getting teary eyed... 30 days in and now gaining.



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Ok, as many have stated, there are a couple of things. First, alcohol; there has been studies that have shown the affect that wine can slow the metabolism. This doesn't include that fact it's about 1/6 of your calories. Next, I believe you are rather low on your calories. Based on the assumption your basal metabolic rate is around 1500 and you workout 3 times a week (mean you are lightly acitve) and since you dont' have that much to lose (I woudl recommend 1 lb per week) You should eat around 1600 calories a day or you shoudl be eating 1300 calories (sedentary level) and eat back your exercise calories.

    Also, it does appear a large portion of the items on your diary are packaged which are higher in sodium. I would recommend tracking that. Other than that, look to do some weight training. It can really help to increase your muscle mass (which burns more calories) as well as increase your metabolism.

    Just some thoughts.
  • TheWolf77
    TheWolf77 Posts: 17 Member
    Hang in there, the goal is not to give up, this happens to all of us at some point or another. Sometimes sooner than others. There are a few bits of advice that I can offer however that might help you.

    1) Change your workout routine. Everyone has the same problem, our body are designed to adapt and overcome adversity. If you have been putting all of your effort into your workout and you do the same or similar exercises everyday your body will identify what you are doing and it will find a way to work around it. I try to change my exercises up as often as I can. For example, if you are using walking as your exercise, instead of walking for 30 minutes try increasing the speed (even if slowly) for part of the time. Every 10 minutes you walk try to jog for 2 - 3 of those minutes. If you work out at the gym you can try my personal favorite, the elliptical. A lot of people tell me they "hate" the elliptical, but I have learned to call it my friend because of how many variables it offers and because I can use it to push myself. Try a different programmed pattern every day. To get around my issues, I did Manual settings on Monday (30 minutes of Level 17.. try it lower than that to start with, I started at level 8 and worked my way up to 17 over a course of 3 months, keeping my heart rate at 165 - 170 the entire time) Tuesday I did the Hill setting (again 30 minutes and do what you can to keep your heart rate up at about 165 , but don't try to go much above 170) Wednesday "Personal Trainer Mode" It makes you change directions and tells you to use your arms to push or pull or just use your legs. Thursday, back to manual mode, Friday "Around the world" Various hill settings. Saturday & Sunday rest. (5 days a week isn't for everyone, but it has helped me tremendously... find what works for you and go with that). No matter what kind of exercise you do, by the end of 30 minutes you should have broken enough of a sweat that it looks like you took a quick sprint outside in a downpour and back again.

    2) Change your tracking info on your diary. I see that you use the default settings. Try going to Setting > Diary Info and changing what you are tracking. For me I changed mine to reflect Calories / Carbs / Protein / Sugar / Sodium. This helps because While everything looked great for a while as soon as I added "Sugar" to mine, I realized that there were days when I was going way overboard on sugars even though everything else looked good.

    3) Take a multi-vitamin. It sounds like a strange suggestion, but sometimes your body resists change because it is not getting enough of one kind of vitamin, it will resist you in an effort to protect itself if its not getting something that it needs. Adding vitamins to your diet will increase the odds that your body will burn off everything that you put in and expunge everything that is excess. If you give it more nutritional suppliments than it needs it won't hang on to things that it doesn't need.

    4) Sleep. The hardest thing to acquire is enough sleep. Once you change your workout routine, set yourself some goals. The first kinds of goals that I find make things better are "pleasure goals" I don't know anyone that doesn't like getting extra rest. So make a plan, chart everything out so that you can accomplish the things that you need to get done, and set yourself a goal even if its only 1 night a week to start to get a full 8 - 9 hours of sleep. While this is difficult (I know I have a 3 year old that wakes up at 5:30am everyday) you can make this happen by planning it out ahead of time. No matter what find one day that you can tell yourself "I'll be in bed by 9pm and awake by 7am". Its hard to do, but if you can get at least one day of rest your body will recover better.

    5) Keep in touch with MFP friends. We all have our own experiences and we are all in the same boat here. Having a strong support group to keep things going is the best motivator and help you will find. Just like you did when you posted this topic, ask for help. Ask for suggestions. Those of us that have been where you are will not hesitate to offer whatever support we can to make your journey a successful one.

    Good luck, keep up the hard work. You can do this!

  • Splinkysgirl2
    I agree with everybody else on here. But specifically, I want to say also do not give up and throw in the towel -- even if you do not lose another pound, you are gaining a more fit body through exercise. Let's not focus so much on the scale, but also remember to pay attention to the inches lost. The inches are what matters when it comes down to fitting into smaller clothes -- not the pounds. Stay positive. :flowerforyou:
  • kerrikeene
    Try decreasing your sodium intake...that can make you gain weight.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Cut out the booze or at least cut down a lot. All those empty cals, loads of sugar etc are no good for you.

    Defo cut that sodium, I cut mine down to try and only have 1500 a day. I started this just last week and can already see the difference on the scales. Eat veg and maybe cut the carbs a bit. Also just accept that some weeks you may gain due to muscle weight, periods or water retention.
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    Others have said it..... cut out the alcohol and processed foods, and reduce the sodium intake (restaurant food has a lot). Eat more fruits and veggies. It's not enough to just consume within your calorie goal, but... you need to make healthy choices.
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    STICK WITH IT!!!!! I've had that happen several weeks in a row. Do not let it get you down. Are you using a measuring tape??? That's what kept me motivated. I gained 4 lbs. but was down 3.5 inches on my waist last month. Additionally, 30 days is still a short period of time. Try to keep the big picture in mind. You're down 15 lbs--congratulations!!! Keep up the good work. If you keep up your new habits you will lose weight. You can do this. :flowerforyou:
  • sheltielover
    sheltielover Posts: 135 Member
    Everyone, I just spent 20 minutes reading thru all of your knowledgeable comments.
    Now I am crying- not from being frustrated, but b/c I feel so supported.

    Thank you--- I am going to make some slight changes, as all of you suggested.
    I can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time out of your lives to help a stranger.

    Here's just part of the changes I'm going to make
    1. cut the alcohol to once a week (I've noticed it has creeped up again)
    2. cut the processed/high carb/high sodium foods-- get back to more REAL food
    3. change up my workouts- push myself a bit more than just walking at 4.0
    4. Start taking a multivitamin

    And yes-- I do own a food scale- I've weighed everything religiously in the last month.
    I may even adjust MFP to only lose 1 lb a week and up my calories.

    It was hard for me to open my diary to "the world"- but I needed other sets of eyes to see what I hadnt been seeing!

    Its all experimenting and finding out what works best for my body, right ? :)

    Thank you all again- I've taken notes and am going to follow your advice!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    You can do this! :-) My question is, how are you getting your calorie count? Do you use a HRM? I only ask because 600 calories for an hour walk seems incredibly high. If you are using a HRM then ignore me. LOL!
  • sheltielover
    sheltielover Posts: 135 Member
    hi, yes-- i used my HRM and it said 600 for the hour workout. i hope its right!!
    DANCERPURPLE Posts: 134 Member
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    I would cut the alcohol! And no processed anything. ALL whole foods. I have maybe one beer a month...But Im a runner..and just cant drink like I used too :) Stay strong! Head up! :)
  • NB_Lady
    NB_Lady Posts: 107 Member
    Hang in there- you've done a awesome for such a short time and your body could be adjusting to the changes. From my personal experience, sodium is a big issue and like others have mentioned could be part of the problem.
    Remember this is a lifestyle choice, so I'd try to stay within my calories and exercise but not totally give up the foods you enjoy. I personally enjoy a glass of wine with my meal at the end of a long hectic day, and in order for ME to succeed at this life time choice, I don't want to feel like I'm in denial mode.

    Good luck!
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    I agree with everyone here. Cut out all your alcohol. Lower your sodium. Watch the magic happen.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I agree, 600 seems like its way to high, even at 4mph. You don't weigh too much more than I do and in 30 min I probably burn 200. People do Zumba or Spinning :wink: and burn 600 or less in an hour.

    Weigh your food.

    Be honest with yourself. I know when my weight was creeping or stalling, I wasn't being 100% honest with myself. Small bites here and there turned into lots of bigger bites.

    Try eating just half of your exercise calories. Stick with it. I would be on track for a few days, a week then not see the changes I felt I should, then blow it. I weigh/measure about once a month. My losses are small but now I see them. My hardest road block is my mind. I feel like I work so hard at this and I eat so healthy that I should look better and be farther along then I am. I get frustrated and think screw it.

    My losses may be slow and small, but I was on a plateau for over a year. I ate more like everyone suggested and gained 5lbs in August. Finally I have lost that and hopefully I will continue to see my small yet huge to me changes by continuing doing what I'm doing.

    Good luck!
  • sheltielover
    sheltielover Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks again.
    Also, is there a balance b/t sodium and potassium? my husband tells me that basically the potassium should extract some water. do you all watch potassium?

    also, i just read out loud all your comments to my 178 lb husband who is a marathon runner and is in amazing shape.
    he wants me to post that he's been telling me the same things- cut out the sodium and limit alcohol and up the protein-- but that I didnt listen to him :)

    he's sitting here smirking! :) i guess its easier to hear from strangers
  • sheltielover
    sheltielover Posts: 135 Member
    Hang in there, the goal is not to give up, this happens to all of us at some point or another. Sometimes sooner than others. There are a few bits of advice that I can offer however that might help you.

    1) Change your workout routine. Everyone has the same problem, our body are designed to adapt and overcome adversity. If you have been putting all of your effort into your workout and you do the same or similar exercises everyday your body will identify what you are doing and it will find a way to work around it. I try to change my exercises up as often as I can. For example, if you are using walking as your exercise, instead of walking for 30 minutes try increasing the speed (even if slowly) for part of the time. Every 10 minutes you walk try to jog for 2 - 3 of those minutes. If you work out at the gym you can try my personal favorite, the elliptical. A lot of people tell me they "hate" the elliptical, but I have learned to call it my friend because of how many variables it offers and because I can use it to push myself. Try a different programmed pattern every day. To get around my issues, I did Manual settings on Monday (30 minutes of Level 17.. try it lower than that to start with, I started at level 8 and worked my way up to 17 over a course of 3 months, keeping my heart rate at 165 - 170 the entire time) Tuesday I did the Hill setting (again 30 minutes and do what you can to keep your heart rate up at about 165 , but don't try to go much above 170) Wednesday "Personal Trainer Mode" It makes you change directions and tells you to use your arms to push or pull or just use your legs. Thursday, back to manual mode, Friday "Around the world" Various hill settings. Saturday & Sunday rest. (5 days a week isn't for everyone, but it has helped me tremendously... find what works for you and go with that). No matter what kind of exercise you do, by the end of 30 minutes you should have broken enough of a sweat that it looks like you took a quick sprint outside in a downpour and back again.

    2) Change your tracking info on your diary. I see that you use the default settings. Try going to Setting > Diary Info and changing what you are tracking. For me I changed mine to reflect Calories / Carbs / Protein / Sugar / Sodium. This helps because While everything looked great for a while as soon as I added "Sugar" to mine, I realized that there were days when I was going way overboard on sugars even though everything else looked good.

    3) Take a multi-vitamin. It sounds like a strange suggestion, but sometimes your body resists change because it is not getting enough of one kind of vitamin, it will resist you in an effort to protect itself if its not getting something that it needs. Adding vitamins to your diet will increase the odds that your body will burn off everything that you put in and expunge everything that is excess. If you give it more nutritional suppliments than it needs it won't hang on to things that it doesn't need.

    4) Sleep. The hardest thing to acquire is enough sleep. Once you change your workout routine, set yourself some goals. The first kinds of goals that I find make things better are "pleasure goals" I don't know anyone that doesn't like getting extra rest. So make a plan, chart everything out so that you can accomplish the things that you need to get done, and set yourself a goal even if its only 1 night a week to start to get a full 8 - 9 hours of sleep. While this is difficult (I know I have a 3 year old that wakes up at 5:30am everyday) you can make this happen by planning it out ahead of time. No matter what find one day that you can tell yourself "I'll be in bed by 9pm and awake by 7am". Its hard to do, but if you can get at least one day of rest your body will recover better.

    5) Keep in touch with MFP friends. We all have our own experiences and we are all in the same boat here. Having a strong support group to keep things going is the best motivator and help you will find. Just like you did when you posted this topic, ask for help. Ask for suggestions. Those of us that have been where you are will not hesitate to offer whatever support we can to make your journey a successful one.

    Good luck, keep up the hard work. You can do this!


    thank you for taking all the time to type this Ryan. I appreciate your insight.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Thanks again.
    Also, is there a balance b/t sodium and potassium? my husband tells me that basically the potassium should extract some water. do you all watch potassium?

    also, i just read out loud all your comments to my 178 lb husband who is a marathon runner and is in amazing shape.
    he wants me to post that he's been telling me the same things- cut out the sodium and limit alcohol and up the protein-- but that I didnt listen to him :)

    he's sitting here smirking! :) i guess its easier to hear from strangers

    I don't track potassium, for potassium I just listen to my body. When my legs start to cramp I eat sweet potatoes for 2 days and they loosen back up again. Drinking a crap ton of water will actually help with sodium water weight, but really the trick is to keep it at a healthier level over all. Not saying that soup every once in a while is going to kill you on water weight, but high sodium processed foods on a regular basis will. As far as a correlation between sodium and potassium and water . . . I have no clue.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Everyone, I just spent 20 minutes reading thru all of your knowledgeable comments.
    Now I am crying- not from being frustrated, but b/c I feel so supported.

    Thank you--- I am going to make some slight changes, as all of you suggested.
    I can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time out of your lives to help a stranger.

    Here's just part of the changes I'm going to make
    1. cut the alcohol to once a week (I've noticed it has creeped up again)
    2. cut the processed/high carb/high sodium foods-- get back to more REAL food
    3. change up my workouts- push myself a bit more than just walking at 4.0
    4. Start taking a multivitamin

    And yes-- I do own a food scale- I've weighed everything religiously in the last month.
    I may even adjust MFP to only lose 1 lb a week and up my calories.

    It was hard for me to open my diary to "the world"- but I needed other sets of eyes to see what I hadnt been seeing!

    Its all experimenting and finding out what works best for my body, right ? :)

    Thank you all again- I've taken notes and am going to follow your advice!

    And increase your calories!
  • sheltielover
    sheltielover Posts: 135 Member


    any advice is appreciated:

    ive been on mfp since mid sept and had lost a total of 15 lbs - down to 185... this past week the weight's been slowly creeping up- and today I weighed in at 188. I'm dumbfounded.
    --- I'm eating my calories--- have gone over 1 time by like 80 cals
    ---I'm working out - not daily, but about 3 times a week - on sunday I walked for an hour and burned 600 cals-
    ---I'm drinking my water- even somedays getting 10 glasses in
    ---It's not "that time of the month"... even when that happened I only gained like 1 lb and then lost it quickly

    i've made my diary public b/c I'd like some frank honest comments to get me thru this.
    I refuse to throw in the towel, but it gets hard to stay on plan and then see this type of gain for no reason.

    here is my diary:
