Memorial Day Weight Loss CHALLENGE!!!!!



  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    OK, here are my results from the 1st full week of the challenge!

    Last week's weight: 193.2
    Current weight: 191.4
    Goal weight: 175
    Goal weight loss a week: 1.5 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 1.8
    Pounds lost total: 1.8

    I did not think I would make it this week, but I did. Hooray! :happy:
  • I'm in:

    Last week's weight: 144
    Current weight: 142
    Goal weight: 135
    Goal weight loss a week: 1.5 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 2
    Pounds lost total: 2
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    Current weight: 184.8
    Goal weight: 165
    Goal weight loss a week: 1.7 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: .8
    pounds lost total: 13
  • My goal for Memorial day is to lose 26 lbs. Thats 2 lbs a week. I'm currently at 216.0 and I would be at 190 on memorial day. So here it goes.:flowerforyou:
  • Sorry I forgot to put my progress on here.
    Weight Last week: 220.0
    Weight this week: 216.0
    Current weight loss this week: 4lbs
    Total pounds lost: 6 lbs
  • I am so in on this. Challenges help.

    Current weight: 207
    Goal weight: 170
    Goal weight loss a week: 2
    Pounds lost this week: 0
    pounds lost total: 0

  • At average 1 pound a day , bouncing back up then back down.. yoyo'ing
    not counting the rest of this month, but starting at March 1 I think there is about 87 days to Memorial day. So I need about 36 pounds to reach my goal..

    It seems so possible, yet it does not.
  • Just joing the challenge this week:

    Current weight: 150.5
    Goal weight: 135
    Goal weight loss a week: 1.5 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 1.5
    pounds lost total: 2.5
  • I'm in!
    I only started MFP on Saturday, so I have a few more days until my first weigh-in. But, my starting weight on Saturday was 172 - here's hoping for a few pounds less on Saturday!
    And I would love to get to the gym more often, but my work and kids.... you know. So, here's my alternate plan: cardio 5 times a week, gym 2 days a week for weights. I can do the cardio at home and some strength training at home as well ( I hate push-ups and sit-ups! But they work!)
    Good luck everyone!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    My Thursday Weigh-In:

    Last Weeks Weight: 207
    Current weight: 205
    Goal weight: 180 (as of Memorial Day anyway)
    Goal weight loss per week: Hopefully 2 lbs a week
    Pounds lost this week: 2
    Pounds lost total: 4 for this challenge (65 total since September 4)

    I was only able to get to the gym once this week...but I did go out dancing Saturday night, which we all know is great cardio! :)

    Man, I am so close to being under 200!! When I started my new lifestyle back in September at 270 lbs, it seemed like an impossible goal and now here I am, not only nearing that goal but also feeling confident I can and WILL reach my ultimate goal of 135!
  • shellyws
    shellyws Posts: 33 Member
    ok.... so I am reading through the posts and I was glad to see that there were other people that had a frustrating week. Although I did not gain... I did not lose:ohwell: What can I say... My brother was in town for a few days (on tour with his band) and my routine went out the window! So on to another week! Here are my stats:

    Current weight: 191
    Goal weight: 145
    Goal weight by memorial day: 163
    Goal weight loss a week: 2 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 0
    pounds lost total: 0
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    Okay, so here's my second weigh-in (he says with a really big smile on his face!)
    Goal by Memorial Day: 188
    Start Weight: 202
    Today's Weight: 199
    Total Goal: 14 Lbs
    Lost So Far: 3 lbs.

    Can't stop grinning! I finally weigh less than 200 lbs!
  • I would want in...javascript:add_smiley('flowerforyou','post_body')
    i just started MFP a few days ago.
    Current weight 151
    Goal 125
    weekly weight loss goal 1-2lbs
    started weight training this week.
    Hope this helps
  • I'm in! 8 lbs to go! :drinker:
  • Start Challange weight: 177.5
    Current Weight: 175.2
    Goal weight by memorial day: 149
    Goal weight loss a week: 2 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 1/2 lb
    pounds lost total: 2
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Kinda bummed...just did my first weigh-in and I'm only down a pound from when I started ten days ago!

    I'm just going to keep on truckin though. I have felt great since I started doing MFP and had only one day where I'd say I really slipped up.

    Start Weight: 195
    Current Weight: 194
    Goal weight by Memorial Day: 183lbs
    Goal weight loss per week: 1.5lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 1lb
    Pounds lost total: 1lb
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Ooops miscalculated.

    Start weight: 195lbs
    Current weight: 194lbs
    Goal weight: 160lbs
    Goal weight by Memorial Day: 173lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 1lb
    Pounds lost total: 1lb

    Personal challenge:

    Find the time to get in at least an hour of cardio 4x week -- as per my doctor, so I've GOT to stop futzing around with 20 minutes here and there
    Take at least one yoga class per week
  • dhayes
    dhayes Posts: 216 Member
    Starting weight: 347
    Current weight: 343
    Goal weight: 319
    Goal weight loss a week: 2 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 2
    pounds lost total: 4
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Couldn't check in on Friday. I had a funeral on the other side of the state but here are my stats

    Current Weight 217
    Goal Weight 199
    Goal Weight per week 1.5
    Pounds lost this week 2
    Pounds lost total 3

    Everyone is looking good
  • conny1967
    conny1967 Posts: 21
    Week two check in

    Starting weight 200
    Current weight 196
    Goal weight 172
    Goal weight loss per week 2
    Pounds lost this week 2
    Toatl pounds lost 4
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