Who has lost weight without restricting carbs?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have lost weight without restricting carbs.
  • ivy2009
    ivy2009 Posts: 75
    Just eat a healthy diet in about the right recommended percentages of carbs, proteins and low/good fats.
  • jessicajane11
    I don't avoid carbs but I stay aware of how many I eat. When I know I have a Volleyball or Hockey game I make sure to eat extra carbs, because I'm going to need the energy & extra to burn off! low carb "diets" (in my personal opinion) are a quick fix, unless you are one of few that can make it a life choice! & if you can, well good on yah! but your body needs carbs! moderation is key! My carb intake is good, it works for me. I don't think low carb does or doesn't work; you just need to find what works for you!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Most days between 50 and 100 grams. To me, this is low carb compared to the recommendation we eat over 300 grams spouted by the USD of AGRICULTURE (Which for some reason gives out food advice instead of the surgeon general or the FDA).

    I notice I cannot post anything, even just diet advice that affects all forms of dieting, without it being attacked because I am a low carber and my signature states so. So I am sure you will find this is a heated issue.

    The most important thing in dieting is to see food as fuel, not pleasure.

    SO TRUE!!!!!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I don't worry about carbs, but I do think that they're naturally reduced when you're calorie counting.
    I was just going to say this. Even if you keep eating exactly the same foods that you were eating, but just choose smaller portions, you are restricting your carbohydrates (and fat and protein). But I suppose that isn't really what you are asking.

    I personally find that choosing protein and fat first and then adding carbohydrates in when they fit helps me feel less hungry while restricting calories thus making "willpower" less of a concern. I just don't think about wanting to eat all the time, which I tend to do when I opt primarily for carbohydrates in lieu of protein and fat (yes, even very high fiber, low GI carbs). Mine end up being around 80-100g/day on about 1400-1600 calories/day and feel that works well for me.
  • ivy2009
    ivy2009 Posts: 75
    I like your advice. You are right.
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    I eat carbs. Usually whole grains, but ocasionally white bread . Some people swear by the low carb plan and it works for them, but if you examine their caloric intake, I imagine it would be comperable to someone who has had success while being able to eat whatever type of food they wanted and just stay within their calorie goal. (I sure hope that makes sense)
  • meowow
    meowow Posts: 42 Member
    I don't really pay attention to carbs, and I've lost weight! I hear that really watching carbs can enhance your weight loss significantly, but when I've tried I had 0 energy and so unsatisfied! Maybe it's not the best diet for me! I don't eat meat/fish/flesh at all, which is a lot of what low-carb feasters feast upon! But, that is my experience with it. I lose about 1-2 a week just eating my calorie intake (healthy clean foods, but a lot of carbs..) and working out!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member

    I shed over 100 pounds, cut my body fat by more than 33%, and never restricted (or even counted) carbs.

    Healthy carbs like fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc. serve a purpose. They provide important nutrients that you CAN NOT get anywhere else.

    Nutritious, well-balanced meals and snacks in sensible portions, plenty of water, and exercise.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    I don't do low carb because I actually want to have energy during my intense workouts. I can see it helping if you only want to lose in the short term, but if you are wanting to stay down at a healthy weight, it seems like the best thing is to just watch your overall calorie intake. Eat in moderation. Fuel your workouts.
  • Loreleismith62
    i have i do it by calorie. that way i can still have those thing i enjoy...just limited within my calories:drinker:
  • vegasaims
    vegasaims Posts: 128
    I follow what my dad and aunt have used. My dad is down 40lbs since March and my aunt is down 60lbs since February/March-ish. They still eat carbs, but they just monitor how many. My aunt followed a strict program, but my dad did it solo. His doctor told him to eat only 100g of carbs a day. He has been doing that ever since. He usually comes in lower than that. He has also been slowly incorporating some carbs and his weight has stayed the same. He is happy and is totally my inspiration.
  • strawberry1969
    strawberry1969 Posts: 1,476 Member
    i need high carbs because of an illness i have and have lost over 4 stone in total
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    My philosophy - I'm not willing to do anything to lose weight - that I'm not willing to do to maintain it. Low carb for life? Not happening.

    I'm trying to be "smarter" about the carbs I eat.
  • julie204
    julie204 Posts: 130
    cant say that i lower my carbs i just think you should have a balence all round just dont have big portions of pasta and rice etc the only carbs i do try and cut out or limit myself is bread cause if i eat to much of this the weight does go on i have been on these just protien diets and they make you feel ill best just to watch what your eating have lower fat and sugar rather than cut out the carbs my friend does a diet eating loads of pasta cous cous and veg . jacket potatoes fruit etc and she has lost 6 stone in a year so i just think all these diets .ie carb diet protien diet no carbs after 5 diet are all just fad diets the only way to lose weight is to control .what goes in your mouth and to exercise i would stay on here and count your calories.:smile:
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    I have tried the low carb diet. For me and others, I know it was a TEMPORARY sucess. I'm not the kind of person who can live without bread and carbs for the rest of my life. In fact, there are some good carbs that your body needs! After I stopped, I gained all the weight back and thensome. So far, calorie counting has worked for me. I try and make sure to get the right nutrients by eating whole grains, etc.... but if I want a piece of Papa John's pizza, I know thats 370 calories a slice. I have become more and more aware using MFP on empty calories, and things that just simply wont fill me up. But if I was good all day, I don't mind having that slice of pizza as long as it goes under my calories. It makes it feel alot less restrictive, even if it sounds like its more restrictive having to count everything you put in your body. But the dedication towards calorie counting is what has made me lose the most so far. And I don't feel deprived of things I eat. I hope this helps!

    This right here!
  • Restricting carbs has to be the worst idea ever for LONG term weight loss. I didn't lose 110 pounds restricting carbs, I lost it by eating the RIGHT carbs. Oatmeal, whole grain bread, fruits, vegetables. No white bread or pasta or rice (not a fan of pasta or rice anyways) and i don't have much of a sugar/candy tooth. Of course I eat sugar sometimes but it's not my downfall. I usually eat most of my carbs throughout the day and actually crave protein and vegetables for dinner. If you want energy to work out, you need to eat good carbs. You can turn your focus on eating MORE protein and you will naturally eat less carbs, but don't restrict them. You know you'll end up wanting them more!
  • MrsWagz
    MrsWagz Posts: 41
    I hate diets that are restricted.. If someone says I can't have bread that will be all I will want!! I have had great sucess by learning how to eat balanced and reasonable meals without telling myself I can't have something.. I love sweets so it's nice to be able to make room for them so I don't feel deprived.. Have a wonderful day!:wink:
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    My body has to have carbs to function. I tried South Beach & Atkins a few years ago & lost some, but I knew it could never be a lifestyle change.

    I managed to lose 50+ lbs without any carb restriction.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I have lost 48 pounds. Calories are the key. Not carbs.