200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    My husband is a hopeless romantic. He took me to NYC for the weekend of my 21st birthday. We planned to go see Phantom of the Opera (my absolute fav). It was my first time seeing it on Broadway. We checked into the hotel and were unpacking and he told me to go ahead an open my gift. I knew what it was, as I had picked out a cute ring I saw on clearance at Kay Jeweler. I even watched them wrap it in gold paper at the store. So, here I was, being uber sarcastic, saying, "oh gee, wonder what it is?" Well, when I opened it, it was my grandmother's diamond engagement ring. He didn't get down on one knee, just smiled and asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes. We got married on our 3 year anniversary of dating, Veteran's Day. Our wedding was Phantom themed (slightly). My bridesmaids wore black cocktail dresses with red ribbon belts. We had the phantom Red Rose everywhere, and instead of a cake topper, my mother bought us the figurine of the phantom and Christine in a wedding dress that plays All I Ask of You. That was our first dance song as well. Oh and my husband being the clown he is insisted on a top hat.


    I've never posted a picture before. Hope that works. You can see half of the figurine to the left.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies. I have very, very sore feet and must do something about a) my winter footwear and b) more importantly, my socks. Went for a longer walk than planned this morning and now have a blister on the bottom of one foot, on the heels of both and the toe of one. Need to go to shops (usually walk as really not far but currently thinking of taking the car - which is BAD). The offending socks are now in the bin - I will not be tempted to wear them again.

    To answer you all: Going Ape: it's like a variety of 'assault courses' in the tree tops. We are booked in for 1300 tomorrow and it takes about two hours - the three of us are going plus a friend of A's and a friend of T's - I'm just a bit nervous about freaking out or freezing (as it is very high up and I know you have to take some 'leaps of faith') so certainly would not want any friend of mine there to witness that!!!! Hoping neither will happen and that we all do have fun.......watch this space!!!!!

    Amy: Am totally with Victoria about Loki - if he is making no progress in not pulling you and it is damaging your health, you have no option - you need your back and neck for a good number of years to come and you don't get a second chance if they get significantly damaged. Glad there are some families who are showing and interest - I am sure you will find choose well. Oh, I have no idea what a goob is, but am smiling at the thought of you dancing around your lounge like one!!!

    Victoria: thank you for your gentle reminder to incorporate my life changes within any birthday celebrations - if I am tempted I will certainly bring you to mind!

    Kendal/Lacey: you have an immediate goal One derland into the New Year......

    Megan: good to hear about how well your frined has done - you are doing incredibly weel also - you have less to lose to get to onederland than you have already lost - perhaps you could join the other two (above) and make it your goal for NY. Also, yeah for moving forward....

    Hope: hello. Good to hear from you again. Keep in touch with us.

    Lacey: thank you for the feed back re my 100 day goal - it is so helpful to know someone else is there, watching the progress.

    Nava: I live about an hour from London - perhaps we could all (Amy) meet up (without me telling the family!!!!) once you have moved.

    Jessi: today is d day for treadmill - hope it arrives to you and enjoy. Oh, and as for counting - I am increasingly finding myself counting up to 100 then repeating (in different patterns) when I am finding exercise difficult - actually - if I am honest, I often count at other times - stairs/steps into town.......

    Kerry/Victoria: a two mile run is huge, thank you very much - 'little/short' run? It about all I can manage :laugh:

    Kerry: does this mean you are in for a promotion? Also, what are 'bleachers' - I tried to read a book once that had the name in the title but I could not fathom out what they were, got frustrated and gave up!!!!

    Kendal: glad your days are passing well and that the need job role is not overwhelming. Also, what is the warrior dash - I caught something on the radio recently whe nthey were talking about electric shocks and claustrophic tunnels is this what you are going to do?

    Hallie: wtg on your savings lady - you have done great. I am also with you on keeping your personal trainer - as long as it does not mean you have to dip into your savings to do it - enjoy x

    Pam: is great to hear that you and yours are working out together - lots of fun.

    Rikki: you are doing so well lady - keep it up xx

    Think I have missed people and to those :flowerforyou:

    Kerry: just seen your post - well done for 150's - enjoy beer fesitval.......

    Rain: love your engagement/wedding story xx
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    It's a cold, dreary, rainy day here in WV, but it's Friday! I have a ton of stuff I want to do this weekend, but mostly have have big plans for working out. I plan to hit the gym both days and get really big calorie burns with some low impact cardio...fingers crossed! I've got the last delivery of the season of my CSA (local farm) food too, so I'll be spending time making soups for the winter.

    I also have to re-teach myself how to sew. I own a sewing machine but I've never used it...in fact, I haven't actually used a sewing machine since junior high. However, I'm taking a "raggy quilt" class for beginners and in it I have to sew. In fact, I've got sewing "homework." So I have to re-teach myself how to sew this weekend and get my "homework" done for class this coming Thursday. I remember it not being very hard to use a machine...hopefully I'm right!

    So basically this weekend for me is working out and being a 1950's housewife. :)

    Rain, that's a really nice proposal story. I love that you were surprised even when you thought you wouldn't be. Your cake was really pretty!

    Kerry, bye bye 160s! Have a great time at the beer fest! I'm glad you'll be having nice weather for it.

    Rikki, yay for a great weigh-in! I've recently decided that I'm in love with pea coats too. I was just thinking that last year's winter coats might be big enough now to give me an excuse to buy a new coat this year. :smile:

    Amy, so glad that your stomach is feeling better, now let's hope the cold is gone soon!

    Hosanna, great job losing while on vacation!

    Megan, songs are the #1 thing that remind me of exes...music can be such an emotional trigger. It seems like at first hearing those songs is like an open wound, but as the years go by it's more like "oh that's nice," or, depending on the guy, "oh GEEZ, what the heck was I thinking?" :laugh:

    Hailie, I think having a SO is a little different depending on the man you're with. In my relationship with the boyfriend before this one, there were a lot of the nice benefits that come along with having a SO, but there was also aways this little nagging voice telling me that something wasn't quite right. With my bf now, it's like all the pieces have fallen into place. There is zero doubt in my mind about him, and being with him feels like the most natural thing in the world. He's my very best friend and my favorite person on the planet. He makes me laugh every day, and he knows me like no one else. On top of all that, I am more attracted to him than I've ever been to pretty much anyone, so that's a nice bonus too. :blushing: I'm the kind of person who actually likes being alone -- I don't need a lot of people around, and I've never felt like I'd be lost without a man -- but sharing every bit of my life with him is...well, I couldn't be happier. Not a day goes by when I don't think about how lucky I am to have him in my life. Really!

    Annette, have fun going ape! I'd love to see pictures if you guys take any!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Pam: I MISS CSA's so much!! They have farmer's markets here but I really miss picking up my box of produce and finding out what was inside it and then trying to figure out what to do with things like kale and fava beans. It definitely made me a more creative cook.

    Annette: A "goob" is a goober or a dork. I'm not really familiar with British vernacular so I can't tell you the equivalent but it really just means a person who is awkward. That "Going Ape" thing sounds fun, enjoy it!

    Rain: I LOVE Phantom of the Opera. I've seen it twice. Your wedding cake was lovely. My wedding colors were also red and black.

    Kerry: Yay for being in the 150's!!!!

    Rikki: I LOVE pea coats. I have a black one and a grey one and have had my eye on a lovely cream colored one but haven't purchased it as The Hubbs tends to take note of items of clothing once I have exceeded two or three of a similar item (silly boys).
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I have a black pea coat, but it's kinda bulky and I would like to get a smaller, better fitting one. I saw some at Walmart that are freakin adorable.....my gaze has lingered on those on the past several trips there.

    waiting to weigh in to see if I get better results tomorrow, but even if I don't, I'm happy with today's number. I logged it so I won't forget it, but we will wait and see......and can I just mention again how much I love Chic Fila's number 7 combo with fruit instead of fries?!? YUM. It was dinner last night so that's why I'm waiting to see what tomorrow brings, maybe the sodium will drop off.

    sorry that I don't have more time....work is busy today
  • hkallembach
    ***********************My official weigh-in for this week is.............*drum rollllllllllllsssssssssss*............249.3 pounds!*****************

    After this emotionally bad week I'll take it!


    Awwwwwwwwww, my heart melts with all the SO talk. My mama is so blowing me off right now....so I'll ask you ladies....how young is too young to have a SO?

    As for me.....I have personal training in 150 minutes....heck yes! I am rather proud of myself for not using my savings to pay for him.

    Then I work from 1:00-8:30 p.m.....I have the will power to survive...I think I can, I think I can.

    Catch up with you ladies soon!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hailie, I had my first boyfriend when I was 12. I know, 12! That seems insane to me now. It wasn't one of those week long "yeah, that's my boyfriend, hee hee" things either; we were together for a year (which, when you're 12, is like 10 adult years) before my dad got a job transfer and I had to move to another state. It was the most horrible thing I could ever imagine going through at the time -- I was all romantic and young-love starry-eyed, thinking we'd get married -- but if I'd stayed there and we'd tried to date through high school and after high school I'm thinking it would have been a big mess. So yeah, in my experience I'd say that 12 is too young to have a SO. :smile: It seems to me that a lot of people start dating around 15 or 16, and I think that's fine if things don't get too serious. It's hard if things do start getting serious though....you do so much growing as a person in your late teens and early 20's that if you meet someone then you really need to work to make sure that you grow and change together. I met my ex-husband when I was 15, we got married when I was 21, and were divorced when I was 26. So we obviously didn't do a good job of growing and changing together! I've seen it work though, so I think all that matters is that you're mature enough and with the right person.

    Amy, I love love LOVE my CSA! This is the first year I did it, and I can't tell you how bummed I am that the season is over. It was like a little present of fresh veggies every week! I'm definitely signing up again next year.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hailie: I'm with Pam on the SO thing. I had my first boyfriend at 14. I met my ex-husband at 16 and we got married when I was 19 and I was divorced by 21. I think it's important to get experience with relationships when you are young but to realize that you are growing and changing and trying to figure out who you are until you are in your early 20's (at least). Me & my ex were best friends all through our teen years and then we started to grow apart. We never really had a bad relationship, we just began to be heading in two different directions until - at some point- it became apparent that we'd be better off ending it. So, I guess my advice to you would be that it's cool to try your hand at relationships but I would advise against jumping into marriage too early. You've got time.
  • KatheryneLynne
    Happy Friday everyone.

    Amy--glad to hear that you are feeling better.

    Rain--I love your story. So sweet, so romantic.

    Annette--lol, I count everything. I know exactally how many steps to my office on the 5th floor, Shoot, I know that from my desk to home is approximatly 3000 steps, give or take a hundred or so depending upon the route i take. I tend to be a bit OC.

    Hallie--I had my first real SO at 17. We dated for almost a year, but he didn't take to well to me going off to college. As for too young, I think it depends upon the couple. I graduated with a girl who talked her mother into letting her get married at 15. I thought it was crazy at the time, but they just celabrated their 18th anniv. and are still going strong. I wasn't ready at 15, but she sure was.

    For me, TOM is about to rear its ugly head, and the scale sure knows its coming. I'm up FOUR lbs this week. I took a pass last week however, so I'll give it 'til Sunday or Monday to come back down a little bit. If now, I'll be owning up to that four lbs. Sigh...

  • jessicae1aine
    Victoria - One of our cats thinks she's a dog, and carries toys around in her mouth and the only sound she makes is about as close to a bark as she can get, and only when she's playing.

    Pam - We actually met on an online game, and I hated him like you wouldn't believe for absolutely no reason. That progressed into him being the best friend I could ever imagine, and now here we are. :) I'm pretty jealous of your getting to be the 1950's housewife!

    Megan - Thank you! I have zero problem with buying things I can't try on first, because otherwise I'd never, ever get to buy clothes of any variety. I'm a "guess and hope" kind of girl.

    Hosanna - I finally gave up on my last Poached Eggs one, in the interest of beating the new Halloween one in Seasons.

    Amy - Brocolli beef and almond chicken, mostly. I'm not big on chinese, and I tried some sweet & sour pineapple chicken but ended up giving it all to Nerd, because eeeew. I did eat a couple potstickers, too. Probably ridiculous on sodium, but whatever. Oncei n a while, it's not going to kill me.

    Rikki - Yay for almost being at your 10%! :D Nice job! Also, I love the way you describe your relationship. <3

    Annette - I tend to count stairs, and sidewalk squares, and things like that, in addition to steps.

    Hailie - My general rule is, if you're old enough to make your own decisions regarding dating/sex/etc, and to handle the consequences of those things, then you're old enough to date. Generally, that tends to mean between 15 and 18, in my opinion. (My biggest rule for my little brothers was "No, I don't expect you to not have sex, because that would be hypocritical of me. I do expect you to wait until you are old enough to work to support an accidental child, though, and even then you better be responsible and protect yourself.")

    Today, I woke up in an awesome mood. Then, Nerd had thrown ALL of my jeans in the dryer but didn't start it last night... so I had to scramble to find something to wear. Got to work, things were alright, and then I got into a huge argument with my boss because he doesn't understand our tech issues, basically, and when I explain to him it's one specific program that is the problem, and that I'm talking with their tech support to figure out how to fix it, he argues that I need to get an entirely different company (who told me yesterday they know nothing about the program that's failing me) involved because "we need more brains." I've basically got a list of demands I need to meet this morning, too, and I'm just so overwhelmed that until he goes to lunch, it's not happening. I'm not getting my treadmill until tomorrow, probably, either, because I work a 13 or 14 (probably 14) hour shift today. UGH. All I can think about is how amazing a huge, cheesy, greasy piece of pizza would be right now. Stupid stress. Sorry for the vent there.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    Official weigh in

    I love pea coats. But now mine is getting too big because I've lost so much weight in my tummy area. :( I haven't even owned it a year yet!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Lurking at work again. Two and a half hours off finishing night shift. Been a dreadful eating shift, but it's been a pretty bad shift in general, so I'm ok with that.

    As far as how young is too young, I think it depends on the person and what they're looking for. As far a sex and learning about relationships, I reckon 16 is a good jumping off point. But as far as lasting forever relationships, I think being a bit older is beneficial. I had my first boyfriend at 20. So by the time I started dating, I already knew most of what I was about as a person, and where I was heading. Isaac is in a similar position. He's my second relationship, and I'm his. So we both have our identities figured out, and know that we complement each other as who we are.

    I'm not sure if that makes sense, but it is 4.30am and I'm exhausted!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    And a 'pea coat' is................? :wink:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Pea Coats:

  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    OOH peacoats! I also love them, and will be finding a new one sooner than later. I'm bummed b/c I have a really amazing trench style peacoat from Banana that is this fantastic camel color, and I look like a little kid playing dress up in my Mom's clothes when I put it on. Sad, but not really. I'm wondering about taking it to the tailor.

    OOH proposals! Loving hearing these! I'll get in on that... ...

    Chris and I went to Disney World for 3 years straight - first time in November of 2006, then in October of 2007, then December of 2008. On the October trip, we made plans to see Cirque du Soleil and go back to a Wolfgang Puck restaurant in Downtown Disney that was our favorite meal in the 2006 vacation. (Seriously the best sushi I have EVER had. And I really really love sushi.) Prior to going on the trip, we had obviously talked about marriage and looked and rings, and I had a pretty good hunch that he had bought the ring and was going to propose while we in Disney. We saw Cirque on our last night there, and by that time I was completely convinced that he wasn't going to propose. How did he get the ring down there without me knowing? We packed our bags together. Surely I would have noticed something fishy. And how would he have waited until the last night to do it? Wouldn't we want to celebrate the engagement while on vacation? Anyway... I was totally psyched out that it wasn't going to happen. We went to see Cirque, and had time in between that and going to dinner, so we went on a walk down by the lagoon. We walked up to a bench and he said "Can you please sit down on that bench? I have to do something and I need to get it out before I start to cry." So I sat down, he got down on one knee, got out the ring, and asked me to marry him. It was awesome. I loved that he found a way to keep it between just the two of us, even in Disney. Its our favorite place, kinda like a second home, so its the perfect place for it to have happened. Plus now we have "our bench" that we can go back to and visit on vacations. When we went back in 2008 for our honeymoon, we just sat on the bench all snuggled up for a while. So that's that.

    Hailie, when you find the right guy, being in a relationship is just as natural as breathing. Every now and then life throws stuff at you that makes it more difficult than that, but for the most part, that person just becomes the other half of you. The one thing that you can't imagine your life without. The thing that you rely on, trust, and need, but also the thing that you just expect to be there, for always. I think that in the best relationships there is a precious balance between trusting that the other person will always love you, no matter what, but not taking advantage of that.

    My first "real" relationship started on my 16th birthday. I had random 3 week long "boyfriends" before that, but not until 16 was I in a serious relationship. We actually dated until I was 20, and for a long time I thought we'd get married. But then we started growing up and changing, and it got to a point where he was nothing like what I wanted and annoyed the crap out of me. I dated another guy for about 2 years before I met Chris, who, I am ashamed to say, I stayed with for way longer than I should have because his Mom was freaking awesome and she spoiled me like the daughter she never had. Yeah.... not cool of me.
  • hkallembach
    Who just wasted six bucks on a disgusting pizza!? Urgh, this chick. On the plus side, only three more hours of work.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Man Im not on here one day and I've got over two pages to read!

    All I have time to say is this: I think I have Pink Eye. I've been in denial for a week, but there it is. Not sure if OTC stuff is going to work. I think its just a viral thing as I am fighting a major cold, but damn.

    So. On to G's first gymnastics and then to Target for pink eye stuff.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member

    Hailie, when you find the right guy, being in a relationship is just as natural as breathing. Every now and then life throws stuff at you that makes it more difficult than that, but for the most part, that person just becomes the other half of you. The one thing that you can't imagine your life without. The thing that you rely on, trust, and need, but also the thing that you just expect to be there, for always. I think that in the best relationships there is a precious balance between trusting that the other person will always love you, no matter what, but not taking advantage of that.

    ^^This. Exactly. ^^

    I really want to respond to all of you, but tonight is not the night. I got to spend a long part of the day with my friend at the hospital and it was therapeutic for both of us. My abs are sore from laughing and my nose is sore from blowing it from crying. She took 32 steps today. HUGE leap in PT for her. I wore my bike helmet to the hospital today with a huge bow and flashing lights. I brought her a matching bow and lights. When I left there, I drove to my husbands work just to say hi and he took me to lunch at a thai restaurant. it was lovely. Then I fought traffic all the way home and made soup for dinner and worked on crafts for Wiggle's party.

    I'll chat more tomorrow with individual responses.

    I am a blessed woman, ladies, and I count you among those blessings.

    Good night.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    WiggleSarah - 32 steps is AWESOME!! I'm so proud of your friend!! Really :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Happy weekend, all!