Do you ever get hit on now?



  • mizyvee
    mizyvee Posts: 74 Member
    I take the compliments and keep it moving but it really does boost self esteem. Not being single does put you at certain limitations but if you're hot, you're Can't blame the opposite sex for trying.

    Lov it!!!!!
  • It's not so much verbal flirting yet but I do notice some more stares ;D

    And whether you're single or not, it's a total confidence boost :] And in most cases, confidence goes hand-in-hand with flirting. I do notice myself being more open with men whereas I used to be a total wallflower.
  • I have a weird spin to this.

    I'm getting more socialization in general. People approach me more and want to converse more then they used to. I do not feel so alone anymore or feel like I have to go out of my way to converse or make friends with people. I really like it! I'm not sure if guys are crushing on me as I don't have that awareness going on anymore being married but still rocks!

  • I have to admit that I'm enjoying the heck out of it and I'm really surprised that I'm getting this kind of attention. I don't want anything to do with these guys, but getting the attention is a real self-esteem booster.
    I know how you feel! Fun, isn't it?
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I've always been hit on - even when I was at my biggest. It's my confidence, I'm pretty sure of it.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    I deliver to a lot of apt. offices and notice that they smile and talk to me a lot more now I have lost the weight
  • That's great. Honestly, I do get noticed alot more now. I did before ( as I have only lost 10lbs) but I do now wayyyy more than I ever did before. I dislike it though. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable.
  • Rocki_
    Rocki_ Posts: 165 Member
    I wish! Unfortunately I beleive I am still invisible. Maybe some day that will change!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Once in awhile

    The attention is nice I will admit.. I just have to get used to it.......
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    Me too - I really really dislike it. Before I got heavy the "hitting on" took some very scary turns from time to time. What I like about being a more a normal weight and having more normal confidence is how much more everyone talks to me and how much nicer they are. But the "hitting on" part can take a hike - hate it.

    That's great. Honestly, I do get noticed alot more now. I did before ( as I have only lost 10lbs) but I do now wayyyy more than I ever did before. I dislike it though. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable.
  • niallse
    niallse Posts: 58
    Only by my wife, but thats ok ! :-)

    I have had a few nice comments from my colleagues and friends, but I certainly wouldn't count it as flirting. It would be nice to be seen as attractive to others, even though I'm happily married -just as an ego boost...
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    nope. I think it's a mix of being fat all my life and not ever being hit on so I don't notice it or know what to look for. Though I did have a fellow Zumba classmate ask if I was married to someone in the Zumba class I go to weekly. I didn't get the name. I heard the word "married" and the "man your battle stations" alarm from the Star Trek tv series went off in my head.

    Zumba Lady: Oh I always see you in Zumba class are you married to *forgot name goes here*?"
    Me: No I am not married.
    Zumba Lady: Oh well I rarely see guys in the class I thought you were her husband! (total of 30 people. 2 guys. rest girls.)
    Me: No I just go cuz it's different and fun, even though I suck at it. ( =
    Zumba Lady: Nonsense! you are getting better each week!

    She was an older lady. I doubt she was hitting on me. >.>
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    This is an awesome feeling (a huge ego boost in some ways)! I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for nearly two years... and I'd NEVER get flirted with openly... but since I came to college and lost weight... it's a whole nother thing, haha. Most guys are pigs... but when one gay guy came up to me at a party and just said "I'm sorry I felt the need to tell you that you're really pretty", that still is the best compliment from any stranger I got. My boyfriend always flirts with me though, LOL and he doesn't really have to... so it's cute that he still finds me attractive at 189, and now at 160.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Oh my goodness, Yes! I get sooo embarrassed! I am the type of person that will only look around when people aren't looking at me but now guys stare and it kind of freaks me out a little bit when we lock eyes. LOL! I don't know if this is mean or not but I find it hilarious when guys trip over their words when they talk to me too. I have also noticed that guys at the gym(and mind you bodybuilder type guys) will make excuses to walk by me to look at my left hand. ***covers her face with her hands in embarrassment. If I notice, I try not to look at them again as to not give the wrong impression that I am interested. I am still in very much love with my husband and could never imagine being with anyone else for the rest of my life. Its so flattering but I would never tell him about it as to make him feel insecure.
    I totally don't view myself as a head turner and most times wonder if there is something wrong with me. I mean, why else would they be looking? LOL ;)
  • SongbirdLandy
    SongbirdLandy Posts: 188 Member
    I caught a guy staring at my boobs the other day. He realized I saw him, but instead of looking away he asked how I was doing. Then he proceeded to wait for me outside the store (we were in the checkout line) so that he could strike up a conversation with me. He asked me what my maiden name was in hopes that I would say I wasn't married I think. Sorry, taken! And he was too redneck for me anyway, but he was kinda cute! LOL!

    Other than that, NO. I used to get hit on all the time when I was like 18 and larger than I am now, but now I never get hit on. It shocked me that I did the other day!
  • 223730
    223730 Posts: 55
    I am at the beginning of my weight loss, but so far I have lost just under 5 lbs! Yesterday an older guy in food service handing out churros (I resisted!) told me I was beautiful, LOL. It felt really great, and sure put a little bounce in my step.

    I have never been the type to get hit on, looked at, etc. I didn't have a boyfriend until I was 16, and no one at my high school every asked me out. I think part of it was that I was shy and introverted and didn't show a lot of confidence. Now that I am starting to feel good about how I look, I smile a lot more and strike up conversation, so that is a huge opening for people to notice you (notice you in general, male or female).

    I look forward to getting noticed as I lose weight, because it will just do more for my confidence! I am, of course, happily married, but it never hurts to be acknowledged as attractive. Sometimes our husbands just forget to notice us! Or they say it everyday, and it feels like they are just saying it out of habit or because they have to say it, ha. I can't wait for the first time my husband tells me "I think that guy was checking you out", LOL. I think in turn it might make him put a little effort into noticing me as well, LOL.
  • I don't notice it as much as my husband does...And he's loving it. :wink: :wink: :wink: Especially when it's his friends that are doing the looking. He's always teases me about the looks I am getting from the "college boys"...I tell him that I am not interested in being a COUGAR. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I have finally got him "trained", not starting over again! :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

    OMG! I love this! My husband thinks some guy will steal me away now that I'm losing all this weight. I told him there is no chance of me going anywhere but next time I'll mention the whole "training" thing. LOL!
  • :flowerforyou:
    Nope. Rarely was, and now never am :grumble: And I'm single, so could do with the a) ego massage or b) potential date/boyfriend!
    Maybe you aren't paying enough attention? I have a single friend who is oblivious when a guy is trying to strike up a conversation (then says she never meets anyone). Based on your picture, I find it hard to believe you're being totally look great!

    To answer the OP's question...yes, and I love it. I'm happily married and not looking, but I do enjoy the extra attention and use it as motivation. My husband is very proud of my recent success, so he gets a kick out of other guys checking me out.

    That's really kind, thank you! My friend will say he sees guys check me out in the street, but I just assume he's being nice. But to be fair, I don't look, and I've been single so long, I have absolutely no idea how I'd speak to a guy if he did approach me! I'd probably go bright red, trip on my tongue, making me more embarrassed, then slink away, realising I'd made an @ss of myself! But thanks for the compliment! You've made my day

    When I was young and hot, I would never realise that guys were trying to pick me up. For you and the other ladies who think they are not getting hit on... If he says, "Are you bored here?" he's starting to suggest that the two of you go somewhere else. If he says, "What are you doing this weekend?" he may be trying to establish a place that he could 'accidentally' run into you again. If he says, "Can I help you with that?" he may just be trying to extend his time with you. Hope this helps.

    And yes, if I wasn't interested, I could laugh and be myself, and if I was interested, I was all tongue-tied and blushing. So I always turned on the wrong guy.

    Now that I'm a middle-aged lady, I mostly notice men of all ages being a little nicer to me. My dentist's receptionist (female) told me that I could be in Playboy and a co-worker (also female) told me that I had a nice figure, so it could be that. Smaller waist makes boobs and hips look bigger. :wink:
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    Being pregnant doesn't necesarily make men stop either. THAT I dont understand?:noway:
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    I don't notice it as much as my husband does...And he's loving it. :wink: :wink: :wink: Especially when it's his friends that are doing the looking. He's always teases me about the looks I am getting from the "college boys"...I tell him that I am not interested in being a COUGAR. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I have finally got him "trained", not starting over again! :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

    OMG! I love this! My husband thinks some guy will steal me away now that I'm losing all this weight. I told him there is no chance of me going anywhere but next time I'll mention the whole "training" thing. LOL!

    This ^^^
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