Over 200 new me part 53 (open group)



  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    This scale is plying with my emotions.....*that is all*
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    annasgyal you are so much like me with letting the scale play games with you.I have learned now that the scale is only a tool that lets me know my progress and it does fluctuate throughout the day.So pick your favorite time to weigh in ,mine is in the morning before I eat anything and don't weigh yourself anymore that day.You are doing great and keep it up !
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    I so need to get out of this scale addiction. It is sad to say, that I literally "obsess" over the scale. It just cannot be healthy to my mental state for me to be weighing several times per day.

    Since I have started back on the journey, I have fluctuated between 5-7 pounds lost. Most of those pounds were lost in September, and since October has started, I have been fluctuating between losing. So let's just say, I have not lost any pounds for October. Just very frustrating.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I so need to get out of this scale addiction. It is sad to say, that I literally "obsess" over the scale. It just cannot be healthy to my mental state for me to be weighing several times per day.

    Since I have started back on the journey, I have fluctuated between 5-7 pounds lost. Most of those pounds were lost in September, and since October has started, I have been fluctuating between losing. So let's just say, I have not lost any pounds for October. Just very frustrating.
    Just keep doing what your doing and the scale will show it I promise
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Yesterday was an amazing day of "doing it right" I stayed focus on being busy, not the food plan and by the end of the day, I was successful! This is the first time in like forever that I can say that. Usually I do the workouts and cringe at my eating choices. But yesterday was good! :)

    Thanks momma24! I still prefer to flush with water but there are days that its just ice tea - decaf and splenda that is. :)

    Under calories: YES!
    Water: YES!
    Workout: YES!

    PROUD: I showed myself that I can do this "according to plan" and not having to have those "oops" moments that make me sweat the results at the end of the day. GEESH! Lots of quotes with me today. lol!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over...Chinese for dinner
    Water: 104 oz.
    Exercise: 1 hour walking with my horse, and 2 mile run on treadmill for 24 minutes (did hills!)
    Proud: Didn't allow myself to sit down until I had my workout in! I'm also proud of my mom for working out without anyone pushing her to.

    I'm debating between 30 Day Shred or a run tonight. I'd rather run, so that will probably be the answer.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hello you beautiful women! Lots of new faces to this sensational group of women look forward to getting to know you. Unfortunatley I have put on 10 lbs. this year so I am working on gtting my head back in the game to finish this weight battle and get to a HEALTHY weight to maintain. Posting with this group I was the most accountable and successful so I plan to finsih with you gals. On my own I just stalled and then gained. At my yearly exam my Dr. put my goal weight less than I had orginally planned, part of me feels like I am starting ALL OVER AGAIN! Thanks again to those of you who sent personal messages it is deeply appreciated.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hi snowflakes! Good to see you! Welcome back!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Thanks sweetie! Congrats on your beautiful, most presious little munchkin. AWWWW, I have a tender spot for newborns.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hello everyone.

    My goal for this week was 2 pounds I am down .5 and I should be down 1 to meet my goal. But hey I am still shooting for the 2.

    Hi Snowflakes
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hello everyone.

    My goal for this week was 2 pounds I am down .5 and I should be down 1 to meet my goal. But hey I am still shooting for the 2.

    Hi Snowflakes
    you can do it Momma
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi back Momma24 you're the greatest.

    Hope everyone has had a good productive day.

    Thanks for letting me be accountable to you all...

    Water: Did not measure today
    Calories: Yes, thanks to those exercise calories
    Exercise: YES
    Proud: That I got out and took a hike instead of staying on the flats so that my heart rate really got to pumping. Stunningly beautiful fall day.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    welcome back snowflakes !!

    So i was hoping for 2 lbs this week, and so far on tuesday i am already 2 lbs down !! Was soo happy..

    I did day 3 of shred today, it is hard for me to do the jumping jacks and stuff with my knees. But i am trying my best

    Cals - Under
    Water - bad
    Exercise - 50 min elliptical and 30 day shred.
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Water: Finally...got 8 glasses in today!
    Calories: Done, not like I needed them, i stayed within my calories, and did not eat any of my exercise calories back...
    Exercise: Yes, did 3 miles with leslie, and 25 minutes with Bill Harper...

    Proud: That I am 1 pound down, however would feel great if the scale goes below 234....would mean I finally lost a pound ibn October,
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello my friends!

    YAY New people! :flowerforyou:

    YAY Snowflake! :love:

    Checking in!

    Friday :grumble:
    Saturday :noway:
    Sunday :angry:
    Monday :huh:

    Calories - over but not like the previous days of horror
    Water - good (and yes I count calorie free or vary low calorie beverages as water!)
    Exercise - bed to couch - repeat.
    Proud - I only ate half my weight in chocolate today. :sick:

    Sooooo.... This past weekend was a "Farm Fling" weekend. A group of friends, a weekend to the family farm, fun, lots of food and alcohol... Not much good. On Sunday I helped my sisters cut firewood. My little sister (6' tall thin as a rail) is due with her first in two weeks. It is NOT COOL that she can out work me!!! That girl wields a chainsaw like she was born with one on her arm. GAH! Needless to say I was exhausted by Sunday evening and started to feel really sick. By the time we got home (about a two hour drive) I was aching all over and my nose was running like a spigot (sorry -gross I know) and I thought I was going to throw up. Monday was awful. I literally stayed in bed all but one horrific hour* around noon. Today I was up at 11:30 and worked from my couch for the afternoon/evening. I feel better now but what ever hit me hit me like a freight train!

    *Not for the faint of heart or animal lover to read
    So we have this rooster named Sirius - and he's been a big bully to another rooster named Ginny (we didn't realize she's a he) and we decided one has to go. I put Sirius in a crate in our garage after a rather nasty fight last week and we were trying to get the guts to butcher him since that is the practical thing to do and just killing him was wasteful and you can't really get people to take in your cranky mean rooster etc... Yesterday while I was dead to the world my dear husband let the rooster out into our front yard area assuming that if he wasn't in the chicken yard he wouldn't get into trouble. I guess he booked around to the back yard so he could attack Ginny - who ran to the fence and they started going at it. At this point Ken realized we really had to do something. He also (at this point) appears to have stopped thinking. He got a stump that we use to split firewood, and an ax and "dispatched" Sirius in the old fashioned way. Then... having a dead "pet" rooster and no idea what to do next... he picks up "both parts" and goes into the house, up to our room where he bangs open the bedroom door so I wake up to see this man holding our rooster... the body in one hand and poor decapitated Sirius's head in the other. He then DROPS the head onto MY floor. Picks it up and kinda shuffles and says "Now what?" OMG WTH:explode: :explode: :explode: I get up and put on flip-flops and follow the blood trail to the kitchen where I find my 70 year old husband SOBBING trying to pluck a rooster. :cry: OK that's just pathetic so now I can't be mad at him but I have a mess in my SINK and the kitchen isn't clean and there's no room to work and oh by the way I'VE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE. I decided to just clean it like a rabbit - so I removed the innards and skinned it and chilled it down and now there's a reasonably "normal" looking chicken in the meat compartment of our refrigerator that needs cooked. I'm still grossed out. I took all the remains and bundled them up along with the cutting board and threw it all in the trash. I literally threw up twice in the process. :embarassed: :sick: Then I went back to bed and had nightmares all afternoon.



    But tomorrow is a NEW DAY and I will do GREAT! I'm feeling better and I'll go and work out and things will be fine at work and I'll eat right. That's my plan and I'm sticking too it!
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    Ugghhhh. Im over calories today, and i can totally feel it. It's my boyfriend(s birthday and I did ok today.....until I had some birthday cake :s I seriously lacked in water today, only got about 20 oz in which, now that I mention it, MUST be why I was EXHAUSTED this afternoon, and unusually achey. Tomorrow I start 30DS. Part of me feels I'm too big to bother starting, the other part feels that regardless, it'll do me good. Good night ladies, ill be back to being ME tomorrow. <3
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ugghhhh. Im over calories today, and i can totally feel it. It's my boyfriend(s birthday and I did ok today.....until I had some birthday cake :s I seriously lacked in water today, only got about 20 oz in which, now that I mention it, MUST be why I was EXHAUSTED this afternoon, and unusually achey. Tomorrow I start 30DS. Part of me feels I'm too big to bother starting, the other part feels that regardless, it'll do me good. Good night ladies, ill be back to being ME tomorrow. <3

    I started 30ds this week and i am surely not doing it great, but i am trying to do it and that all that counts.
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    Ugghhhh. Im over calories today, and i can totally feel it. It's my boyfriend(s birthday and I did ok today.....until I had some birthday cake :s I seriously lacked in water today, only got about 20 oz in which, now that I mention it, MUST be why I was EXHAUSTED this afternoon, and unusually achey. Tomorrow I start 30DS. Part of me feels I'm too big to bother starting, the other part feels that regardless, it'll do me good. Good night ladies, ill be back to being ME tomorrow. <3

    I started 30ds this week and i am surely not doing it great, but i am trying to do it and that all that counts.

    Let's try to check in with each other, hold each other accountable? Motivate each other :)
  • haleyhyoung23
    Hey everyone! Just by way of introduction, I am a mother/wife/student. I am busy busy and I feel like my health goes on the back burner, but I am just feeling downright crappy as of late, and I am ready to MOVE (preferably down). In life there are no guarantees and in my case that is the truth. My situation in life is all over the map, stressed, calm, happy, sad, yadda yadda. I am currently at my highest non pregnancy weight of 215. Blech. HELP ME. I need easy, quick, simple, ideas for eating right. I just got a bike so I am riding like crazy! I need ya'll,
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ugghhhh. Im over calories today, and i can totally feel it. It's my boyfriend(s birthday and I did ok today.....until I had some birthday cake :s I seriously lacked in water today, only got about 20 oz in which, now that I mention it, MUST be why I was EXHAUSTED this afternoon, and unusually achey. Tomorrow I start 30DS. Part of me feels I'm too big to bother starting, the other part feels that regardless, it'll do me good. Good night ladies, ill be back to being ME tomorrow. <3

    I started 30ds this week and i am surely not doing it great, but i am trying to do it and that all that counts.

    Let's try to check in with each other, hold each other accountable? Motivate each other :)

    Sounds good...We can do it :)

    I have done 3 days so far. I am not sure i can do it everday but trying to do it a few times a week.

    Don't think i will be working out today, i have a dentist appt and i think i will be having a root canal plus a few filings. I am taking off 1/2 day from works. ..I feel okay tonight i may but not sure yet

    was excited this morning, i got on the scale and i was 3 lbs down from friday. Sitting at 271.0 so freaking close to being out of the 270's for good