Calling all PCOS sisters!!



  • PCOS here, as well. Just signed up to this site. Nice to see this post first out of them all, because it means I'm not alone :D
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    btw having pcos also makes extremely moody and sensitive to anything :/ do you all feel similiar?

    YES. The week before and of my period I have insane mood swings. Everything irritates me and I have no self-control. I started my period Monday. I went home for lunch and ate twice as much as I should have while watching Animal Cops and crying. Aside from being in horrible pain, bloated and tired, I have been wanting to eat everything I can think of and have almost hurt a couple co-workers. Today is better. Still bloated but not as homicidal.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I was diagnosed this summer. I have had symptoms for years, about 6 years ago I was put on metformin and managed to lose 30 pounds and get down to 180. I stayed that weight all thoughout high school. After moving in with my boyfriend I shoot up to 250 pounds. No matter what I did the weight just kept coming. I just recently went to the doctor and he put me back on metformin. My bloodwork is great except for high levels of androgen( I think, it is a male hormone). Besides having very hair arms, the worst symptom for me is the brown rough skin on the back of my neck. I always made sure I wore a shirt with a collar if I wore my hair up. I hate sitting in front of people because I know that is what they are looking at! Right now I am trying very hard to eat more meat. I am not a big fan of it and it makes the grocery bill so much more expensive. My biggest problem is sugar! I crave it like my life depends on it. Anyone else? I can’t tell if it is from the metformin of just the idea of denial, either way it is my biggest demon.
  • I have PCOS as well...Ive had it for years...I dont think my doctor knows alot about it...So I actually dont know alot about it :(
  • kateliv
    kateliv Posts: 1 Member
    Oh yes...yet another sister in the group:). I was diagnosed 2 months ago but symptoms my whole life. Please add me as well. New to the site. Will add a picture soon!

    There is a lot out there about PCOS- but so much to sift through. I have been doing a lot of research because I was tired of feeling sick and tired, and I got tired of being told it was in my head. I started thinking about limiting intervention and thinking about getting my body back to place where God intended- where it's running at it's best by doing the most I can to be well.

    I began the Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf last month, and I am noticing a huge difference in the way I am feeling and how my body is responding. The biggest key with PCOS as my doctor said, is very low carbs and exercise every day. The carb challenge alone is enough for me, but I am noticing that I am having more days with fewer symptoms. There is no cure, and it's about improving quality of life. I am all about that ! I also don't count calories, which is a liberating experience. I use My Fitness Pal for the community suport and to track my carb (less than 125g), fat (75g or more) and protein (100g or more) intake. I am beginning this new venture because I joined Crossfit this summer where everyone eats Paleo. I go about once a week to Crossfit and walk the other days. Eating Paleo reduces your insulin resistence because you are eating very little sugar and the sugar normally broken down from carbs is very limited- so no blood spikes or drops, and few hormonal episodes.

    You can pick up the book on Amazon or at the library. Thanks for rallying us all together!
  • victoria543
    victoria543 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi there i also have PCOS, only found out when trying for children but once i knew what it was i wondered why it had'nt been picked up earlier !! I went on to have fertility treatment and now have 2 lovely girls. I found weight loss after having my children quite hard even tho i have really stuck to diets but i find that restricting carbs helps. It is good to know that i am not alone so if anyone feels like friending me please do and good luck everyone xx:happy: :flowerforyou:
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    I was diagnosed this summer. I have had symptoms for years, about 6 years ago I was put on metformin and managed to lose 30 pounds and get down to 180. I stayed that weight all thoughout high school. After moving in with my boyfriend I shoot up to 250 pounds. No matter what I did the weight just kept coming. I just recently went to the doctor and he put me back on metformin. My bloodwork is great except for high levels of androgen( I think, it is a male hormone). Besides having very hair arms, the worst symptom for me is the brown rough skin on the back of my neck. I always made sure I wore a shirt with a collar if I wore my hair up. I hate sitting in front of people because I know that is what they are looking at! Right now I am trying very hard to eat more meat. I am not a big fan of it and it makes the grocery bill so much more expensive. My biggest problem is sugar! I crave it like my life depends on it. Anyone else? I can’t tell if it is from the metformin of just the idea of denial, either way it is my biggest demon.

    My first symptom that let me know something was wrong was the "dirty" ring around my neck. I hate it. Thankfully it isn't in my armpits or anywhere else. Even my primary doctor (a skinny little Chinese lady who told me everytime I went to see her I needed to eat less and exercise) didn't know what it was. I did research and figured out it was a symptom of insulin resistance. That was my first clue. It wasn't until 4 years later I found out I had PCOS. Now I have an awesome doctor who specializes in diabetes and is the first doctor to look me in the face and say, "We are going to fix you." I almost cried.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I am happy to hear you had such a great experience with Metformin. I switched doctors recently and he did a lot more extensive tests to find out exactly what's going on. My old doctor never believed that I ate decently and exercised. That irritated me, so I'd give up and eat everything in site out of depression. When I switched, my new doctor instantly suspected PCOS. I just started Metformin and hope that it helps. He suspects that it will kick start my periods and help me lose weight at the same time.

    I am nodding my head through every post. God I am glad I joined this site and found you ladies!
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

    Basically, we have a hormone imbalance that causes all sorts of lovely disorders like no period, really bad periods, cysts, infertility, acne, chin hair, thinning hair, insulin resistance...We could talk about this all day :)

    ...don't forget the chin/chest hair...arggg!

    Another cyster here, Feel free to add me!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • miam4nia
    miam4nia Posts: 137 Member
    hi! i have pcos, add me :D!!!
  • I agree with those who say a low carb, high protein diet is a good idea. It really works for me. I also have other endocrine issues, esp. hypothyroidism, and I am intolerant of gluten, so my diet consists of protein and green veg and salad, the occasional banana and maybe a small bowl of gluten free oats once in a while. It is hard to stick to - especially when socialising - but it is definitely worth it in terms of the energy and good mood I have when I eat this way. It also really reduces sugar and carb cravings - after a few days, I stop having hunger pangs and food stops ruling my life!

    I'm not saying that this will work for everyone with PCOS, but I think it's worth checking out.

    It took me ten years to get a doctor to diagnose PCOS - I knew I had it, but no doctor would recommend me for the ultrasound! Now that I have a diagnosis, it makes no difference anyway, as they refuse treatment unless I lose weight. When I explain that being unable to lose weight is a symptom of PCOS, therefore treat the PCOS and the symptoms will reduce, they look at me like I've gone mad! They obviously think I sit in my room eating donuts all day! Whereas I have a very healthy, if a bit restrictive diet, and exercise daily. They don't believe me. It's incredibly frustrating.

    However, I've learned through bitter experience not to expect anything from doctors here. I do my best to manage my symptoms through diet and exercise. When I told the doctor about low carbing, she said it was irrelevant what I ate, it was all about the calories. I completely disagree with that, needless to say!

    Anyway, I could rant all day about this! Hope that we can all support each other through some of this stuff.

  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I was diagnosed this summer. I have had symptoms for years, about 6 years ago I was put on metformin and managed to lose 30 pounds and get down to 180. I stayed that weight all thoughout high school. After moving in with my boyfriend I shoot up to 250 pounds. No matter what I did the weight just kept coming. I just recently went to the doctor and he put me back on metformin. My bloodwork is great except for high levels of androgen( I think, it is a male hormone). Besides having very hair arms, the worst symptom for me is the brown rough skin on the back of my neck. I always made sure I wore a shirt with a collar if I wore my hair up. I hate sitting in front of people because I know that is what they are looking at! Right now I am trying very hard to eat more meat. I am not a big fan of it and it makes the grocery bill so much more expensive. My biggest problem is sugar! I crave it like my life depends on it. Anyone else? I can’t tell if it is from the metformin of just the idea of denial, either way it is my biggest demon.

    My first symptom that let me know something was wrong was the "dirty" ring around my neck. I hate it. Thankfully it isn't in my armpits or anywhere else. Even my primary doctor (a skinny little Chinese lady who told me everytime I went to see her I needed to eat less and exercise) didn't know what it was. I did research and figured out it was a symptom of insulin resistance. That was my first clue. It wasn't until 4 years later I found out I had PCOS. Now I have an awesome doctor who specializes in diabetes and is the first doctor to look me in the face and say, "We are going to fix you." I almost cried.

    The only way I have found to “clean” it is with rubbing alcohol. It kills me when I see young kids with it.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

    Basically, we have a hormone imbalance that causes all sorts of lovely disorders like no period, really bad periods, cysts, infertility, acne, chin hair, thinning hair, insulin resistance...We could talk about this all day :)

    ...don't forget the chin/chest hair...arggg!

    Another cyster here, Feel free to add me!

    The hair is the WORST!!! I went and looked into laser hair removal..Just for the chin and chest and stomach it was 3k, with only 6 treatments! The girl that was there has PCOS aswell, and she said her face took her 16 treatments! So darn pricey.......

    Does insurance ever cover anything like that????
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    If insurance doesn't cover weight loss for someone who is "morbidly" obese, they certainly wouldn't cover a "cosmetic" issue like hair removal. I really really REALLY hate insurance companies...I asked if they would cover an $800 progesterone-only IUD because of my irregular periods and thick uterine lining (from PCOS) and they said no, only the pill.
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    Hey guys try Acupuncture. It helps with hormones and losing weight.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

    Basically, we have a hormone imbalance that causes all sorts of lovely disorders like no period, really bad periods, cysts, infertility, acne, chin hair, thinning hair, insulin resistance...We could talk about this all day :)

    ...don't forget the chin/chest hair...arggg!

    Another cyster here, Feel free to add me!

    The hair is the WORST!!! I went and looked into laser hair removal..Just for the chin and chest and stomach it was 3k, with only 6 treatments! The girl that was there has PCOS aswell, and she said her face took her 16 treatments! So darn pricey.......

    Does insurance ever cover anything like that????

    I actually found a discounted hair removal service through one of the daily coupn sites. I had 3 treatments, because that was what the coupon offered... since I was not able to afford any more treatments, I regret ever going! The hair is actually worse now than it was before I went in for those few treatments. I think I actually pluck the chin hairs on a daily basis now it is so bad! The lip hair is still fine and waxing regualrly works well. However, the chin hair is like man hairs with how thick they can be!
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Hey guys try Acupuncture. It helps with hormones and losing weight.

    What does this have to do with the topic at hand? Are you suggesting that all of us with PCOS can find a fix through acupuncture? Do you know what PCOS is?
  • hi guys
    i also have pcos. was diagnosed when i was about 15 so 6 years ago. i only have about 5 kilo to lose overall but it's still so hard for me to lose it just won't budge. feel free to add =)
  • ddivaalicia
    ddivaalicia Posts: 9 Member
    Hello ladies! I am new to this as well. I just joined this site on yesterday. I have PCOS as well. I've struggled with my weight as well for years. I found out officially that I had PCOS about 3 years ago. Not trying to have children right way, but i'd love to have them one day. I need to lose about 100 lbs. Right now i'm prediabetic, so trying to avoid that this early in my life. You all can add me if you'd like.