When did you know it was time to start losing weight?



  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I was with my now ex at the time. I barely ever left the couch and pretty much stopped going to uni. When we broke up I just stopped eating as I was so depressed. I remember stepping on the scales before we broke up and it said nearly 20 stone. I was shocked. Also I went to see a nurse for something completely different, she then weighed me and was like OMG I don't know if I can give you this pill. She then ran out of the room to consult her colleague . I was allowed the pill but her face could not hide how fat she thought I was (this was not even at my heaviest) To make it worse I had a massive bag full of biscuits crisps etc. I was so sad I gave it all to my friends but still carried on getting fatter.

    In the end when we broke up I just seemed to lose loads of weight in about a week through stress. That then continued and I remember weighing myself and realising I had lost a stone. I liked the feeling and carried on. Met my now partner a year later abut 4 stone lighter and just kept on going. He is very lean and active anyway so the weight loss was easy. I was doing well, got pregnant at about 12.5 stone. Only went up to about 14 stone throughout the whole pregnancy, lost about a stone. Then I got very lazy and went back up to 14 stone.

    I realised about 3 months ago that i was unhappy, my clothes didn't fit and i was as fat as when I was I was pregnant. I The wake up call was not being about to push my pram without getting tired and spiralling into deep depression, I also found out I was severely Vitamin D deficient, which I think aided to my weight gain. If you look up Vit D deficiency it has a whole host of side effects and i think I was eating in stress and depression, as soon as my Vit D levels raised I was happier and fitter. My bones no longer hurt ( another side effect) so I was able to exercise without being in extreme pain. The Vit D deficiency made me tired all the time and irritable but I assumed this was because I was fat but I actually had a medical problem. I always now urge everyone to get theirs checked.

    .Also as shallow as it sounds, no men even looked at me whereas they used to, even when i was pregnant. I didn't care about my appearance or health. Now I have taken action, I feel alive again.
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    It was when I look in the mirror and got pissed, angry frustrated to the point I smashed my fist into the tile counter and elled "come on". All of the Being fat things just surfaced all at once ..
    - Not being able to sit comfortably in ANY chair, without the arms digging into my hips.
    - being able to not worry about if the new restuarant will seat a fat person.
    - The humilation of asking your friends to move from the booth to a table.
    - subtle way people look at you, They won't say anything negative .. but you sense what they are thinking.
    - knowing that no matter unbelieveably awesome you are, You will never get that girl who is a 10 in your mind because she just can't see what is past fat.
    - realizing that fat people aren't mad at the world, they are just depressed and angry at themselves.
    - Having trouble with seatbelts in small cars
    - Friends making plans going hiking and camping without you and rightfully so
    - Theatre seats
    - amusement park rides
    - shopping at regular stores getting stylish clothes
    - skinny people saying " oh man I am so fat .. I need to lose like 3 lbs to fit in my dress"
    - worrying your parents or family memebers
    - being considered to work at places like Nike
    - Feeling like a second class citizen
    - Feeling trapped in my own body
    - Feeling like society doesn't accept me and staying home most of the time.

    ALl of this hit has been pretty easy to anage but one day it all hit me .. and that's why I will keep trying until I make it happen and all these burdens can be lifted and can feel free.

    ummm excuse me sir please get out of my head and give me my thought back... these points being mad ... i have felt alot of them...
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    when i had to buy size 18 jeans :( that was horrible!

    That particular size woke me up to. Then size 20. Then 22. Then 24.
    The kick up the backside was when I could no longer fit into anything store bought.

    Size 14 now, and proud.
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    i've known it for years...i cribbed..i sulked..i cried.... i even tried to lose weight but never really put any longterm efforts..... but finally i think ive had it enuf.......

    right after i fractured my foot...i couldnt walk for 2 months..doc said i should try to watch my weight coz i would gain a lot by not moving at all for 2 months.....

    thus i decided to change my lifestyle for good!!!! :)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    All of what Apazman said and more...

    I started to pile on the lbs once I hit 30. at first it didn't hit home as I always thought I was fat... just didn't realise that a little tummy could and would balloon without too much effort.

    ..Or rather too little effort. I became a couch potato and feeling trapped in a dead-end relationship didn't help either.

    I did Slim Fast, Atkins and WW for a while with limited success. Once I stopped I just got FAT again.

    Then I broke up with my then long-term partner and stress and exercise led to a fairly dramatic drop in weight. I felt great and thought I looked great too... but I hadn't yet become aware of how much I was eating, so when I stopped exercising regularly and settled down it wasn't long before I started getting bigger again.

    When I met my husband, I was so happy that I didn't realise just how much I was eating, plus he's such a great cook and we go out regularly to eat and drink. :drinker:

    Then it started to dawn on me how I was having to give all my XL shirts to my OH. That I had to go to Tesco to shop for clothes because I couldn't get trouser to fit elsewhere (not that these supermarket clothes really fitted well, most of them were less than flattering to the blobby body! :cry:) I was getting breathless just walking to the station in the morning and I'd regularly find it difficult to reach down to put on socks or reach back to my powder my posterior :embarassed:

    And then there were my wedding photos. I got married in a kilt, but boy did I look like a spacehopper in a skirt. It was one of the happiest days of my life and yet when I look at the photos I want to cry :sad:

    So I'd been thinking that I needed to lose weight for a good few years when one of my friends had a go at me in the pub... tough love... but it was the catalyst that made me give up chocolate for 8 weeks and that's when I found MFP and the rest... as they say... is HISTORY :bigsmile:

    Or at least the fat will be history in a couple of years time. This IS the new me and I know that I can do what I need to achieve the level of fitness I want to achieve. I may never be skinny... but I'll be able to tick most of the list and say... GOTCHA!:happy:
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I have always been an active person. In middle school and HS I played sports, was active in PE and just loved to be outside. I was always heavy but, still active so I thought nothing of it. My eating habits were atrocious though and that was always a main contributor to my weight...it still is to an extent. Of course after HS I stopped playing sports and started college and promptly gained weight even faster. Before I knew it I was working 2 jobs lousy jobs , hated my life and myself. I went from 210lbs to 226lbs in only a few months. I was shocked. My already large cloths didn't fit anymore, and if I kept it up I would see 300lbs before my 25th birthday. So since February I have been keeping an active eye on my weight. I have taken 2 months off becasue of outside issues but, have not gotten back to my highest weight so that is good. I am currently at a 19lb loss and back to being active. Running Every day , starting yoga and weight training. I have NEVER known the slimmer healthier me and am anxious to meet her.
  • Jenninedinburgh
    Jenninedinburgh Posts: 70 Member
    I knew when I went on holiday to visit my family in Orlando and my holiday clothes - i.e. summer clothes, did not fit me any more. It was terrible and I decided that week to do something about it.
  • Jenninedinburgh
    Jenninedinburgh Posts: 70 Member
    I've known for years, but the defining moment was last year at my brother's wedding. I couldn't even get a tuxedo @ the big & tall store. I was unable to stand with him at the alter because my knees were so bad off. I just wanted to die! I went to see a doctor & they had to weigh me on special scales. I figured I was over 500lbs but when the number 665lbs showed up, I wanted to die I was so shocked & embarrased. With hard work & the help of my family & mfp friends, I've lost 200lbs since February.

    Truly inspirational and amazing!
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    It was when I look in the mirror and got pissed, angry frustrated to the point I smashed my fist into the tile counter and elled "come on". All of the Being fat things just surfaced all at once ..
    - Not being able to sit comfortably in ANY chair, without the arms digging into my hips.
    - being able to not worry about if the new restuarant will seat a fat person.
    - The humilation of asking your friends to move from the booth to a table.
    - subtle way people look at you, They won't say anything negative .. but you sense what they are thinking.
    - knowing that no matter unbelieveably awesome you are, You will never get that girl who is a 10 in your mind because she just can't see what is past fat.
    - realizing that fat people aren't mad at the world, they are just depressed and angry at themselves.
    - Having trouble with seatbelts in small cars
    - Friends making plans going hiking and camping without you and rightfully so
    - Theatre seats
    - amusement park rides
    - shopping at regular stores getting stylish clothes
    - skinny people saying " oh man I am so fat .. I need to lose like 3 lbs to fit in my dress"
    - worrying your parents or family memebers
    - being considered to work at places like Nike
    - Feeling like a second class citizen
    - Feeling trapped in my own body
    - Feeling like society doesn't accept me and staying home most of the time.

    ALl of this hit has been pretty easy to anage but one day it all hit me .. and that's why I will keep trying until I make it happen and all these burdens can be lifted and can feel free.

    ummm excuse me sir please get out of my head and give me my thought back... these points being mad ... i have felt alot of them...

    I know .. right?!? :)
  • gilltaitt
    :love: I married the love of my life in February of this year and my defining moment was only about 5 weeks after our wedding when we would lay in bed and it would make me cringe when he would cuddle in to me! I felt so uncomfortable and disgusting that I couldn't handle him touching me!

    I knew this wasn't right as newly weds! I HAD to do somthing! So along came MFP and just at the right time, a new gym opened close to home and here I am 33lbs lighter!! Still got about 20lbs to go but I feel great and have no problem with my husband touching me anymore!!! :wink:

    Only downside is I look at my wedding photos and for as much as it was the happiest day of my life and I still think I look good....I just wish I looked as good as I do now, or as good as I WILL look in months to come!! But, hubby is from Barbados and we plan on having a blessing over there at some point so bring on the hotness for that!!! :laugh: :love:

  • abbyy182
    My partner took a video of me with our 4 month old son, and I just had this horrible bulge like a tyre, around my tummy. I know I hadn't exactly given myself enough time as it was only 4 months post partum, but I was like "RIGHT THAT'S IT !!" and now I am 20lbs lighter :smile:

    I'd like to lose another 7lbs or lose the jelly belly, either one !
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    My partner and I went to Cairns over Easter (Australia)... It was hot, glorious weather. Good for swimming. The photos from that weekend away were so disgusting I wanted to be sick. I was unrecognizable. We got home on the Tuesday and I weighed myself 96.4kgs. My partner went away for work for 2 weeks, and in that time I started walking my dogs almost daily, and lost 5kgs by the time he got. My loss was enough ot inspire him and we joined a gym. 6 months later, I'm 20 kgs lighter and he has dropped 18. We feel unstoppable! We both run now, exercise almost daily and eat the best we ever do. I'm even in a size MEDIUM (size 12 from 18). Life is the best it's ever been :)
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    a couple of things: one a picture of me and I was so disgusted, next the number on the scale 242, I knew that if I creeped over 250 without a problem I would more than likely end up seeing 300,and the last thing was how I felt with my husband I was so ashamed and did not feel like his attractive wife
  • Neujewel
    Neujewel Posts: 12 Member
    Not that I'm that photogenic, but I would like to look back at pictures of me and my daughter together and not just my husband and daughter in pictures (not that that would be a horrible thing, but still) :)
  • SexiB
    SexiB Posts: 46
    When I saw a home video that my boyfriends family shot, I did not realize how big I had gotten at 272 5'10", thought I just had a little gut but boy was I wrong...There was no way that I was going to hit 300lbs...:noway: ....Now Im down to 242 and I WILL make it between 175-185!!!
  • lolainlondon
    lolainlondon Posts: 160 Member
    I didn't really have an epiphany moment - this all started as a challenge to give up Coca Cola for lent. I succeeded and on Easter Sunday rewarded myself with an ice cold can only to discover it just tasted of sugar (disappointing at the time since I had a major coca cola addiction). After that it began to dawn on me that all the things I had told myself about how "this is just how I am" could be changed. By the time I started tracking calories in May and cycling to work in June I was down from 237 to 231. Now I weigh 178. I have never, as an adult, been this weight. I never really made any attempts to lose weight before, as my weight didn't cause me huge problems either in health or confidence, but I've been looking over pictures of me from before my weight loss, and I now wonder how I didn't see how big I was. Never going back.
  • theportkey
    theportkey Posts: 52 Member
    When my bottom caused a vacuum on the loo LOL seriously !!! :wink:
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I always gave myself a number not to go over. I always said I didn't want to be over 140 unless I was pregnant. I hit 141 and lost 8 pounds with weight watcher. I kept that off for a few months but realized I still wasn't "in shape" like I have always started and then joined mfp
  • rockabillymama
    rockabillymama Posts: 117 Member
    At my sons 2nd Birthday party.. I let someone else take the pics for me and got me in a lot of them, when i seen them I was like ugh! That's what I look like? Really? It was horrible, I wouldn't put them on my face book until I edited them to cut some of me out!

    same thing for me, it was my youngest daughter's first birthday, and when I saw the pictures i cried for weeks. My husband was no help with his "i think you're beautiful no matter what" but I couldn;t bare the thought of hating my girls' big days because i hate how i look
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    I had known for a while that I needed to do something, but kinda never got to it... Then I got a surprise invitation to a wedding, and the horror of having to put on a dress and get a lot of pictures taken of me - gruesome. I started that same week, only two weeks before the wedding. I borrowed clothes from a friend and went on with it - I weighed in at 215 about three weeks after I'd started with shakes.

    An eye-opener? Definitely. I can't believe that I didn't realize how far it had gotten a lot sooner. But now, two years later, I'm 140 and soon at my goal and I must say I've had a lot of thoughts about how blind it's possible to get. It's terrifying!
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