women wityh tats



  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    my best guy friend has a lawn mower on his leg, his grandmother has a lawnmower tat also. I was thinking about getting one but I love funny tats, I just don't put them out for everyone to see. I am getting a tat right above my right hip, above the butt, the looks like a stamp that says PROPERTY OF USMC, my husbands idea. I would rather get PROPERTY OF and then his name and rank. I told him it sounds like i belong to every guy in the Corps. otherwise lol
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I have two tattoos and I've got nothing but compliments on them.

    Nothing too crazy, just a penguin wearing a hat on my right forearm and 2 fairies with my zodiac sign on my upper left arm. The fairies my sister and I got together, the penguin i got just because i loooooove penguins and he's suppose to be wearing a hard hat cause i work construction but it looks more like a ball cap..ah well.

    I like tattoos, and i especially like guys with tattoos. It's just about being tasteful. Some people can pull off sleeves and other people just look ridiculous. but to each their own, it's their body!
  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    Personally I don't see the point in trying to hide my tattoos. I have the one on my shoulder, the entire inside of the same forearm done and my entire left calf (ankle to knee) done. I feel like if someone chooses to judge me because they can see the tattoos then I am glad something so trivial has keeps us apart. To each their own but don't judge others choices that bring no harm to anyone.

    As far as wedding day goes... The man I marry won't care that they show and neither will I. It's one day. If I am willing to get that thing tattooed permanently I might as well not hide it just because I'm wearing a white dress. Everyone that I love, friends, family etc already would know they exist so covering them would be senseless.

    Again just my opinion... I love my art and am proud to show it
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I absolutely adore them.

    I am currently in the process of getting a my sleeve done so I might be a little biased.

    The only thing I do keep in mind is they need to be covered up for work. However since I wear trousers and a long sleeved shirt, it's not really a problem.

    Edit: And as far as the wedding day goes, love me love my tattoos. They'll be on display.
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    My job requires that they be covered up, so that's a problem with a tattoo in visible areas. My husband does not like the look of heavily tattooed women, but I do have one that is covered by clothes, and he likes it!
  • fabalas_seanne
    i have 3 & love them all , i have one on my back, one on my top arm & one on my front/above chest near my shoulder /tattooist idea :) i wanted a shouler one she was like nope you will look hot with it here..... OK!! sold!! im glad i didnt have it my shoulder now..
    i can cover all if needed, would love a sleeve done...
    would also love a pinup girl on my thigh to represent my love of my business... maybe one day :)
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Me personally I would say I don't want to overdo it. . . but I would never get a name on me unless it is my kids name. . because things change .lives change and then you are stuck with it. .

    Just a thought. . other than that I think it is up to the individual. . I would love to have a sleeve done~but I plan to be a physical trainer so it wouldn't effect my job status. . . I had a friend at a job one time that had to wear a sweat shirt all the time or long sleeves due to her tats. . so just be careful what you do. .
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I have one (meaningful), would like to add to it some day. My mom and my daughters all have tatoos and both granddaughters. I work in the motorcycle industry, near the largest MC rally in US. Its harder to find someone NOT tatooed around here.
  • Lindsey_81
    Lindsey_81 Posts: 118 Member
    I have one but It can be covered if I want it to be. I want a couple more small ones.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Generally my thought is if you can't keep the same hairstyle or wear the same style shoe for more than 10 years, how on earth do you think you're still going to like the ink you picked out 10 or 20 years from now?

    I don't have any, but if I do, it would be two portraits. One of my mother in her nurse uniform, she was an RN and passed away in 1985. The other would be my father in his US Navy photo, he's a retired Captain who lives with me and my wife. At 81 years old with advanced COPD he probably won't be with us too many more years. :cry:
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Generally my thought is if you can't keep the same hairstyle or wear the same style shoe for more than 10 years, how on earth do you think you're still going to like the ink you picked out 10 or 20 years from now?

    Hair is a completely different thing for me. It grows and changes in a way my skin does not. I can't keep my hair the same colour/style for five minutes, the snake skin tattoo I've wanted since I was five. I'm now 33 and still love it.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    I find a woman with Tattoo's amazingly hot. Especially if she has a sleeve. I do not know what it is but once I see a woman with tattoos I can not keep my eyes off of her. I think it might be because I view her as a bad *kitten*......and come one who doesn't like a bad chick. Like Ludacris said " My chick bad. My chick Hood. My chick do stuff dat ya chick wish she could. My chick bad, badder than yours ....My chick do stuff that I can’t even put in words .... Her swagger don’t stop ....Her body won’t quit" LOL
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    So, my question is, what does everyone think about woemn with tats, where should they get them and what should they be of.

    I don't like to see tats on women anywhere, I think they are more attractive without defacing their body...Just an old guy's point of view....
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I love tattoos (I hate the word "tat", sorry)!

    People should get whatever the hell they want, wherever the hell they want. Obviously I have my preferences - I think a lot of tattoos are hideous - but what other people do to their own bodies is up to them. Mine are on my back and my leg, so neither were visible on my wedding day, but I didn't feel I needed to cover them up - the dress just happened to do so. I plan on getting more but I am not yet decided on the details. I'm currently leaning towards a shoulder/upper arm piece (maybe a quarter sleeve) in an art nouveau style - possibly of a cat :smile:

    The main thing that holds me back when it comes to getting tattooed is that my parents really don't like them. I know it's my body and I'm an adult and it's none of their business etc... but I don't like to upset them, whether I think they're being reasonable or not!
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    I married a tattooist so am biased.

    I have 6 tattoos, a couple of them are significant, one is my sons date of birth which wraps around the first tattoo I got at 18 years old, I'm now 36 & still love it so think I can say that not everyone will regret having them . We do know they are permanent when we get them you know!!!!

    I have 3 on my back & shoulders but I plan on getting hubs to do a whole back piece incorporating the 3 once I have reached my goal weight, he will freehand it & knows I want lots of colour, flowers, thai art & shading. It will be a completely original piece & I will be thrilled once it's done. Jut got to shift this last 35lbs. :grumble:
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I don't have any tats right now, but I want two. One in memory of my mom, and one just for fun for me.. I would love to have half devil/ half angel..cause that describes me to a T.. but I can't find one that looks like I want it to. I think most are tasteful. But one time when I was standing in line to pay a speeding ticket, I was standing by a dude that had a tat of a tongue all the way down his arm, and right before the wrist there was a nekkid lady riding the tongue... :sick:
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    I love tattoos, I want to get one on my hip. But tattoos on the calves/arms etc - can you imagine a 70 year old lady wearing knee-lenght skirt - with a massive dragon tattood on her calf? NOT attractive. Thats why I would only do it in a place that will be covered up when I'm older.
  • sassyntat2ed
    I have 8 tattoos myself and I :heart: them! They all have very special meaning to me!!
  • ABetterBalance
    I have three and love them, and plans for several more as budget allows. One on my back, one on my shoulder, and one on my wrist/forearm. All three can be covered at work if needed, but the one on my arm is mostly visible. I covered it when I interviewed for my current job, but seeing that several of my coworkers had tattoos made me more comfortable so I stopped "hiding" it.

    My husband gives me very vague answers on his feelings on tattoos and placement. He clearly doesn't mind them, but he says it depends on "what it is and where it is" He won't go into details on the "what" and "where" though!

    The only "problem" I have had would be sometimes annoying questions about the one on my arm. It's a knotwork Scottish thistle, and meaningful to me. I had an obnoxious coworker grill me about it for 20 minutes the other day. And then told me I was wrong about what it was because "I saw braveheart, those flowers don't grow in a knot pattern" :noway: :huh: It took awhile to explain to her that this wasn't intended to be a true to life representation of the flower, and that I am very aware that the stem is not an intricate knot design. :laugh:
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    just depends on the tats I suppose.
    I like tattoos on girls.