Share seven weird things about you!



  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    Jakeh. You love chocolate and are afraid of rabbits. What about chocolate bunnies??
    :laugh: nope only real bunnies im scared of... i even start to panic if my kids try to touch a bunny in the pet store:laugh:
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    7. wrinkled clothes make me vomit

    i dont even own an iron:laugh:

    really? what do you do about wrinkles?

    well i dont really wear any cloths that wrinkle? i dont even think i own a dress shirt.... i fold my clothes as soon as the drier stops, when they are warm... and my clothes are not wrinkled.....
  • xbonbonx
    xbonbonx Posts: 170
    ok, I guess I will try....

    1.) My maiden name is Erica Susan Lucci on All My
    2.) I married my jr. high school sweetheart (I am 24 and we have been together for 10 years, non stop:)
    3.) My grandparents are founders of a children's home (Galilean Children's Home...Liberty, KY)
    4.) I was one of only two graduates in my graduating class (very small private school)
    5.) my firstborn was born on her due date.....which happens to be April fools! 4-1-06
    6.) I have met Charile Daniels along with some others I cant remember right
    7.) I live in the same place that me and my parents lived in when I was growing up...just remodeled a little!!

    my sister's first kid was born on his due date too... I was 11, but it was so funny cuz my mom was telling me and my little brother "don't expect the baby to be born on its due date, they rarely come on their due date." haha and then low and behold he was. it was funny.
  • BlazinEmerald
    1. I am terrified of escalators, If I must ride one I will , but not without going sheet white and wanting to vomit.

    2. I hate the feel of wool. It makes my stomach turn and my mouth go dry.

    3. I always swore I would never have kids. My parents were foster parents and adopted, I'd helped raise 80 kids before I moved out and I was DONE! I now have 1 of my own 3 step kids and I'm just crazy enough to want 1 more.

    4. I cut myself badly enough to need stiches twice with the same butcher knife. Once when I was 5 the other when i was 12. I do not touch butcher knives now lol.

    5. I hate feet. I mean HATE. No one is allowed to put their feet even remotely close to me not even my kids, yet I worked at a nail salon for 2 years and had to give pedicures *gags*

    6. I have 11 siblings *natural and adopted* 4 of which I have never met.

    7. I have an accent , but Im not sure what it is. Everyone here in the north says it's southern, everone back home in the south says I sound northern. I just figure it's everyone else and not me.
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    7. wrinkled clothes make me vomit

    i dont even own an iron:laugh:

    really? what do you do about wrinkles?

    well i dont really wear any cloths that wrinkle? i dont even think i own a dress shirt.... i fold my clothes as soon as the drier stops, when they are warm... and my clothes are not wrinkled.....
    i even iron my underwear, socks too. table cloths and jeans.maybe something is really wrong with me
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    7. wrinkled clothes make me vomit

    i dont even own an iron:laugh:

    really? what do you do about wrinkles?

    well i dont really wear any cloths that wrinkle? i dont even think i own a dress shirt.... i fold my clothes as soon as the drier stops, when they are warm... and my clothes are not wrinkled.....
    i even iron my underwear, socks too. table cloths and jeans.maybe something is really wrong with me

    My goodness!!!! i dont have enough time in the day to iron underwear:laugh:
    funny though cause my grandma would iron EVERYTHING!!! towels, underwear, anything that came out of the drier... i think my unwillingness to iron is a rebelion thing!!!:laugh:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    1.)I take all the cheese off of pizzas before I will eat it.

    2.)I squeeze 90% of beans out of bean burrittos before I will eat it.

    3.)Ketchup is my favorite condiment by far.

    4.)I hate talking infront of large groups and yet I teach sports medicine to high school kids.

    5.)I sleep with a nightlight

    6.)I'm afraid of traffic.....or at least I used to be....still kinda am I suppose.....

    7.)I :heart: to pop zits! Gross I know......I can't resist!
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318

    6.)I'm afraid of traffic.....or at least I used to be....still kinda am I suppose.....

    7.)I :heart: to pop zits! Gross I know......I can't resist!

    me too!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member

    6.)I'm afraid of traffic.....or at least I used to be....still kinda am I suppose.....

    7.)I :heart: to pop zits! Gross I know......I can't resist!

    me too!

    Yay! A fellow weirdy! :bigsmile:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I thought of a couple more weird things about myself.

    1. I won't walk on those metal grates or metal plates on the sidewalks because I'm afraid they could come open like a trap door.

    2. I have to color code my clothes to my hangers.

    and a couple more.

    When I was a little kid, we used to pass on old abandoned gas station while we were walking to church on Sundays. I used to be afraid of it because for some reason I thought that's where God lived. :laugh: :laugh:

    I refuse to ride fast on a bicycle because one time when I was a kid I was riding a bike down a steep hill really, really fast with my litlle sister on the back of the bike and the bike started wobbling and we wrecked. Fortunately my little sister wasn't hurt bad but I tore a chunk out of my knee and got skinned up pretty bad.
  • BlazinEmerald

    1. I won't walk on those metal grates or metal plates on the sidewalks because I'm afraid they could come open like a trap door.

    Eeek, I agree! I won't go near them. And of course hubby and my son think this is hilarious and find it quite amusing to go to the middle and jump up and down on it Blah
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    I meant to say:
    I'm still reeling from your saying that you were 30.

    You look great!:flowerforyou:

    AWww :blushing: thanks!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    7. wrinkled clothes make me vomit

    i dont even own an iron:laugh:

    I can't find my iron! I looked yesterday and it's been so long since I used it I don't have a clue where it is! :laugh:
  • mfpme
    mfpme Posts: 1,106 Member
  • smusch78
    smusch78 Posts: 19
    1. I love the smell of gas: :smile:
    2. I can wiggle both of my ears
    3. I have to wear socks to bed
    4. I make list for everything. I guess I have borderline OCD, :tongue:
    5. I sleep with the TV on
    6. my right foot is slightly bogger them ny left.. not noticeable
    7. At work everything has to be in place before I can even start working. Another OCD trait I guess

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Let's see: I am sure I can get 7 (I am weird) but I wonder what they will be.
    1. when I was 15 I had to get a prostitute licence in Mexico because I was wearing red cowboy boots. I had a choice, licence or Juarez jail.
    2. I dance on my treadmill. I have a treadmill burn from falling off.
    3. One of the YMCA instructors makes fun of me for smiling so much during class.
    4. I broke my foot walking, my finger sleeping and dislocated my shoulder driving. In all three cases there was no "incident" to cause the problem. It just happened.
    5. When I am happy, I can't help myself. I jump up and down and clap like a kid. I am 37.
    6. I quit smoking after 23 years. I quit because my 40 friend was picking it up and I was too co-dependent to put up with that crap.
    7. I won a joint rolling contest at 8 years old at a Hippie Thanksgiving Festival where 3 dog night was playing. 5 people could smoke off of it at the same time. I don't smoke marijuana.

    LOL re: the joint rolling contest!!!!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    1. I make my bed every day (even in hotels) because my motto in life is "messy bed, messy head"
    2. I was featured in a book called "Dream Jobs."
    3. I hate carrying trash bags down the stairs and have a horrible fear of tripping and falling into my bag of trash
    4. The day my b.f. and I broke up I gave away all his expensive designer clothes that were at my place to a bunch of homeless guys in my neighborhood. That was six years ago and to this day I still see homeless guys wearing my ex's Prada shoes and John Varvatos cashmere sweaters...and it still makes me smile.
    5. I overtip excessively, especially when out for breakfast, and even when the service is atrocious
    6. I was fired from the Olive Garden for getting drunk during work and spilling a tray of strawberry margaritas
    7. I was nominated for an Emmy!

    Bonus round:
    8. I just poured vegetable oil over a half-eaten bag of sour patch kids because I couldn't stop eating them and it was a HUGE bag
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    4. The day my b.f. and I broke up I gave away all his expensive designer clothes that were at my place to a bunch of homeless guys in my neighborhood. That was six years ago and to this day I still see homeless guys wearing my ex's Prada shoes and John Varvatos cashmere sweaters...and it still makes me smile.

    bahahahaha thats hilarious!!!.... did your ex come back looking for his stuff?
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    1. I have a scar on my tounge
    2. My cousins broke my arm while throwing me in a pile of leaves
    3. I have 3 birthmarks
    4. I hate holidays
    5. I cant stand running out of toliet paper
    6. I once slept in a park
    7. I once had sex in the park
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member

    6. I once slept in a park
    7. I once had sex in the park

    Same night or two different occasions..? :smile: