When did you know it was time to start losing weight?



  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    When I stepped on the scale at the doctor's and it said 270 and my doctor diagnosed a 21 year old (me a year ago) with Hypertension and possibly high cholesterol. I fiddled with the idea of being okay with having these health problems at such an early age, and that maybe I was just supposed to be large... Then I finally said "If I was supposed to be large why was I able to lose weight for my wedding?" So I jumped on the calorie countin' train and here I am! :-D
  • caylre
    caylre Posts: 17 Member
    When my doctor diagnosed me with fatty liver disease and I had to have my gall bladder removed. I wasn't happy with myself before then, at 258 pounds, but that definitely scared me straight.
  • Regmama
    Regmama Posts: 399 Member
    This whole summer of celebrations:
    I took my daughter to an amusement park, just the two of us, and I barely (I had to angle my hips and stretch the belt all the way) fit into the seat next to my daughter on the roller coaster. With that came the flashback of all the people I had seen growing up who weren't able to fit on the rides at the same park and I realized, wow, I'm almost one of them.
    I had many family parties that I attended and after looking at the pictures I was SHOCKED!!! How did I get so large?
    But, the final kicker, the professional photos from my nephew's wedding (why didn't the photographer delete it from the roll?) where my husband is hugging me on the dance floor. In it, my husband accidentally knocked off my glasses and a combination of that and my big doubly curved hips (looked like I had two hips) completely disgusted me. Literally, I was disgusted with myself. That got me to not eating as much and about two weeks after that photo, I found MFP, and decided that I would never get to be that size again.
    I told my husband that I will continue to breastfeed and tta (we're use nfp) until I get down to a weight where if I gain 25 pounds during pregnancy that I won't be in the obese category with those extra pounds.
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    It hasn't really been one defining moment. It's been more of an accumulation over the years of little things that finally clicked in my head. Plus, I really don't want to be single and overweight when my 30th birthday rolls around. There's just something sadly pathetic about that (for me! please, no one else take offense) Not so much the single part, I'm enjoying that, but being overweight....that's no one's fault but my own.

    * The thought of being single and overweight when I turned 30 was unbearable. Single status, not my control. Weight, definitely!
    * Just bought a new car and I have to lift my hip up a bit to buckle the seat belt. Sad.
    * Never, ever shopping for clothes because I hate the selection in the Plus sizes.
    * The fact that I have to shop in the plus sizes to begin with!
    * Always, always, always being so self conscious about my looks & weight. I used to be a really confident, maybe a tad bit vain, girl, but now that I've put on weight....I'm just disgusted with myself.
    * Going to the Dr. a few years back and being diagnosed with moderately high cholesterol. at 26?!?!?! Jeez!
    * Seeing full body shot pictures of myself and thinking "omg, when you sit down, it all just spreads out like butter and I look awful!!!"

    There are so many more that I could go on for days, but I'll stop there :)
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Deffo sick of not looking good in anything. My mum constantly at me to lose weight in complete denial of just how big I had got. Never will I let myself feel so horrible. Its wasnt just the way I looked its the way I felt aswell tired all the time and no motivation. Horrid feeling that I never want to have ever again. Im not in a huge rush for the weight to suddenly drop off. I know how little changes make a big difference. I didnt even look like me anymore. My face was hidden under big fat cheeks. I have been at a normal weight before and know how good it felt to be healthy. Just sorry it has taken me so long to get back on track :O)
  • ColleenH28
    ColleenH28 Posts: 10 Member
    when i look at pics of myself. lol, and i think "GROSS!"
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    I realized that my backfat had congealed into rolls. I could no longer claim to have a nice shape despite being obese.

    Now my back is hot. No rolls anywhere.
  • mrimike
    mrimike Posts: 139
    I had a series of events that all triggered a wake up all for me. Both of my parents were diagnosed as diabetic followed by my sister. Then my wife was diagnosed with cancer, weeks after our youngest turned 1,and I think I ate myself into obesity out of depression. My cholesterol was through the roof and my Dr said I was ordeline diabetic! Plus I couldnt stand to see pictures of myself, that made me want to eat too! I was unable to play with my kids because I was too out of breath to keep up with toddlers!!! That was then................now my wife is in remission and my health is coming around:), and I love to play anything and everything I can with my kids:)
  • Nachos88
    Nachos88 Posts: 47 Member
    When I weighed 190 lbs and my calves looked like Ham. I needed to do something b4 I turned into a hog...really.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    When I went to a Drs apt and they told me I needed to lose weight. I was 16 and 225. I went to a differnt Dr a few days later and was diagnosed with PCOS and they told me I would have problems having children if I didn't lose weight.

    More recently....when I couldn't fit in my wedding dress 8 months after getting married :noway:
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
  • mavers1
    mavers1 Posts: 39 Member
    When I could hold up the water in the bathtub behind my hips and when I realized that my insecurity stemming form my being overweight would eventually push my boyfriend away.

    Also, so my mother would quit her *****in'.
  • The disappointment in my son's eyes when I couldn't chase after him in the backyard, will forever be burned in my brain. From that day on I vowed to never see that again - and I haven't!
  • mrimike
    mrimike Posts: 139
    I've seen that look before too. It scars you for life.............but maybe in a good way.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    There's so many things...
    *I was tired of not being able to fit in a booth at a restaurant and having to always get a table...and then I was always scared of breaking the chairs because at over 350 lbs, a chair def gives a squeak when you sit down!!
    *I literally couldn't hardly buckle my seatbelt in the car any longer...too fat.
    *I got winded taking a shower or bath, and drying off. I actually had to get half dressed and sit down and take a break. How sad is that?!! =/
    *Even Lane Bryant, didn't have clothes in the store that were my size because they only went to a 28.
    *Having random heart palpitations while I was laying in bed, doing nothing...started to scare the $&*% out of me.
    *It was hard to roll over in bed...I had to like, lift myself and move.... =(
    *If a chair had arms - there was no way my butt would fit in it. NO WAY.
    *I promised my Dad before he passed away that I'd get healthy, and I finally wanted to stop mourning and do what I promised him I'd do....I realized in my pain, I'd done the opposite of what he asked...and instead of getting healthy, I was killing myself.
  • my best friends wedding in key west.know how many fat people are in key west in march? none.

    it took me 3 months of looking at the terrible pictures to get the nerve to start.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I knew it was time when I saw the Christmas photos. I started about a month later after my husband had a health scare.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Mostly pictures... I could brush off and deny being out of breath, sneaking food, having to buy bigger clothes, etc. But when I saw pictures of myself in a few different settings in 2009 when I got to my heaviest, I was just floored. Even then it took a little time for it to sink in and hit me that it was finally time to quit the BS and get healthy once and for all but by the end of that year I'd made up my mind and planned to join WW Jan 2010.
    The rest, as they say, is history! :)
  • when I could not go up one flight of stairs without being so winded that I had to literally stop, collect myself, and than answer my roommate's question. I was mortified.

    Also, when I was starting not to fit into my size 20 work pants and I told myself I'll be damned if I go out and spend money on size 22's.

    And, when the scaled showed 255 and i remember vividly thinking "you are officially closer to 300 lbs than to 200 lbs... 300 freaking pounds".
  • After I saw myself in many recent pics.. I always take face shots so when my sister posted quite a few full body shots of me on her fb page.. I needed to do something about it.
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