Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #13

Hello Hello Hello!!!! And awwwaayyyyyyyy we gooooo!!!!


Ok, so first off... The positives....


Craft338... Welcome to Onederland!!!
Abeks... AWESOME 3 pound loss!
Kristinkt... Hit the 20 pounds lost mark! And 10% total loss!!!
Neize... Broke into the 140's!

Now... I want to be honest. I was a little more than disappointed with the last week. We had 16 people that didn't weigh in at all and three of them for two weeks straight. But that's not all...
Take a look at the bottom of the chart where it gives the total lost for the week. LESS THAN 15 POUNDS BETWEEN 44 PEOPLE!!!! Our normal weekly loss is between 40-48 pounds and this week was less than 15!!!

Now, I am just as much to blame for these disappointing results. I let life literally kick me in the *kitten* for the last two weeks. Between crap at work, crap at home, and life in general, I found ways to justify bad choices. It wasn't until today that I realized... THERE IS NEVER A JUSTIFICATION FOR A BAD CHOICE.

I don't want to be negative, I want to leave the past where it is because nothing can change it now. I want to move forward and make better choices everyday. But I want to know that you are all with me. I didn't hear much feedback on the challenges. Did you complete the physical challenge? Anyone call an old friend? What was the outcome?

I am sad to see so many of us having personal challenges that aren't allowing us to focus on ourselves. But what I need from you is to know what I can do to help you... To help ALL of us! So tell me... WHAT CAN I DO? It is so important to give yourselves time for.... YOURSELVES! You can't give your all to anything without time for self-reflection and attention.

I had a whole different set of challenges for you this week but I have decided to change things up a bit. I think it's time to refocus our energies and attempt to create some intentional balance in our lives.

Yes, together. Your challenge this week is MEDITATION. Give yourselves some time for some inner reflection. Allow your mind and body to release. Free yourself from the extenuating circumstances for just a few moments and find that you can think clearer, your breathing has changed, and your soul is refreshed.

I am including these links for reference. I thought meditation just involved sitting quietly and relaxing but it is so much more than that. The busy-ness of your mind can take over quickly without an intentional interruption of its normal flow.
Check these out:

I can't put a time frame on your inner peace. So my challenge to you is to meditate each day this week. How long? That all depends on you...

I apologize if this post comes across as a downer. That is not my intention AT ALL! I do NOT want to be negative, and I surely don't want any of you to feel that way either. Let's take this week to refocus, take a breath, and take it into next week with a new outlook.

As always... I love you all!!!


  • gennybunny1
    That sounds great Jenn. I have to admit I didn't follow your challenge at all this week and for that I am sorry. I was so focused on getting though 1 week of eating right and starting my c25k that our challenge was a no go. I don't think your post sounds like a downer at all, we do need to slow things down and get back to basics. I love that you hold no punches when it comes to being our support and kick butt person.

    You ROCK!!

    You have inspired me to dust off my yoga mat and set my alarm 30 mins early tomorrow to do yoga.
    Thanks Jenn I needed that!!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    I go to bootcamp 4 times a week & usually do something on sat too so I don't really keep up w/ the challenges. I'll try to do better w/ that....
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks Jenn, Good pep talk, Meditation seems like such a good idea. I am looking forward to trying it this evening.
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 198 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Sorry I've been totally MIA in the last 3 weeks. Not only that but I didn't' log anything and started eating everything in sight including mcdonalds, pizza and icecream!!!!! What the hell did I do to myself!! I was going sooo well and then I totally sabotaged myself. Not only that but I did NO exercise!!! I blame it on my studies but really it is just me making excuses. So today I'm making myself accountable by jumping on here and logging my food again. I'm too scared to get on the scales as I KNOW Ive put on at least 4kgs (thats 8.8lbs) :sad: . But hey at least I'm back and didnt' just give up like I usually do. I have one more week of intensive study to do so I have decided that this week I'll just watch what I eat, logging everything and start drinking all my water again. Exercise wont' come untill this time next week unless I need a study break then I'll take the dog for a walk. Well that's my plan and I'm sticking to it!!! One day at a time!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I have been failing... :frown: My mind is overwhelmed, and my eating is reflecting that. Perhaps the meditation will help. I've never tried it before. :smile:
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    I am totally excited for this challenge. I use to meditate in high school before big games and it really does work. So, good luck everyone with the challenge.
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks Jenn you really put things into perspective... Time to get back to it... I've been struggling also and if I want to reach my Christmas goal im going to have to kick my but!!! So many of us have so many challenges.. My prayers are with you all... This is such a great group... WE CAN DO THiS!!! Let's have a great week!!!!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Jenn, I'm soooo sorry! I did weigh in on Sunday morning but I forgot to log it in. I'm a bit forgetful these days. I woke up this morning remembering that I forgot.
    CW: 195

    I do love your challenges! I did call my childhood best friend. We do still text and xommunicate on facebook mind you. It turns out that another friend of mine from High school wants to organize a girls weekend. Some of these girls I haven't seen in a while. We've been planning it all. I'm quite excited about it! I surely could use a break from my life! Not to mention some 'me' time! Taking time for me is something I don't do often. So, thanks for your challenge Jenn!

    I appreciate the reminder to keep us all accountable! That is what makes me work harder on this. I look forward to trying meditation, I don't know how I'll do thoug, I usually have a hard time shutting my brain off. I will let you know how I did at the end of the week. I'm sorry if you felt all your hard work was in vain. To me, personally, it is what keeps me going and from giving up on myself! Thanks for the reminder to be more respectful of your hard work. That is what makes you a great leader for the group.
  • Mommyof3loves
    Looking forward to this weeks challenge....I could use meditation in my life so this will be a great challenge for me. I've also been to blame with not a lot of weight loss...but my shoulder is doing better, still can't really move it or do too much but I can walk or ride my exercise bike and that's what I plan to do this week. Good luck!
  • gennybunny1
    Morning yoga done today and I feel good. Meditating is always hard for me but I focused on my breathing and that helped. It's funny how we can't seem to quiet all the thoughts running through our minds and have to practice at focusing on quieting them down. Well off to get ready for work than I run week 2 tonight. I've never ran for more than a minute so this will be interesting.
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    bump...I'm also excited to meditate!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I don't think your post sounds like a downer. You were just addressing an issue like all fearless leaders should. :) Hope we all do great this week.
  • Cmuehe
    Cmuehe Posts: 40 Member

    I'm sorry I didn't post last week. It's tough right now, and I was a little lazy not posting. I apologize though and no excuses. I didn't lose, and I didn't gain. I'm stuck at 168. However, I have started running and have drastically lowered my food intake, so I'm not going to be stuck for very long. I have been losing inches, but not pounds. I'm weight-lifting, so it may take awhile for my weight to adjust I suppose, but I haven't stopped working out. I'm not working out as long as I'd like (only between 45 and 50 minutes in the mornings, 5 days a week), so I'd like to really up my workout time and start going for longer, but I don't belong to a gym, so I just have to do things at home or outside, but it works! I worked out 46 minutes this morning (haven't logged that yet today), and I'm going to try and do a walk/run outside tonight because I bought new running shoes specifically to start running.

  • liz4214
    liz4214 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks Jen for the post and motivation. I know that is something I really need to work on personally.
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    The past 3 years I feel like my whole life has been falling apart around me. I have lost 4 family members, fired from a job I put my heart and soul into for 6 years (over something supid), and I've been 4 months without a job and my savings are pretty much gone now. The past two night I've been going to bed at 3am because my mind wont shut down. The only thing good right now is that i am losing weight and I am starting to see a difference. It is so very hard to put aside life problems and give yourself a minute to yourself. I am sorry I haven't been active (besides weighing in) but I have been so depressed and I didn't want to bring any bad vibes to this great group. That has always been my problem....keeping things to myself.....I want to change that! I am looking foreward to this weeks challange. Thank you Jenn!
  • gennybunny1
    The past 3 years I feel like my whole life has been falling apart around me. I have lost 4 family members, fired from a job I put my heart and soul into for 6 years (over something supid), and I've been 4 months without a job and my savings are pretty much gone now. The past two night I've been going to bed at 3am because my mind wont shut down. The only thing good right now is that i am losing weight and I am starting to see a difference. It is so very hard to put aside life problems and give yourself a minute to yourself. I am sorry I haven't been active (besides weighing in) but I have been so depressed and I didn't want to bring any bad vibes to this great group. That has always been my problem....keeping things to myself.....I want to change that! I am looking foreward to this weeks challange. Thank you Jenn!

    Oh you poor thing. Don't feel like you are bringing bad vibes to the group. This is a support group after all. If you need to chat or vent feel free. I hope you can look up and things get better. ((Hugs))