30 Day Calorie Burn Challenge



  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    11th 186 cal yoga
    12th 436 cal aerobic
    13th 308 cal walking
    14th 467 cal walking
    15th 284 cal walking
    16th 359 cal aerobics
    Total 2040 cal
    Monday 17 th nothing
    18th 425 cal walking
    19 th nothing
    20th nothing sick
    Going to walk tonight put it in later:)
  • SW before challenge: 208
    CW: 206

    WK2 Oct 16 - 20
    Oct 16 Day 6: nothing......my day off
    Oct 17 Day 7: nothing......another day off
    Oct 18 Day 8: burned 540 calories - 35 minutes of Elliptical, 10 min rowing and 10 walking
    Oct 19 Day 9: burned 513 calories - 35 minutes of Elliptical and 10 stationary bike
    Oct 20 Day 10: burned 701 calories - 60 min sand vball and 30 walking

    Total Calories: 1754 Total Minutes Worked out: 2 hours and 45 minutes
  • Steve_FromThe_Rock
    Steve_FromThe_Rock Posts: 246 Member
    WK 2

    Day 1: 428 calories walking(55 mins) and jogging(5 mins)
    Day 2: 332 calories(stationary bike) 40 mins
    Day 3: 350 calories(stationary bike) 40 mins
    Day 4: 334 calories(stationary bike) 35 mins
    Day 5: 374 calories(stationary bike) 40 mins

    Total calories for the week: 1818 calories
    Total after 2 weeks: 4476 calories
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    Week 2:)
    Tuesday---425cal walking
    Thursday---- nada
    Friday---283cal walk
    Saturday--- 204cal walk
    Sunday----365cal walk 391cal hot yoga

    First week-2040 calories burned
    Second week-1668 calories burned
    Total 3708
  • What are the dates for reporting? I'm not sure.

    I think I did an October 15 so I'll do from there.
    October 15 2034
    October 22 1081 subtotal 3115 Looks like I'll have to crank it up a bit to get to 7000 by 11.11.
    October 29
    November 5
    Goal by November 11 is 7000. Does that sound about right? I'll just edit and add my numbers. I find these message boards a bit confusing on this site, so hope you'll understand if I seem lost. I am!!:laugh:
  • Steve_FromThe_Rock
    Steve_FromThe_Rock Posts: 246 Member
    That's fine, I'm not confused at all about it...usually report at the end of the week...
  • SW before challenge: 208
    CW: 206

    WK3 Oct 21-26 (5 day weeks)
    Oct 21 Day 11: burned 528 calories - 15 min stationary bike and 35 min treadmill
    Oct 22 Day 12: nothing......day off
    Oct 23 Day 13: burned 733 calories - 33 minutes of Elliptical, 10 min ab ripper and 60 P90X
    Oct 24 Day 14: burned 327 calories - 30 minutes of P90X
    Oct 25 Day 15: burned 140 calories - 30 min walking

    Total Calories: 1728 Total Minutes Worked out: 3 hours and 55 minutes

    Week 1: 2469 Calories Burned
    Week 2: 1754 Calories Burned
    Week 3: 1728 Calories Burned
    Total: 5951
  • Steve_FromThe_Rock
    Steve_FromThe_Rock Posts: 246 Member
    CW: 223 lbs

    WK 3

    Day 1: 273 calories(30 mins stationary)
    Day 2: 526 calories(60 mins stationary)
    Day 3: 609 calories(65 mins stationary)
    Day 4: 642 calories(65 mins stationary)
    Day 5: 425 calories(45 mins stationary)

    WK 1 total: 2658 calories
    WK 2 total: 1818 calories
    WK 3 total: 2475 calories

    Total calories: 6951 calories
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    Week 3:)
    Monday- nada
    Wednesday - zumba 432cal hotyoga 346cal
    Thursday- hotyoga 346cal
    Friday- zumba 576cal yoga 276cal
    Sunday - zumba 432cal hotyoga 346cal

    Total 2754 cals
    This week was alllllll over the map will try to be better next week:)
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 365 Member
    Oh ya and...
    First week-2040 calories burned
    Second week-1668 calories burned
    Third week- 2754
    Total 6462
    :) thank you for the thread Steve it's keeping my exercise in check:)!
  • CW: 206

    WK3 Oct 26-30 (5 day weeks)
    Oct 26 Day 16: burned 576 calories - 30 min stationary bike and 30 min treadmill
    Oct 27 Day 17: burned 1128 calories - 55 min strength training, 15 areobics, 180 min yoga
    Oct 28 Day 18: N/A
    Oct 29 Day 19: N/A
    Oct 30 Day 20: burned 420 calories - 90 min walking

    Total Calories: 2124 Total Minutes Worked out: 7 hours and 40 minutes

    Week 1: 2469 Calories Burned
    Week 2: 1754 Calories Burned
    Week 3: 1728 Calories Burned
    Week 4: 2124 Calories Burned
    Total: 8075
  • Steve_FromThe_Rock
    Steve_FromThe_Rock Posts: 246 Member
    WK 4

    Day 1: 627 calories( 60 mins shoveling snow)
    Day 2: 457 calories( 50 mins stationary bike)
    Day 3: 328 calories( 35 mins stationary bike)
    Day 4: 358 calories( 30 mins stationary, cardio, shadow boxing)
    Day 5: 480 calories( 55 mins stationary bike, Gazelle)

    Total calories for week: 2250 calories

    Total calories after 4 weeks: 9201 calories
  • Steve_FromThe_Rock
    Steve_FromThe_Rock Posts: 246 Member
    WK 5

    Day 1: 530 calories(60 mins stationary bike)
    Day 2: 658 calories(70 mins stationary bike and shadow boxing)
    Day 3: 261 calories(30 mins stationary bike)
    Day 4: 272 calories(30 mins stationary bike)
    Day 5: 324 calories(30 mins stationary bike)

    WK 1: 2658 calories
    WK2: 1818 calories
    WK3: 2475 calories
    WK4: 2250 calories
    WK5: 2045 calories

    Total calories at end of challenge: 11246 calories

    SW: 227 lbs
    EW after challenge: 222 lbs