

  • DinaLKeil
    DinaLKeil Posts: 95 Member
    It's easy to get on each others nerves when you're around the person all day and everyone is tired, etc. It was obviously a stupid it worth ruining a relationship over? Guess that's something you need to ask yourself. I would say probably no....but I would definately let her know how much it upset you and then move on. Totally not worth being upset over...takes up too much energy :ohwell:
  • losing 20lbs is GREAT, but I do think you should have planned the trip better for healthy snacks. It's good to lose weight, but doing it the right way with eating through out the day is best. You can't deprive your body of what it needs. Your friend was wrong to blurt that out the way she did, but if you didn't express your feelings about it right then in there, it's best to let it go, but explain you'd like encouragement rather than judgement. Best of luck to you!
  • habap
    habap Posts: 2
    It's a good reminder that you need to plan ahead for healthy snacks. She may or may not have meant well, but your hunger made it seem cruel of her to say. I know that when I'm tired or hungry, or in your case, probably both, it sours everything.

    Starving yourself for any reason is always a recipe for poor choices, like eating potato chips you shouldn't be eating.

    That said, I suspect that was the least of the issues that made having her as a companion on vacation not so fun. So, unless it was all fantastic except for the one moment, I'd just not plan to vacation with her again. She might be a wonderful friend at home, but vacation partners are far harder to find than friends to hang out with. Of course, if she's a pain in small doses as well, you need to find a new friend!
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Say "you don't need to eat those either but you've been stuffing your face with them all day".

    Exactly, cuz they aren't healthy for ANY ONE~!

    As we lose weight and start to feel better, do more, etc.....our friends all have their own reaction - stemming from their insecurities and confidence and heart. She may be one to let go. You don't need someone who's gonna say things that make you feel bad - we need supportive friends. she may be trying to be supportive and just not have realized how it came across....give the hurt time to subside and see how you feel. No need to act right this moment.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I honestly think people mean to be supportive but don't have a clue. Both my hubby and my mother said something similar to me when I started losing weight and I just had to calmly educate them that I could eat whatever I darn well pleased as long as it fit into my calories or I exercised to burn off the excess (and also that some days I didn't care either way). Most people think that losing weight means you need to starve yourself and/or deprive yourself but plenty of us have realized that's not realistic or long term.

    If this is a good friend and you don't fight much, meaning the friendship isn't worth losing over this little misunderstanding, have a nice heart-to-heart with her. If she persists then it might be time to dump the B.
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    There is the possibility that she was just trying to be helpful... tone of voice and facial expression as well as how she behaves to you overall make a big difference. Only you can evaluate that. Before you just decide you're being oversensitive, consider whether she's really intending to put you down or if she's just showing what she thinks is tough love.

    Sad as it is, there ARE pathetic people out there who are so insecure that they will use humiliation and backhanded compliments to keep you down so that you won't end up skinnier or prettier than them, or whatever it is they're jealous about. I had this one "friend" a few years ago who weighed at least 80 lbs more than me, and she would constantly talk about how fat I was and how I wouldn't ever find a boyfriend because of it, blah, blah. My advice if she is like that... GET AWAY FROM THERE!!! It will only get worse, especially as you start looking even better.

    If she is really a friend, you could talk to her about this and tell her that sort of thing is belitting and not ok with you. If you don't think you could be open with her about that or that you would not get a reasonable response, then I'd say she's no friend and you're better off without her negativity weighing you down.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Same thing I told this other member on here.

    You should have poked that heffa in the belly like she was the Pillsbury Doughboy and made that giggle he does. Then laugh and shove a handful of chips into your mouth. Sometimes words are not necessary.
  • mangorabbit
    mangorabbit Posts: 219 Member
    Firstly, breathe. ^_^
    I know that when I am hungry (and I can only imagine being ravenous after a trek like that!) I tend to be rather...sensitive, shall we say, to ANYTHING other people say to me that even hints of judgement or reprisal.
    Now, I am not suggesting you are nearly s crazy as I can be when not fed properly, but perhaps do take into consideration that factor? She certainly did not need to give you sass about it, esp if that was her all day diet, but some people (myself admittedly included) don't always manage to think about how the words coming out of our faces are going to sound to the recipient.
    If this is a person you have had a fair history of enjoyable times with, I'd say take the time to (once in a fairly calm state of mind) talk with her and see if she is aware of how frustrating/infuriating her comment was to you.

    Don't let one comment ruin your vacation or your fitness quest), it just is not worth it!

    Be strong, and know that you are the boss of you, not her, not the freakin' chips, just you!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I love women. Such close friends they can go on vacation together. Then they get catty over a bag of chips and it's friendship over!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It's only as big a deal as you let it be.

    If someone made a comment like that, I'd leave and go to a bar and get food much tastier than the chips =).

    Sorry it impacted your vacation
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I'm optomistic (sp?) thinking she did not want you to sabatoge yourself! A good friend would tell you that - maybe she was not very diplomatic about it. :>/

    I agree with this. Especially if this is someone who knows that you ate trying to lose weight. My other half always says things like that, he's not trying to be rude, he just thinks he is helping. I always tell him I can eat what I wish and that moderation is the key.

    I would give her the benefit of the doubt and if happened again just explain politely you van male your own food choices.
  • Taryn1627
    Taryn1627 Posts: 118 Member
    I would have said 'I'm starving and I havent eaten all day, a handful of chips isnt going to hurt me'. That's it.

    I totally agree with this!!!!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I love women. Such close friends they can go on vacation together. Then they get catty over a bag of chips and it's friendship over!
    & I love when guys generalize women by the group. 'Cause - you know - we're all the same. *fake laugh*
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    You sound like you don't want to be friends anymore, so don't.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    ok - it was VACATION! ONE week out of the year when I don't log, try not to gain 50 lbs (didn't gain a pound) but I eat & drink alcohol & enjoy myself.
    IF I had wanted a FAT MENTOR, I'd have taken you guys or MY MOM. IT WAS VACATION- SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!
    ALSO, I don't think comments like that are in any way helpful. It was rude, uncalled for and hurtful. HOW is that supposed to help? not something I would EVER say to someone, much less a friend - even if I thought it (which I don't) HOW RUDE to imply (or even think) that I deserve junk food others do not. I am somehow MORE worthy of unhealthy food because I wear a size 5 - nevermind that I drink beer all day instead of meals and smoke 3 PACKS OF CIGARETTES A DAY, CAN'T EVEN CLIMB A FLIGHT OF STAIRS.
    I am 100 times more fit than this PRUNE.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I am 100 times more fit than this PRUNE.

    Right, this comment and the comments you made in the OP make me feel like you have already decided to stop being friends with her. So don't worry about if we approve or disapprove. Just stop being friends with the person. Life is too short to have friends for whom you have obvious contempt.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Well I think you missed your chance to say something because you should have said something at that moment. But your 100% correct. I wear a size 4 and have no more right to stuff myself with crap than someone who needs to lose more. Junk is junk, unhealthy is unhealthy, it makes no difference who is eating it and she was just being a little insensitive B---H when she said that!
  • melanie_J
    melanie_J Posts: 136 Member
    losing 20lbs is GREAT, but I do think you should have planned the trip better for healthy snacks. It's good to lose weight, but doing it the right way with eating through out the day is best. You can't deprive your body of what it needs. Your friend was wrong to blurt that out the way she did, but if you didn't express your feelings about it right then in there, it's best to let it go, but explain you'd like encouragement rather than judgement. Best of luck to you!

    But the whole point is that she had the money to go eat something, but her friend did not, so she was trying not to be selfish and go out and eat a meal by herself, leaving her friend still munching on a bag of potato chips. I don't think her friend saw her point of view, nor did she see her friends point of view. Her friend may have thought that the bag of chips was gonna be the only thing for her to eat the rest of the trip....I dunno, I can see both perspectives.

    It is frustrating through to have someone pretty much dictating what you can and cannot have when they shouldn't have an opinion.
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    Say "you don't need to eat those either but you've been stuffing your face with them all day".

  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    ok - it was VACATION! ONE week out of the year when I don't log, try not to gain 50 lbs (didn't gain a pound) but I eat & drink alcohol & enjoy myself.
    IF I had wanted a FAT MENTOR, I'd have taken you guys or MY MOM. IT WAS VACATION- SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!
    ALSO, I don't think comments like that are in any way helpful. It was rude, uncalled for and hurtful. HOW is that supposed to help? not something I would EVER say to someone, much less a friend - even if I thought it (which I don't) HOW RUDE to imply (or even think) that I deserve junk food others do not. I am somehow MORE worthy of unhealthy food because I wear a size 5 - nevermind that I drink beer all day instead of meals and smoke 3 PACKS OF CIGARETTES A DAY, CAN'T EVEN CLIMB A FLIGHT OF STAIRS.
    I am 100 times more fit than this PRUNE.

    From what you've implied it was a single off-handed comment. My boyfriend will often says things like that - not because he's being rude but because he knows how torn up I'll be over eating stupidly. I can also say that if I am tired or drained I can be pretty snappy to him (and she may well have been tired). You could have just told her it was hurtful and she could have explained why she said it.

    But the way you talk about your 'friend' is incredibly rude which leads me to believe there is some other issue you have with her. One off-handed comment does not cause so much hate to emerge.
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