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200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kerry - I've been to both brewpubs many times. When we head to K-zoo or Fort Wayne, we generally stop in Mt P for lunch and a beer. Then stop again in Marahal at Dark Horse - drooling thinking of their beer!!! I get you on being too cheap to pay to run but you often get a cool medal and great workout shirt - techy wicking ones. You have to do it at least once... If you decide to do TC or any MI race, let me know and I'll try to join you. The cost of a race does add up when you factor in hotel, gas, and food/beer. My heart wants to try a full but I don't know how I'd find the time for it...

    It's time for my short 2 mile run. Catch you lovlies later.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kerry: You've rocked Yoga X, you are SOOO not a beginner at the yoga!

    Victoria: Thank you for giving me permission to put myself before the dog. I really NEEDED someone to say that so I wouldn't feel as guilty about getting rid of him. I :heart: U!

    Sarah: Do you get headaches doing yoga in that kind of heat? I'm really sensitive to heat so I don't think I would handle it very well, but it's totally awesome that you're loving it!

    Nava: Both my dogs seem to put The Hubbs as the Alpha male (which he is, so they aren't wrong) but it tends to make them think that I'm just a pack member like them (and they're totally wrong on that one).

    Hosanna: The Kid and The Hubbs are both addicted to Angry Birds and Fragger - I just don't have the attention span for that.

    Katheryne: I am now feeling bad for ALL the papers I did in college in Times New Roman - d'oh!

    Kendal: I like your training plan idea. I'm currently re-arranging my training plan so that THe Hubbs can do the P90X bits (he hates running though and I prefer to run alone anyway) with me. It's more fun when you aren't the only one suffering through it.

    Megan: Congrats on being down this week!

    Lacey: I haven't tried a gentle leader on Loki but I've used them with my golden retriever and they worked well on the pulling but can't really be used while running with the dog because of their weird positioning. Trav's already got 2 guys interested in Loki, so I imagine that he'll have a new home soon (and Trav was honest about the dog needing training and all of his behavioral problems).

    Well, it's 10:20 pm and unlike the past 3 nights, I am NOT in the bathroom with the diarrhea so I think things are looking up! :drinker: Loki seems to be back to normal in that area too. But Gabe is coming down with a cold and I still have a sore throat so we're not totally out of the woods yet (boo!).

    On a happier note, I took my Amazon gift cards I got for my birthday and spent them on silliness for myself! I pre-ordered Dance Central 2 for the XBox Kinect. I can't wait to dance around my living room like a goob!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Kerry, glad I could make you laugh!

    I'm so ready to get out of this office today. I "stumbled upon" a like called "136 Creepy Wikipedia Articles" and that's what I've been doing with my afternoon.

    Victoria, got word on Tuesday that Personnel had approved the transfer, so it's only a matter of time now! Mind you, getting that call on Tuesday made me feel slightly panicked and anxiety-ridden so I had a good day of crying at my desk and crying at Joe's... ugh. I'm excited about the opportunity, I really am. I'm just a little scared!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nava: I don't think you'd be human if you weren't scared of such a big change! I've moved 13 times in my adult life (twice overseas) and I STILL freak out before (and during) a move. I don't like the unknown. At all. I'll come visit you in London if you like - I love London!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    This SME title has really increased the amount of work I do. Different stuff though so I really like it. Extra calls, pilot programs, working escalated issues, answering questions. I like it. It's definitely helped make every day FLY by

    I finally get to wear my Halloween costume to a party tomorrow night. Super excited about that! WOOHOO!
  • Victoria, I have never been to Anchorage, and don't know anything about the area, sorry. As for distance, Juneau to Anchorage is roughly the same distance as New York City to Cincinnati. But, since the only way out of Juneau is on a plane or a boat it's a little harder to travel

    Sarah, the Bikram sounds intense. I would think the heat would be a little to much for me. Especially since I've gotton use to the weather up here. They didn't have any classes listed up my way anyhow. I guess it would be kind of hard to raise the temp. to 105 when the average outside is between 40 and 50.

    Nava, does your mom know about the move yet? How did she handle it?

  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, I'd love for you to visit! I think it would be fantastic to meet you! :bigsmile:

    Katheryne, Mom has known for a while. She's sad that I'm going, but knows it's a great move for my career so seems to be happy for me. I also have a sneaking suspicion that she thinks it's a good thing because she probably assumes it'll split me and Joe up. But I could just be skeptical of my mom given our recent interactions.
  • Kerry - I actually work in a job where, when he first moved here, he spent a few entire days hanging out before he realized how boring it is down here. :P And he always comes and hangs out when I do ball games, too.

    Hosanna - I SO can't get 3 stars on 3-10, and it's driving me nuts. I've been at this level for several hours, as it's the last in Poached Eggs I have to do.

    Victoria - His work hours are so weird. He initally had a set schedule, but now the owner is like, "Hmm... I might need you more this day, and for a few extra hours, so leave now and come back then." It works out, he enjoys it, but still odd. The bunnies are doing awesome, even though one of the kittens is sure she's a bunny and wants to live inside the cage with them. Where do you buy swimsuits, btw? I might need to invest in one before we visit Nerd's family, and gah I hate shopping for them.

    I carved and gutted my pumpkin for hiding for the pumpkin chase today. I feel ickygross from the insides of it, but I did keep all the seeds for baking tonight. :D I'm excited about that. Nerd wants to go out for Chinese tonight since it's his payday, and I'm not really a huge fan of Chinese, so I need some recommendations for fairly healthy options. Basic rules: I don't do seafood, at all, and I don't care for any Chinese soup.
  • hey ladies, hows everyone, was planning to get to the gym this morning but woke up with an awful migrane, so bed it was, feelin a hell of alot better now thankfully.

    Well since i was last on here, ive lost 3 of the 7 pounds i put back on and im properly in the healthy eating frame of mind now :). found a fab little app for my phone that lets me track my water consumption and my calories for the day :), btw how much is a cup of water in american measure ments? i keep finding different responses on different sites. will weigh myself again on sat and then start a week of super healthy eating as me and the giant are going to a wedding the followng sat so need to leave myself some lee way
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amy - my friends Labs are really good running partners...

    Katheryne - I guess I won't be taking a day trip to see you :(

    Jessie - better the cat thinks it's a bunny than a human. My cats think they are kids. I just read an article in Cat Fancy about 2 cats that have learned to count, read there names, tell colors and shapes. I guess they are making quite a U-tube splash. PS I love toasted pumpkin seeds...

    Bat Girl (aka Kendal) - have fun at the party tomorrow.

    Nava - congrats on London!!! How exciting... Hopefully Joe will get to visit often.

    Kendal - in case I forgot before - CONGRATS on the promotion (even if it was lateral)!!!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    So, the hubby works late tonight. No yoga for me. My sissy is coming over, though, and that will be fun. I have shredded chipotle beef going in the crock pot now for quesadillas for dinner. They will go with the chipotle roasted butternut squash soup I'm making. Y.U.M. Can't wait. I think we are going to carve some pumpkins tonight too. I have a TON of them to carve for Wiggle's birthday party... One of my favorite things to do is just drill holes in them and put white christmas lights through the holes and line my driveway. On my porch, each one with have a word in "I'd Turn Back If I Were You!" My hallway is turning into a batcave with posterboard bats everywhere. I think I've cut out about 250 bats of various silhouettes. Now, to figure out this spiderweb stuff....

    Victoria: I am excited for you and your trip to Alaska. That is going to be so fun!! I went when I was younger (7, I think) and only remember the blue ice and the chocolate eclairs. (Must have had issues with food then too...)

    Jessie: Gutting the pumpkins is a job that belongs to my husband. I can't do it. I guess I'm just a wimp. (But I'm ok with that.)

    Nava: I was thinking about you and Joe and the London thing last night in Yoga. (I hope that's not weird.) I know you guys are going to figure it out. He obviously loves you a ton and you love him. Being apart will give him the inspiration he needs to blast through his program so he can come be with you. I'm just sure of it.

    Kendal: Party pics required.

    Kerry: I am running short runs this week...1) because my husband is running with me and 2) because I am adjusting to the yoga...it's wearing me out, dude. Seriously. YOU. Must. Try. it. Intense and awesome.

    Katherynne: The yoga IS intense...it's supposed to be. They tell you when you get there for your first class that your only goal is to stay in the room for the 90 minutes. I was able to do all of the poses but one on my first class. The second class was exponentially easier. My body adjusted to the heat faster and I was able to breath more easily. The heat is dry, so you aren't fighting a wet heat, either. And, it doesn't matter what the weather outside is like, they can get the room to 105. I live in Washington State... It's cold here too.

    Amy: I don't get headaches in the yoga classes. I know when I am going to take them and hydrate all day long. The heat is dry and feels....gentle somehow, it doesn't slap you around. Does that make ANY sense to you? I find myself three times as limber and never sore afterward. I HIGHLY recommend it.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Jessie - I got my last swimsuit at Kohl's clearance rack for $30 in Sept on the way to my Milwalkee race. The town was an hour from my town. Mom was talking about swimming in the morning when I realized I forgot my suit... So we stopped and I found a cool one on sale...I'm in a size 14 or Large now so shopping is easier. My last suit purchase was 10 years ago and it's droopy on me... I really dont know what to reccomend - except FL has tons of suit shops...

    Hangs head in shame at missing my run. I went downstairs to main level to do it when DH declared it was break time. He worked from home again today... We talked though my break. Then he was done for the day here an hour earlier than normal - no drive time. We cleaned out a bookcase and cleared 2 of 16 shelves. So my run got sidetracked... Oh well. I love you ladies....
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Whew, I have a lot to catch up with today!

    Last night I did actually work out after I posted -- I wasn't off the treadmill until after 10:30! I was pretty proud of myself, but unfortunately that workout bothered my hip again AND it was harder for me to sleep afterwards because I was all wound up. Sigh. I decided to make today a rest day and am hoping it helps the hip. I'm getting sick of this business...hopefully I heal soon. I'm looking forward to aqua zumba on Saturday though!

    Sarah, you're almost making ME want to try Bikram, and I've always said I'd never do it! Heat and I don't work well together, but it sounds like it's been amazing for you.

    Victoria, I'm so jealous of your trip! I've always wanted to go to Alaska. I miss being in a book club...the closest I come to that now is seeing what my friends are reading on Goodreads. Nice, but not quite the same.

    Jessi, I love homemade pumpkin seeds. Enjoy them! This winter is going to be fun for Nerd if he grew up in Florida! How did you two meet?

    Nava, I'm so excited for you! Like Amy, I've moved quite a bit too (although not overseas), and it's always a stressful thing. I know it's even more stressful for you having to leave Joe, but I know it will be such a fantastic adventure for you. On a different subject, I'm right there with ya about the work pants thing; I feel much better in jeans.

    Kendal, I agree, we need to see your party pictures! That's great that you and Mr. Reunion are going to be training together. The bf and I did Shred together and we're doing Ripped in 30 together now...it's cool to push through it with him by my side. My fingers are crossed for you saving the house too...

    Amy, yay for Dance Central 2! I haven't tried any of those dancing games yet, but I just found out that I can rent some of them from Redbox, so I will be dancing this weekend. I am so sorry about Loki. I do agree with Victoria though; finding Loki a new home is sad, but you can't hurt yourself to keep him either.

    Lacey, I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight and get to sleep in a little later than 4am!

    Kerry, that proposal story is something else! Man, it's so hard to just grin and say congratulations in situations like that.

    Hailie, I don't think I can give you better advice than the others already did...I hope your paper writing went well!

    Oh man, I know I'm missing stuff but HOLY COW I'm tired. Bed is calling my name. Soooooo glad it's almost Friday!
  • Victoria: I've read the book twice. I loved readin' it! Maybe I "hate" it because I have to do something school-related with the book. As far as personal training goes I meet him every Friday at 2 p.m. He pretty much kicks my butt, however, when I do the same workout I seem to not have the same intensity. Boo on lack of self motivation. I've done 30 minutes sessions, every other week sessions, etc., but once/week floats my boat the best. FREE gyms!? Is college the land of free stuff? I am not a fan of "fly by the night" people. I wonder what ya'll thought of me when I first joined?

    Amy: 20 pages does suck. end of story. At least it is on a good book/modern book I can related to, unlike The Tale of Two Cities. Personal training rocks to the ten millionth power.

    Tasha: Do you have FB? Randomness, sorry I'd love to add you if you do! Now the replies to your questions....U of M won't let me "hold" my admission because my high school is making me a super senior. I am taking Post Secondary Education Options (pretty much free college since I have a 4.38 GPA in high school) and couldn't take a "standardized" test for my high school. Long story short, they didn't let me graduate this past spring like I was suppose to. As far as Atlanta......Passion 2012 trip for college age students ministry. I consider ALL these lovelies my friends more than people I see in real every day life face to face. My mommy and I never see eye to eye. Thank you, I am very proud of my savings!

    Lacey: It did help! Google is my new official bff. I have never hated English more in my entire life. Usually, I LOVE English...20 page papers....not so much. What are footnotes? (I feel stupid asking.) Is life after college better?

    Annette: I am very confused on my educational plans too.

    Kendal: I love the "on a brisk fall day". Party it up bat woman!

    Sarah(rain): Thank you! I feel so smart with "higher" grades. I am trying to figure out about re-applying....it just sucks I am out 1K with all my down payments and stuff.

    Kerry: Hunger Games is legit. Thank you! Hopefully, my savings will help me with college! I agree with what you said re thread closing/opening stuff.

    Katheryne: I love your English department secret! Thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much!

    Nava: I feel nobody is a college student until they've "padded" the paper.

    Pam: My paper is due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. I am OCD and told myself I will get it done by tomorrow night or else I will keep rehashing it and trying to make it "perfect".

    Someone pooooooooped in the pool during work, guess who got a payed 90 minute break!? Heck yes!

    ************TMI ALERT********************

    I feel backed up currently, stupid Godfather's pizza and garlic cheese bread! Plus a grilled cheese, holy bat man diary products.

    ***********TMI DONE**********************

    Plus, I have a love hate relationship re letting the kids have candy at the end of the session of swimming (this week)....I eat some of it on break. I left it at work so I couldn't eat it at home.

    Any ideas on how to kick starting loosing weight again?

    Paper writing......page 15! Heck yes!

    Head in clouds moment.....

    What is like to have a SO? Feel free to not share every graphic detail, just whatever your heart desires.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Alrightttttt, I'm a few pages behind but I did read them all.

    Amy-glad u are feeling better....even for just a little bit.

    Hailie-if I had that kind of money in the bank I would be stoked!!!!!! I'd be on the market for me a cute run down house that I could work on.....the best part wld be living by myself. Lol

    Jessie-I think u asked about swimsuits. For the last 3summers I've ordered from www.Newport-news.com. They have plus available. And they have those miracle suits. I've prolly bought 8 suits from them....returned a couple that didn't fit. Other than not getting to try on before purchase, I only buy suits from them.

    Nava- London baby!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome. My sister and I are planning a vacation for next year. I want to go overseas but idk if I'll be able to save that kind of money.

    Ok, that's all my memory allows. I finally made it to my mothers house tonight, and lo and behold the ole lady has an iPad. This is my first time really playing with one. I loveeeeeeee it. The keyboard is kind of difficult for me at he moment but I'm also laying in bed surrounded by a gazillion pillows.

    I know I have made a step forward today in dealing with my breakup. I heard a song on the radio hat ALWAYS reminds me of him. But this time, I didn't get tearful sad about it, I actually smiled and sang along. I texted him a bit later cuz we listen to the same station after work so I know he heard it too. All I said was "heard it and thought of you. Nothing but smiles, steering wheel drumming, and fun memories coming from the avalanche." Couple mins later I got " same scenario in the jeep". That's good for me. I cld have gotten real teary and depressed but I DIDN'T!!!

    Anyways....good night!

    Anyways, I'll be checking in while im away, just may not be fully responding.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    ****************************Weighing in at 212.1**************************
    Not my biggest loss, but i'd say one of my biggest accomplishments, considering it was the hen's weekend last week, and i've had pizza AND KFC since i've been back. Awesome!!!!!!! So proud!

    Sorry i've been way slack with posting to everyone the last week or so, i promise i'll do better next challenge!!

    Amy - Sorry to hear you're having to get rid of Loki, but it'll be better for him to have a family who has the time to spend to train him etc, and better for you not to have to worry about an untrained dog that you haven't got time to train. You shouldn't feel like a bad pet-mum, you're doing what's best for everyone!

    Jessi - I've got three on that one, there's a couple of others in poached eggs i can't get, and by mine and dine there are some i can't get past ONE!!

    Kerry - That proposal story makes me love mine even more! I need to stop being grumpy about how we got engaged, and remember that it was a beautiful night, whether it was super fancy or not. (Thanks for giving me some perspective on that!)

    Megan - Yay for the milestones in getting past breakups. I used to take a 20 minute detour so i didn't have to go past my exes streed when we split, because i'd bawl my eyes out. It took three months before i could drive past it again, and when i did i did it without realising i was going that way, and smiled because i was strong enough to do it and just think of happy times.

    Hailie - Interesting question sweetie. It's hard to describe what having a SO feels like... For me the main thing is that for the first time in my life i feel like i'm not alone, and i belong somewhere and to someone. I know, i must have missed the feminist movement, but that's all i've ever wanted. I grew up wanting to be a housewife, because i loved the idea of belonging to someone and at the same time, being able to look after them and be a perfect wife. I've also always been excited about one day getting married and taking 'his' last name - another sign of belonging.
    I dunno... It's like now i've got Isaac, my problems, triumphs and sadnesses aren't only mine anymore - i've got someone else to be there with me for it and share every aspect of my life with. And knowing that he feels the same is awesome too. Being able to be completely honest and vulrenable with someone else, with no fear of being judged or hurt... It's pretty awesome.
    Put more simply, he's my very best friend in the whole entire world, and i would do absolutely anything - including die - for him. And the best part is knowing that he feels the same about me :smooched:

    Wow that was way mushy... and he's sitting right next to me on his computer while i type this... i'd be heaps embarrassed if he knew i was writing this hahahahahaha!!!!!


    survived night shift, another one tonight, then the weekend with my gorgeous man.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Happy Friday, ladies! I think I can say that the intestinal distress that has been plaguing our house is over. Both me and the dogs are doing much better!

    Hosanna: My marriage proposal was also less than show-stopping - The Hubbs asked me to marry him in my dorm room while my roommate and I were watching Batman Forever on TV. I've never really looked back on it and felt disappointed though because afterwards I ended up engaged and that was all it really needed to involve.

    Megan: I'm glad that you are feeling better about the break up. That's awesome!

    Hailie: For me, having a SO has been pretty awesome because I feel like I have a partner. I like being able to share all the good bits and bad bits of daily life with someone. It's also really cool to be with someone who knows and "gets" me. I don't have to be afraid of what he thinks of me because he knows me so well that he already mostly knows how I'm gonna react in any given situation (we've been married 10 years though, THAT "knowing each other" thing took a while to develop).

    Victoria: I often end up missing my workout when The Hubbs is home (thank goodness that doesn't happen too often).

    Sarah: It sounds like you've got a pretty awesome Halloween set-up going on at your house!

    Psychohope: I believe that an American cup and a UK cup are the same - 8 fluid ounces or 250 mL.

    Jessi: What did you end up eating at the Chinese place?

    Kendal: We wants pics of you in your costume!

    As for me, I am still a bit under the weather with (what I believe is) a cold. My nose is all stuffy and I've been sneezing a lot and I have a sore throat. I woke up at 4 am with sneezing misery and was bummed to find out that the only cold medicine I had was DAY-Quil. I wanted NyQuil. I felt a bit better this morning. I've been drinking a ton of water and I even managed to plod along on the treadmill for a bit while listening to a book on my iPod.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member

    I'm one happy girl today!!! I have been overcoming cravings and ignoring the want to eat later at night. I feel really great about the losses I have had the past few weeks and I have ALL of you to thank for helping to keep me on track. I'm more excited to tell you guys my struggles and victories before anyone else and I love that!

    I have rewarded myself today with a new bottle of perfume. Nothing fancy, just a $20 bottle of Heat Rush by Beyonce.

    I have also fallen in love with this white pea coat. My coat now is like a tent and I'm not very good with WHITE, but it's sooo pretty that I must have it. So once I reach my 10% goal, that is only a few lbs away.....I am soooo getting that coat!

    As far as having a SO ~ IDK, it's not all roses and butterflies. I love my husband dearly, but it does take work to make a marriage no only work, but to last. We have been together 8 years and married 6 of those. We have gone through so many things together, I can't remember my life before him. I also can't imagine my life without him. We get mad, we fuss, we fight, but we never go to bed angry. Well, I tend to hold a grudge longer than he does, but I'm working on it. I know that he would give anything to make me and the kids happy and safe, as I would for him. I trust him with my secrets and my innermost thoughts. He knows everything about me and still loves me. He has never made me feel like less of a person because I have gained and lost weight many times over our relationship. He has always said I was beautiful and I have the power to do anything I want. He is my best friend and I can count on him when I really need him.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Nava: I also saw the penguins in sweaters. So cute, but still, such a tragedy!

    Victoria: When I worked for the newspaper I did a story on a Wildlife Rehab. Facility. Although it was a features piece, it was really touching. She worked using money out of her own pocket and donations. She didn't get any government subsidies. The area had a lot of hawks and deer, so she had an abundance of birds. Big birds. And little adorable fawn. She also did educational programs with some of her owls and hawks. She even rehabbed baby racoons! Anyway, her main goal was always to get them back into the wild. If she couldn't do that, she kept them and cared for them, never euthanizing. Really inspiring woman. The Ohio story is so very sad. Especially the 17 or so Bengal Tigers, which are endangered to begin with. Its quite tragic. The book about an innocent man on death row made me think of the movie "The Life of David Gale" Have any of you ladies seen it? One day my husband and I were bored and this was on TV. He told me its a movie I would like, but I didn't believe him. I ended up loving it. You should definitely watch it.

    Amy: So glad you are on the mend!!

    I have big plans of getting lots of school work done today. Wish me luck.

    Oh, we had pizza for dinner last night. No bueno.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Quick post to weigh in... 159.2. I'm hoping that from here on out I don't see 160s again. Then again, I am going to a beer festival tomorrow. So we'll see how that works out for me.