Starting 30D Shred today! Does anyone want to join me?



  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 628 Member
    I finished Day 1, and it wasn't too bad! I did 30 minutes of spin before the 30D Shred. Hopefully, I will not be too sore tomorrow!

    After I finished I took my dog for a walk/jog.. I feel pretty good to day sore, but a good sore... I'm going to go to the gym first and do some cardio then go home and do my video...
  • kamora1986
    kamora1986 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm starting today! I'd love to join you just a day behind. Now I can be prepared for what to soreness to look forward to from your experience :)
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    My 13 year old and I started on Sunday. Day 4 Level 1 today. She plays soccer and basketball and I am doing Hal Higdon's 1/2 marathon training--just beginning it. I just finished up the B210K--which I really liked. I thought the 30DS would not be that hard!! Haha! My daughter and I are laughing at each other. My daughter doesn't need the scale to move but I do. I have been staying the same. Going to hang in there and trust that the results will come. It's nice to check this thread out for motivation!!! Thanks!!!

    I'm hoping for some type of results as well... Some say they've lost weight, others say they've lost inches and not weight.. I'd like to lose both weight and inches.. Crossing my fingers!! Which is why I'm doing additional cardio to the video such as the arc machine at the gym, running and walking my dog.. Hope it pays off!!

    Can't wait to hear about your results!
  • reckjb
    reckjb Posts: 25 Member
    I made it through Day 2! I did 30 minutes on the treadmill followed by the shred. I literally felt like barfing at points, but I made it through! :)
  • I've just completed day 3 of level 1 :) arms are little shaky!!! Sounds bizarre but I love that you can feel the aches straight away makes it feel like it's working! Those side lunges kill my arms!!!!! X
  • breezey77
    breezey77 Posts: 89 Member
    Good luck Everyone! I did 3 days in a row about 2 weeks ago and then got sidetracked with family visiting. I'm going to start back today. It is pretty awesome and the soreness is good. I feel like I could see results almost immediately. I wouldn't mind seeing the scale change, but I'm really interestedin toning and losing inches. I'll be checking back soon!
  • reckjb
    reckjb Posts: 25 Member
    I made it through Day 3 and even though I was sore today, it was a lot easier! :)
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 628 Member
    Starting 30D shred level 2 today!! Wish me luck!!!:noway:
  • How did you find level 2??? I watched it today to see what it's going to be like......hardcore! X
  • reckjb
    reckjb Posts: 25 Member
    How was level 2? I have done 6 days on level 1 now and will probably shift up tomorrow. I am nervous based on some comments I have seen! lol