Whats with all the mind game playing men!

Seriously..... Do men play mind games on or women read too much into EVERYTHING?

I don't see myself as someone who exageraates a situation... I am quite grounded and feel that I reflect a lot on a situation before making an opinion or deciding what to do but when it comes to guys... the saying is true. "Men REALLY are from Venus and Women are from Mars"

Men.. any feeback would be helpful.. I'd rather be on the same planet if I am ever going to find happiness


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    some *people* play games, and others don't. Hopefully you can find someone that doesn't and not waste your time on those who do. And it's not just men, plenty of women do it too. It's tough, but important, to find someone with whom you can have an honest and open relationship, no games. :) IMO of course.

    If you want some specific feedback from the men perhaps you should explain the situation?
  • smc1277
    smc1277 Posts: 239 Member
    Men play mind games constantly. The only answer is to be better at it them.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    I think, like most things in life, the answer falls somewhere in the middle.

    Some men play mind games. Some men don't. Some women read too much into everything. Some women don't. It's difficult [and unfair] to make those kinds of generalizations based solely on a few experiences.

    Personally, I don't think that I play games. I am honest--to a fault, depending on who you ask--and straight-forward in my intentions. I am non-committal by nature and make my decisions based upon what feels right in the moment. I analyze the future but don't sacrifice the present.

    Does that mean every guy is like me? Certainly not. After all, you'll never catch me wearing sweatpants.
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    Men are awesome.

    I know I read far too much into things.

    Mars and Venus, gods of war and love. If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus...we still need each other to balance out!
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    Hey women play games too wtf
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Seriously..... Do men play mind games on or women read too much into EVERYTHING?

    I don't see myself as someone who exageraates a situation... I am quite grounded and feel that I reflect a lot on a situation before making an opinion or deciding what to do but when it comes to guys... the saying is true. "Men REALLY are from Venus and Women are from Mars"

    Men.. any feeback would be helpful.. I'd rather be on the same planet if I am ever going to find happiness

    an example would be useful...

    i havent come across any game playing men - they tend to like to keep things simple... beer, sport, sex, food... not necessarily in that order. and women DEFINITELY read too much into things - myself included!!!
  • micahnelson
    micahnelson Posts: 92 Member
    I think your first step is overgeneralizing. Stop seeing men and women, just see individuals. Obviously, gender can factor into how a person acts- but it isn't always the predominant trait. Upbringing, emotional baggage, personality - the list goes on into perpetuity. Don't try to understand ALL men, just try to understand this man. I couldn't care less about understanding women in general- I am just trying to understand my wife. For the record, it isn't working very well, but at least I have limited my goal to something possibly achievable within my lifetime.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I think women try to make men a whole lot more complicated than they really are. Bottom line is that most of us really aren't all that complex. That's not to mean we're shallow or anything it's just that usually what we say is what we mean. It's not code. There are guys that like to play mind games but I see that as an awful lot of effort for not much return. It seems that women generally do read a lot of stuff into stuff that probably isn't there.
  • edenxoxo
    Men play mind games constantly. The only answer is to be better at it them.

    My motto is "u can't play games with me if I don't re-roll the dice" but I am finding this hard to stick to...

    I think people play games to avoid getting hurt and APOLOGIES MEN, I know women do it too..... I just wish people were straight up and took a risk once in a while...

  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Men AND women play mind games at different times. The human mind is a huge abyss, and it's impossible to figure out everything that's going on in there at any given time. Believe me, though, it's definitely not just men by any means. I think it has A LOT to do with a person's insecuriities as well.
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Its a mixture of both You just need to acknowledge it which you have, Rise above it & don't even bother.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Seriously..... Do men play mind games on or women read too much into EVERYTHING?

    I don't see myself as someone who exageraates a situation... I am quite grounded and feel that I reflect a lot on a situation before making an opinion or deciding what to do but when it comes to guys... the saying is true. "Men REALLY are from Venus and Women are from Mars"

    Men.. any feeback would be helpful.. I'd rather be on the same planet if I am ever going to find happiness

    haha. For every man that does, there's a women (or two) that does the same.

    Best of luck though :D
  • Shariegreen
    I think the only generalization that is fair to make about anybody (men or women) is that generalizations are unfair.
  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    I think its a combination of both. There are some men out there that feel its ok to play mind games with women for whatever reason they can come up with. The other side of the coin is that I do believe women read too much into a situation or over analyze things too
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    The generalization is that men dont play mind games, but some do play mind games.

    Therefore, the OP is not generalizing so much as questioning a generalization :tongue:
  • edenxoxo

    I think your first step is overgeneralizing. Stop seeing men and women, just see individuals. Obviously, gender can factor into how a person acts- but it isn't always the predominant trait. Upbringing, emotional baggage, personality - the list goes on into perpetuity. Don't try to understand ALL men, just try to understand this man. I couldn't care less about understanding women in general- I am just trying to understand my wife. For the record, it isn't working very well, but at least I have limited my goal to something possibly achievable within my lifetime.

    Please don't think I am generalising men and women into only 2 groups... simply putting it out there that women and men as 2 sex's sharing charactweristics of another...


    Man: Constantly flirting, asks u out for drinks......
    Women: Accepts after maybe playing a little hard to get
    Man: Speaks to me this morning.. then nothing since 11:30

    Truth is I know I am reading to much into it this time and he may possible text me back later on tonight but without going into the completed back ground of everything that has gone on.... I CANNOT work the guy out... If he's "Just that into me" Fine... I can handle it.... just don't get why some men & WOMEN get kicks out of leading people on when they have no intention of persuing anything further...
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    You mention "finding happiness."

    Find happiness within yourself, enjoy life, someone to share it with will follow.
  • Mastadonous58
    Men Women come from completely different expectations don't look at it as a problem but use your common sense when trying to talk to the opposite sex... Never believe everything people say and verify all info with another source... Yes it is crazy and a little cynical but that is what keeps you on your toes
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Maybe it's mind games, but it might be lack of communication as well.
  • brunnemeyer
    brunnemeyer Posts: 19 Member
    Men are a lot simpler than you think.