LADIES!!!! What qualities separate a "real man" from a man?

AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
LADIES!!!! What qualities separate a "real man" from a man?

This is an opinion-based question, so all of you self-righteous whiners can sit this one out. This isn't meant to be a debate.

In YOUR opinion, what makes a man a "man"? Kindness, protectiveness, strength, honesty, hard-working, skilled with his hands, ..... etc.???

I'm gonna sit back and take notes. :flowerforyou:


  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    When your walk keeps up with your talk.
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    A real man is a gentleman, a protector, and provider... is loyal, generous with helping a lady out, and a role model for the children (when/if there are any).. I could list other qualities that I admire, but that goes beyond the scope of your question.
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    Well, first off, having a weiner helps.

  • Lindsey_81
    Lindsey_81 Posts: 118 Member
    Hardworking and kind!!!
  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    This can get really long....for me I love a man who takes leadership, is hard working, independent, honest and not affraid for a challenge!! I love a man too that is rough and tough on the exterior but inside he has a good humbled (I guess this is why women love seeing men with babies), genuine and kind!!! The ones you mentioned are great too....a sense of humour is always good!
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    A good father

    Doesn't do drugs

    Doesn't cheat

    Never has to degrade others to feel manly
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    A valve to let the air out.
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    Having their priorities in order: God then family and serving both selflessly. You can be funny, wealthy, smart and gorgeous but without the right priorities, adrift and without a true purpose.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Ninja Magic....Now Im a fly on the wall
  • cariandy
    cariandy Posts: 175 Member
    Loyal, trustworthy, hard working, care more about others than themself, attentive and Loyal..did I say that already?? :wink:
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    hair on his chest and a bench press max over 300lbs!!!

    oh wait, nevermind...this questions was for the ladies...
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    A valve to let the air out.

    That's know as the exit only...
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    A REAL man is someone who is honest (even when it hurts), works hard at home and away from home, takes care of his responsibilities, and never uses his position or strength to hurt others.
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    body hair and a few more inches
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    whatever number comes to most minds +3
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    When you know for a fact that he would give up his life to save yours without a second thought.
  • UnpredictablyPretty21
    A 'real man' for me is someone who is: genuine, dedicatied, passionate and has a great personality!!!! I dont wanna over go on your question so i wil keep it short and simple!!!

    Great question by the way :)
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    A real man is a gentleman, a protector, and provider... is loyal, generous with helping a lady out, and a role model for the children (when/if there are any).. I could list other qualities that I admire, but that goes beyond the scope of your question.

    I second all of these things.

    Also, if you have to be degrade someone to make yourself feel manlier then you have a tiny penis and you don't deserve any woman. ever.
  • gracielou09
    A man that lets his woman be right XP