeps me from being bored out of my mind when not sleeping!

    Surgery went very well. Was supposed to be in surgery at 2pm. They had a surgery before mine that went 8 hours instead of 5 so needless to say I didnt get to go in until 5:15. Surgery was over in less than an hour. The gall bladder was not inflamed so it made it super easy! Yahoo! But because I didnt get out of surger until after 6 they didnt let me go home as it would have been midnight before I was ready. I am glad they kept me. I am on some good meds and anti nausea. Its not working so great but just ate so it will take some time. Still coming off the anesthesia. Said it could take 3 days before that goes away. Liquid diet for just a few more days and then free to eat. Anemia is still pretty bad so I am being loaded with iron which also wont help with the nausea. In the end the light is ON at the end of the tunnel so I can deal with the rest.

    Just thought I would update you guys. Everyone have nice day. Sorry no personals but I am sure you all understand!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    glad to hear this went hows the pain? i hurt. they said it was from the air they put in your belly. i was down and liquid diet for about 3 days. the scale drops fast until you start eating again. :laugh: next time i am in the hospital i am bringing my laptop for sure. so boring. i always walked up and down the isles and got yelled at. you couldn't leave the floor and walk outside. hope you have a speedy recovery....:flowerforyou:

    just made a great lunch chicken stuffed w/broccoli and cheese, than sauted up a pan full of red onion, summer squash, zucchini, green beans in olive oil. so cheap in the cals dept. less than 100 for 2 cups. so filling. still some left for dinner which is pulled pork.

    have a nice afternoon

    later :heart:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    :flowerforyou: Hey Sixers!!

    I hope everyone is doing well!

    Amy- I'm glad things went well for you! I was praying that it all went perfectly. Get well soon!

    Cathy and Redsox- I hope you both feel better

    All others... I'm wishing you the best this weekend!

    I am soooooooooooooooooooooo proud that I completed my 10K today! I made my goal of jogging the entire 6.2 miles. It made me smile to cross the finish line. :love: I now want to start preparing for a half marathon. It is such a mental thing!! Thanks Tiff for running with me and makine me motivated to do this.

    Take care ladies

    Tamm :drinker:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    YEAH TAMM & TIFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO PROUD!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Em, I am SO GLAD you are okay!!!!! SHEESH. I'm sure they had no idea they left the gas on but that is so freakin' scary. I'm glad you had a carbon monoxide alarm, most people don't!

    PDX, YAY FOR A GREAT SURGERY!!! After anesthesia, I always get sick one good time, feel lousy for a while, then perk up within a couple days. I'm sure you will be back to yourself in no time. I'm glad they finally got that stinkin' gallbladder out without incident.

    I am staying at my best friend's tonight. We are all supposed to be trying to sleep (10pm here) but I will NEVER get to sleep tonight! My usual bedtime is 12:30a - 1a (I am a night owl, but due to work, I just end up never getting enough sleep, haha). We are getting up at 3:30a to leave by 4:45a for our 7:15a flight. Then by lunch time tomorrow, we will be in Vegas baby!!

    I haven't weighed myself in days. I'm not expecting happy results. Oh well. Maybe I can get back on REAL weight loss after Vegas. Focus and rededicate myself.

    Have a great Sunday, Sixers!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    have fun Lauryn!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    great job tamm and tif......:flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile: you doin?
    lauryn...have a great time....i loved vegas. win a bunch of money. :bigsmile: relax and enjoy

    hope everyone else has a great weekend. i am getting back into it. going to gym the this morning. just ate, so need to let it settle, than off i go. i pulled out all the summer clothes and packed up the winter. feels like i have new clothes so many fit this year that i collected and have never worn. off to get ready to leave.

    later :heart:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Have fun in Vegas Lauryn.

    Way to go Tiff and Tamm. Great job.

    Been a long working weekend. Just taken it easy. Can't wait till next weekend, then I'll have some time off.

  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hi Chipper and nellie, thanks! Thanks Pedal Hound! Lauryn have fun in Vegas! And Pdx glad surgery went well!

    Tamm and I ran the 10 Ks yesterday! I had been having knee trouble and was considering not doing the 10K but I am SO happy I did it! I ended up running the whole time, cautiously... and a little slower than usual, and my knee didn't hurt at all! I finished in a little over an hour... and I'm happy about that!! :bigsmile: I made Chicken Tortilla Soup today for dinner and am SO excited to eat it! I tasted a little earlier and it was good so now that I have let it simmer even longer I KNOW it will be great! I walked 3 miles with my bf today because it was SUCH a pretty day. It was a good low impact workout and I am happy I took time to enjoy the outdoors so now I can get back to studying!

    congrats DrTamm! I'm proud of you! You did great!!!

    Have a great week everyone!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :smooched:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!!

    Home and back to school tomorrow :angry:

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello. This challenge has kind of been a wash for me so I'm super excited about our new one that starts on Tuesday! Can you believe it?

    Lauryn - have fun dear!!!

    Em - how scary!! So glad you're okay! I actually had that happen in an old house that i lived in with 5 roommates, the furnace was broken and leaking and had it not been for the house's drafty windows and doors the furnace repairman said we would have been really sick if not worse!! Glad everything is figured out now!

    Amy - so happy that the surgery went well! Rest up!

    Sorry for the brief message, need to get a few things done before tomorrow and get to bed early so i can try and drag my behind out of bed in the morning to get back on track and run C25K!!!

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Em- I'm so glad you were cautious enough to have a monitor. That's crazy! Its a blessing you are alive! Glad you are doing well!

    Lauryn- have soooo much fun! Can't wait to here about your trip

    Amy- glad the surgery went well

    Amylou- good luck w/ the studies and the C25K this week.

    Cathy and Shanell- thanks for the congrats!!! The adrenaline is just amazing! I plan to run a 1/2 marathon next. Can't wait!

    Tiff- Glad you made the soup! I told you it would turn out wonderful. YAY!!! Glad you made it before school so you can eat it all week. I walked at the Yorktown beach then because it was gorgeous today! I even did WATP 4 miles too. Thanks again for the DVD.

    Well ladies! I am so excited that we are all hanging in there. Our goals have moved past the new years resolution time frame. We are all dedciated to our goals. :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :wink:
    Wonderful.... I can't wait to see how much we succeed this calendar year.

    Take care ladies!


    Well ladies... I'm off tomorrow! I had a friend in town all weekend and we had a good time hanging around the town. It was good to have a friend visit.