What was the worst thing someone said to you regarding your



  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I've got two. While refereeing a soccer match had a coach yell at me "you know if you would get smaller you would probably be able to keep up with play better". The second, after I finished refereeing a match and was receiving my assessment, the assessor who is probably 5'10" 240lbs, said to me "US {gesturing that he meant him and me as us} bigger guys need to make sure we run smarter".
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    I don't have actual specifics but they all come from my Mother and every single time I see her she has a snide remark about my weight. I have lost 17 lbs and about an inch everywhere and she said to me yesterday, "I don't know, it doesn't seem like you have lost any weight." She used to break my heart with every comment but I have learned to not let her get to me (most of the time) because I know I am working hard every day to lose this weight.

    I can relate to this my mum things i am lying when i say i have lost nealy 15lbs so far. Other people can see it but apparently she cant. She has always made remarks about my weight. But now that my sister is at least 30lbs heavier than i ever was she still makes the remarks to me and not to my sister
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    My mother: (very recent comment) I know you're very pleased with yourself for losing weight, but I saw one of your recent pictures online and you're still fat. You realise that, right? I don't want you gettting too full of yourself.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    My mother: (very recent comment) I know you're very pleased with yourself for losing weight, but I saw one of your recent pictures online and you're still fat. You realise that, right? I don't want you gettting too full of yourself.

    Can I kick her *kitten* for you? Please, please, please? :)
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    My mother: (very recent comment) I know you're very pleased with yourself for losing weight, but I saw one of your recent pictures online and you're still fat. You realise that, right? I don't want you gettting too full of yourself.

    I'll poke her with my bony elbow!!
    That is evil beyond belief.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    My mother: (very recent comment) I know you're very pleased with yourself for losing weight, but I saw one of your recent pictures online and you're still fat. You realise that, right? I don't want you gettting too full of yourself.

    Can I kick her *kitten* for you? Please, please, please? :)

    Yeah seriously, did you respond with something like "Oh don't worry, mom. Your years of tearing me down and obliterating my sense of self have ensured that I won't get uppity about my achievements, but thank God you can be proud of something."
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    well i didnt have tomany till just now! my computer has typing issues and i just pressed a bunch of letters and it typed after a few second of waiting for the letters to show it wrote out "oinks" i acctually think its rather weird...but some real ones are

    My grandmother: ur looking good here have a double hot fudge sundae!! me:wtf???
    my uncle: move fattie mcfriendless!! me:ok really??
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    my mum has told me since i was about 12 that i was ugly...then after i had put on some weight at about 15 she changed that to fat and ugly...no wonder my self esteem is shattered still to this day....

    Haven't read through the full thread yet, but saw this...

    My mom and siblings used to tell me that all the time, which still hurts my self-esteem quite a bit. It's getting better, but sometimes those memories come to the front of my mind.

    The worst recent one was a year or so ago, "He'd have to be blind to want to be with her. She's so fat." :sad:
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,220 Member
    Luckily, I've never had anything bad come from my family. Jr. High and High School were the worst for me though since my last name rhymes with house.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Now ex bf "I'm giving you a month to lose weight or I'm breaking up with you"
    Me "Don't let the door hit you on the @ss on your way out"
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I had a doctor that once told me that I did not need to ever worry about getting osteoporsis because I was so heavy that simply moving was weight bearing exercise (which I guess, is good for the bones). This is not really terrible- just a strange thing to say to someone. I really didn't know how to take it. I found it to be a wierd passive agressive way to tell me to lose weight. Needless to say, I got a new doctor- one that was able to talk with me about weight loss in a real and helpful way.

    That doctor was immature.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Now ex bf "I'm giving you a month to lose weight or I'm breaking up with you"
    Me "Don't let the door hit you on the @ss on your way out"

    XD haha way to go!

    I didn't have too many, but in high school, in my English class, there was this short, skinny, pretty, fashionable chick who made the comment "I don't like fat people" and so I turned to look at her with a face of disgust, and she turned to me and said "Oh, sorry"
    It kinda threw me for a loop, cause I didn't consider myself a "fat girl", but hey, it's all good, I'm losing the weight, and have great confidence in myself. <3
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Insecurity and self hatred will make a person say ugly things to others. That's why a person needs to have control over themselves. Never give your power to people.

    Can words hurt? The answer is yes. But guess what, the body always heal itself. You have medicine within yourself that will take care of all ugliness. Ugliness can go in one ear, but let it flow out the other ear. When you stand tall, you are strong. A weak mind can never beat a strong mind and body. Love yourself. Know that you are beautiful, regardless if you are a woman or man. Beauty is gender blind.

    You aren't your weight. You are human! Be human!
  • marysajona
    "you know what, you're pretty.. But if you lose weight, you'd be prettier! Probably then you'll get a boyfriend!"

    What an *kitten*.
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    Some of these sound very familiar to me ... Some of mine are easier to recall than others.

    When I was 15, my mom said I had the body of an old woman. This was the 80s when plus sizes weren't so cute.

    I had an ex puff out his cheeks at me and oink ... we hadn't spent much time together that summer (his choice) and I had put some weight on.

    I walked into a store that sold regular sizes (I was about a size 28W then). I wasn't interested in the clothes, but I felt like treating myself to something that smelled nice. The clerk mumbled loud enough for me to hear, "You know d@mn well ..." I went home and got some Bath & Body Works from eBay.

    People who haven't seen me in a while (family out of town, people I don't work with anymore) always exclaim when they see me, "You lost a LOT of weight!" (I did -- 170 lbs) This always leaves me wondering what kind of impression I left on people before.

    I am still trying to get back to my lowest weight, and my dad, one of the few people left alive to witness my transformation, keeps saying I'm big-boned and should forget about getting to goal. :sad:
  • PBJunkie
    PBJunkie Posts: 652
    Sucks reading all of this and knowing how judgemental the world can be.
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    I had not seen my mom in months and she says, "Wow, you've gained a lot of weight"
    Random idiot in a bar said, "I like big girls!"
    Some guy that I had just met said, "You're not really my type. No offense, you're just a little big for my taste." -by the way he
    was considerably overweight.
    I was wearing a tight dress as part of a Halloween costume and some ***** said, "How did you even get into that?!"
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I walked into a store that sold regular sizes (I was about a size 28W then). I wasn't interested in the clothes, but I felt like treating myself to something that smelled nice. The clerk mumbled loud enough for me to hear, "You know d@mn well ..." I went home and got some Bath & Body Works from eBay.

    I would have asked her to call her manager to the front and let him or her know that I was going to buy (whatever items you were looking at) and tell them that I am not going to do so anymore, because, (I would have looked at her badge and called her by name) think that because I'm overweight I can't be in this store.

    It's always good to be the bigger person, but sometimes, you have to shame the immature person.
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    I had a workmate say "gee karyn your getting really fat!"
    I had a friends father say " wow what happened to you?"......."your just so fat"
    one of my friends (who is overweight himself ) always makes horrible comments towards overweight people when he sees them like "hey keep running fatty!" ..........we're not friends anymore!

    I also had 3 separate doctors tell me that i should loose weight! funny thing is at the time i thought i wasn't that big, until i saw a photo of myself at a barbecue ........turned out the doctors were right! but at least the doctors told me in a nice way!!!
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I was reading through this thread and I realized that I can't even remember every little comment, because my childhood was so filled with them. From my family members counting everything I ate to my classmates calling me "thunder thighs" or "jolly green giant". I am so terrified that my kids are going to go through what I went through. Being the fat kid sucks!