30 Day Shred for October



  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I've been sick, so I didn't do my Shred last night. But I'm going to try to power through it tonight. We shall see! I'm am so happy to see everyone doing so well with this month. Only two more weeks left, we can do it!!
  • isletri
    isletri Posts: 18
    still can't do all the pushups w/o using knees but i'm getting antsy to try level 2 so tonight I'll start level 2 day 10 :)
    i've only lost .1 pound, 145.9, but my endurance is way up. still doing extra workouts every day, pushed too much the other day and my knee was so sore so i did just 30ds yesterday and today i feel fine agian.
    i'm going to a Renascence faire tomorrow - i need all the motivation i can muster up to behave. my plan is to not drink until halloween - it's a good thing i'm broke :)
  • Leanne_3
    Leanne_3 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm past the half way mark now, today is day 6 of level 2.

    I did my weigh in this morning and got my best results so far in any workout that I have ever done. I'm down 3.3 pounds this week, last week I only lost 1.1 - I'm now 123 pounds.

    I'm still doing it every day and I also do about 40mins of cardio after the shred, I like to exercise for at least an hour.

    I absolutely love level 2, it's hard but feels so good afterwards, and I burn more calories with level 2 compared to level 1.
  • ketrell
    ketrell Posts: 55 Member
    Completed day 1 of level 2.
  • ketrell
    ketrell Posts: 55 Member
    Is anyone else having ankle pain from the 30DS? Cuz I am. It's more soreness, but it's making exercising and even walking more difficult. Annoying :-/
    No, but I feel it on my knees.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I'm still on level 1, because I am not doing it every day i haven't progressed as much. Some days I am just too tired-I have issues sleeping and am trying not to work out at 1am anymore because it just ends up making my bad sleep habits worse! I have, however, lost a 1/2 on my arms already YAY! Haven't lost anywhere else. I find my ankles get a bit sore so that is another reason I'm not doing it every day. I have a history of many sprained ankles and don't want to do it again, so giving them time to get stronger! :d
  • carolinagirl919
    carolinagirl919 Posts: 54 Member
    Sorry I didn't post my results yesterday. I did not do the DVD on Friday (just really needed a break). Yesterday I weighed and measured myself and I'm back to 168.5 (my weight when I started on 10/01/11) and my measurements went unchanged. I have noticed a lot more stamina and endurance and my body toning although my stats haven't changed. Day 4 Level 2 was yesterday along with C25K and about 20 minutes of Just Dance 3. I guess you can say that I more than made up for my rest day.:happy:

    Anyway, we are halfway there so let's keep trucking guys!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Woo Hoo!!! I did Day 1 of level 2 and I made it!!! So happy the knot in my thigh is gone after taking it easy yesterday!!! I am not going to do weights and measurements until later on in the week.

    Oh, but I forgot to add, that I now fit into my size 6 shorts!!! Woo hoo! Down one size already!
  • himel13
    himel13 Posts: 146 Member
    Is anyone else having ankle pain from the 30DS? Cuz I am. It's more soreness, but it's making exercising and even walking more difficult. Annoying :-/

    I'm having SEVERE ankle pain, can't get up or down the stairs! is this normal? i think its the planks on level 2 :(
  • neuro316
    neuro316 Posts: 42 Member
    Halfway done!

    Come on everyone, we can do this! :happy:
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Hey everyone!! Hope you are all doing well. I've been super super sick and haven't been able to do my Shred since Wednesday. But I will start back probably tomorrow if I feel a bit stronger.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Also, weigh in was saturday. So if you want me to update your measurements/weight post them please.
  • SSRoche
    I am starting the 30 Day Shred tonight for the first time. I was wondering how you guys enter it into your exercise as it doesn't have the option to pick either jillian michaels or 30 day shred, and there are way to many things to enter it all seperately. Any ideas?
  • isletri
    isletri Posts: 18
    for mfp exercise log i enter circuit training for 25 minutes for the shred
  • SSRoche
    thank you for the info... :) hopefully I can keep to it!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Ok, today marked 2 weeks for me and I couldn't wait any longer to do my official measurements. Keep in mind I was bloated and on my period the afternoon I measured. ;-( And now I weigh and measured in the AM for accurate results. I could tell I was tired because when I measured my waist it had grown a couple of inches and I was perplexed because I know I am smaller. I measured 3 times and got the same result, but I wrote the the bigger size and went on. I measured the rest of my body and decided to go back to my waist. Again I got a larger #. Then I looked and I had grabbed the wrong end of the measuring tape. I was measuring from 60" down instead of 1" up. Ha ha. I remeasured and was blown away! I am losing all my belly and back fat! YAY!

    Neck - no change
    arm- up 1/4"
    boobs - down 1/2"
    bra band - down 3/4"
    waist - OMG!!! Down 3 inches!!! Yahoo!
    hips - down 1/2 inch
    thigh - same
    calf - same

    Weight - 127 down 4.5 lbs since starting!

    Happy Dance!

    Today will be day 2 of the level 2 of the 30D Shred. I expect my changes to slow down from here on out. One cuz I am not bloated, but two, I am so close to my goal that it will be harder to lose.

  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Feel better Fakeplastictree! Take it easy then re join us when you can. No reason to exercise when you are sick. The body needs to chaanel that energy into getting you better.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Day 3 L2 done. I took off Saturday and Sunday beacuse I had to clean-up my yard and plant my bulbs for spring. I still did not get them all into the gound. Plus I was super sore. I know, excuses excuses, but I was back on the wagon this morning. It's amazing how much easier it is to get through the cardio on level 2. Except for the last circuit. Everything in that circuit makes me want to scream. Maybe by day 5 or 6 it will be better.

    To date I've lost 4 lbs. I didn't take my measurements, but I can seen that the pouch in my belly is getting smaller.
  • minigirl2
    minigirl2 Posts: 61 Member
    I took the weekend off, too. Didn't log food or exercise. I caught a bug last week, as well, that had me really struggling to do Friday's 30DS. So here I am, new week, feeling better though not full strength yet. So I did my third workout of level 2 today and really felt winded! Amazing how just a couple of days off can make a difference.
  • Iwillshyne
    Fell behind, I was suppposed to began level 2 on Friday but didn't so I started today. OMG --When she (JM) said "I want you to feel like you are going to die"---(lawd have mercy)---she was not kidding!

    Stat update:
    I can't find my measuring tape (thx to my kids and me for leaving it out in their reach) but I have weighed myself and I have lost 2 pounds so far.
