Operation: Sexy Claus Week #4 10.10.11 (Closed Group)



  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    my a-ha moment was when i went to the doctor in late july 2010 and the doctor told me she wanted me to go on high blood pressure medication and asked if i was thinking about lap band surgery. i was shocked she asked me that, but then realized that i had ballooned up on the scale way higher than i had thought. i guess i was in denial of how big i was up until that point. at 24 years old, i did not want to go on medication for high blood pressure! i also didn't want to have any sort of weight loss surgery! i wanted to do this for myself and prove that i could change my ways. i found this website august 1, 2010 and i haven't looked back since. weight loss has been slow lately... i lost 45lbs, then plateaued, then gained about 10 back from lack of motivation. i'm currently 5lbs from my lowest on this journey and i will not give up until i get to my goal weight! it's definitely been a constant learning process but i am so happy with my success thus far. i also have normal blood pressure (and normal cholesterol, LDL and HDL!) now! :) feels good to see results, whether its on the scale or on medical tests!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    My a-ha moment was last summer I visited a new doctor and she asked me if I was on any weight loss regimen. I did a few workout dvds from time to time, but a "regimen"?? And then I saw the pics from my honeymoon and I thought "OMG who is that girl?" . But even then I waited about 3-4 months before I found this website and made a committment to losing this weight and becoming a healthier person.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Good Morning Ladies

    I am a few days behind, I am SO sorry!!!

    I am an emotional eater, and I know it. Happy, sad, whatever. I totally associate food with a feeling and (like an addict) am always trying to recreate the moment. Unfortunately, this usually leads to a crazy *kitten* binge. The more unfortunate part is I don't always choose bad foods to binge on so I basically justify it to myself saying " eating a head of lettuce, 2 tomates, 1/2 a cup of cheese, a banana, 200g of yogurt, a can of light tuna, a handful of almonds, a whole wheat english muffin and a bowl of cereal isn't so bad". Let me tell you though, that's like 1000 calories in the span of like an hour and once I start thinking about it, I get more upset and thus binge more. It's really a vicious cycle!

    A-Ha moment:
    There have been a few in my life, and looking back over them, I have done something kinda of each time. Obviously, the 2 biggest were Dr, related (one being diagnosed with SAD and depression, the other being diagnosed with bulima). The most recent however was actually this summer. I reently saw a picture of me and one of my close friends and was STUNNED at the girl looking back. I had gotten down this summer since the scale had not really moved in a year, however the picture was a totally different (and thinner) looking girl then pictures from the summer before. Granted, I had been pretty active this summer up until that picture was taken, but I had not realized how much of an impact it had.
    Of course, after that came more partying, less activity and poor eating (I figured, if the scale wasn't moving, why bother!). Well now I am paying for it because I of course put the 7 lbs I had lost back on and I am back to square one. However, I am useing THAT as a BIG kick in the *kitten*. I only saw the pictures last week and am TOTALLY usung them as a motivator!

    Hope y'all are doing well! This week hasn't been the greatest but hopefully I can keep everything in check this weekend and post some good news Monday

    Krys- Monday is measurement day? or is it the week after?!

    xoxo -S
  • nicole00lynn
    im a little off this week, but i hope everyone else is doing great!

    triggers: boredom. plain and simple. i eat when im bored, especially once ive started eating, then i continue to eat. almost like binging without the purging. its actually pretty embarassing, but it seems to be a newly developed problem, so im confident that i can fix it.

    A-HA moment: i dont think i had one clear a-ha moment. i think it was kind of a lot of things rolled into one. first off, like a lot of other people, pictures. i started seeing myself in pictures and i was mortfied. for some reason, i dont get a realistic perception of myself in the mirror (when im gaining or losing weight) but pictures always make it sink in. second was my clothes, i went to put on jeans one fall, and i was completely in shock. i dont know why - it was clear that i wasnt eating well, but i was once again mortified.

    one a side note - im considering trying a paleo diet (or mostly) and was wondering if any of you ladies have tried it? i posted a thread about it last night that got nothing that i was looking for, it was mostly bickering, so if anyone has tried please let me know what your results were.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Sorry everyone... I'm failing miserably this week. Not only at keeping up with this thread, but also with my eating. :sad: :frown: :frown:
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    My AHA moment this time around was last April when I saw some pictures of myself when a friend came to visit. She is very slim and standing next to her I looked like baby whale :ohwell:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I never had an A-HA moment. I've been working at reaching my healthy weight since I was in high school. It's just always been something I've been doing (getting healthier and healthier, and making come backs after bumps in the road).
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Sorry I haven't been around very much this week... Have been having a good week. Am working nights this week and have managed to do "Walk Away the Pounds" during my breaks and am getting in my workouts/ walks at home. And my eating is pretty good.

    Triggers: Of course like almost everyone here TOM is a biggie. The drive for sweet and salty is crazy. My other big trigger is environmental- friends, gatherings. Leftover desserts are very difficult for me. I just want to eat it all.

    My A-HA moment: At Christmas last year visiting family I realized that I wasn't as happy as I wanted to be. My eating was out of control, was angry at myself and therefore not nice to be around. On December 28th I decided I am going to do this... be a better me, better mother, wife, daughter, friend etc. It had to start with me. I decided to get back to basics, was already on this site and had logged here and there but not fully dedicated. This time was going to be different. And it has been. I eat within my calories and move my body for at least 20 mins a day.... this one only happens because I have a husband who is very supportive and says he has a vested interest in having a happy wife.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning Ladies

    I am a few days behind, I am SO sorry!!!

    I am an emotional eater, and I know it. Happy, sad, whatever. I totally associate food with a feeling and (like an addict) am always trying to recreate the moment. Unfortunately, this usually leads to a crazy *kitten* binge. The more unfortunate part is I don't always choose bad foods to binge on so I basically justify it to myself saying " eating a head of lettuce, 2 tomates, 1/2 a cup of cheese, a banana, 200g of yogurt, a can of light tuna, a handful of almonds, a whole wheat english muffin and a bowl of cereal isn't so bad". Let me tell you though, that's like 1000 calories in the span of like an hour and once I start thinking about it, I get more upset and thus binge more. It's really a vicious cycle!

    A-Ha moment:
    There have been a few in my life, and looking back over them, I have done something kinda of each time. Obviously, the 2 biggest were Dr, related (one being diagnosed with SAD and depression, the other being diagnosed with bulima). The most recent however was actually this summer. I reently saw a picture of me and one of my close friends and was STUNNED at the girl looking back. I had gotten down this summer since the scale had not really moved in a year, however the picture was a totally different (and thinner) looking girl then pictures from the summer before. Granted, I had been pretty active this summer up until that picture was taken, but I had not realized how much of an impact it had.
    Of course, after that came more partying, less activity and poor eating (I figured, if the scale wasn't moving, why bother!). Well now I am paying for it because I of course put the 7 lbs I had lost back on and I am back to square one. However, I am useing THAT as a BIG kick in the *kitten*. I only saw the pictures last week and am TOTALLY usung them as a motivator!

    Hope y'all are doing well! This week hasn't been the greatest but hopefully I can keep everything in check this weekend and post some good news Monday

    Krys- Monday is measurement day? or is it the week after?!

    xoxo -S

    Yes ma'am...measurements on Monday
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Sorry everyone... I'm failing miserably this week. Not only at keeping up with this thread, but also with my eating. :sad: :frown: :frown:

    Don't worry girl we still love you!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Definitely enjoyed reading your A-HA moments. Seems like we all have a lot in common in that regard on what got us up and moving!

    Well today is of course Highs and Lows day! So please share....I know I have a lot to talk about lol
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Definitely enjoyed reading your A-HA moments. Seems like we all have a lot in common in that regard on what got us up and moving!

    Well today is of course Highs and Lows day! So please share....I know I have a lot to talk about lol

    HIGH: Well I will say first...I have lost 6lbs in the past 7 days and I am super stoked about it! Another high this week was just the overall feeling of just feeling better about where I am going in terms of goals and what I need to do. I have been doing really well with not eating late, not eating sweets, sticking with only water, etc.

    LOWS: Ok, so I went to my personal trainer assessment last night. Now he has me get on this scale that supposedely figures out your body fat% as well. Needless to say, the little receipt prints out and it says 42.6%!!!! Now here is the thing....I am in complete denial, after the initial shock of wanting to cry. I honestly don't feel that this is accurate at all! I feel like there is no damn way I have 80lbs worth of fat on my body. So the little receipt goes on to say that I need to lose 50lbs of fat. Hmmmm ok. I was pretty upset about this, I am not going to lie. But then we proceeded to the workout and I did not too bad...I was exhausted I am not going to lie....He had me on the elliptical on level 11 or something like that for 10 minutes, then on the stationary bike for 1 minute at level 25 and then a minute of pushups, then back to the bike for a minute, and then bicycle crunches for a minute, then back to the bike and then over to a bench to just sit down and stand up for a minute. My asthma definitely kicked in and I hadn't eaten enough to sustain that kind of workout I don't think. I mean I pushed through, but it could have been better. Then we did some ab and arm work. All in all not bad....but the body fat thing was still bothering me. Nevertheless, I am just going to have to work hard and see where I am as it pertains to body fat once I hit my goal weight. Ugh!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    LOWS: Ok, so I went to my personal trainer assessment last night. Now he has me get on this scale that supposedely figures out your body fat% as well. Needless to say, the little receipt prints out and it says 42.6%!!!!

    That seems so incredibly impossible to me. And how does a scale figure that out? Something seems a bit off with that number.
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Definitely enjoyed reading your A-HA moments. Seems like we all have a lot in common in that regard on what got us up and moving!

    Well today is of course Highs and Lows day! So please share....I know I have a lot to talk about lol

    My highs this week I've managed to eat really good and stay withing my calorie goal range since I haven't been able to work out. I have still managed to lose a pound as well so I'm happy about that.

    My lows this week is I'm still sick and coughing up a long everytime I try to workout I start barking. uggggg I need to work out my body isn't sore anymore and I feel like I need my workouts. I'm going to try today and see what happens I'm feeling a lot better hope it goes well. Plus TOM is here now so uggggg I definitely know I need my workout especially with that hershey almond I at already this morning.. Sad!!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Definitely enjoyed reading your A-HA moments. Seems like we all have a lot in common in that regard on what got us up and moving!

    Well today is of course Highs and Lows day! So please share....I know I have a lot to talk about lol

    My highs this week I've managed to eat really good and stay withing my calorie goal range since I haven't been able to work out. I have still managed to lose a pound as well so I'm happy about that.

    My lows this week is I'm still sick and coughing up a long everytime I try to workout I start barking. uggggg I need to work out my body isn't sore anymore and I feel like I need my workouts. I'm going to try today and see what happens I'm feeling a lot better hope it goes well. Plus TOM is here now so uggggg I definitely know I need my workout especially with that hershey almond I at already this morning.. Sad!!!!

    Girl you sound like me with your hershey with almond in the morning on TOM LOL It is ok...it happens to the best of us! I would make sure you are 100% before working out again, unless you go walking or something low-impact. Sometimes when you work out prematurely...it makes the sickness stay longer because your body hasn't recovered.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    LOWS: Ok, so I went to my personal trainer assessment last night. Now he has me get on this scale that supposedely figures out your body fat% as well. Needless to say, the little receipt prints out and it says 42.6%!!!!

    That seems so incredibly impossible to me. And how does a scale figure that out? Something seems a bit off with that number.

    Some electrical current or something like that.....I was just reading about what kind of scale it is. But I just don't get it. I mean...I know I shouldn't let it bother me too much...but at the same time, that is a high number and in my head I kept thinking, "Well what the hell was it when I was 60lbs heavier!?"
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    HIGHS: i've been doing pretty well food & workout wise this week. worked out tuesday, wednesday, yesterday, going to work out today and most likely tomorrow. going to set my rest day for sunday since weigh in is monday.

    LOWS: after tonight, i'll have eaten pizza twice this week. ugh. i love it, but i usually don't eat it twice in a week! tonight i'm going out for my friends' bday so i am managing to squeeze in a workout so i'll still be under my calorie goal for the day. hopefully all will be ok for weigh-in. so far, i'm down a tiny bit, but TOM could make crazy things happen.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Highs: I have been getting my 8 glasses of water everyday. Boy this is a tough one for me.

    Lows: I have not been keeping up with my workouts like I should be. I have only worked out once this week. Ugh! And I have been over my calories everyday, but one. I really have to buckle down and get this done.
  • nicole00lynn

    LOWS: Ok, so I went to my personal trainer assessment last night. Now he has me get on this scale that supposedely figures out your body fat% as well. Needless to say, the little receipt prints out and it says 42.6%!!!! Now here is the thing....I am in complete denial, after the initial shock of wanting to cry.

    i had a similar experience with one of those scales. a teacher for a PE class last year made us do this IN FRONT OF THE CLASS, first of all i wanted to kill her, and second of all i was in complete shock. Mine also said i was 42% body fat. About 6 months later after losing weight and consistently working out daily i got on another scale like this and it said 32% body fat. Im not convinced that I believe it either time. I really dont feel like a flabby slob who has that much weight to lose. if i lost all the 'fat' that it claimed I had id be skeletal... obviously you can see it made me a little angry :mad:

    so anyways.. for todays highs and lows, i have consistently worked out, but i have eaten inconsistenty, and not always with the best choices. overall i feel positive about the week, i just need to lay off the booze this weekend so i dont swell up for our weigh in.. good luck everyone, happy friday!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok, so I made an appointment to do Ultrasonic Body Composition Test.....this is suppose to be the "Gold Standard" in measuring body fat, muscle composition, etc. It will alsl give me a reading of how much of my fat is excess and how much is essential, it also factors in your natural body frame. So I am dishing out $45.00 but hell, I need to put my mind at ease and get a more accurate reading to gauge where I need to be.