Is there a site for people who DO NOT follow the 1200 low ca

I came here because I was referred and I notice everything is based on Low Cal, Low Fat 1200 cal thing. Where are all the Atkins people or Low Carb choice people or HCG people. I typed in HCG and saw nothing but insult after bashing from people who clearly do not like the choice, but not alot of support.

What kind of site is this when peoples choices are ripped apart in a public forum. I actually really liked doing the HCG diet and feel like it helped me to build a different relationship with food. Portion sizes and types of food. Noticing alot of people really have no clue about how HCG works. Any HCG-ers and Low Carbers add me.

Atkins or Low Carbers....where are you all?


  • naturallykat
    naturallykat Posts: 118 Member
    *whispers in a very loving and tender way*

    There might just be a good reason why HCG, low carb and atkins type diets get bashed a lot. I'd estimate about 90% of the dieting world realises that they can be unsustainable and dangerous. However boring and been there done that bog standard calorie counting appears, its the one method which is reliably agreed upon by most experts (except those with something to sell!) as being sensible, sustainable and scientifically based. And on here you get to review your protein, fat and carb intake as well.

    Do whatever you need to do for you. But please be open minded and educated about all of the implications of whatever path you chose. :smile:

  • PrincessGlitterTush
    *whispers in a very loving and tender way*

    There might just be a good reason why HCG, low carb and atkins type diets get bashed a lot. I'd estimate about 90% of the dieting world realises that they can be unsustainable and dangerous. However boring and been there done that bog standard calorie counting appears, its the one method which is reliably agreed upon by most experts (except those with something to sell!) as being sensible, sustainable and scientifically based. And on here you get to review your protein, fat and carb intake as well.

    Do whatever you need to do for you. But please be open minded and educated about all of the implications of whatever path you chose. :smile:


  • smkey
    smkey Posts: 121 Member
    *whispers in a very loving and tender way*

    There might just be a good reason why HCG, low carb and atkins type diets get bashed a lot. I'd estimate about 90% of the dieting world realises that they can be unsustainable and dangerous. However boring and been there done that bog standard calorie counting appears, its the one method which is reliably agreed upon by most experts (except those with something to sell!) as being sensible, sustainable and scientifically based. And on here you get to review your protein, fat and carb intake as well.

    Do whatever you need to do for you. But please be open minded and educated about all of the implications of whatever path you chose. :smile:


    Well put!
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    *whispers in a very loving and tender way*

    There might just be a good reason why HCG, low carb and atkins type diets get bashed a lot. I'd estimate about 90% of the dieting world realises that they can be unsustainable and dangerous. However boring and been there done that bog standard calorie counting appears, its the one method which is reliably agreed upon by most experts (except those with something to sell!) as being sensible, sustainable and scientifically based. And on here you get to review your protein, fat and carb intake as well.

    Do whatever you need to do for you. But please be open minded and educated about all of the implications of whatever path you chose. :smile:


    That was too sweet. I was about to unleash a "bash" and then you calmed my mind with your words. lol Cheers to that!
  • Jen788134
    Jen788134 Posts: 36 Member
    You've just got to read all the success stories to know that MFP works. This site allows you to pretty much eat what you want so it's the best all rounder way to lose weight. You don't have to deny yourself anything within reason. You just have to make sure you exercise enough to burn off any extra cals. If the other diets worked for you.. would you be on here in the first place? Good luck and all the best
  • BBBombshell
    Do any of you do Atkins, or HCG? Not looking to debate if you will, the reasons I do what I do, just curious if there are any here. But thanks for taking the time to write. :happy:

    P.S. I am happy with the diet choices I have made and they are working great for me. I came here to find others who want to support and be supported. That is why I am on MFP. But maybe this is not the place, that's what I am trying to figure out. :huh:
  • PrincessGlitterTush
    Ive never even heard of HGC?? before. Look they probably work but it's not the healthiest way for you to lose weight. You're body is not meant to be deprived of anything. You need to listen to your body. If people eat correctly and eat good healthy meals, you'll never be hungry. I know it's easier to look for quick fixes. But mostly they don't work. Changing your lifestyle is hard enough, nevermind attempting a crash diet with deprivation and starving. I barely have the will power to go to gym nevermind to starve myself. It's not a long term solution. Change your lifestyle. The one quote I love is Íf you'd stuck with it a year ago, you'd already be at your goal weight'. Do what you will, but treat your body right. You only have one..
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    I think a lot of people on this site have tried every diet under the sun and have found none have worked in the long term.

    No one will 'bash' you for choosing to do it but this site is on the whole linked to healthy lifestyle changes, not diets.

    If the diet works for you on a long term scale then that's fantastic and I really hope it does :)
  • BBBombshell
    Ive never even heard of HGC?? before. Look they probably work but it's not the healthiest way for you to lose weight. You're body is not meant to be deprived of anything. You need to listen to your body. If people eat correctly and eat good healthy meals, you'll never be hungry. I know it's easier to look for quick fixes. But mostly they don't work. Changing your lifestyle is hard enough, nevermind attempting a crash diet with deprivation and starving. I barely have the will power to go to gym nevermind to starve myself. It's not a long term solution. Change your lifestyle. The one quote I love is Íf you'd stuck with it a year ago, you'd already be at your goal weight'. Do what you will, but treat your body right. You only have one..

    Thank you for your concern and your post. I am happy with my choice of eating plan. I have been eating Atkins for a while and have done HCG 1 round, it was great. I am in way better health then I was before losing any weight and my doctor keeps me in check. FYI the eating plan I follow is my lifestyle. I choose not to eat refined sugars, flour or bad carbs. That is all. HCG does more then starve people BTW, it has taught alot of people self control in order to live a healthier lifestyle after HCG. Again thanks for your post :flowerforyou: (loving these smileys)
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    If you have a look through the threads you will find some groups on these types of diets. Most of us like to do something we can sustain for the rest of our lives :flowerforyou:
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    I ate under 800 cals today, oh no, the diet police might come and get me! Some people are insulin resistant and have to eat low carb. Some people really can't jump-start weight loss unless they eat like 400-500 calories a day for a few days. Everyone is different. I think these get bashed a bunch on here for a few reasons:

    Some people believe in the lipid hypothesis and think eating a diet high in fat is bad. Lower carb diets tend to be higher in fat, because you gotta get energy somewhere. I personally don't and have been known to eat 80+ grams of saturated fat in a day. I love me some saturated fat. My skin has never looked better and my blood chemistry levels are whistling a happy tune.

    Some people like to throw around the term "starvation mode". Which to them starvation mode means under 1200 calories a day (even if you are an obese person). However the popular Medifast and Optifast diets are both 800 calories a day. Doctors all over recommend those and people do not go into starvation mode, they lose weight, their metabolisms increase. Now if you were a woman with 17% body fat and you were eating 800 calories a day, yeah, you would probably starve. It's all relative to fat reserves. I think people confuse "starvation mode" with lack of getting nutrients. Optifast and Medifast both have 100% of your daily vitamins and minerals. This can be hard to achieve sometimes on 800 cals a day unless you ate a big kelp and seaweed salad everyday (which is quite tasty).

    Some people get jelous that others can omit carbs from their diets and they can't because they love their carbs. I love carbs too, but I don't shed a pound unless I eat under 130 grams a day. I love BBQ sauce with my meat and I love fruit, so bye bye bready breads and pastas, viddy well. I can easily binge on sugary starchy carbs, but that's what got me to be Fatty McGee in the first place, so out they went.

    With all that being said, no one diet works for everyone. Some people have a harder time digesting fat and thus have to go on a lower fat- higher carb diet. But it works out in the end. My partner trims the fat off of his streaks, and I'm there to eat that fat. Less for them is more for me and less bread for me is more for some one else. I'm all for complimenting, like I applaud the gold digger and trophy wife combo. Rich guy wants a hot babe for a wife and has a lot of money to attract a hot babe. Hot babe wants a lavish life style and so puts out for rich guy. They work well with each other in my opinion, everyone gets what they want, everyone wins.
  • BBBombshell
    I ate under 800 cals today, oh no, the diet police might come and get me! Some people are insulin resistant and have to eat low carb. Some people really can't jump-start weight loss unless they eat like 400-500 calories a day for a few days. Everyone is different. I think these get bashed a bunch on here for a few reasons:

    Some people believe in the lipid hypothesis and think eating a diet high in fat is bad. Lower carb diets tend to be higher in fat, because you gotta get energy somewhere. I personally don't and have been known to eat 80+ grams of saturated fat in a day. I love me some saturated fat. My skin has never looked better and my blood chemistry levels are whistling a happy tune.

    Some people like to throw around the term "starvation mode". Which to them starvation mode means under 1200 calories a day (even if you are an obese person). However the popular Medifast and Optifast diets are both 800 calories a day. Doctors all over recommend those and people do not go into starvation mode, they lose weight, their metabolisms increase. Now if you were a woman with 17% body fat and you were eating 800 calories a day, yeah, you would probably starve. It's all relative to fat reserves. I think people confuse "starvation mode" with lack of getting nutrients. Optifast and Medifast both have 100% of your daily vitamins and minerals. This can be hard to achieve sometimes on 800 cals a day unless you ate a big kelp and seaweed salad everyday (which is quite tasty).

    Some people get jelous that others can omit carbs from their diets and they can't because they love their carbs. I love carbs too, but I don't lost a pound unless I eat under 130 grams a day. I love BBQ sauce with my meat and I love fruit, so bye bye bready breads and pastas, viddy well. I can easily binge on sugary starchy carbs, but that's what got me to be Fatty McGee in the first place, so out they went.

    With all that being said, no one diet works for everyone. Some people have a harder time digesting fat and thus have to go on a lower fat- higher carb diet. But it works out in the end. My partner trims the fat off of his streaks, and I'm there to eat that fat. Less for them is more for me and less bread for me is more for some one else. I'm all for complimenting, like I applaud the gold digger and trophy wife combo. Rich guy wants a hot babe for a wife and has a lot of money to attract a hot babe. Hot babe wants a lavish life style and so puts out for rich guy. They work well with each other in my opinion, everyone gets what they want, everyone wins.

    YAY thanks for adding me! Would love to have a BBQ with you. I think there is also a misconception about what Low Carbers eat.....I have fruit, I eat TONS Of greens, but I also eat full fat cheese and I eat chicken with the skin on and I have eggs WITH bacon. I am happy, and I am sure to continue losing weight....YAY!!!!!!!
  • BBBombshell
    If you have a look through the threads you will find some groups on these types of diets. Most of us like to do something we can sustain for the rest of our lives :flowerforyou:

    I feel like I am digging though. Although I do see a few for Low Carb Living, but nothing but hell for HCG, I guess I won't be here when I cycle next month.......oh well

    Thank you and happy losing everyone!~~~~~~~~!:drinker:
  • jellerose
    jellerose Posts: 74 Member
    Low carb and Atkins get bashed due to ignorance, lack of education and closed mindedness to another way than the "Standard American Diet" ; ). More and more recent clinical evidence is supporting the studies of decades ago that show the right fats are good for you and too many carbs aren't. The movie Fathead touches on the political manuevering that influenced the current state of standard dietary advice. Hint, it wasn't the science.

    You can adjust the MFP defaults to show you your desired percentages of fats/protein/carb rather than the default and if your calorie goal is under the 1200 minimum just ignore it and pay attention to your totals. I don't count calories but I do count ratios and carbs to make sure I'm mostly under my goal there. Eating truly healthy does mean a shift in lifestyle and no, it isn't sustainable to go back to grains and processed foods later and expect to maintain weighloss. Those are the things that led to weight gain for most of us in the first place. We'll never be able to eat "normal" as dictated by the "healthy whole grains" cohort.
  • jellerose
    jellerose Posts: 74 Member
    But just because we can't eat "normal" doesn't mean we don't have lots of fresh yummy food to eat, including almost every vegetable imaginable!
  • Teddyaderwich
    Teddyaderwich Posts: 69 Member
    I don't know about hgc - but I do consider myself a low carber - currently following Dukan (low fat/low carb) - did Atkins years ago with great success - but never been able to stick to it again - am having success with Dukan - feelfree to add me as friend.
  • BBBombshell
    But just because we can't eat "normal" doesn't mean we don't have lots of fresh yummy food to eat, including almost every vegetable imaginable!

    AMEN! I love Low Carb Eating and now that I am on a roll I do not miss pasta and breads anymore! I have been known to indulge but as long as I keep in check all is well. I have alot yet to lose and when I get slow I utilize a quick HCG cycle to get things moving again. Has been great in refreshing the battery so to speak. I will set my goals like you said. I was a part of another site that actually lets you set the diet or eating plan you use and you have a totally new forum with several sections based on your diet choice...the ridicule here is ridiculous, alot of insulting going on....but oh well I guess if you are not a follower then ? right?
  • jellerose
    jellerose Posts: 74 Member
    I've always been more than a little rebellious but I did try for years to eat the way "they" said was healthy. I believed in the usda guidelines. And got fatter and fatter, tried every mainstream type tactic. Now I've joined a quiet lifestyle revolution and it's very freeing and I'm only gaining health.
  • BBBombshell
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I've always been more than a little rebellious but I did try for years to eat the way "they" said was healthy. I believed in the usda guidelines. And got fatter and fatter, tried every mainstream type tactic. Now I've joined a quiet lifestyle revolution and it's very freeing and I'm only gaining health.
  • McPenguin
    I ate under 800 cals today, oh no, the diet police might come and get me! Some people are insulin resistant and have to eat low carb. Some people really can't jump-start weight loss unless they eat like 400-500 calories a day for a few days. Everyone is different. I think these get bashed a bunch on here for a few reasons:

    Some people believe in the lipid hypothesis and think eating a diet high in fat is bad. Lower carb diets tend to be higher in fat, because you gotta get energy somewhere. I personally don't and have been known to eat 80+ grams of saturated fat in a day. I love me some saturated fat. My skin has never looked better and my blood chemistry levels are whistling a happy tune.

    Some people like to throw around the term "starvation mode". Which to them starvation mode means under 1200 calories a day (even if you are an obese person). However the popular Medifast and Optifast diets are both 800 calories a day. Doctors all over recommend those and people do not go into starvation mode, they lose weight, their metabolisms increase. Now if you were a woman with 17% body fat and you were eating 800 calories a day, yeah, you would probably starve. It's all relative to fat reserves. I think people confuse "starvation mode" with lack of getting nutrients. Optifast and Medifast both have 100% of your daily vitamins and minerals. This can be hard to achieve sometimes on 800 cals a day unless you ate a big kelp and seaweed salad everyday (which is quite tasty).

    Some people get jelous that others can omit carbs from their diets and they can't because they love their carbs. I love carbs too, but I don't shed a pound unless I eat under 130 grams a day. I love BBQ sauce with my meat and I love fruit, so bye bye bready breads and pastas, viddy well. I can easily binge on sugary starchy carbs, but that's what got me to be Fatty McGee in the first place, so out they went.

    With all that being said, no one diet works for everyone. Some people have a harder time digesting fat and thus have to go on a lower fat- higher carb diet. But it works out in the end. My partner trims the fat off of his streaks, and I'm there to eat that fat. Less for them is more for me and less bread for me is more for some one else. I'm all for complimenting, like I applaud the gold digger and trophy wife combo. Rich guy wants a hot babe for a wife and has a lot of money to attract a hot babe. Hot babe wants a lavish life style and so puts out for rich guy. They work well with each other in my opinion, everyone gets what they want, everyone wins.

    Everything you said, my dear! :flowerforyou:

    I've been insulin resistant, with PCOS, for my entire adult and adolescent life... going on 20 years now. I tried for the last 3 years to lose weight - at the gym 3 to 5 days a week busting my behind... eating through Weight Watchers "point system"... then switched to follow MFP's plan in March of this year. Those 3 years and 6 months got me to maintain my hugeness at 275+ pounds. Actually, that's a lie. I lost 10 pounds maybe? Anyway, once I switched to a Paleo/Primal diet (fruits, veggies, proteins, etc, but NO processed foods, bread, pasta etc) my weight started falling off me. Look at my ticker. I've actually lost 9 pounds more than that, for a total of 77 pounds. And yes, people, a lower carb diet is being recommended by many a doctor these days. It's not for everyone, but some people cannot process carbs right and keep their sugars/insulin in check. We keep trying to eat this "healthy" way, and we keep yo-yoing in our weight... while the girl next door gets to eat 80% carbs and be waif thin. It's all body chemistry!

    To the original poster - you may not find a lot of support for HcG here, because there's a lot of media out there saying it's bad for you. If it's working for you, or you and your doctor feel it is, then do it. Regardless of what people on MFP say, it's your body. But I'm sure you'll find a lot of us low carb people here to hang out with... and there are plenty of people here who also need to follow drastically different diets for other medical reasons too. We're all different, but on similar journeys!
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