
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Hello all

    I completed L1,D1 yesterday - boy it is hard work! I can feel it today though - I love that post exercise ache!
  • Hello Everyone!!

    It's really really really motivating to hear everyone's progress and thoughts/feelings so I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!

    Quick question since I am new to this site and new to the 30DS (although it has been collecting dust in my living room!).......
    How are you entering the shred workout under your exercises on here? I didn't see an option for this!

  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 953 Member
    Is it to late to join? I did D3L1 yesterday. I work out in the evening.
  • lrobson555
    lrobson555 Posts: 97 Member
    Just finished L1D2. One word. PAIN.

    Those squat-and-presses and side-lunge-and-lifts HURT. It takes so much motivation to keep going and not stop.
    Got my new Heart Rate Monitor yesterday though, so I'm actually okay to be working out just to play with my new toy :D I got the Polar FT7 and it's amazing!

    Feel free to add me as a friend :) I think I only have about four on here so it'd be nice to have some more!!

  • So did day 2 level 1 today and my legs are killing, managed it much better toay so im already getting stronger. Loving the support on here, gives me more motivation to keep going!!

    Feel free to add me if you want!

    Louise x
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    We are doing GREAT!!! :drinker:

    So amazing to see you all logging in here and saying how your doing!!


    I will be shredding later today, it's my son's 7th birthday today so I have a mad day of rushing aorund and getting things sorted for him, he has a little party with some school friends right after school then my friends and family come round in the evening, so it'll be non stop for me today.

    I will shred this afternoon if I get time or when everyone has gone home tonight, or if all else fails I will shred TWICE tomorrow!!

    My arms and chest feel like I did something yesterday, I have a love hate relationship with using 6kg (2x3kg)weights on the shred!!! BUT IT WORKS!!!! :laugh:
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Day 2 LEVEL ONE

    DONE! I will always hate pushups! I can do them, but I hate them!! <rant over!!

    Great job yesterday shredders!! KEEP IT GOING!!
  • pinkpumpedupkickz
    pinkpumpedupkickz Posts: 77 Member
    Lv. 1/Day 2 done :) Added Brazil Butt Lift; Cardio Axe for some extra cardio.
  • robyng1986
    robyng1986 Posts: 139 Member
    Great Morning fellow shredders!

    yesterday was my 1st day of shred, i feel GREAT! only minor soreness in my arms and chest. just enough to make me feel like i did something.:bigsmile:

    i have an exam today and another exam tomorrow but I am determined to do my shred later today and also to attend a kickboxing class tonight and aerobics tomorrow (people still do aerobics?) lol!!!:laugh:

    i also need to post my measurements but i fear i will be sooo embarrassed. i haven't seen my numbers in so long. :sad: :blushing:
  • dreamz48
    dreamz48 Posts: 50 Member
    Day Two Level One Done!! God, my legs hurt so bad.:cry: I could barely get in the car to come to work, and now I'm walking real funny. I hope this gets better tomorrow. Any tips on how to get the soreness away? I heard as long as I get a lot of protein in my diet it helps.

    Great job to all! We can do this! 28 days left!!
  • SmileyJ23
    SmileyJ23 Posts: 349 Member
    Day Two Level One Done!! God, my legs hurt so bad.:cry: I could barely get in the car to come to work, and now I'm walking real funny. I hope this gets better tomorrow. Any tips on how to get the soreness away? I heard as long as I get a lot of protein in my diet it helps.

    Great job to all! We can do this! 28 days left!!

    It Will :) Just keep pushing through it
  • mi_tai
    mi_tai Posts: 5 Member
    L1D2 completed. My thighs are so sore! Woke up late so I will be doing my ab workout tonight. Great job everyone - keep it up!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    It's really really really motivating to hear everyone's progress and thoughts/feelings so I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!

    Quick question since I am new to this site and new to the 30DS (although it has been collecting dust in my living room!).......
    How are you entering the shred workout under your exercises on here? I didn't see an option for this!


    Post it under circuit training.

    L1D2 done, plus 20 minutes on the treadmill. 401 calories burned per HRM. No major soreness except for a tiny bit near the upper chest arm area. I guess the routine I was doing before was doing some good. :happy:
  • Day 2, Level 1 done (actually 8 days now). Actually felt very tired in the beginning, but I pushed through. Only had to do girly push-ups for the second set and I'm proud of that! Good job everyone!! Be glad your sore because it means you're working something hard!
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    Getting myself motivated to face Jillian today. I'm sore, but not as sore as I expected. I think all the stretching in my Yoga Bootcamp helps. Although I'm really happy that today is a rest day for Yoga, they really don't lie when they call it bootcamp. I have to do like 4000 stairs for another challenge group this week, so I think I'll double up on that since there will be no yoga tonight. Hopefully that's a good idea lol, my legs may think otherwise but meh. It'll be worth it.

    Starting Measurements (forgot to add this yesterday)

    Weight: 170
    Waist: 40
    Hips: 43.1
    Chest: 40.5
    Arms: L-12.7 R-12.2
    Thighs: L-24.9 R-24.5

    I did take some before pics, but will probably post them at the end (hopefully).
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    Just finished Day 6, Level 1 of 30DS!!

    Still as sweaty as ever!! lol.

    I wonder when a good time to advance to level 2 is?? When you can do all the exercises the advanced way?? Or when you're not sore anywhere anymore?? Or when you sweat less?? What do you think?
  • Well...I will be starting day 2 on level 1 in about 15 minutes. I woke up VERY sore in my legs, and chest. I will admit, I wanted to just give up the workouts without even getting up out of bed first. Even going to the bathroom was hard on my legs. I can't imagine how the lunges will be. But logging on here...and reading everything from people who finished day 2 already HAS given me motivation. I know that I just have to push through. I'm off to go change my little one...and get him situated for the next 20 minutes so I can begin! Ohhhh boy...haha. I'll check back in after. :heart:
  • mbnharrison
    mbnharrison Posts: 57 Member
    Day 7...Day 2 with all of you. Shred will happen during afternoon nap time but I find committing to it here first helps me power through and really do it. Yesterday was a bit rough because I started shredding without realizing that I hadn't eaten anything more than my vitamins and 2 cups of coffee plus 2 glasses of water. I had to stop, eat, digest and start over again. I think I'll be hitting up level 2 today. How is everyone tracking? I was putting down about 200 calories burned with shred but notice others are tracking more around 160-190? Any insights? I don't have a HRM so anyone 130lbs, 27 yrs old who can give me a hint as to what they are tracking would be great. Thanks and welcome to day 2 everyone :)
  • kcrojas630
    kcrojas630 Posts: 145 Member
    Completed Day 5 of Level1 last night. I'm getting better, i think. I am literally screaming by the last bicycle crunch, though!
  • tabs4cherubs
    tabs4cherubs Posts: 2 Member
    Completed Day 1 last night!