The help my Husband gives me, not!



  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    i vote for the tasser his goolies! yay..... :devil:

    But then he would just get his "manflu" thingy and that would be it for weeks so you would just end up even worse ...
    can't you sorta send the kids in to him accidently of course :devil:

    You do not want to increase the risk of the deadly man flu! but taser does sound like fun, wish I could get one of those :laugh:
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Maybe leave him if it's that big of a problem?

    I chose to do things, and be with people that make me happy in my life. Not miserable and complainy.

  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    I sincerely believe that men want to please the women they love but in most cases they don't know how. Often, we as women, expect them to read our minds then we end up angry because we didn't get the gift we've been hinting at, the flowers he sent are not our favorite color, or he took a nap. He can't read your mind.

    Seriously, tell him directly - but not accusatory - what you want and need then thank him sincerely when he comes through for you. Treat him with more respect and you'll end up getting more of what you need.

    Absolutely true! When I complained awhile ago that our house was a mess, my beloved hubby said "Really?" He is a smart man, but he was completely serious. Had no clue that the house was a "mess." Today he has a day off. So, since he's clueless about house work, and I'm working LOTS this week, I left him with guidance. A little list. "Sweep kitchen floor", etc. Just a few things, but a few things that will remove from MY plate. Polite and direct is the key!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    i hate when i am sick and i don't get downtime.

    last year, hubby, the kids and i got sick at the same time. hubby stayed home from work and slept on the couch, while i took care of the kids and him even though i was sick too. our work is never done. :)

    so know that feeling
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    I sincerely believe that men want to please the women they love but in most cases they don't know how. Often, we as women, expect them to read our minds then we end up angry because we didn't get the gift we've been hinting at, the flowers he sent are not our favorite color, or he took a nap. He can't read your mind.

    Seriously, tell him directly - but not accusatory - what you want and need then thank him sincerely when he comes through for you. Treat him with more respect and you'll end up getting more of what you need.

    Here here!!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I'm saying nuffin'
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Apart from that, obviously :)
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    Apart from that, obviously :)

    and that. anything else you don't want to add?? ;)
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    I'm a stay at home military wide, so I totally understand how it feels to get the "i've been gone, i've been working, i need to relax" nonsense from the hubby. It is very hard! But when he does that I either tell the kids to go get daady, so just sit down on the couch next to him and do nothing. That way when he complains that dinner isn't ready, or something along those lines I say "i just figured you'd be too tired to eat."
  • Raihaanah
    Raihaanah Posts: 121 Member
    I get that being a mom is hard work, I have two kids of my own. I also get that travelling for work is hard too, as I work and sometimes have to travel for a week at a time. Instead of getting upset with him, let him finish his nap and then tell him it's your turn to have a break. Yes, it was inconsiderate of him to just go to sleep, but there's no point in starting a fight over it.

    Just to play devil's advocate here, I'm sure that if a man jokingly suggested tasering his wife, people would be cussing him out and talking about what a jerk he is. Just saying.
    Well said Angie...well said..THE END
  • Raihaanah
    Raihaanah Posts: 121 Member
    I sincerely believe that men want to please the women they love but in most cases they don't know how. Often, we as women, expect them to read our minds then we end up angry because we didn't get the gift we've been hinting at, the flowers he sent are not our favorite color, or he took a nap. He can't read your mind.

    Seriously, tell him directly - but not accusatory - what you want and need then thank him sincerely when he comes through for you. Treat him with more respect and you'll end up getting more of what you need.
    [/quote AGREED!!!!!!!!..Thnx for this advice or reminder rather.
  • ajm07
    ajm07 Posts: 32 Member
    My main problem is I just don't know where to start.

    (Hint: DON'T start by sleeping on the couch, duh!)

    I have formally advised my better half that although I'm unlikely to pick up/cook/clean anything of my own will, I will promptly attend to any tasks that she orders...I mean asks me to do.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I must have it easy then. I do all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, bills, yard work, errands and all I expect my wife to do is come home and spend a little time with our daughter and me. As long as I get in my gym time (which doesn't affect either) and have time to instruct clients, then I'm good.
    All our US time is on the weekends.
  • lemonychick
    lemonychick Posts: 81 Member
    My main problem is I just don't know where to start.

    (Hint: DON'T start by sleeping on the couch, duh!)

    I have formally advised my better half that although I'm unlikely to pick up/cook/clean anything of my own will, I will promptly attend to any tasks that she orders...I mean asks me to do.

    Hahaha, a lovely attitude and obviously a great partner to have. :happy:
  • lemonychick
    lemonychick Posts: 81 Member
    The reponses seem split into two camps - Those with a sense of humour and those that I shall affectionately call the Stepford Wives, hahahahaha! JOKING!!!
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    For sure Taser, if nothing else for the humor!

    completely agree with this!