Mommy's Losing It! (closed group)

Welcome everyone! I'm super excited for this group!

Topic of the week:
We are going to set up some goals for ourselves. So what are goals you would like to accomplish by christmas? This will give us 3 months to help each other reach them!!


My goals for the next 3 months are:
~To loose 20lbs
~ To workout 5 x per week
~Only one cheat meal per week
~To get my husband into a healthier lifestyle now that he is home in the evenings


  • DeenaSteelerGirl
    We are too alike .. our stats are almost the same

    SW 204
    CW 163
    GW 150

    Goals are to continue to make me time for the gym at least 4 times a week. Continue to make healthy choices. And live life for me just alittle.
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    SW 203
    CW 192
    GW 140

    I am hoping to be 174 by 12/31. That would put me out the the obese range and down into overweight which would be sooo much better!! That is my primary goal and in that time I am also want to complete C25K and maybe even run in a 5K!
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    SW 184
    CW 168
    GW 130

    My goals for the rest of the year are:

    lose 20lbs (this would put me at 148 by year's end)
    work out at least 5 days a week (burn a minimum of 1000 cal/week)
    NO FAST FOOD (this is a big one for me)
  • erinjoy002
    erinjoy002 Posts: 55 Member
    SW: 221
    CW: 217
    GW: 160

    My Goals are to run a mile per night 5 times a week decreasing my mile run time and increasing distance.
    To go wedding dress shopping in January
    Make healthier choices and get out of this LAZY funk i've been in for a year.
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    SW 194
    CW 194
    GW 140

    My Goals:
    Be more mindful of how my decisions affect my health.
    Workout 5 times a week (mandatory "me time").
    Enjoy daily walks with my dog, Ernie (pup needs some mommy-time, too!).
    Lose 15 pounds by the start of 2012.
  • Jenners4
    Jenners4 Posts: 49 Member
    SW 152
    CW 145
    GW 130

    My Goals:

    Stop making excuses as to why I can't workout today ( because I really have none!!)

    Run 5km x 3 per week and do Jillian Michaels video 2 x per week

    Lose 15lbs
  • Briteblu
    My goals to reach by Christmas are:
    ~to work out at least 3-4x a week
    ~to only have 1 cheat meal (or less) a week
    ~to reach 145
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Here are my goals


    My goals for the next 3 months are:
    ~To loose 12lbs
    ~ To workout 5 x per week
    ~Only one cheat meal per week
    ~Stick to my diary and not add any additional items that I have not calculated calories for.
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Here are my goals.

    1. 140 by Christmas
    2. 4 workouts/week
    3. Just say No to the sweets at work
    4. Hydrate and take meds

    That first one makes me dizzy just thinking about it.

    If anyone has any ideas about how I can either get my sorry butt to bed earlier or how I can get up to work out in the AM, I would appreciate it.
  • MellyPfromVT
    MellyPfromVT Posts: 869 Member
    Welcome everyone! I'm super excited for this group!

    Topic of the week:
    We are going to set up some goals for ourselves. So what are goals you would like to accomplish by christmas? This will give us 3 months to help each other reach them!!

    SW: 225
    MFP SW: 215
    CW: 196
    GW: 135

    Goals for the next 3 months are to bust through this plateau I've been in. I would like to lose 15 pounds and log EVERY morsel of food that goes into my mouth. I would also like to fit in more exercise in the morning which means getting my lazy butt out of bed when the alarm goes off at 4:50 intead of 1/2 hour later.
  • sunflowertimes
    sunflowertimes Posts: 85 Member
    SW: 162
    CW: 145
    GW: 125

    My goals:

    1. Be able to run 5K.
    2. Workout a minimum of 4x per week.
    3. Lose 15 pounds.
    4. Keep faithfully logging everything on MFP.
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    My Goals for the next 3 months:
    1. Continue being dedicated to logging food & exercise into MFP.
    2. Keep eating healthy foods & watch portion control...especially with all the holiday foods & my favorite meal coming up, Thanksgiving!
    3. Exercise daily!
    4. Watch the scale go down!

    Age=31, Height=5'4"

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • sunflowertimes
    sunflowertimes Posts: 85 Member
    Sorry I almost posted twice and then it wouldn't let me delete it.
  • MellyPfromVT
    MellyPfromVT Posts: 869 Member
    Official Friday morning weigh-in is: 196.2 which means I gained a pound last week. I can't seem to start losing again. I get on losing and regaining the same couple of pounds. Frustrating!
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    My Friday weigh-in is 191.

    Kayakingqueenie...hang in there! I know how frustrating it can be! I had that problem when I was exercing but not really adjusting what I was eating very well. I have to battle with exercising AND eating right (unfortunately)!
    Good Luck for next week! =)
  • Jenners4
    Jenners4 Posts: 49 Member
    Friday weigh in is .....142lbs (yay - down 3lbs)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    SW: 152
    CW: 129
    GW: 127

    My Goals:
    ~ To get down to about 20% body fat
    ~ increase amount I can lift by 50%
    ~ inspire my hubby to run a 5K with me (not holding my breathe on this one)
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    SW: 260
    CW: 231
    GW: 130

    I usually weigh in on Monday mornings, so I'm going to switch to Fridays to match up with you ladies. I started some serious strength training this week so between Mon am and today lost 0.2 lbs (muscle water retention? I don't know). My jeans definitely feel looser than last week :happy:

    My Goals:
    1. Lose 20 lbs in the next 3 months
    2. No weight gains over the holidays (+2 lbs or more)
    3. Work on inspiring my husband to join me
    4. Keep increasing my strength training weight amounts each week

    Thank you for the support!
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Hi Everyone, I weighed in this morning, and I'm down three pounds!!!! New weight is 154--14 pounds to go. That's about 10% of my body weight. Still feeling dizzy.

    Everyone have a great day!
  • Jenners4
    Jenners4 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Everyone, I weighed in this morning, and I'm down three pounds!!!! New weight is 154--14 pounds to go. That's about 10% of my body weight. Still feeling dizzy.

    Everyone have a great day!

    Nice Work!!